Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
Internal event: A client process has attempted an anonymous bind to an interface that Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is configured not to accept. As a result, this connection was rejected. |
物件 %1 的安全性屬性已被修改。 |
Os atributos de segurança do objecto %1 foram modificados. |
对象 %1 的安全属性已被修改。 |
%1 nesnesindeki güvenlik öznitelikleri değiştirildi. |
Säkerhetsattributen för objektet %1 ändrades. |
Atrybuty zabezpieczeń na obiekcie %1 zostały zmodyfikowane. |
Les attributs de sécurité sur l’objet %1 ont été modifiés. |
Os atributos de segurança no objeto %1 foram modificados. |
Атрибуты безопасности на объекте %1 были изменены. |
オブジェクト %1 のセキュリティ属性を修正しました。 |
Se modificaron los atributos de seguridad del objeto %1. |
Die Sicherheitsattribute auf dem Objekt %1 wurden geändert. |
De beveiligingskenmerken voor object %1 zijn gewijzigd. |
Atributy zabezpečení na objektu %1 byly změněny. |
%1 개체에 있는 보안 특성이 수정되었습니다. |
Modificati attributi di protezione nell'oggetto %1. |
Az objektum (%1) biztonsági attribútumai megváltoztak. |
Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務無法從資料庫中刪除下列欄位。目前已不再使用這個欄位,它先前是由下列已遭刪除的屬性使用。
%3 %4 |
Os Serviços LDS do Active Directory não conseguiram eliminar a seguinte coluna da base de dados. Esta coluna já não é utilizada. Foi anteriormente utilizada pelo seguinte atributo, que foi eliminado.
Dados Adicionais
Valor do erro:
%3 %4 |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务无法从数据库删除如下列。此列不再使用。此列以前被已删除的下列属性使用。
%3 %4 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri aşağıdaki sütunu veritabanından silemedi. Bu sütun artık kullanılmıyor. Şu an silinmiş olan aşağıdaki öznitelik tarafından daha önce kullanılmıştı.
Ek Veri
Hata değeri:
%3 %4 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services kunde inte ta bort följande kolumn från databasen. Den här kolumnen används inte längre. Den användes tidigare av följande attribut och detta attribut har tagits bort.
Ytterligare data
%3 %4 |
Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą usunąć następującej kolumny z bazy danych. Ta kolumna nie jest już używana. Uprzednio była używana przez następujący atrybut, który został usunięty.
Dodatkowe dane
Wartość błędu:
%3 %4 |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások nem tudta törölni az alábbi oszlopot az adatbázisból. Ez az oszlop már nincsen használatban. Az oszlopot korábban az alábbi, már törölt attribútum használta.
További adatok
%3 %4 |
Les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) n’ont pas pu supprimer la colonne suivante de la base de données. Cette colonne n’est plus utilisée. Elle était précédemment utilisée par l’attribut suivant qui a été supprimé.
Colonne :
Attribut :
Données supplémentaires
Valeur d’erreur :
%3 %4 |
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services não pôde excluir a seguinte coluna do banco de dados. Esta coluna não é mais usada. Ela foi usada anteriormente pelo seguinte atributo, que foi excluído.
Dados Adicionais
Valor de erro:
%3 %4 |
Службам Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам не удается удалить следующий столбец из базы данных. Этот столбец больше не используется. Раньше он использовался следующим атрибутом, который был удален.
Дополнительные данные
Значение ошибки:
%3 %4 |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、次の列をデータベースから削除できませんでした。この列は使用されなくなりました。この列は、削除された次の属性で以前使用されていました。
%3 %4 |
Los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory no pudieron eliminar la siguiente columna de la base de datos. Esta columna ya no se usa. Anteriormente la usaba el siguiente atributo, que se eliminó.
Datos adicionales
Valor de error:
%3 %4 |
Die folgende Spalte konnte von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services nicht in der Datenbank gelöscht werden. Diese Spalte wird nicht mehr verwendet. Sie wurde zuvor von folgendem, inzwischen gelöschten Attribut verwendet.
Zusätzliche Daten
%3 %4 |
De volgende kolom kan niet uit de database worden verwijderd in AD LDS. Deze kolom wordt niet meer gebruikt. De kolom werd gebruikt voor het volgende kenmerk, dat inmiddels is verwijderd.
