Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not locate the following registry parameters in the registry.
Registry key:
%1 |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
Internal event: Not all the parameters necessary to start the DSP layer are present in the Windows registry. The DSP will not be initialized. |
已停用下列磁碟機的軟體寫入快取,以避免在系統失敗 (例如因電源中斷或硬體元件失敗而造成系統突然關機) 時可能會造成的資料遺失。存放 Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務記錄檔的磁碟機是唯一受這個變更影響的磁碟機。
%1 |
O software de colocação em cache de escrita para a seguinte unidade de disco foi desactivado para impedir uma possível perda de dados durante falhas de sistema, tais como cortes de corrente ou falhas de componentes de hardware que possam provocar um encerramento súbito do sistema. A unidade de disco que armazena os ficheiros de registo dos Serviços LDS do Active Directory é a única unidade efectuada por esta alteração.
Unidade de disco:
%1 |
已禁用下列磁盘驱动器的软件写入缓存,以便防止出现系统故障(如停电)或可导致系统突然关机的硬件组件故障时可能丢失数据。存储 Active Directory 轻型目录服务日志文件的磁盘驱动器是唯一受此更改影响的驱动器。
%1 |
Sistemin ani kapanmasına neden olabilecek elektrik kesintisi veya donanım bileşeni hatası gibi sistem hataları sırasında olası veri kaybını önlemek için aşağıdaki sürücüde yazılım yazma önbelleği devre dışı bırakıldı. Bu değişiklikten etkilenen yalnızca Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri günlük dosyalarını depolayan disk sürücüsüdür.
Disk sürücüsü:
%1 |
Skrivcache genom programvara har inaktiverats för följande diskenhet för att förhindra dataförlust vid systemfel så som strömavbrott eller maskinvarufel som kan orsaka plötslig avstängning av datorn. Den diskenhet som lagrar loggfiler för Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services är den enda enhet som påverkas av den här ändringen.
%1 |
Programowe buforowanie zapisu na następującym dysku zostało wyłączone, aby zapobiec ewentualnej utracie danych podczas awarii systemu (np. awarii zasilania lub sprzętu), które mogą spowodować jego nagłe zamknięcie. Zmiana ma wpływ jedynie na dysk przechowujący pliki dziennika usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory.
%1 |
A szoftveres írási gyorsítótárazás le lett tiltva az alábbi lemezmeghajtóhoz, megakadályozandó a lehetséges adatvesztést olyan rendszerhibák, például áramszünet vagy valamely hardverösszetevő meghibásodása esetén, melyek a rendszer azonnali leállítását okozhatják. Ez a változás csak az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások naplófájljait tároló lemezmeghajtóra vonatkozik.
%1 |
Le cache d’écriture logicielle pour le lecteur de disque suivant a été désactivé afin d’empêcher des pertes de données possibles pendant des défaillances système telles que des pannes de courant ou des défaillances de composants matériels qui peuvent provoquer un arrêt brutal du système. Le lecteur de disque qui stocke les fichiers journaux des services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) est le seul lecteur affecté par cette modification.
Lecteur de disque :
%1 |
O cache para gravação de software da seguinte unidade de disco foi desativado para impedir possíveis perdas de dados durante falhas do sistema, como falta de energia ou falhas em componentes de hardware, que podem causar um desligamento repentino do sistema. A unidade de disco que armazena os arquivos de log do Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services é a única unidade afetada por essa alteração.
Unidade de disco:
%1 |
Каталог записи программного обеспечения для следующего дисковода был отключен во избежание возможной потери данных из-за отказов компьютера, таких как отключение питания или отказы компонентов оборудования, которые могут привести к внезапному выключению компьютера. Дисковод диска, на котором сохраняются файлы журналов служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам (AD LDS), является единственным дисководом, на который влияет это изменение.
%1 |
次のディスク ドライブのソフトウェア書き込みキャッシュは、システムを突然シャットダウンする原因となる停電またはハードウェア コンポーネントの障害などのシステム障害の最中におけるデータの損失を防ぐために無効になりました。この変更による影響があるドライブは、Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービス ログ ファイルを保存するディスク ドライブだけです。
ディスク ドライブ:
%1 |
La memoria caché de escritura de software para la siguiente unidad de disco se deshabilitó para evitar posibles pérdidas de datos durante errores de sistema, como interrupciones del suministro eléctrico o errores de componentes de hardware que pueden causar un apagado repentino del sistema. La unidad de disco que almacena los archivos de registro de los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory es la única unidad que se ha visto afectada por este cambio.
