Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
Internal event: The directory replication agent request was successfully completed. |
網域 %1 已不再在位址 %2 的伺服器 %4 上發揮例項功能,
下一次執行知識一致性檢查程式 (KCC) 時,將會進行移除這些
物件的其餘部分。 |
Já não é possível criar instâncias do domínio %1 no servidor %4 no endereço %2 ou já não é compatível
com o domínio no computador local. Este domínio já não éreplicado a partir desta origem.
Foi iniciada a remoção do conteúdo deste domínio do servidor local.
Serão efectuados progressos na remoção do resto destes objectos na execução
seguinte do verificador de consistência de conhecimento (KCC). |
域 %1 不再在服务器 %4,地址 %2 上例示,或不再在本地
此对象的提醒器的操作。 |
%1 etki alanı artık %2 adresindeki %4 sunucusunda ayrıntılandırılamıyor
veya artık yerel makindeki etki alanı ile uyumlu değil. Bu etki alanı artık
bu kaynaktan çoğaltılmıyor.
Bu etki alanının içeriği yerel sunucudan kaldırılmaya başlandı.
Bu nesnelerin kalanlarının kaldırılması sırasında bundan sonraki
Bilgi Tutarlılığı Denetleyicisi (KCC) yürütmesinde gelişme olacaktır. |
Domänen %1är inte längre instansierad på servern %4 med adressen %2, eller
så är den inte längre kompatibel med domänen på den lokala datorn. Den här
domänen replikeras inte längre från den här källan.
Borttagning av innehåll som rör den här domänen har påbörjats påden lokala servern. Åtgärder för att ta bort de återstående objekten
kommer att utföras nästa gång KCC (Knowledge Consistency Checker) körs. |
Domena %1 nie jest już tworzona na serwerze %4 pod adresem %2, ani nie jest już
zgodna z domeną na komputerze lokalnym Domena ta nie jest już
replikowana z tego źródła.
Rozpoczęto usuwanie zawartości tej domeny z serwera lokalnego.
Postęp w usuwaniu pozostałych obiektów nastąpi po kolejnym
uruchomieniu narzędzia sprawdzania spójności informacji (KCC). |
Le domaine %1 n’est plus instancié sur le serveur %4 à l’adresse %2, ou n’est plus compatible avec le domaine sur l’ordinateur local. Ce domaine n’est plus répliqué à partir de cette source.
La suppression du contenu de ce domaine depuis le serveur local a commencé.
La suppression des objets restants continuera à la prochaine exécution du vérificateur de cohérence des données. |
O domínio %1 não é mais instanciado no servidor %4 no endereço %2, ou não é mais
compatível com o domínio na máquina local. Esse domínio não é mais
replicado a partir desta origem.
A remoção do conteúdo desse domínio do servidor local foi iniciada.
Progresso na remoção dos objetos restantes na próxima
execução do KCC (Knowledge Consistency Checker). |
Домен %1 больше не инстанциирован на сервере %4 по адресу %2, или не совместим
с доменом на локальном компьютере. Этот домен больше не будет реплицироваться
из этого источника.
Начато удаление содержимого этого домена с локального сервера.
Удаление оставшихся объектов будет продолжено при следующем выполнении
проверки согласованности знаний (KCC). |
ドメイン %1 は、アドレス %2 のサーバー %4 でインスタンス化されなくなりました。
または、ローカル コンピュータのドメインとの互換性がなくなりました。この
このドメインをローカル サーバーから削除し始めました。
次回、知識整合性チェッカー (KCC) を実行したときに、これらのオブジェクトで
残った部分の削除が進行します。 |
Ya no se realizan instancias del dominio %1 en el servidor %4 en la dirección %2,
o bien ya no es compatible con el dominio en el equipo local. Este dominio ya no
es replicado a partir de este origen.
Ha comenzado la eliminación del contenido de este dominio a partir del servidor
local. Se eliminará progresivamente el resto de estos objetos en la siguiente
ejecución del Comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC). |
Die Domäne %1 ist nicht mehr auf dem Server %4 an der Adresse %2 oder ist nicht
mehr mit der Domäne auf dem lokalen Computer kompatibel.
Diese Domäne wird nicht mehr von dieser Quelle repliziert.
Es wurde begonnen, den Inhalt dieser Domäne vom lokalen Server zu entfernen.
