Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
同步處理將會繼續。 |
Este servidor de directório não estará disponível para os clientes até ser concluída uma sincronização inicial de cada partição de directório gravável existente. Neste momento, estas sincronizações iniciais não foram concluídas.
As sincronizações vão continuar. |
该同步将继续。 |
Bu dizin sunucusu, içerdiği her yazılabilir dizin bölümünün ilk eşitlemesini tamamlayıncaya kadar istemciler tarafından kullanılamayacak. Şu anda bu ilk eşitleme işlemleri henüz tamamlanmadı.
Eşitleme işlemleri devam edecek. |
Katalogservern kommer inte att vara tillgänglig för klienter förrän den slutfört en inledande synkronisering av varje skrivbar katalogpartition som den har. Denna inledande synkronisering har ännu inte slutförts.
Synkroniseringar kommer att fortsätta. |
Ten serwer katalogowy nie będzie dostępny dla klientów, dopóki nie zostanie ukończona wstępna synchronizacja każdej zapisywalnej partycji katalogu będącej w jego posiadaniu. Te wstępne synchronizacje nie zostaną teraz ukończone.
Synchronizacje będą kontynuowane. |
Ce serveur d’annuaire ne sera pas disponible pour les clients jusqu’à ce que la synchronisation initiale de chaque partition de répertoire inscriptible qu’il contient soit terminée. Ces synchronisations initiales n’ont pas encore été effectuées.
La synchronisation va continuer. |
Este servidor de diretório só estará para os clientes quando tiver concluído uma sincronização inicial de cada partição de diretório gravável contida nele. As sincronizações iniciais ainda não foram concluídas.
As sincronizações continuarão. |
Этот сервер службы каталогов не будет доступен клиентам, пока не будет выполнена начальная синхронизация каждого хранящегося на нем изменяемого раздела каталога. На данный момент начальная синхронизация не выполнена.
Синхронизация будет продолжена. |
このディレクトリ サービスが保持している書き込み可能なディレクトリ パーティションの初期同期をすべて完了するまで、クライアントはこのディレクトリ サービスを利用できません。現在、これらの初期同期は完了していません。
同期は続行されます。 |
Este servidor de directorio no está disponible para los clientes hasta que haya completado una sincronización inicial de cada partición de directorio grabable que contenga. En este momento, estas sincronizaciones iniciales no se han completado.
Las sincronizaciones continuarán. |
Der lokale Domänencontroller wird erst durch den Domänencontroller-
Locatordienst als verfügbarer Domänencontroller angekündigt, wenn
die erste Synchronisierung der schreibbaren Verzeichnispartitionen
abgeschlossen ist. Diese ersten Synchronisierung sind zur Zeit noch
nicht abgeschlossen.
Die Synchronisierungen werden fortgesetzt. |
Deze directory-server is nite beschikbaar voor clients totdat er voor alle bijbehorende beschrijfbare mappartities een initiële synchronisatie is uitgevoerd. Op dit moment is de initiële synchronisatie nog niet voltooid.
De synchronisatie wordt voortgezet. |
Tento adresářový server nebude k dispozici pro klienty, dokud nedokončí počáteční synchronizaci všech oddílů adresáře s možností zápisu, které obsahuje. Tyto počáteční synchronizace nebyly nyní dokončeny.
Synchronizace budou pokračovat. |
디렉터리 서버에서는 기록 가능한 디렉터리 파티션의 초기 동기화를 완료할 때까지 클라이언트를 사용할 수 없습니다. 초기 동기화는 완료되지 않았습니다.
동기화가 계속 진행됩니다. |
Questo server directory non sarà disponibile ai client finché non avrà completato la sincronizzazione iniziale di ciascuna partizione di directory scrivibile in esso contenuta. Attualmente queste sincronizzazioni iniziali non sono state completate.
I processi di sincronizzazione continueranno. |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service could not complete the initial synchronization of the following directory partition from any source directory servers.