Unidad de disco:
%1 |
Der Softwareschreibcache für das folgende Laufwerk wurde deaktiviert, um mögliche Datenverluste während Systemausfällen, wie z.B. Stromausfällen oder Ausfällen von Hardwarekomponenten, die ein plötzliches Herunterfahren des Systems verursachen, zu verhindern. Das Laufwerk, auf dem die Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services-Protokolldateien gespeichert werden, ist das einzige von dieser Änderung betroffene Laufwerk.
%1 |
Softwareschrijfcache is uitgeschakeld voor het volgende schijfstation om mogelijk gegevensverlies te voorkomen tijdens systeemfouten ten gevolge van stroom- of hardwarestoringen waarbij het systeem plotseling kan worden afgesloten. Deze wijziging heeft alleen betrekking op het schijfstation waarop de logboekbestanden voor AD LDS worden opgeslagen.
%1 |
Ukládání softwarového zápisu do mezipaměti na následující diskové jednotce bylo zakázáno, aby při případném selhání systému (například výpadek napájení nebo selhání hardwarových součástí, které může způsobit náhlé vypnutí systému) nedošlo ke ztrátě dat. Disková jednotka, na které jsou uloženy soubory protokolu služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services), je jedinou jednotkou, kterou tato změna ovlivní.
Disková jednotka:
%1 |
정전 또는 하드웨어 구성 요소 오류와 같이 시스템이 갑작스럽게 종료될 수 있는 시스템 오류가 발생했을 때, 데이터 손실을 방지하기 위해 다음 디스크 드라이브의 소프트웨어 쓰기 캐싱을 사용하지 않도록 설정했습니다. Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services) 로그 파일이 저장되어 있는 디스크 드라이브에만 이 변경 내용이 적용됩니다.
디스크 드라이브:
%1 |
La cache in scrittura basata su software per l'unità disco seguente è stata disabilitata per impedire la possibile perdita di dati in caso di errori di sistema, ad esempio interruzione dell'alimentazione o errori nei componenti hardware, che potrebbero causare un arresto improvviso del sistema. L'unità disco in cui sono archiviati i file di registro di Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services è l'unica unità interessata da questa modifica.
Unità disco:
%1 |
在回復一些失敗的屬性變更後,Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務使用屬性變更來更新下列物件。
物件 GUID:
這個屬性變更回復會受取消變更影響。 |
Os Serviços LDS do Active Directory actualizaram o seguinte objecto com alterações ao atributo após inverter uma ou mais das alterações ao atributo falhado.
GUID do objecto:
Esta inversão da alteração ao atributo terá o efeito de cancelar as alterações. |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务在还原一个或多个失败的属性更改后,更新了属性发生更改的下列对象。
对象 GUID:
此属性更改还原与取消更改的效果相同。 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri, bir veya daha fazla başarısız öznitelik değişikliğini geri döndürdükten sonra aşağıdaki nesneyi öznitelik değişiklikleriyle güncelleştirdi.
Nesne GUID'si:
Bu öznitelik değişikliğini geri döndürmek değişiklikleri iptal etme etkisi oluşturur. |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services uppdaterade följande objekt med attributändringar efter att minst en av de misslyckade attributändringarna ångrades.
Objektets GUID:
Ångringen av den här attributändringen kommer att avbryta ändringarna. |
Po cofnięciu jednej lub wielu nieudanych zmian atrybutów Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory zaktualizowały następujący obiekt o zmiany atrybutów.
Identyfikator GUID obiektu:
Cofnięcie zmian atrybutów oznacza ich anulowanie. |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások egy vagy több sikertelen attribútummódosítás visszaállítását követően frissítette az alábbi objektumot az attribútummódosításokkal.
Objektum GUID azonosítója:
Az attribútummódosítás visszafordítása a végrehajtott módosítások elvetését eredményezi. |
Les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) ont mis à jour l’objet suivant avec des modifications d’attributs après avoir annulé une ou plusieurs modifications d’attributs ayant échoué.
Objet :
GUID de l’objet :
L’annulation de la modification des attributs aura pour effet d’annuler les modifications. |
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services atualizou o seguinte objeto com alterações de atributos após reverter uma ou mais das alterações de atributos com erro.
