Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
已超過機器 MSMQ 儲存配額,或是磁碟空間不足。無法再將任何訊息儲存到使用者佇列中。您可使用 [電腦管理] 主控台來增加訊息佇列儲存配額,或清空不需要的訊息。最短每隔 %1 秒會記錄此事件一次。若要變更此設定,請將 \HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters\Event2183 登錄值設定為想要的時間 (以秒為單位)。
Unlocalized message
Machine MSMQ storage quota was exceeded or there is insufficient disk space. No more messages can be stored in user queues. You can increase Message Queuing storage quota or purge unneeded messages by using Computer Management console. This event is logged at most once per %1 seconds. To change this setting, set \HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters\Event2183 registry value to desired time in seconds.
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