Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務的陰影複製備份成功。 |
A cópia de segurança da cópia sombra dos Serviços LDS do Active Directory foi concluída com êxito. |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务的卷影副本备份成功。 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri gölge kopya yedekleme işlemi başarılı oldu. |
Skuggkopieringen för Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services har slutförts. |
Pomyślnie wykonano kopię zapasową kopii w tle usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory. |
Sikerült az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások árnyékmásolatának elkészítése. |
La sauvegarde du cliché instantané pour les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) a réussi. |
Êxito ao fazer o backup de cópia de sombra para o Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. |
Архивация теневой копии служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам успешно выполнена. |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスのシャドウ コピー バックアップは成功しました。 |
La copia de seguridad de la instantánea de los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory se realizó correctamente. |
Die Sicherung der Schattenkopie für Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services war erfolgreich. |
Er is een schaduwkopie gemaakt van Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. |
Zálohování stínové kopie služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) bylo úspěšné. |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services) 섀도 복사본을 백업했습니다. |
Backup della copia shadow per Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completato. |
Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務陰影複製還原成功。 |
O restauro da cópia sombra dos Serviços LDS do Active Directory foi concluído com êxito. |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务的卷影副本还原成功。 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri gölge kopya geri yükleme işlemi başarılı oldu. |
Återställning av skuggkopian av Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services har slutförts. |
Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory pomyślnie przywróciły kopię w tle. |
Sikerült az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások árnyékmásolatának visszaállítása. |
La restauration du cliché instantané pour les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) a réussi. |
Êxito na restauração da cópia de sombra do Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. |
Теневая копия служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам успешно восстановлена. |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービス シャドウ コピーの復元は成功しました。 |
La restauración de la instantánea de los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory se realizó correctamente. |
Die Wiederherstellung der Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services-Schattenkopie war erfolgreich. |
De schaduwkopie van Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is teruggezet. |
Obnovení stínové kopie služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) bylo úspěšné. |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services) 섀도 복사본을 복원했습니다. |
Ripristino della copia shadow di Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completato. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) has added a replication link for a read-only directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
directory service:
%2 |
這可能會延遲通用類別目錄的升級,但同步處理將會繼續執行。 |
O controlador de domínio não concluiu uma sincronização inicial de todas as partições de directório só de leitura nele existentes.
Isto poderá atrasar a promoção do catálogo global mas as sincronizações continuarão. |
这可能延迟全局编录升级,但同步将继续。 |
Etki alanı denetleyicisi, içerdiği salt okunur dizin bölümlerinin tümünün ilk eşitlemesini tamamlamadı.
Bu durum genel katalog yükseltmesini geciktirebilir, ancak eşitlemeler devam edecek. |
Domänkontrollanten har inte slutfört en inledande synkronisering av varje skrivskyddad katalogpartition som den är värd för.
Detta kan fördröja befordran till global katalog men synkroniseringen kommer att fortsätta. |
Kontroler domeny nie ukończył wstępnej synchronizacji każdej partycji katalogu tylko do odczytu.
Może to opóźnić podniesienie poziomu do wykazu globalnego, ale synchronizacje będą kontynuowane. |
A tartományvezérlő nem fejezte be az általa tárolt összes írásvédett címtárpartíció kezdeti szinkronizálását.
Emiatt késhet ugyan a globális katalógussá történő előléptetés, de a szinkronizálás folytatódik. |
Le contrôleur de domaine n’a pas terminé la synchronisation partielle de toutes les partitions d’annuaire en lecture seule qu’il contient.
Ceci pourrait retarder la promotion du catalogue global, mais les synchronisations se poursuivront. |
O controlador de domínio não concluiu uma sincronização inicial de todas as partições de diretório somente leitura que mantém.
Isto poderia atrasar a promoção do catálogo global mas as sincronizações continuarão. |
Контроллер домена не выполнил начальную синхронизацию всех хранящихся на нем доступных только для чтения разделов каталога.
Это отложит повышение роли до глобального каталога, но синхронизация будет продолжена. |
ドメイン コントローラは、保持している読み取り専用ディレクトリ パーティションすべての初期同期を完了していません。
これによりグローバル カタログへの昇格が遅れる可能性がありますが、同期は続行されます。 |
El controlador de dominio no completó una sincronización inicial de todas las particiones del directorio de sólo lectura que contiene.
