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Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務無法複寫在本機 Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services 執行個體上進行的連出變更。
Os Serviços LDS do Active Directory não conseguiram replicar as alterações de saída efectuadas na instância local dos Serviços LDS do Active Directory.
Active Directory 轻型目录服务无法复制在本地 Active Directory 轻型目录服务实例上所做的传出更改。
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri, yerel Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri örneğinde yapılan giden değişiklikleri çoğaltamadı.
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services kunde inte replikera utgående ändringar som har gjorts på den lokala Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services-instansen.
Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą zreplikować wychodzących zmian dokonanych w lokalnym wystąpieniu usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory.
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások nem tudta replikálni a kimenő változásokat az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások helyi példányán.
Les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) n’ont pas pu répliquer les modifications sortantes effectuées sur l’instance AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) locale.
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services não pôde replicar as alterações de saída feitas na instância local do Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Службам Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам не удалось реплицировать исходящие изменения, сделанные на локальном экземпляре служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам.
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、ローカル Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービス インスタンス上で作成された送信変更をレプリケートできませんでした。
Los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory no pudieron replicar los cambios de salida realizados en la instancia local de los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory.
Die ausgehenden Änderungen, die auf der lokalen Instanz von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services vorgenommen wurden, konnten nicht repliziert werden.
De uitgaande wijzigingen die op de lokale AD LDS-instantie zijn doorgevoerd, kunnen niet worden gerepliceerd in AD LDS.
Služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) nereplikovala odchozí změny provedené v místní instanci služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services).
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 로컬 Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services) 인스턴스의 보내는 변경을 복제하지 못했습니다.
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services: impossibile eseguire la replica delle modifiche in uscita apportate all'istanza locale di Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
下列物件的操作主機角色根據使用者要求已經轉移到下列目錄服務。 物件: %1 目錄服務: %2 上個操作主機角色擁有者: %3
A função de mestre de operações representada pelo seguinte objecto foi transferida para o seguinte serviço de directório a pedido de um utilizador. Objecto: %1 Serviço de directório: %2 Proprietário da função de mestre de operações anterior: %3
在用户的请求下,下列对象代表的操作主机角色已经传送到如下目录服务。 对象: %1 目录服务: %2 上一个操作主机角色拥有者: %3
Aşağıdaki nesnenin temsil ettiği işlem yöneticisi rolü kullanıcı isteği üzerine aşağıdaki dizin hizmetine aktarıldı. Nesne: %1 Dizin hizmeti: %2Önceki işlem yöneticisi rolü sahibi: %3
Den roll som åtgärdshanteraren som representeras av följande objekt har överförts till följande katalogtjänst i enlighet med en användarens begäran. Objekt: %1 Katalogtjänst: %2 Tidigare ägare av rollen som åtgärdshanterare: %3
Rola wzorca operacji reprezentowana przez następujący obiekt została przetransferowana do następującej usługi katalogowej na żądanie użytkownika. Obiekt: %1 Usługa katalogowa: %2 Poprzedni właściciel roli wzorca operacji: %3
Az alábbi objektum által képviselt műveleti főkiszolgáló szerepkör egy felhasználó kérésének eredményeképpen át lett adva az alábbi címtárszolgáltatásnak. Objektum: %1 Címtárszolgáltatás: %2 A műveleti főkiszolgáló szerepkör előző tulajdonosa: %3