Directory partition:
%1 |
稍後將會重新嘗試完成這個目錄分割的完整同步處理。 |
Este servidor de directório não concluiu uma sincronização completa da seguinte partição de directório. Este servidor de directório não estará disponível para os clientes até esta tarefa estar concluída.
Partição de directório:
Será repetida uma tentativa para concluir uma sincronização completa desta partição de directório, mais tarde. |
稍候将再一次尝试完成此目录分区的完全同步。 |
Bu dizin sunucusu, aşağıdaki dizin bölümünün tam eşitlemesini tamamlamadı. Bu dizin sunucusu bu görev tamamlanıncaya kadar istemciler tarafından kullanılamayacak.
Dizin bölümü:
Bu dizin bölümünün tam eşitlenmesi daha sonra yeniden denenecek. |
Den här katalogtjänsten har inte slutfört en fullständig synkronisering av följande katalogpartition. Den här katalogservern kommer inte att vara tillgänglig för klienter förrän den här åtgärden har utförts.
Ett nytt försök att utföra fullständig synkronisering av den här katalogpartitionen kommer att göras senare. |
Ten serwer katalogowy nie ukończył pełnej synchronizacji następującej partycji katalogu. Ten serwer katalogowy nie będzie dostępny dla klientów do czasu ukończenia zadania.
Partycja katalogu:
Próba ukończenia pełnej synchronizacji tej partycji katalogu zostanie ponowiona później. |
Ez a címtárkiszolgáló nem végezte el az alábbi címtárpartíció teljes szinkronizálását. E feladat végrehajtásáig ez a címtárkiszolgáló nem lesz elérhető az ügyfelek számára.
A címtárpartíció teljes szinkronizálását a rendszer később ismét megpróbálja. |
Ce serveur d’annuaire n’a pas terminé la synchronisation complète de la partition de répertoire suivante. Ce serveur d’annuaire ne sera pas disponible pour les clients jusqu’à ce que cette tâche soit terminée.
Partition d’annuaire :
Une tentative de terminer la synchronisation de cette partition de répertoire aura lieu ultérieurement. |
Este servidor de diretório não concluiu uma sincronização total da partição de diretório a seguir. Este servidor de diretório não estará disponível para clientes até que esta tarefa seja concluída.
Partição de diretório:
Uma tentativa de concluir uma sincronização desta partição de diretório será repetida mais tarde. |
Этот сервер службы каталогов не выполнил полную синхронизацию следующего раздела каталога. Пока эта задача не будет выполнена, этот сервер службы каталогов не будет доступен клиентам.
Раздел каталога:
Попытка полной синхронизации этого раздела каталога будет снова предпринята позже. |
このディレクトリ サーバーは、次のディレクトリ パーティションの完全な同期を完了できませんでした。このタスクが完了するまで、クライアントはこのディレクトリ サーバーを利用することはできません。
ディレクトリ パーティション:
このディレクトリ パーティションの完全同期の完了は、後で再実行されます。 |
Este servidor de directorio no completó una sincronización total de la siguiente partición de directorio. Este servidor de directorio no está disponible para los clientes hasta que se complete esta tarea.
Partición de directorio:
Se intentará de nuevo completar una sincronización total de esta partición de directorio. |
Der lokale Domänencontroller hat noch nie eine Vollsynchronisierung der
folgenden Verzeichnispartition abgeschlossen. Der lokale Domänencontroller
wird bei Clienten solange nicht durch den Domänencontroller-Locatordienst
angekündigt, bis dieser Vorgang beendet ist.
Der Versuch eine Vollsynchronisierung dieser Verzeichnispartition
durchzuführen, wird später erneut ausgeführt. |
Deze directory-server heeft de volgende mappartitie nog niet volledig gesynchroniseerd. Deze directory-server is nite beschikbaar voor clients totdat deze taak is voltooid.
