Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
%1 |
O catálogo global não conseguiu localizar um parceiro de réplica para a replicação do
conjunto de atributos parcial para a seguinte partição de directório.%N
Partição de directório:
%1 |
%1 |
Genel katalog, aşağıdaki dizin bölümünün kısmi öznitelik kümesini
eşitlemek için çoğaltma ortağı bulamadı.%N
Dizin bölümü:
%1 |
Den globala katalogen har inte hittat någon replikeringspartner för replikering av
den ofullständiga attributuppsättningen för följande katalogpartition.%N
%1 |
Wykaz globalny nie może odnaleźć partnera replikacji w przypadku replikacji
częściowego zestawu atrybutów dla następującej partycji katalogu.%N
Partycja katalogu:
%1 |
A globális katalógus nem talált replikációs partnert az alábbi címtárpartíciórészleges attribútumkészletének replikálásához.%N
%1 |
Le catalogue global n’a pas trouvé de partenaire de réplica pour la réplication du
jeu d’attributs partiel pour la partition d’annuaire suivante.%N
Partition d’annuaire :
%1 |
Houve falha do catálogo global na localização de um parceiro de réplica para a replicação do
conjunto de atributos parcial para a partição de diretório a seguir.%N
Partição de diretório:
%1 |
Глобальному каталогу не удалось найти партнера репликации для репликации
частичного набора атрибутов следующего раздела каталога.%N
Раздел каталога:
%1 |
グローバル カタログは、次のディレクトリ パーティションの部分的な属性セットのレプリケーション
のためのレプリカ パートナーを見つけることができませんでした。%N
ディレクトリ パーティション:
%1 |
Error en el catálogo global al encontrar un asociado de replicación para la replicación del
grupo de atributos parcial de la siguiente partición de directorio.%N
Partición de directorio:
%1 |
Der globale Katalog hat keinen Replikationspartner für die Replikation
des Teilattributsatzes für die folgende Verzeichnispartition ermittelt.%N
%1 |
De globale catalogus heeft geen replicatiepartner gevonden voor replicatie van
de gedeeltelijke kenmerkset voor de volgende mappartitie.%N
%1 |
Globálnímu katalogu se nepodařilo vyhledat partnera pro replikaci
neúplné sady atributů pro následující oddíl adresáře.%N
Oddíl adresáře:
%1 |
글로벌 카탈로그가 다음 디렉터리 파티션에 대한 부분 특성 세트의
복제 파트너를 검색하지 못했습니다.%N
디렉터리 파티션:
%1 |
Il catalogo globale non è riuscito a trovare un partner di replica per replicare il
gruppo di attributi parziali per la seguente partizione di directory.%N
Partizione di directory:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog registered the following source domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog reset registration for the following source domain controller as a replication partner for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: The global catalog ignored a queue request for replication of the partial attribute set for the following directory partition from the following source domain controller. This operation is in progress.
Source domain controller:
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: An appropriate index to be used for virtual list views (VLV) sorted on an attribute was not found.
User Action
If this event continues to occur, consider creating a new VLV containerized index. |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: The type of a group object was changed to universal. A member value was updated so that it will replicate to the global catalog.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services updated the following attribute value on the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
本機網域控制站的 NTDS 設定物件上的功能等級已被提高。
%2 |
O nível de funcionalidade no objecto de definições de NTDS para o controlador de domínio local aumentou.
Nível de funcionalidade antigo:
Novo nível de funcionalidade:
%2 |
已经提升本地域控制器的NTDS 设置对象上的功能级别。
%2 |
Yerel etki alanı denetleyicisi NTDS Ayarları nesnesindeki işlev düzeyi yükseltildi.
Eski işlev düzeyi:
Yeni işlev düzeyi:
%2 |
Funktionalitetsnivån för objektet NTDS Settings för den lokala domänkontrollanten har höjts.
Tidigare funktionalitetsnivå:
Ny funktionalitetsnivå:
%2 |
Poziom funkcjonalności obiektu ustawień NTDS dla lokalnego kontrolera domeny został podniesiony.
Stary poziom funkcjonalności:
Nowy poziom funkcjonalności:
%2 |
A helyi tartományvezérlő NTFDS Settings objektumának működési szintjét a program megemelte.
Régi működési szint:
%1Új működési szint:
%2 |
Le niveau fonctionnel sur l’objet Paramètres NTDS du contrôleur de domaine local a été augmenté.
Ancien niveau fonctionnel :
Nouveau niveau fonctionnel :
%2 |
O nível funcional no objeto de Configurações NTDS para o controlador de domínio local foi elevado.
Nível funcional antigo:
Nível funcional novo:
%2 |
Режим работы объекта параметров NTDS локального контроллера домена повышен.
Старый режим работы:
Новый режим работы:
%2 |
ローカル ドメイン コントローラの NTDS 設定オブジェクトの機能レベルが上がりました。
%2 |
Se ha elevado el nivel funcional del objeto de configuración NTDS para el controlador de dominio local.
Nivel funcional antiguo:
Nuevo nivel funcional:
%2 |
Die Funktionsebene der NTDS-Einstellungsobjekte für den lokalen
Domänencontroller wurde heraufgestuft.
Alte Funktionsebene:
Neue Funktionsebene:
%2 |
Het functionaliteitsniveau van het object met NTDS-instellingen voor de lokale domeincontroller is verhoogd.