GUID de objeto:
Esta reversão de alteração de atributos provocará o cancelamento das alterações. |
Службами Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам (AD LDS) следующий объект обновлен с изменением атрибутов аннулирования результатов одного или нескольких неудачных изменений атрибутов.
GUID объекта:
На объект атрибута повлияет аннулирование изменений. |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、失敗した属性の変更を 1 つ以上元に戻した後で、次のオブジェクトを属性の変更で更新しました。
オブジェクト GUID:
この属性の変更の逆転は、その変更を取り消すことになります。 |
Los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory actualizaron el siguiente objeto con los cambios de atributo después de revertir uno o varios de los cambios de atributo incorrectos.
GUID del objeto:
Al revertir este cambio de atributo, se cancelarán los cambios. |
Das folgende Objekt wurde von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services mit Attributänderungen aktualisiert, nachdem eine oder mehrere fehlgeschlagene Attributänderungen rückgängig gemacht wurden.
Diese Umkehrung von Änderungen hat den gleichen Effekt wie das Abbrechen von Änderungen. |
De kenmerken van het volgende object zijn gewijzigd in AD LDS nadat een of meer mislukte kenmerkwijzigingen zijn teruggedraaid.
Door het terugdraaien van deze kenmerkwijzigingen worden de wijzigingen in feite geannuleerd. |
Služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) aktualizovala následující objekt změnami atributu po změně pořadí jedné nebo více nezdařených změn atributu.
Identifikátor GUID objektu:
Toto vrácení změn atributu bude mít za následek zrušení změn. |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 하나 이상의 실패한 특성 변경을 철회한 후, 특성 변경으로 다음 개체를 업데이트했습니다.
개체 GUID:
이 특성 변경 철회는 변경을 취소하는 효과를 가집니다. |
L'oggetto seguente è stato aggiornato da Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services con le modifiche apportate agli attributi in seguito all'annullamento di una o più modifiche non corrette.
GUID oggetto:
Questa operazione comporterà l'annullamento delle modifiche. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-request message while requesting updates at the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services submitted an update-replica message while updating the replica of the following directory partition during intersite replication.
Message size:
Directory partition:
Destination directory service:
%3 |
知識一致性檢查程式 (KCC) 成功地終止下列變更通知。
目的地目錄服務 (如果有的話):
如果這個目錄服務或目的地目錄服務被移動到另一個站台,就會發生這個事件。 |
O verificador de consistência de conhecimento (KCC) terminou com êxito as seguintes notificações de alteração.
Partição de directório:
Endereço de rede de destino:
Serviço de directório de destino (se disponível):
Este evento pode ocorrer se este serviço de directório ou o serviço de directório de destino tiver sido movido para outro local. |
如果此目录服务或目标目录服务已经移动到另一个站点,可能会发生此事件。 |
Bilgi Tutarlılığı Denetleyicisi (KCC) aşağıdaki değişiklik bildirimlerini başarıyla sonlandırdı.
Dizin bölümü:
Hedef ağ adresi:
Hedef dizin hizmeti (varsa):
Bu olay, bu dizin hizmeti veya hedef dizin hizmeti başka bir siteye taşındıysa oluşabilir. |
KCC (Knowledge Consistency Checker) avbröt följande ändringsmeddelande.
Målkatalogtjänst (om detta är tillgängligt):
Den här händelsen kan uppstå om antingen katalogtjänsten eller målkatalogtjänsten har flyttats till en annan plats. |
Narzędzie sprawdzania spójności informacji (KCC) pomyślnie zakończyło następujące powiadomienia o zmianach.
Partycja katalogu:
Docelowy adres sieciowy:
Docelowa usługa katalogowa (jeśli jest dostępny):
Może się to zdarzyć, jeśli usługa katalogowa lub docelowa usługa katalogowa została przeniesiona do innej lokacji. |
A tudáskonzisztencia-ellenőrző (KCC) sikeresen lezárta az alábbi változási értesítéseket.
Cél hálózati címe:
Cél-címtárszolgáltatás (ha van):
Ez az esemény akkor következhet be, ha vagy ezt a címtárszolgáltatást, vagy a cél-címtárszolgáltatást másik helyre helyezték át. |
Le vérificateur de cohérence des données a correctement terminé les notifications de modifications suivantes.