Beim nächsten Ausführen der Konsistenzprüfung (KCC) werden die restlichen
Objekte entfernt. |
Domein %1 wordt niet meer geïnstantieerd op server %4 met adres %2, of is niet
meer compatibel met het domein op de lokale computer. Dit domein wordt niet
meer vanaf deze bron gerepliceerd.
Er is een begin gemaakt met het verwijderen van de inhoud van dit domein
van de lokale computer. Het verwijderen van de rest van deze objecten wordt
voortgezet wanneer de Knowledge-consistentiecontrole (KCC) de volgende keer
wordt uitgevoerd. |
Na serveru %4 na adrese %2 již neexistuje doména %1 nebo již neníkompatibilní s doménou místního počítače. Doména jižz tohoto zdroje
nebude replikována.
Bylo zahájeno odebírání obsahu této domény z místního serveru.
Odebírání zbývajících objektů bude pokračovat při dalším vykonání
Kontroly konzistence znalostí (KCC). |
%1 도메인이 주소 %2의 %4 서버에서 이제 인스턴스되지 않거나
로컬 컴퓨터의 도메인과 더 이상 호환되지 않습니다.
이 도메인은 이 원본으로부터 더 이상 복제되지 않습니다.
로컬 서버에서 이 도메인의 내용 제거가 시작되었습니다.
KCC(정보 일관성 검사기)의 다음 수행에서 이 개체의 나머지가
제거됩니다. |
Il dominio %1 non è più istanziato sul server %4 all'indirizzo %2 oppure
non è più compatibile con il dominio sul computer locale. Questo dominio
non è più replicato da questa origine.
È iniziata la rimozione del contenuto di questo dominio dal server locale.
La rimozione degli oggetti restanti proseguirà durante la prossima
esecuzione del Controllo di coerenza informazioni (KCC). |
A tartomány (%1) már nem található a kiszolgálón (%4, címe: %2), vagy már
nem kompatibilis a helyi számítógépen lévő tartománnyal. Ez a tartomány
többé nem replikálható ebből a forrásból.
E tartomány tartalmának eltávolítása a helyi kiszolgálóról megkezdődött.
Az objektumok maradványainak eltávolítására a tudáskonzisztencia-ellenőrző
(KCC) következő futtatásakor kerül sor. |
已開始移除目錄分割。移除這些物件剩餘部分的處理程序,將會在下個知識一致性檢查程式更新時發生。 |
Este controlador de domínio já não é um catálogo global. Já não vai efectuar a replicação da seguinte partição de directório a partir do controlador de domínio no seguinte endereço de rede.
Partição de directório:
Controlador de domínio:
Endereço de rede:
Foi iniciada a remoção da partição de directório. Serão efectuados progressos na remoção do resto destes objectos na actualização seguinte do verificador de consistência de conhecimento (KCC). |
开始删除此目录分区。删除这些剩余对象的过程将在下一次知识一致性检查器更新时发生。 |
Bu etki alanı denetleyicisi artık genel katalog değil. Artık aşağıdaki dizin bölümünü aşağıdaki ağ adresindeki etki alanı denetleyicisinden çoğaltmayacak.
Dizin bölümü:
Etki alanı denetleyicisi:
Ağ adresi:
Dizin bölümü kaldırma işlemi başlatıldı. Bu nesnelerin kalan kısmını kaldırma işlemi Bilgi Tutarlılık Denetleyicisi güncellemesinde devam edilecek. |
Den här domänkontrollanten är inte längre en global katalog. Den kommer inte längre att replikera följande katalogpartition från domänkontrollanten vid följande nätverksadress.
Borttagning av katalogpartitionen har inletts. Förlopp för borttagning av de kvarvarande objekten uppstår vid nästa KCC-uppdatering. |
Kontroler domeny nie jest już wykazem globalnym i nie będzie już replikować następującej partycji katalogu z kontrolera domeny pod podanym adresem sieciowym.
Partycja katalogu:
Kontroler domeny:
Adres sieciowy:
Rozpoczęto usuwanie partycji katalogu. Postęp w usuwaniu pozostałych obiektów będzie widoczny podczas następnej aktualizacji narzędzia sprawdzania spójności informacji (KCC). |
Ez a tartományvezérlő már nem globális katalógus; a továbbiakban nem replikálja az alábbi címtárpartíciót az alábbi hálózati címen található tartományvezérlőről.