Oude functionaliteitsniveau:
Nieuwe functionaliteitsniveau:
%2 |
Funkční úroveň objektu NTDS Settings pro místní řadič domény byla zvýšena.
Stará funkční úroveň:
Nová funkční úroveň:
%2 |
로컬 도메인 컨트롤러에 대한 NTDS 설정 개체에 있는 기능 수준이 올라갔습니다.
이전 기능 수준:
새 기능 수준:
%2 |
È stato aumentato il livello funzionalità sull'oggetto Impostazioni NTDS per il controller di dominio locale.
Livello funzionalità precedente:
Nuovo livello funzionalità:
%2 |
%2 |
O serviço de directório já não está configurado para hospedar a seguinte partição do directório de aplicações. Esta partição do directório de aplicações deixou de ser replicada do serviço de directório no seguinte endereço de rede.
Partição do directório de aplicações:
Serviço de directório:
Endereço de rede:
%2 |
%2 |
Dizin hizmetinin yapılandırması, artık aşağıdaki uygulama dizini bölümünün barındırılmasına olanak vermiyor. Bu uygulama dizini bölümü artık aşağıdaki ağ adresindeki dizin hizmetinden çoğaltılmıyor.
Uygulama dizini bölümü:
Dizin Hizmeti:
Ağ adresi:
%2 |
Den lokala katalogtjänsten är inte längre konfigurerad för att vara värd för följande programkatalogpartition. Den här programkatalogpartitionen kommer inte längre att replikeras från katalogtjänsten vid följande nätverksadress.
%2 |
Usługa katalogowa nie jest już skonfigurowana do obsługi następującej partycji katalogu aplikacji. Ta partycja katalogu aplikacji nie jest już replikowana z usługi katalogowej pod podanym adresem sieciowym.
Partycja katalogu aplikacji:
Usługa katalogowa:
Adres sieciowy:
%2 |
A címtárszolgáltatás beállítását úgy módosították, hogy már nem ad helyet a következő alkalmazásspecifikus címtárpartíciónak, ezért ez a partíció nem replikálódik az alábbi hálózati című címtárszolgáltatásból:
alkalmazásspecifikus címtárpartíció:
Hálózati cím:
%2 |
Le service d’annuaire local n’est plus configuré pour héberger la partition d’annuaire d’applications suivante. Cette partition d’annuaire d’applications n’est plus répliquée depuis le service d’annuaire à l’adresse réseau suivante.
Partition d’annuaire d’applications :
Service d’annuaire :
Adresse réseau :
%2 |
O serviço de diretório não está mais configurado para hospedar a partição de diretório de aplicativos a seguir. Esta partição de diretório de aplicativos não está mais replicada no serviço de diretório no endereço de rede a seguir.
Partição de diretório de aplicativos:
Serviço de diretório:
Endereço de rede:
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Этот сервер службы каталогов больше не настроен на хранение следующего раздела каталога приложений. Этот раздел каталога приложений теперь не реплицируется с сервера службы каталогов по следующему сетевому адресу.
Раздел каталога приложений:
Сервер службы каталогов:
Сетевой адрес:
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ディレクトリ サービスは、次のアプリケーション ディレクトリ パーティションをホストする構成ではなくなりました。このアプリケーション ディレクトリ パーティションは、次のネットワーク アドレスのディレクトリ サービスからレプリケートされなくなりました。
アプリケーション ディレクトリ パーティション:
ディレクトリ サービス:
ネットワーク アドレス:
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El servicio de directorio ya no está configurado para hospedar la siguiente partición de directorio de aplicaciones. Esta partición de directorio de aplicaciones ya no se replica desde el servicio de directorio en la siguiente dirección de red.
partición de directorio de aplicaciones:
Controlador de dominio:
Dirección de red:
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Der lokale Domänencontroller ist nicht mehr als Host der folgenden
Anwendungsverzeichnispartition konfiguriert. Diese
Anwendungsverzeichnispartition wird nicht mehr vom Domänencontroller
der folgenden Netzwerkadresse repliziert.
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De directoryservice is niet meer als host van de volgende toepassingsmappartitie geconfigureerd. Deze toepassingsmappartitie wordt niet meer op het volgende netwerkadres vanaf de directoryservice gerepliceerd.
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Adresářová služba již není nakonfigurována jako hostitel následujícího oddílu adresáře aplikace. Tento oddíl adresáře aplikace již není replikován z adresářové služby na následující síťové adrese.
Oddíl adresáře aplikace:
Adresářová služba:
Síťová adresa:
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디렉터리 서비스가 더 이상 다음 응용 프로그램 디렉터리 파티션을 호스팅하도록 구성되어 있지 않습니다. 이 응용 프로그램 디렉터리 파티션은 다음 네트워크 주소의 디렉터리 서비스로부터 더 이상 복제되지 않습니다.
응용 프로그램 디렉터리 파티션:
디렉터리 서비스:
네트워크 주소:
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Il servizio directory locale non è più configurato per l'hosting della seguente partizione di directory applicativa. La partizione di directory applicativa non viene più replicata dal servizio directory al seguente indirizzo di rete.
Partizione di directory applicativa:
Servizio directory:
Indirizzo di rete:
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