Esto podría retrasar la promoción de catálogo global pero las sincronizaciones continuarán. |
Der Domänencontroller hat die erste Synchronisierung aller enthaltenen schreibgeschützten Verzeichnispartitionen nicht abgeschlossen.
Dies kann die Heraufstufung zum globalen Katalog verzögern, aber die Synchronisierung wird fortgesetzt. |
De initiële synchronisatie van alle alleen leesbare mappartities op de domeincontroller is nog niet voltooid.
De promotie tot globale catalogus kan hierdoor vertraging oplopen, maar de synchronisatie wordt wel voortgezet. |
Řadič domény nedokončil počáteční synchronizaci všech oddílů adresáře určených pouze ke čtení, které obsahuje.
To může vést k opoždění povýšení na globální katalog, ale synchronizace bude pokračovat. |
도메인 컨트롤러가 도메인 컨트롤러에 있는 모든 읽기 전용 디렉터리 파티션의 초기 동기화 작업을 완료하지 않았습니다.
해당 이유로 글로벌 카탈로그로 수준을 올리는 것은 지연될 수 있으나 동기화 작업은 계속 진행됩니다. |
Il controller di dominio non ha completato la sincronizzazione iniziale di tutte le partizioni di sola lettura che contiene.
L'innalzamento di livello a catalogo globale potrà essere ritardata ma la sincronizzazione continuerà. |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was removed from the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was added to the subRef attribute on its parent object.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Calling site:
%3 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be deleted. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: The following crossRef object will be added. The directory partition is being processed as an automatic subordinate reference.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Additional Data
Error value:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed running the script.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務已開始移除本機網域控制站上的延遲物件。這個網域控制站上的所有物件都會在下列來源網域控制站中進行實體存在確認。
會刪除已在來源網域控制站上刪除及進行廢棄項目收集,但仍存在於這個網域控制站中的物件。後續的事件日誌項目會列出所有刪除的物件。 |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务已经开始删除本地域控制器上的延迟对象。将在下列源域控制器上验证此域控制器上的所有对象是否存在。
已经在源域控制器上删除并被垃圾收集但仍然存在于此域控制器上的对象将被删除。随后的事件日志项将列出所有删除的对象。 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services har börjat ta bort kvarvarande objekt på den lokala domänkontrollanten. Processen kommer att kontrollera att alla objekt på den här domänkontrollanten finns på följande källdomänkontrollant.
Objekt som har tagits bort och skräpinsamlats på källdomänkontrollanten som fortfarande finns på den här domänkontrollanten kommer att tas bort. Ytterligare loggmeddelanden visar vilka objekt som tas bort. |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások megkezdte a helyi tartományvezérlőn fennmaradó objektumok eltávolítását. Az e tartományvezérlőn lévő összes objektum létezését ellenőrzi az alábbi tartományvezérlőn:
A program törli a forrás-tartományvezérlőről törölt és szemétgyűjtéskor eltávolított, de ezen a tartományvezérlőn még meglévő objektumokat. Az eseménynapló ezt követő bejegyzései felsorolják az összes törölt objektumot. |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、ローカル ドメイン コントローラ上にある残留オブジェクトの削除を開始しました。このドメイン コントローラ上のオブジェクトすべてについて、次のソース ドメイン コントローラ上での存在が確認されます。
ソース ドメイン コントローラ:
ソース ドメイン コントローラで削除されてガベージ コレクトされてもこのドメイン コントローラにまだ存在するオブジェクトは削除されます。次のイベント ログ エントリには削除されたオブジェクトがすべて一覧されます。 |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)에서 로컬 도메인 컨트롤러에 있는 느린 개체를 제거하기 시작했습니다. 이 도메인 컨트롤러의 모든 개체에 대해 개체의 존재가 다음 원본 도메인 컨트롤러에서 확인됩니다.
원본 도메인 컨트롤러:
원본 도메인 컨트롤러에서 삭제되고 가비지 수집되었지만 아직 이 도메인 컨트롤러에 존재하는 개체가 삭제됩니다. 후속 이벤트 로그 항목에서 삭제된 모든 개체가 나열됩니다. |