Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
在登录尝试过程中,用户的安全上下文积累了过多的安全 ID。这是一个非常不正常的情况。请将用户从一些全局或本地组中删除,以降低合并到安全上下文中的安全 ID 数量。 用户的 SID 为 %1 如果这是一个管理员帐户,在安全模式登录将通过自动限制组成员身份来允许管理员登录。
Unlocalized message
During a logon attempt, the user's security context accumulated too many security IDs. This is a very unusual situation. Remove the user from some global or local groups to reduce the number of security IDs to incorporate into the security context. User's SID is %1 If this is the Administrator account, logging on in safe mode will enable Administrator to log on by automatically restricting group memberships.
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