Hálózati cím:
A címtárpartíció eltávolítása megkezdődött. A maradék objektumok eltávolítása a tudáskonzisztencia-ellenőrző következő frissítésekor folytatódik. |
Ce contrôleur de domaine n’est plus un serveur de catalogue global. Il ne va plus répliquer la partition d’annuaire suivante du contrôleur de domaine à l’adresse réseau suivante.
Partition d’annuaire :
Contrôleur de domaine :
Adresse réseau :
La suppression de la partition d’annuaire a commencé. La progression de la suppression de ces objets restants va avoir lieu lors de la prochaine mise à jour du vérificateur de cohérence des données. |
Este controlador de domínio não é mais um catálogo global. Ele não replicará mais a partição de diretório a seguir do controlador de domínio no endereço de rede a seguir.
Partição de diretório:
Controlador de domínio:
Endereço de rede:
Foi iniciada a remoção da partição de diretório. O progresso na remoção do restante desses objetos ocorrerá na próxima atualização do Knowledge Consistency Checker. |
Этот контроллер домена больше не является глобальным каталогом. Он больше не будет реплицировать следующий раздел каталога с контроллера домена по следующему сетевому адресу.
Раздел каталога:
Контроллер домена:
Сетевой адрес:
Начато удаление раздела каталога. Удаление оставшихся объектов произойдет при следующем обновлении проверки согласованности знаний. |
ドメイン コントローラは、グローバル カタログではなくなりました。次のネットワーク アドレスのドメイン コントローラから、次のディレクトリ パーティションをレプリケートしなくなります。
ディレクトリ パーティション:
ドメイン コントローラ:
ネットワーク アドレス:
ディレクトリ パーティションを削除し始めました。次回の知識整合性チェッカー (KCC) の更新時に、これらのオブジェクトで残った部分の削除の進行が起こります。 |
Este controlador de dominio ya no es un catálogo global. Ya no replicará la siguiente partición de dominio desde el controlador de dominio en la siguiente dirección de red.
Partición de directorio:
Controlador de dominio:
Dirección de red:
Ha comenzado la eliminación de la partición de directorio. Tendrá lugar el progreso en la eliminación del resto de estos objetos en la siguiente actualización del Comprobador de coherencia de réplica. |
Der Domänencontroller ist kein globaler Katalog mehr. Er wird die folgende
Verzeichnispartition von dem Domänencontroller der folgenden Netzwerkadresse
nicht mehr replizieren.
Es wurde begonnen, den Inhalt dieser Verzeichnispartition zu entfernen.
Bei der nächsten Aktualisierung der Konsistenzprüfung werden die restlichen
Objekte entfernt. |
Deze domeincontroller is niet langer een globale catalogus. De volgende mappartitie van de domeincontroller op het volgende netwerkadres wordt niet langer gerepliceerd.
Het verwijderen van de mappartitie is gestart. De overige objecten worden verwijderd tijdens de volgende update van de Knowledge Consistency Checker. |
Tento řadič domény již nepředstavuje globální katalog. Nebude již replikovat následující oddíl adresáře z řadiče domény na uvedené síťové adrese.
Oddíl adresáře:
Řadič domény:
Síťová adresa:
Bylo zahájeno odebírání oddílu adresáře z tohoto řadiče domény. Průběh odebírání zbývajících objektů bude uveden při další aktualizaci Kontroly konzistence znalostí. |
이 도메인 컨트롤러는 더 이상 글로벌 카탈로그가 아닙니다. 다음 네트워크 주소의 도메인 컨트롤러로부터 다음 디렉터리 파티션을 더 이상 복제하지 않습니다.
디렉터리 파티션:
도메인 컨트롤러:
네트워크 주소:
디렉터리 파티션 제거가 시작되었습니다. 이 개체의 남아 있는 항목은 다음 정보 일관성 검사기 업데이트를 실행할 때 제거됩니다. |
Questo controller di dominio non è più un catalogo globale e non sarà più in grado di replicare la seguente partizione di directory dal controller di dominio all'indirizzo di rete specificato.
Partizione di directory:
Controller di dominio:
Indirizzo di rete:
Avviata la rimozione della partizione di directory. La rimozione degli oggetti rimanenti verrà effettuata durante il successivo aggiornamento di Controllo di coerenza informazioni. |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to add a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to delete a replica of the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address to update references for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
下次知識一致性檢查程式 (KCC) 更新時,將會移除其他物件。 |
Foi efectuado um progresso incremental na remoção dos restantes objectos da seguinte partição de directório neste controlador de domínio.