Later zal opnieuw worden geprobeerd om deze mappartitie volledig te synchroniseren. |
Tento adresářový server dosud nedokončil úplnou synchronizaci následujícího oddílu adresáře. Dokud nebude tato úloha dokončena, nebude tento adresářový server k dispozici.
Oddíl adresáře:
Pokus dokončit úplnou synchronizace tohoto oddílu adresáře bude zopakován později. |
로컬 디렉터리 서버가 다음 디렉터리 파티션의 전체 동기화를 완료하지 못했습니다. 이 작업이 완료되기 전까지는 로컬 디렉터리 서버를 클라이언트에 알리지 않습니다.
디렉터리 파티션:
디렉터리 파티션의 전체 동기화를 다중에 다시 시도합니다. |
Questo server directory non ha completato una sincronizzazione completa della seguente partizione di directory. Questo server directory non sarà disponibile ai client finché non è stata completata questa operazione.
Partizione di directory:
La sincronizzazione completa di questa partizione di directory verrà ritentata in un secondo momento. |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to this directory service. This directory service will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source directory service with these options.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: The user has requested a full synchronization of the following directory partition from the source directory service.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
Internal event: An attempt to synchronize the following directory partition for the first time from the source directory service is progressing.
Directory partition:
Source directory service:
0x%3 |
已取消 Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務安裝。 |
A instalação dos Serviços LDS do Active Directory foi cancelada. |
已取消 Active Directory 轻型目录服务的安装。 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri yüklemesi iptal edildi. |
Installationen av Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services avbröts. |
Instalacja usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory została anulowana. |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások telepítése megszakadt. |
L’installation des services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) a été annulée. |
A instalação do Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services foi cancelada. |
Установка служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам прекращена. |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスのインストールは取り消されました。 |
Die Installation von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services wurde abgebrochen. |
De installatie van AD LDS is geannuleerd. |
Instalace služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) byla zrušena. |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services) 설치가 취소되었습니다. |
Se canceló la instalación de los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory. |
Installazione di Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services annullata. |
使用 SMTP 傳輸的站台間訊息服務已自動設定這個網域控制站的 SMTP 郵件收件資料夾,它可用於郵件複寫訊息。已選取下列資料夾以用於 SMTP 服務。
SMTP 郵件收件資料夾:
%1 |
O serviço de mensagens entre locais que utiliza o transporte SMTP configurou automaticamente uma pasta de entrega de correio SMTP para este controlador de domínio a utilizar para mensagens de replicação com base em correio. A seguinte pasta foi escolhida para utilização com o serviço SMTP.
Pasta de entrega de correio SMTP:
%1 |
使用 SMTP 传输的站点间消息服务已经自动配置了此域控制器的 SMTP 邮件投递文件夹以用于基于邮件的复制消息。选择了下列文件夹用于 SMTP 服务。
SMTP 邮件投递文件夹:
%1 |
SMTP taşıması kullanan Siteler Arası İleti Gönderme hizmeti, posta tabanlı çoğaltma iletilerini göndermek üzere, bu etki alanı denetleyicisi için otomatik olarak bir SMTP posta bırakma klasörü yapılandırdı. SMTP hizmetiyle kullanılmak üzere aşağıdaki klasör seçildi.
SMTP posta bırakma klasörü:
%1 |
Tjänsten Intersite Messaging som använder transporten SMTP har automatiskt konfigurerat en avlämningsmapp för inkommande e-post för den här domänkontrollanten. Denna mapp kan användas för e-postbaserade replikeringsmeddelanden. Följande mapp valdes för att användas av tjänsten SMTP.
Avlämningsmapp för SMTP-meddelanden:
%1 |
Usługa Komunikacja międzylokacyjna używająca transortu SMTP ma skonfigurowany automatycznie folder przechowywania poczty SMTP dla tego kontrolera domeny, używany dla wiadomości pocztowych replikacji. Do użytku z usługą SMTP został wybrany poniższy folder.
