Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
网络地址转换器(NAT)未能更新本地地址解析表以响应IP 地址 %1 和掩码 %2 的请求。地址解析无法解析所给范围内的地址。这个错误可能意味 TCP/IP 联网有问题;或者意味在基本网络接口中没有地址解析支持。数据是错误代码。
Unlocalized message
The Network Address Translator (NAT) was unable to update the local address resolution table to respond to requests for IP address %1 and mask %2. Address resolution may fail to operate for addresses in the given range. This error may indicate a problem with TCP/IP networking, or it may indicate lack of support for address resolution in the underlying network interface. The data is the error code.
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