Partição de directório:
Serão removidos objectos adicionais na próxima actualização do verificador de consistência de conhecimento (KCC). |
其他对象将在下一次知识一致性检查器(KCC)更新时进行。 |
Bu etki alanı denetleyicisindeki aşağıdaki dizin bölümündeki nesnelerin kalan kısmını kaldırma işleminde artımlı ilerleme sağlandı.
Dizin bölümü:
Sonraki Bilgi Tutarlılık Denetleyicisi (KCC) güncellemesinde ek nesneler kaldırılacak. |
Inkrementella framsteg har gjorts i att ta bort kvarstående objekt från följande katalogpartition på den här domänkontrollanten.
Ytterligare objekt kommer att tas bort vid nästa KCC-intervall. |
Uczyniono postęp w usuwaniu pozostałych obiektów z następującej partycji katalogu na kontrolerze domeny.
Partycja katalogu:
Dodatkowe obiekty zostaną usunięte podczas następnej aktualizacji narzędzia sprawdzania spójności informacji (KCC). |
Növekményes folyamat a tartományvezérlő alábbi könyvtárpartícióján lévő maradványobjektumok eltávolítására.
A további objektumok a tudáskonzisztencia-ellenőrző (KCC) következő frissítésekor lesznek eltávolítva. |
La progression incrémentielle a été effectuée en supprimant les objets restants de la partition d’annuaire suivante sur ce contrôleur de domaine.
Partition d’annuaire :
Les objets supplémentaires seront supprimés lors de la prochaine mise à jour du vérificateur de cohérence des données. |
Houve progresso incremental na remoção do restante dos objetos da partição de diretório a seguir neste controlador de domínio.
Partição de diretório:
Os objetos adicionais serão removidos na próxima atualização do KCC (Knowledge Consistency Checker). |
Выполнена очередная часть задачи удаления оставшихся объектов из следующего раздела каталога на данном контроллере домена.
Раздел каталога:
Остальные объекты будут удалены в ходе следующей проверки согласованности знаний. |
このドメイン コントローラの次のディレクトリ パーティションから、オブジェクトの残った部分をさらに削除しました。
ディレクトリ パーティション:
次回の知識整合性チェッカー (KCC) の更新時にオブジェクトはさらに削除されます。 |
Se ha realizado un progreso incremental para eliminar el resto de los objetos de la siguiente partición de directorio en este controlador de dominio.
Partición de directorio:
Los objetos adicionales se eliminarán en la próxima actualización del Comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC). |
Es wurde inkrementeller Fortschritt beim Entfernen des Restes der Objekte von der folgenden Verzeichnispartition auf diesem Domänencontroller gemacht.
Weitere Objekte werden bei der nächsten Konsistenzprüfungsaktualisierung entfernt werden. |
Er is incrementele voortgang gemaakt met het verwijderen van de overige objecten van de volgende mappartitie op deze domeincontroller.
De rest van deze objecten wordt verwijderd wanneer de Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) de volgende keer wordt uitgevoerd. |
이 도메인 컨트롤러의 다음 디렉터리 파티션으로부터 남은 개체의 제거를 위한 증분 진행이 작성되었습니다.
디렉터리 파티션:
추가적인 개체는 다음 KCC(정보 일관성 검사기) 업데이트 시 제거됩니다. |
Z následujícího oddílu adresáře v tomto řadiči domény byly odebrány další zbývající objekty.
Oddíl adresáře:
Další objekty budou odebrány při příští aktualizaci Kontroly konzistence znalostí (KCC). |
L'operazione di rimozione dei rimanenti oggetti dalla seguente partizione di directory su questo controller di dominio sta progredendo in modo incrementale.
Partizione di directory:
Oggetti aggiuntivi verranno rimossi al successivo aggiornamento di Controllo di coerenza informazioni (KCC). |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The directory service was prompted to synchronize a replica of the following directory partition with the directory service at the following network address with these options
Directory partition:
Network address:
0x%3 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service was prompted by the directory service at the following network address with a request for retrieval of changes for the following directory partition with these options.
Directory partition:
Network address:
Update sequence number:
%6 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |
Internal event: This directory service returned changes with the following information.
Total number of objects:
Total bytes:
Update sequence number:
Extended return:
%4 |