Le rôle maître des opérations représenté par l’objet suivant a été transféré vers le service d’annuaire suivant à la demande d’un utilisateur. Objet : %1 Service d’annuaire : %2 Propriétaire précédent du rôle maître des opérations : %3
A função de mestre de operações representada pelo objeto a seguir foi transferida para o serviço de diretório a seguir por solicitação de um usuário. Objeto: %1 Serviço de diretório: %2 Proprietário da função de mestre de operações anterior: %3
Роль хозяина операций, представленного следующим объектом, по запросу пользователя передана следующему серверу службы каталогов. Объект: %1 Сервер службы каталогов: %2 Предыдущий хозяин операций: %3
次のオブジェクトで表された操作マスタの役割は、ユーザーの要求により次のディレクトリ サービスに転送されました。 オブジェクト: %1 ディレクトリ サービス: %2 操作マスタの役割の前の所有者: %3
La función de maestro de operaciones que representa el siguiente objeto se ha transferido al siguiente servicio de directorio a solicitud de un usuario. Objeto: %1 Servicio de directorio: %2 Propietario de la función de maestro de operaciones anterior: %3
Die durch das folgende Objekt repräsentierte Betriebsmasterfunktion wurde auf Anfrage eines Benutzers in den folgenden Domänencontroller verschoben. Objekt: %1 Domänencontroller: %2 Vorheriger Besitzer der Betriebsmasterfunktion: %3
De rol van operations-master die door het volgende object wordt vertegenwoordigd is op verzoek van een gebruiker aan de volgende directoryservice overgedragen. Object: %1 directoryservice: %2 De vorige eigenaar van de rol van operations-master: %3
Role hlavního operačního serveru představovaná následujícím objektem byla na žádost uživatele přesunuta do následující adresářové služby. Objekt: %1 Adresářová služba: %2 Vlastník role hlavního operačního serveru předchozí operace: %3
사용자의 요청으로 다음 개체가 나타내는 작업 마스터 역할을 다음 디렉터리 서비스로 전송했습니다. 개체: %1 디렉터리 서비스: %2 이전 작업 마스터 역할 소유자: %3
Il ruolo di master operazioni rappresentato dal seguente oggetto è stato trasferito sul seguente servizio directory su richiesta di un utente. Oggetto: %1 Servizio directory: %2 Proprietario del ruolo di master operazioni precedente: %3
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation was called with the following parameters. Caller type: %1 Attribute ID: 0x%2 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The DirFind operation completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation was called. This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
Internal event: The LDAP bind operation has completed with the following status. Status: %1 This information is generally used for event tracing.
當搜尋索引時,Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務偵測到下列屬性需要一個新的索引。 屬性: %1 新索引名稱: %2 將會自動建立一個新的索引。 其他資料 錯誤值: %3 %4
Durante a procura de um índice, os Serviços LDS do Active Directory detectaram que é necessário um novo índice para o seguinte atributo. Atributo: %1 Nome do novo índice: %2 Será criado automaticamente um novo índice. Dados Adicionais Valor do erro: %3 %4
搜索索引时,Active Directory 轻型目录服务检测到下列属性需要新索引。 属性: %1 新索引名称: %2 将自动创建新索引。 其他数据 错误值: %3 %4
Bir dizin aranırken, Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri aşağıdaki öznitelik için yeni bir dizin gerektiğini algıladı. Öznitelik: %1 Yeni dizin adı: %2 Yeni bir dizin otomatik olarak oluşturulacak. Ek Veri Hata değeri: %3 %4
Vid sökning efter ett index upptäckte Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services att ett nytt index krävs för följande attribut. Attribut: %1 Nytt indexnamn: %2 Ett nytt index kommer att skapas automatiskt. Ytterligare data Felvärde: %3 %4
Podczas wyszukiwania indeksu Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory wykryły, że dla następującego atrybutu potrzebny jest nowy indeks. Atrybut: %1 Nazwa nowego indeksu: %2 Nowy indeks zostanie utworzony automatycznie. Dodatkowe dane Wartość błędu: %3 %4
Egy index keresése során az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások észlelte, hogy az alábbi attribútumhoz új index szükséges. Attribútum: %1Új index neve: %2 Az új index automatikusan létre fog jönni. További adatok Hibaérték: %3 %4
