Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
ServiceModelReg.exe 無法註冊 ServiceModel IIS Scriptmap,因為另一項應用程式鎖定了 IIS Metabase。您可以在另一項應用程式完成後返回 ServiceModelReg; 執行 iisreset 以清除任何現存的鎖定; 或者,如果您不想要 ServiceModel WebHost 功能,則停用 IISAdmin 服務並重新註冊 ServiceModel。
Unlocalized message
ServiceModelReg.exe was unable to register the ServiceModel IIS scriptmaps because another application is locking the IIS metabase. You can rerun ServiceModelReg after the other application is complete; run iisreset to clear any existing locks; or, if you do not desire ServiceModel WebHost funtionality, disable the IISAdmin service and reregister ServiceModel.
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