Message in Slovenian (Slovenščina)
Ta storitev se zaganja več kot %2 minut in se morda ne odziva več: %1 O približnem trajanju zagona te storitve se posvetujte s skrbnikom sistema oz. prodajalcem storitve. Če se vam zdi, da storitev upočasnjuje odziv sistema oz. trajanje prijave, se posvetujte s skrbnikom sistema o morebitnem onemogočenju storitve, dokler ne najdete težave. Morda bo treba računalnik znova zagnati v varnem načinu, preden boste lahko storitev onemogočili.
Unlocalized message
The following service is taking more than %2 minutes to start and may have stopped responding: %1 Contact your system administrator or service vendor for approximate startup times for this service. If you think this service might be slowing system response or logon time, talk to your system administrator about whether the service should be disabled until the problem is identified. You may have to restart the computer in safe mode before you can disable the service.
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