Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
在上次 Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS)操作中发生意外网络错误。请重试请求。 用户操作 请确保该计算机和 AD RMS 群集在网络上可用。还应该检查网络负载平衡器(如果适用)、DNS 基础结构和代理服务器是否正常工作。 参数引用 上下文: %1 RequestId: %2 %3 %4
Unlocalized message
An unexpected network error occurred during your last Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS) operation. Try your request again. User Action Make sure this computer and the AD RMS cluster are available on the network. Also check that the network load balancer (if applicable), DNS infrastructure, and proxy server are working correctly. Parameter Reference Context: %1 RequestId: %2 %3 %4
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