Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
Line Printer Remote (LPR) 列印監視器無法開啟暫存檔,因為正在送到連接埠 %1 進行多工緩衝處理輸出。若系統磁碟空間不足、多工緩衝資料夾具有防寫保護,或 LPR 服務沒有多工緩衝資料夾的寫入權限,則會發生此情況。
Unlocalized message
The Line Printer Remote (LPR) print monitor failed to open a temporary file while spooling output for port %1. This can occur if the system is low on disk space, if the spool folder is write-protected, or if the LPR service does not have write permissions to the spool folder.
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