Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
在此樹系中沒有可運作的 Active Directory 網域控制站。嘗試尋找並連線到其他 Active Directory 網域控制站失敗了,錯誤值是: 錯誤 %1!d! 請在繼續之前確認樹系中有存在可用的 AD DC。 略過此步驟將會阻止儲存最近的資料變更到其他複本上,以及無法從樹系中移除中繼資料。並不建議如此的做法。
Unlocalized message
There is no functioning Active Directory Domain Controller in this forest. The attempt to find and connect to another Active Directory Domain Controller failed with the following error: Error %1!d! Please ensure one available AD DC exists in the forest before continuing. Skipping this step will prevent saving recent data changes to another replica, and metadata will not be removed from the forest. This is not suggested.
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