Folder przechowywania poczty SMTP:
%1 |
Az SMTP-átvitelt használó, helyközi üzenetküldő szolgáltatás a tartományvezérlőhöz automatikusan beállított egy SMTP típusú kézbesítési mappát a levélalapú replikációs üzenetek számára. Az alábbi mappa lett kiválasztva az SMTP szolgáltatás számára.
SMTP típusú kézbesítési mappa:
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Le service Messagerie intersite utilisant le transport SMTP a configuré automatiquement un dossier de dépôt de messagerie SMTP pour ce contrôleur de domaine afin d’y recevoir les messages de réplication. Le dossier suivant a été choisi pour être utilisé avec le service SMTP.
Dossier de dépôt de messages SMTP :
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O serviço de mensagens entre sites com transporte SMTP configurou automaticamente uma pasta de recebimento de mensagens do SMTP para que este controlador de domínio seja usado para mensagens de replicação baseadas em correio. A pasta a seguir foi escolhida para uso com o serviço SMTP.
Pasta de recebimento de mensagens do SMTP:
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Служба межсайтовой репликации через транспорт SMTP автоматически настроила использование папки входящей почты SMTP данного котроллера домена для репликации с использованием почтовой службы. Для использования службой SMTP выбрана следующая папка.
Папка входящей почты SMTP:
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SMTP トランスポートを使用しているサイト間メッセージング サービスには、メール ベースのレプリケーション メッセージのために使用する、自動的に構成された SMTP メール ドロップ フォルダがこのドメイン コントローラ用にあります。SMTP サービスで使用するために、次のフォルダが選択されました。
SMTP メール ドロップ フォルダ:
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El servicio de mensajería entre sitios que utiliza el protocolo de transporte SMTP ha autoconfigurado una carpeta de buzón de correo SMTP para este controlador de dominio y para utilizarla en los mensajes de replicación basados en correo. Se eligió usar la siguiente carpeta con el servicio SMTP.
Carpeta de buzón de correo SMTP:
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Der standortübergreifende Messagingdienst, der den SMTP-Transport verwendet, wurde automatisch dazu konfiguriert, einen SMTP-Mailablageordner für diesen Domänencontroller für mailbasierte Replikationsmeldungen zu verwenden. Der folgende Ordner wurde für die Verwendung mit dem SMTP-Dienst ausgewählt.
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De Intersite Messaging-service die gebruikmaakt van SMTP-transport heeft automatisch een doelmap voor SMTP-berichten geconfigureerd voor deze domeincontroller om te worden gebruikt voor op e-mail gebaseerde replicatieberichten. De volgende map is geconfigureerd voor gebruik met de SMTP-service.
Doelmap voor SMTP-berichten:
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Služba zasílání zpráv mezi lokalitami využívající přenos přes protokol SMTP automaticky nakonfigurovala poštovní složku SMTP pro tento řadič domény, která bude používána pro poštovní zprávy o replikacích. Pro použití se službou SMTP byla zvolena následující složka.
Poštovní složka SMTP:
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SMTP 전송을 사용하는 사이트 간 메시징 서비스가 이 도메인 컨트롤러의 SMTP 메일 드롭 폴더를 메일 기반 복제 메시지로 사용하도록 자동 구성했습니다. 다음 폴더가 SMTP 서비스에 사용되도록 선택되었습니다.
SMTP 메일 드롭 폴더:
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Il servizio Messaggistica tra siti (IMS) basato sul trasporto SMTP ha configurato automaticamente una cartella di ricezione posta SMTP per questo controller di dominio da utilizzare per i messaggi di replica basati su posta. È stata scelta la seguente cartella per l'utilizzo con il servizio SMTP.
Cartella di ricezione posta SMTP:
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Foram adicionados um ou mais atributos novos ao conjunto de atributos parcial para a seguinte partição de directório. Será efectuada uma sincronização completa a partir do controlador de domínio de origem no próximo ciclo de replicação.
