Message in Chinese (Simplified) (中文(简体))
/removelingeringobjects 删除延迟对象,即存储在 Active Dircetory 中 且已被引用 DC 看到、删除和垃圾收集的对象,但该对象会继续错误 地存在于直接或可传递复制伙伴 DC 上,它们在 tombstone 生存时间 (天)内没有对象删除的入站复制知识。
Unlocalized message
/removelingeringobjects Removes lingering objects - an object stored in Active Dircetory that has seen, deleted and garbage collected by a reference DC but continues to incorrectly exist on direct or transitive replication partners DC's that have not inbound replicated knowledge of the objects deletion within tombstone lifetime number of days.
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