Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
這個電腦上的訊息佇列服務目前是由一個新的 MSMQ 設定物件所代表。 因此,所有使用舊的 MSMQ 設定物件指定的來源電腦識別元所傳送的, 且尚未到達它們目的佇列的交易式訊息,將會被丟棄或放置於本機的交 易式無法傳送信件佇列中。
Unlocalized message
The Message Queuing service on this computer is now represented by a new MSMQ-Configuration object. As a result, all transactional messages that were sent using the source computer identifier specified by the old MSMQ-Configuration object but have not reached their destination queue will be discarded or placed in the local transactional dead-letter queue.
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