En recherchant un index, les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) ont détecté la nécessité d’un nouvel index pour l’attribut suivant. Attribut : %1 Nom du nouvel index : %2 Un nouvel index sera automatiquement créé. Données supplémentaires Valeur d’erreur : %3 %4
Ao pesquisar um índice, o Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services detectou que é necessário um novo índice para o seguinte atributo. Atributo: %1 Nome do novo índice: %2 Um novo índice será criado automaticamente. Dados Adicionais Valor de erro: %3 %4
При поиске индекса службами Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам обнаружено, что для следующего атрибута необходим новый индекс. Атрибут: %1 Имя нового индекса: %2 Новый индекс будет создан автоматически. Дополнительные данные Значение ошибки: %3 %4
インデックスを検索している最中に、Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、次の属性に新しいインデックスが必要であることを検出しました。 属性: %1 新しいインデックス名: %2 新しいインデックスは自動的に作成されます。 追加データ エラー値: %3 %4
Mientras buscaban un índice, los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory detectaron que se necesita un nuevo índice para el siguiente atributo. Atributo: %1 Nuevo nombre de índice: %2 Se creará un nuevo índice automáticamente. Datos adicionales Valor de error: %3 %4
Bei der Suche nach einem Index wurde von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services festgestellt, dass für das folgende Attribut ein neuer Index benötigt wird. Attribut: %1 Neuer Indexname: %2 Ein neuer Index wird automatisch erstellt. Zusätzliche Daten Fehlerwert: %3 %4
Bij het zoeken naar een index is in AD LDS vastgesteld dat er een nieuwe index nodig is voor het volgende kenmerk. Kenmerk: %1 Naam van nieuwe index: %2 Er wordt automatisch een nieuwe index gemaakt. Aanvullende gegevens Foutwaarde: %3 %4
Při vyhledávání indexu zjistila služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services), že pro následující atribut je zapotřebí nový index. Atribut: %1 Název nového indexu: %2 Nový index bude vytvořen automaticky. Další data Chybová hodnota: %3 %4
인덱스를 검색하는 동안 Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 다음 특성에 필요한 새 인덱스를 검색했습니다. 특성: %1 새 인덱스 이름: %2 새 인덱스가 자동으로 만들어집니다. 추가 데이터 오류 값: %3 %4
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services: durante la ricerca di un indice è stata rilevata la necessità di un nuovo indice per l'attributo seguente. Attributo: %1 Nome nuovo indice: %2 Verrà creato automaticamente un nuovo indice. Dati aggiuntivi Valore errore: %3 %4
使用 SMTP 傳輸的站台間訊息服務已為下列網域控制站自動設定了下列 SMTP 郵件路由網域。 路由網域: %2 網域控制站: %1 路由網域將會在這個收件資料夾中接收郵件。 收件資料夾: %3
O serviço de mensagens entre locais que utiliza o transporte SMTP configurou automaticamente o seguinte domínio de encaminhamento de correio SMTP para o seguinte controlador de domínio. Domínio de encaminhamento: %2 Controlador de domínio: %1 O domínio de encaminhamento receberá correio nesta pasta de entrega. Pasta de entrega: %3
使用 SMTP 传输的站点间消息服务已经自动配置了下列域控制器的如下 SMTP 邮件路由域。 路由域: %2 域控制器: %1 路由域将在此投递文件夹中接收邮件。 投递文件夹: %3
SMTP taşıyıcısını kullanan Siteler Arası İleti Gönderme hizmeti, aşağıdaki etki alanı denetleyicisi için aşağıdaki SMTP posta yönlendirme etki alanını otomatik olarak yapılandırdı. Yönlendirme etki alanı: %2 Etki alanı denetleyicisi: %1 Yönlendirme etki alanı bu bırakma klasöründen posta alacak. Bırakma klasörü: %3
Tjänsten Intersite Messaging som använder transporten SMTP har automatiskt konfigurerat följande SMTP-vidarebefordringsdomän för följande domänkontrollant. Vidarebefordringsdomän: %2 Domänkontrollant: %1 Vidarebefordringsdomänen kommer att få e-post i följande avlämningsmapp. Avlämningsmapp: %3
Usługa Komunikacja międzylokacyjna używająca transportu SMTP automatycznie skonfigurowała domenę routingu poczty SMTP dla następującego kontrolera domeny. Domena routingu: %2 Kontroler domeny: %1 Domena routingu będzie odbierać pocztę w następującym folderze przechowywania poczty. Folder przechowywania poczty: %3
Az SMTP-átvitelt használó helyek közötti üzenetküldő szolgáltatás automatikusan konfigurálta az alábbi SMTP útválasztási tartományt az alábbi tartományvezérlőnek. Útválasztási tartomány: %2 Tartományvezérlő: %1 Az útválasztási tartomány a kézbesítési mappában fogja fogadni az üzeneteket. Kézbesítési mappa: %3
