Message in Serbian (Српски)
Operativni sistem je asinhrono uništio OPM video izlaz jer se stanje operativnog sistema promenilo. Do ove greške najčešće dolazi ako se PDO monitora koji je povezan sa ovim video izlazom ukloni, ako se PDO monitora koji je povezan sa ovim video izlazom zaustavi, ako sesija video izlaza postane sesija bez konzole ili ako radna površina video izlaza postane neaktivna radna površina.
Unlocalized message
The operating system asynchronously destroyed this OPM video output because the operating system's state changed. This error typically occurs because the monitor PDO associated with this video output was removed, the monitor PDO associated with this video output was stopped, the video output's session became a non-console session or the video output's desktop became an inactive desktop.
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