Partition d’annuaire :
Adresse réseau cible :
Service d’annuaire cible (si disponible) :
Cet événement peut se produire si ce service d’annuaire ou si le service d’annuaire cible a été déplacé vers un autre site. |
O KCC (Knowledge Consistency Checker) finalizou com êxito as notificações de alterações a seguir.
Partição de diretório:
Endereço de rede de destino:
Serviço de diretório de destino (se disponível):
Este evento pode ocorrer se este serviço de diretório ou o serviço de diretório de destino tiver sido movido para outro site. |
В ходе проверки согласованности знаний успешно отменены следующие уведомления об изменениях.
Раздел каталога:
Конечный сетевой адрес:
Конечный сервер службы каталогов (если известен):
Это событие может возникнуть, если данный сервер службы каталогов или конечный сервер службы каталогов был перемещен в другой сайт. |
知識整合性チェッカー (KCC) は、次の変更通知を正常に終了しました。
ディレクトリ パーティション:
宛先ネットワーク アドレス:
宛先ディレクトリ サービス (利用できる場合):
このディレクトリ サービスまたは宛先ディレクトリ サービスのどちらかが別のサイトに移動した場合、このイベントが起こる可能性があります。 |
El Comprobador de coherencia de la información (KCC) ha terminado correctamente las siguientes notificaciones de cambio.
Partición de directorio:
Dirección de red de destino:
Servicio de directorio de destino (si está disponible):
Este evento puede ocurrir si este servicio de directorio o el servicio de directorio de destino se han movido a otro sitio. |
Die Konsistenzprüfung (KCC) hat die folgenden Änderungsbenachrichtigungen erfolgreich beendet.
Zieldomänencontroller (falls verfügbar):
Dieses Ereignis kann auftreten, wenn entweder dieser Domänencontroller oder der Zieldomänencontroller an einen neuen Standort verschoben wurde. |
De Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) heeft de volgende wijzigingsmeldingen beëindigd.
Doeldirectory service (indien beschikbaar):
Deze gebeurtenis kan optreden als deze directory service of de doeldirectory service zijn verplaatst naar een andere site. |
Kontrola konzistence znalostí (KCC) úspěšně ukončila následující upozornění na změny.
Oddíl adresáře:
Cílová síťová adresa:
Cílová adresářová služba (pokud je k dispozici):
Tento stav může nastat, pouze pokud byla tato nebo cílová adresářová služba přesunuta do jiné lokality. |
KCC(정보 일관성 검사기)가 다음에 대한 변경 알림을 종료했습니다.
디렉터리 파티션:
대상 네트워크 주소:
대상 디렉터리 서비스(사용 가능한 경우):
이 이벤트는 디렉터리 서비스 또는 대상 디렉터리 서비스가 다른 사이트로 이동했을 경우에만 발생합니다. |
Controllo di coerenza informazioni (KCC) ha completato le seguenti notifiche di modifiche.
Partizione di directory:
Indirizzo di rete di destinazione:
Servizio directory di destinazione (se disponibile):
Questo evento si può verificare se questo servizio directory o il servizio directory di destinazione è stato spostato in un altro sito. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has selected the following number of candidate connections to replicate the directory partition from this site.
Candidate connections:
Directory partition:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services made progress during a replica synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Objects received:
Objects applied:
Values received:
Total objects at source (approx):
Total values at source (approx):
%7 |
使用者已重新啟用輸入複寫。 |
A replicação de entrada foi activada pelo utilizador. |
入站复制已被用户启用。 |
Gelen çoğaltma kullanıcı tarafından etkinleştirildi. |
Inkommande replikering har aktiverats av användaren. |
Replikacja przychodząca została włączona przez użytkownika. |
A felhasználó engedélyezte a bejövő replikációt. |
La réplication entrante a été activée par l’utilisateur. |
A replicação de entrada foi ativada pelo usuário. |
Входящая репликация вновь включена пользователем. |
入力方向のレプリケーションはユーザーにより有効にされています。 |
La replicación entrante ha sido habilitada por el usuario. |
Die eingehende Replikation wurde vom Benutzer aktiviert. |
Binnenkomende replicatie is ingeschakeld door de gebruiker. |
Příchozí replikace byla uživatelem znovu povolena. |
인바운드 복제가 사용자에 의해 사용하도록 설정되었습니다. |
Replica in ingresso abilitata dall'utente. |