Message in Danish (Dansk)
Den replikeringspartner (%1), der er anmodet om, kunne ikke identificeres som en gyldig domænecontroller med en computerkonto for (%2). Dette skyldes sandsynligvis, at computerkontoen ikke replikeres til denne domænecontroller på grund af replikeringsventetid, eller at domænecontrolleren ikke annoncerer Active Directory-domænetjenester. Prøv igen med %3 som replikeringspartner.
Unlocalized message
Failed to identify the requested replica partner (%1) as a valid domain controller with a machine account for (%2). This is likely due to either the machine account not being replicated to this domain controller because of replication latency or the domain controller not advertising the Active Directory Domain Services. Please consider retrying the operation with %3 as the replica partner.
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