Aanvullende gegevens
%3 %4 |
Služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) neodstranila z databáze následující sloupec. Tento sloupec se již nepoužívá. Dříve jej používal následující atribut, který byl odstraněn.
Další data
Chybová hodnota:
%3 %4 |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 데이터베이스에서 다음 열을 삭제하지 못했습니다. 이 열이 더 이상 사용되지 않습니다. 이미 삭제된 다음 특성에서 이전에 이 열을 사용했습니다.
추가 데이터
오류 값:
%3 %4 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services: impossibile eliminare la colonna seguente dal database. La colonna non viene più utilizzata, ma è stata utilizzata in precedenza dall'attributo indicato, che è stato eliminato.
Dati aggiuntivi
Valore errore:
%3 %4 |
因為有一個索引正在使用下列欄位,所以 Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務無法從資料庫刪除該欄位。這個欄位先前是供下列屬性使用,而這個屬性已遭刪除。
%2 |
Os Serviços LDS do Active Directory não conseguiram eliminar a seguinte coluna da base de dados porque está a ser utilizada por um índice. Esta coluna foi anteriormente utilizada pelo seguinte atributo, que foi eliminado.
%2 |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务无法从数据库删除如下列,因为该列正在被索引使用。此列以前被已删除的下列属性使用。
%2 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri, bir dizin tarafından kullanıldığından aşağıdaki sütunu veritabanından silemedi. Bu sütun şu an silinmiş olan aşağıdaki öznitelik tarafından daha önce kullanılmıştı.
%2 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services kunde inte ta bort följande kolumn från databasen eftersom det används av ett index. Den här kolumnen användes tidigare av följande attribut och detta attribut har tagits bort.
%2 |
Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą usunąć następującej kolumny z bazy danych, ponieważ jest ona używana przez indeks. Ta kolumna była uprzednio używana przez następujący atrybut, który został usunięty.
%2 |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások nem tudta törölni az alábbi oszlopot az adatbázisból, mert egy index használja. Az oszlopot korábban az alábbi, már törölt attribútum használta.
%2 |
Les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) n’ont pas pu supprimer la colonne suivante de la base de données car elle est en cours d’utilisation par un index. Cette colonne était précédemment utilisée par l’attribut suivant qui a été supprimé.
Colonne :
Attribut :
%2 |
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services não pôde excluir a seguinte coluna do banco de dados porque ela está sendo usada por um índice. Esta coluna foi usada anteriormente pelo seguinte atributo, que foi excluído.
%2 |
Службам Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам не удается удалить следующий столбец из базы данных, поскольку он используется индексом. Этот столбец раньше использовался следующим атрибутом, который был удален.
%2 |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、次の列がインデックスで使用されているためデータベースから削除できませんでした。この列は、削除された次の属性で以前使用されていました。
%2 |
Los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory no pudieron eliminar la siguiente columna de la base de datos porque se está usando como índice. Anteriormente esta columna la usaba el siguiente atributo, que se eliminó.
%2 |
Die folgende Spalte konnte von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services nicht aus der Datenbank gelöscht werden, da sie von einem Index verwendet wird. Diese Spalte wurde zuvor von folgendem, inzwischen gelöschten Attribut verwendet.
%2 |
De volgende kolom kan niet uit de database worden verwijderd in AD LDS, omdat deze kolom voor een index wordt gebruikt. De kolom werd gebruikt voor het volgende kenmerk, dat inmiddels is verwijderd.
%2 |
Služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) neodstranila z databáze následující sloupec, protože jej používá index. Dříve jej používal následující atribut, který byl odstraněn.
%2 |
인덱스를 사용 중이므로 Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 데이터베이스에서 다음 열을 삭제할 수 없습니다. 이미 삭제된 다음 특성에서 이전에 이 열을 사용했습니다.
%2 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services: impossibile eliminare la colonna seguente dal database perché è utilizzata da un indice. Tale colonna è stata utilizzata in precedenza dall'attributo indicato, che è stato eliminato.
%2 |
Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務已從資料庫成功刪除下列欄位。這個欄位先前是供下列屬性使用,而這個屬性已遭刪除。
%2 |
Os Serviços LDS do Active Directory eliminaram com êxito a seguinte coluna da base de dados. Esta coluna foi anteriormente utilizada pelo seguinte atributo, que foi eliminado.
