Message in Chinese (Traditional) (中文(繁體))
如果共用名稱超過 12 個字元,執行 Windows 98SE、Windows Millennium Edition、Windows NT 4.0 或更舊作業系統的電腦,便無法存取此資料夾。要確定資料夾完全可以存取,使用 12 或更少的字元來命名它。 要立即使用共用名稱 "%1"?
Unlocalized message
If the share name is longer than 12 characters, this folder cannot be accessed by computers running Windows 98SE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT 4.0, or earlier operating systems. To make the folder fully accessible, name it using 12 characters or fewer. Do you want to use the share name "%1" anyway?
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