A criar a partição de directório: %1; restam %2 objectos |
正在建立目錄分割: %1。還剩下 %2 個物件。 |
正在创建目录分区: %1;剩下 %2 个对象。 |
Oluşturulan dizin bölümü: %1; %2 nesne kaldı |
Katalogpartition skapas: %1; %2 objekt återstår |
Tworzenie partycji katalogu: %1; pozostało obiektów: %2. |
Könyvtárpartíció (%1) készítése, %2 objektum van hátra |
Création en cours de la partition d’annuaire : %1; %2 objets restants |
Criando partição de diretório: %1; %2 objetos restantes. |
Создание раздела: %1; осталось %2 объектов. |
ディレクトリ パーティションを作成しています: %1; %2 個のオブジェクトが残っています |
Creando la partición de directorio: %1; %2 objetos restantes. |
Folgende Verzeichnispartition wird erstellt: %1; %2 ausstehende Objekte. |
Mappartitie %1 wordt gemaakt. Resterend aantal objecten: %2 |
Vytváření oddílu adresáře: %1; zbývá %2 objektů. |
다음 디렉터리 파티션을 만드는 중: %1; %2 개체 남음 |
Creazione della partizione di directory: %1 in corso. Oggetti rimanenti: %2 |
正在複寫設定目錄分割 |
A replicar a configuração de partição de directório |
正在复制配置目录分区 |
Yapılandırma dizin bölümü çoğaltılıyor |
Konfigurationskatalogpartitionen replikeras |
Replikowanie partycji katalogu konfiguracji |
A konfigurációs könyvtárpartíció replikálása |
Réplication en cours de la configuration de la partition d’annuaire |
Replicando a partição de diretório de configuração |
Репликация конфигурации схемы разделов |
構成ディレクトリ パーティションをレプリケートしています |
Replicando la partición de directorio de configuración |
Die Konfigurationsverzeichnispartition wird repliziert. |
De configuratiemappartitie wordt gerepliceerd |
Replikace oddílu konfigurace adresáře |
구성 디렉터리 파티션 복제하는 중 |
Replica della partizione di directory di configurazione in corso |
A replicar informações de partição vitais... |
正在複寫關鍵分割資訊... |
正在复制关键分区信息... |
Kritik bölüm bilgileri çoğaltılıyor... |
Viktig information om partitionen replikeras... |
Trwa replikowanie krytycznych informacji o partycji... |
Kritikus partícióadatok replikálása... |
Réplication des informations critiques de la partition... |
Replicando informações cruciais da partição... |
Выполнение репликации критической информации раздела... |
重要なパーティション情報をレプリケートしています... |
Replicando información de partición crítica... |
Wichtige Partitionsinformationen werden repliziert... |
Essentiële partitiegegevens repliceren... |
Replikace důležitých informací o oddílu... |
중요한 파티션 정보를 복제하는 중... |
Replica delle informazioni critiche sulla partizione in corso... |
正在建立本機 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services 執行個體的 Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務物件 |
A criar objectos dos Serviços LDS do Active Directory na instância local dos Serviços LDS do Active Directory |
正在本地 Active Directory 轻型目录服务实例上创建 Active Directory 轻型目录服务对象 |
Yerel Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri örneği üzerinde Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri nesneleri oluşturuluyor |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services-objekt skapas på den lokala Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services-instansen |
Tworzenie obiektów usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory w lokalnym wystąpieniu usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások objektumainak létrehozása az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások helyi példányán |
Création des objets des services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) sur l’instance AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) locale |
Criando objetos do Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services na instância local do Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services |
Создание объектов служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам на локальном экземпляре служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам |
ローカル Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービス インスタンス上の Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービス オブジェクトを作成しています |
Creando objetos de los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory en la instancia local de los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services-Objekte werden auf der lokalen Instanz von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services erstellt. |
AD LDS-objecten maken op de lokale AD LDS-instantie |
Vytváření objektů služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) v místní instanci služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) |
로컬 Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services) 인스턴스에서 Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services) 개체를 만드는 중 |
Creazione di oggetti Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services nell'istanza locale di Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services in corso |