Partição de directório:
Controlador de domínio de origem:
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Aşağıdaki dizin bölümünün kısmi öznitelik kümesine bir veya birkaç yeni öznitelik eklendi. Bir sonraki çoğaltma döngüsünde kaynak etki alanı denetleyicisinden tam bir eşitleme gerçekleştirilecek.
Dizin bölümü:
Kaynak etki alanı denetleyicisi:
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Minst ett nytt attribut har lagts till en den ofullständiga attributuppsättningen för följande katalogpartition. En fullständig synkronisering kommer att utföras från källdomänkontrollanten vid nästa replikeringscykel.
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Jeden lub kilka nowych atrybutów zostało dodanych do częściowego zestawu atrybutów set dla poniższej partycji katalogu. Zostanie wykonana pełna synchronizacja ze źródłowego kontrolera domeny podczas następnego cyklu replikacji.
Partycja katalogu:
Źródłowy kontroler domeny:
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Egy vagy több új attribútum lett az alábbi könyvtárpartíció részleges attribútumkészletéhez adva. A következő időszakos replikációs ciklusnál teljes szinkronizálás lesz végrehajtva a forrás-tartományvezérlőről.
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Un ou plusieurs nouveaux attributs ont été ajoutés à l’attribut partiel pour la partition d’annuaire suivante. Une synchronisation complète va être effectuée à partir du contrôleur de domaine source lors du prochain cycle de réplication.
Partition d’annuaire :
Contrôleur de domaine source :
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Um ou mais atributos novos foram adicionados ao conjunto de atributos parcial para a partição de diretório a seguir. Uma sincronização completa será realizada do controlador de domínio de origem no próximo ciclo de replicação.
Partição de diretório:
Controlador de domínio de origem:
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Один или несколько атрибутов добавлены в частичный набор атрибутов для следующего раздела каталога. В следующем цикле репликации будет выполнена полная синхронизация с исходным контроллером домена.
Раздел каталога:
Исходный контроллер домена:
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次のディレクトリ パーティションの部分的な属性セットに 1 つ以上の新しい属性が追加されました。次のレプリケーション サイクルで、ソース ドメイン コントローラから完全同期が実行されます。
ディレクトリ パーティション:
ソース ドメイン コントローラ:
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Uno o más atributos nuevos han sido agregados al grupo de atributos parcial para la siguiente partición de directorio. Se realizará una sincronización completa desde el controlador de dominio origen en el siguiente ciclo de sincronización.
Partición de directorio:
Controlador de dominio origen:
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Mindestens ein neues Attribut wurde dem Teilattributsatz der folgenden
Verzeichnispartition hinzugefügt. Eine Vollsynchronisierung wird vom
Quelldomänencontroller beim nächsten Replikationszyklus durchgeführt.
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Een of meer nieuwe kenmerken zijn toegevoegd aan de gedeeltelijke kenmerkset voor de volgende mappartitie. Een volledige synchronisatie met de brondomeincontroller wordt uitgevoerd in de volgende replicatiecyclus.
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Do neúplné sady atributů následujícího oddílu adresáře byl přidán jeden či více nových atributů. Úplná synchronizace ze zdrojového řadiče domény proběhne při dalším replikačním cyklu.
Oddíl adresáře:
Zdrojový řadič domény:
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다음 디렉터리 파티션의 부분 특성 세트에 두 개 이상의 새 특성이 추가되었습니다. 다음 동기화 사이클 때에 원본 도메인 컨트롤러로부터 전체 동기화가 수행됩니다.
디렉터리 파티션:
원본 도메인 컨트롤러:
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Sono stati aggiunti uno o più nuovi attributi al gruppo di attributi parziali per la seguente partizione di directory. Verrà eseguita una sincronizzazione completa dal controller di dominio di origine nel successivo ciclo di replica.
Partizione di directory:
Controller di dominio di origine:
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