Le service Messagerie intersite utilisant le transport SMTP a configuré automatiquement le domaine de routage de messagerie SMTP pour le contrôleur de domaine suivant. Domaine de routage : %2 Contrôleur de domaine : %1 Le domaine de routage recevra les messages électroniques dans ce dossier de dépôt. Dossier de dépôt : %3
O serviço de mensagens entre sites que usa o transporte SMTP configurou automaticamente o domínio de roteamento de email SMTP para o controlador de domínio a seguir. Domínio de roteamento: %2 Controlador de domínio: %1 O domínio de roteamento receberá email nesta pasta de recebimento. Pasta de recebimento: %3
Служба межсайтовых сообщений с использованием протокола SMTP автоматически настроила следующий почтовый домен SMTP-маршрутизации для следующего контроллера домена. Домен маршрутизации: %2 Контроллер домена: %1 Домен маршрутизации будет помещать входящую почту в следующую папку. Папка входящей почты: %3
SMTP トランスポートを使用しているサイト間メッセージング サービスにより、次の SMTP メール ルーティング ドメインが次のドメイン コントローラのために自動的に構成されました。 ルーティング ドメイン: %2 ドメイン コントローラ: %1 ルーティング ドメインは、このドロップ フォルダにメールを受信します。 ドロップ フォルダ: %3
El servicio de mensajería entre sitios que utiliza el protocolo de transporte SMTP ha configurado automáticamente el siguiente dominio de enrutamiento SMTP para el siguiente controlador de dominio. Dominio de enrutamiento: %2 Controlador de dominio: %1 El dominio de enrutamiento recibirá correo en esta carpeta de buzón. Carpeta de buzón: %3
Das SMTP-Transport des standortübergreifenden Messagingdienstes hat eine SMTP-Nachrichtenroutingdomäne für den folgenden Domänencontroller automatisch konfiguriert. Routingdomäne: %2 Domänencontroller: %1 Die Routingdomäne erhält in diesem Senkenverzeichnis Nachrichten. Senkenverzeichnis: %3
De Intersite Messaging-service die gebruikmaakt van SMTP-transport heeft automatisch het volgende routeringsdomein voor SMTP-berichten geconfigureerd voor de volgende domeincontroller. Routeringsdomein: %2 Domeincontroller: %1 Het routeringsdomein zorgt ervoor dat de e-mail wordt opgeslagen in de volgende doelmap. Doelmap: %3
Služba zasílání zpráv mezi lokalitami využívající přenos přes protokol SMTP automaticky nakonfigurovala následující poštovní směrovací doménu služby SMTP pro následující řadič domény. Směrovací doména: %2 Řadič domény: %1 Směrovací doména bude přijímat poštu do této složky pro doručenou poštu. Složka pro doručenou poštu: %3
SMTP 전송을 사용하는 사이트 간 메시징 서비스가 다음 도메인 컨트롤러의 다음 SMTP 메일 라우팅 도메인을 자동으로 구성했습니다. 라우팅 도메인: %2 도메인 컨트롤러: %1 라우팅 도메인은 메일을 이 드롭 폴더에 수신하게 됩니다. 드롭 폴더: %3
Il servizio Messaggistica tra siti (IMS) basato sul trasporto SMTP ha configurato automaticamente il seguente dominio di routing della posta SMTP per il seguente controller di dominio. Dominio di routing: %2 Controller di dominio: %1 Il dominio di routing riceverà la posta nella seguente cartella di ricezione. Cartella di ricezione: %3
目錄服務已成功地登錄 NTDS 效能計數器。
O serviço de directório registou com êxito os contadores de desempenho de NTDS.
“目录服务”成功地注册了 NTDS 性能计数器。
Dizin Hizmeti, NTDS performans sayaçlarını başarıyla kaydettirdi.
Katalogtjänsten har slutfört registreringen av NTDS-prestandaräknarna.
Usługa katalogowa pomyślnie zarejestrowała liczniki wydajności NTDS.
A címtárszolgáltatás sikeresen bejegyezte az NTDS teljesítményszámlálókat.
Le service d’annuaire a inscrit les compteurs de performances NTDS.
O serviço de diretório registrou com êxito os contadores de desempenho NTDS.
Служба каталогов успешно зарегистрировала счетчики производительности NTDS.
ディレクトリ サービスは NTDS パフォーマンス カウンタを正しく登録しました。
El servicio de directorio registró correctamente los contadores de rendimiento NTDS.
Active Directory hat die NTDS-Leistungsindikatoren registriert.
Active Directory heeft de NTDS-prestatiemeteritems geregistreerd.
Adresářová služba úspěšně zaregistrovala čítače výkonu NTDS.
디렉터리 서비스에서 NTDS 성능 카운터를 등록했습니다.
Il servizio directory ha registrato i contatori di prestazioni NTDS.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
Internal event: Compressed %1 bytes into %2 bytes for outbound RPC replication to Directory Service %3.
See catalog page for all messages.