Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))

Server for NFS 無法初始化磁碟機代號為 <%2> 的磁碟區以供共用。 在磁碟區上的網路檔案系統 (NFS) 共用資源將無法供 NFS 用戶端使用。 Windows(R) 的系統資源可能不足。請嘗試關閉程式以增加可用的系統資源,然後手動重新啟動 Server for NFS。

Unlocalized message

Server for NFS cannot initialize the volume with drive letter <%2> for sharing. Network File System (NFS) shared resources on the volume will not be available to NFS clients. Windows(R) may be low on system resources. Try increasing available system resources by closing programs, then restart Server for NFS manually.

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