Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))

消息队列无法建立到 %1 的连接,因为连接被收件人计算机拒绝。可能的原因是客户端访问许可证 (CAL) 用完(如果收件人为 Windows 服务器)或已经达到连接限制(如果收件人为 Windows 工作站)。此事件最多每 %2 秒记录一次。若要更改此设置,请将 \HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters\Event2187 的注册表值设为以秒为单位的所需时间。

Unlocalized message

Message Queuing could not establish connection to %1, because connection was refused by the recipient computer. It is possible that Client Access Licenses (CALs) are exhausted (if the recipient is a Windows Server), or connection limit has been reached (if the recipient is a Windows workstation). This event is logged at most once per %2 seconds. To change this setting, set \HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters\Event2187 registry value to desired time in seconds.

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