%2 |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务已成功从数据库删除如下列。此列以前被已删除的下列属性使用。
%2 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri aşağıdaki sütunu veritabanından başarıyla sildi. Bu sütun şu an silinmiş olan aşağıdaki öznitelik tarafından daha önce kullanılmıştı.
%2 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services tog bort följande kolumn från databasen. Den här kolumnen användes tidigare av följande attribut och detta attribut har tagits bort.
%2 |
Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory pomyślnie usunęły następującą kolumnę z bazy danych. Ta kolumna była uprzednio używana przez następujący atrybut, który został usunięty.
%2 |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások sikeresen törölte az alábbi oszlopot az adatbázisból. Az oszlopot korábban az alábbi, már törölt attribútum használta.
%2 |
Les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) ont correctement supprimé la colonne suivante de la base de données. Cette colonne était précédemment utilisée par l’attribut suivant, qui a été supprimé.
Colonne :
Attribut :
%2 |
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services excluiu com êxito a seguinte coluna do banco de dados. Esta coluna foi usada anteriormente pelo seguinte atributo, que foi excluído.
%2 |
Службы Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам успешно удалили следующий столбец из базы данных. Этот столбец раньше использовался следующим атрибутом, который был удален.
%2 |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、次の列をデータベースから正常に削除しました。この列は、削除された次の属性で以前使用されていました。
%2 |
Die folgende Spalte wurde von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services aus der Datenbank gelöscht. Diese Spalte wurde zuvor von folgendem, inzwischen gelöschten Attribut verwendet.
%2 |
De volgende kolom is uit de database verwijderd in AD LDS. Deze kolom werd gebruikt voor het volgende kenmerk, dat inmiddels is verwijderd.
%2 |
Služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) úspěšně odstranila z databáze následující sloupec. Dříve jej používal následující atribut, který byl odstraněn.
%2 |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 데이터베이스에서 다음 열을 삭제했습니다. 이미 삭제된 다음 특성에서 이전에 이 열을 사용했습니다.
%2 |
Los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory eliminaron correctamente la siguiente columna de la base de datos. Anteriormente esta columna la usaba el siguiente atributo, que se eliminó.
%2 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services: la colonna seguente è stata eliminata dal database. La colonna è stata utilizzata in precedenza dall'attributo indicato, che è stato eliminato.
%2 |
Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務已成功刪除下列屬性的索引。
%2 |
Os Serviços LDS do Active Directory eliminaram com êxito o índice para o seguinte atributo.
Nome do atributo:
ID do atributo:
%2 |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务已成功删除下列属性的索引。
属性 ID:
%2 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri, aşağıdaki özniteliğin dizinini başarıyla sildi.
Öznitelik adı:
%1Öznitelik Kimliği:
%2 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services tog bort index för följande attribut.
%2 |
Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory pomyślnie usunęły indeks dla poniższego atrybutu.
Nazwa atrybutu:
Identyfikator atrybutu:
%2 |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások sikeresen törölte az alábbi attribútum indexét.
Attribútum neve:
Attribútum azonosítója:
%2 |
Les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) ont supprimé correctement un index pour l’attribut suivant.
Nom de l’attribut :
ID de l’attribut :
%2 |
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services excluiu com êxito o índice do seguinte atributo.
Nome do atributo:
Identificação de atributo:
%2 |
Службы Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам успешно удалили индекс для следующего атрибута.
Имя атрибута:
Код атрибута:
%2 |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、次の属性のインデックスを正常に削除しました。
属性 ID:
%2 |
Los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory eliminaron correctamente el índice para el siguiente atributo.
Nombre de atributo:
Identificador de atributo:
%2 |
Der Index für das folgende Attribut wurde von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services gelöscht.
%2 |
De index voor het volgende kenmerk is verwijderd in AD LDS.
%2 |
Služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) úspěšně odstranila index pro následující atribut.
Název atributu:
ID atributu:
%2 |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 다음 특성에 대한 인덱스를 삭제했습니다.
특성 이름:
특성 ID:
%2 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services: l'indice per l'attributo seguente è stato eliminato.
Nome attributo:
ID attributo:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received an exception during a RPC connection to the directory service at the following network address.
Network address:
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: A call made by the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services replication agent returned the following warning.
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services added a new source directory service for replication of the following directory partition with these flags.
Directory partition:
New source directory service:
Replica flags:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services deleted the following source directory service for replication of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 %3 |