將現存的使用者、群組及電腦物件移到 Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務 |
A mover objectos de utilizadores, grupos e computadores existentes para os Serviços LDS do Active Directory |
正在将现有的用户、组和计算机对象移动到 Active Directory 轻型目录服务 |
Varolan kullanıcılar, gruplar ve bilgisayar nesneleri Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri'ne taşınıyor |
Befintliga användar-, grupp- och datorobjekt flyttas till Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services |
Przenoszenie istniejących użytkowników, grup i obiektów komputera do usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory |
A meglévő felhasználók, csoportok és számítógép-objektumok áthelyezése az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatásokba |
Déplacement des objets utilisateurs, groupes et ordinateur vers les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) |
Movendo usuários, grupos e objetos de computador existentes para o Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services |
Перемещение существующих пользователей, групп и компьютеров в службы Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам |
既存のユーザー、グループ、およびコンピュータ オブジェクトを Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスに移動しています |
Moviendo los objetos de usuario, grupo y equipo existentes a los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory |
Vorhandene Benutzer-, Gruppen- und Computerobjekte werden in Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services verschoben. |
Bestaande gebruikers, groepen en computerobjecten verplaatsen naar Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services |
Přesun existujících uživatelů, skupin a počítačových objektů do služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) |
기존 사용자, 그룹 및 컴퓨터 개체를 Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)로 이동하는 중 |
Spostamento di utenti, gruppi e oggetti computer esistenti in Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services in corso |
正在建立新的分割使用者、群組及電腦物件 |
A criar novos objectos de utilizadores, grupos e computadores de partição |
正在创建新分区用户、组和计算机对象 |
Yeni bölüm kullanıcıları, grupları ve bilgisayar nesneleri oluşturuluyor |
Nya partitionsanvändare, grupper och datorobjekt skapas |
Tworzenie nowych użytkowników partycji, grup i obiektów komputera. |
Új partíciófelhasználók, csoportok és számítógép-objektumok létrehozása |
Création en cours des nouveaux objets utilisateurs, groupes et ordinateur de la partition |
Criando novos objetos de computador, grupos e usuários de partição |
Создание пользователей, групп и компьютеров нового раздела |
新しいパーティション ユーザー、グループ、およびコンピュータ オブジェクトを作成しています |
Creando nuevos usuarios, grupos y objetos de equipo de la partición |
Neue Partitionsbenutzer-, gruppen- und computerobjekte werden erstellt. |
De nieuwe partitiegebruikers, groepen en computerobjecten worden gemaakt |
Vytváření nových uživatelů, skupin a počítačových objektů oddílu |
새 파티션 사용자, 그룹 및 컴퓨터 개체를 만드는 중 |
Creazione di nuovi utenti, gruppi e oggetti computer della partizione in corso |
完成 Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務安裝 |
A concluir a instalação dos Serviços LDS do Active Directory |
正在完成 Active Directory 轻型目录服务的安装 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri yüklemesi tamamlanıyor |
Installationen av Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services slutförs |
Kończenie instalacji usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások telepítése befejeződik |
Fin de l’installation des services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) |
Concluindo a instalação do Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services |
Завершение установки служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスのインストールを完了しています |
Completando la instalación de los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory |
Die Installation von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services wird abgeschlossen. |
Installatie van Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services voltooien |
Dokončování instalace služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services) 설치를 완료하는 중 |
Completamento dell'installazione di Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services in corso |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
Search scope:
Base object:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirSearch operation completed with the following status.
Search Suboperations:
Returned Results:
This information is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |
Internal event: The DirAddEntry operation was called with the following parameters.
Caller type:
This event is generally used for event tracing. |