Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務已在諮詢模式下,識別本機網域控制站上的下列延遲物件。物件已在下列來源網域控制站上進行刪除及進行廢棄項目收集,但仍存在於本機網域控制站上。
物件 GUID:
%3 |
Os Serviços LDS do Active Directory identificaram o seguinte objecto caducado persistente no controlador de domínio local no modo de aconselhamento. O objecto foi eliminado e libertado da memória no seguinte controlador de domínio de origem e que, mesmo assim, existe no controlador de domínio local.
GUID do objecto:
Controlador de domínio de origem:
%3 |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务已经以顾问模式识别出本地域控制器上的下列延迟对象。此对象已经在下列源域控制器上被删除并被垃圾收集,但仍然存在于本地域控制器上。
对象 GUID:
%3 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri danışma modunda yerel etki alanı denetleyicisinde aşağıdaki kalan nesneyi belirledi. Nesne aşağıdaki kaynak etki alanı denetleyicisinde silindiği ve atık olarak toplandığı halde, hala yerel etki alanı denetleyicisinde bulunuyor.
Nesne GUID'si:
Kaynak etki alanı denetleyicisi:
%3 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services har identifierat följande kvarvarande objekt i rådgivande läge på den lokala domänkontrollanten. Objektet har tagits bort och skräpinsamlats på följande källdomänkontrollant men finns fortfarande på den lokala domänkontrollanten.
Objektets GUID:
%3 |
Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory zidentyfikowały w trybie doradczym następujący obiekt pokutujący na lokalnym kontrolerze domeny. Obiekt został usunięty i objęty działaniem funkcji usuwania elementów bezużytecznych na poniższym źródłowym kontrolerze domeny, jednak nadal istnieje na lokalnym kontrolerze domeny.
Identyfikator GUID obiektu:
Źródłowy kontroler domeny:
%3 |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások vizsgálati üzemmódban azonosította a helyi tartományvezérlőn fennmaradó alábbi objektumot. Ez a forrás-tartományvezérlőről törölt és szemétgyűjtéskor eltávolított, de ezen a tartományvezérlőn még meglévő objektum.
%3 |
Les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) ont identifié l’objet en attente suivant sur le contrôleur de domaine local en mode conseil. L’objet a été supprimé et nettoyé de la mémoire sur le contrôleur de domaine source suivant, mais il existe toujours sur le contrôleur de domaine local.
Objet :
GUID de l’objet :
Contrôleur de domaine source :
%3 |
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services identificou o seguinte objeto remanescente no controlador de domínio local no modo de supervisão. O objeto foi excluído e o lixo coletado no seguinte controlador de domínio de origem, mas ainda existe no controlador de domínio local.
GUID de objeto:
Controlador de domínio de origem:
%3 |
Следующий устаревший объект идентифицирован службами Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам на локальном контроллере домена. Этот объект был удален и собран как мусор на следующем исходном контроллере домена, но все еще существует на локальном контроллере домена.
GUID объекта:
Исходный контроллер домена:
%3 |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、ローカル ドメイン コントローラ上にある次の残留オブジェクトを勧告モードで識別しました。このオブジェクトは、次のソース ドメイン コントローラで削除されてガベージ コレクトされてもローカル ドメイン コントローラに存在しています。
オブジェクト GUID:
ソース ドメイン コントローラ:
%3 |
Los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory identificaron el siguiente objeto persistente en el controlador de dominio local en modo de asesoría. El objeto se eliminó y recopiló durante la recopilación de elementos no utilizados en el siguiente controlador de dominio de origen, pero aún existe en el controlador de dominio local.
GUID del objeto:
Controlador de dominio de origen:
%3 |
Das folgende veraltete Objekt auf dem lokalen Domänencontroller wurde im Beratungsmodus identifiziert. Das Objekt wurde auf dem folgenden Quelldomänencontroller gelöscht und in die Sammlung veralteter Objekte aufgenommen, ist jedoch noch auf dem lokalen Domänencontroller vorhanden.
%3 |
In de adviesmodus van AD LDS is het volgende achtergebleven object op de lokale domeincontroller gevonden. Het object is verwijderd en aan de garbage collection toegevoegd op de volgende brondomeincontroller, maar is nog aanwezig op de lokale domeincontroller.
%3 |
Služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) identifikovala následující přetrvávající odstraněný objekt v potvrzovacím režimu místního řadiče domény. Objekt byl odstraněn a byla mu uvolněna paměť v následujícím zdrojovém řadiči domény, ale stále existuje v místním řadiči domény.
Identifikátor GUID objektu:
Zdrojový řadič domény:
%3 |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 보고 모드에서 로컬 도메인 컨트롤러에 있는 다음 느린 개체를 확인했습니다. 해당 개체는 다음 원본 도메인 컨트롤러에서 삭제되고 가비지 수집되었지만 로컬 도메인 컨트롤러에는 존재합니다.
개체 GUID:
원본 도메인 컨트롤러:
%3 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services: è stato identificato l'oggetto residuo seguente nel controller di dominio locale in modalità advisory. L'oggetto è stato eliminato e sottoposto a Garbage Collection nel controller di dominio di origine indicato ed è ancora presente nel controller di dominio locale.
GUID oggetto:
Controller di dominio di origine:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services used connection object 2 instead of connection object 1.
Connection object 1:
Connection object 2:
Connection object 1 was not prepared and, therefore, was superceded by connection object 2. |
安全性描述元傳播程式已開始一個完整的傳播 |
O propagador de descritor de segurança iniciou uma fase de propagação completa |
安全描述符传播程序已经开始一次完整的传播。 |
Güvenlik tanımlayıcı yayıcısı, tam bir yayma geçişi başlattı |
Aktiviteten för spridning av säkerhetsbeskrivare har påbörjat ett spridningspass |
Propagator deskryptora zabezpieczeń rozpoczął pełne przejście propagacji. |
A biztonsági leíró terjesztője teljes terjesztést indított |
Le propagateur de descripteurs de sécurité a lancé une passe de propagation complète |
O propagador do descritor de segurança iniciou uma passagem de propagação cheia |
Службой распространения дескрипторов безопасности начат полный цикл распространения |
セキュリティ記述子伝達子は、完全な伝達パスを開始しました |
El propagador de descriptores de seguridad inició una fase de propagación completa |
Der Sicherheitsbeschreibungspropagierer hat einen vollständigen Propagierungsdurchgang gestartet |
De taak voor doorgifte van alle security descriptoren is gestart. |
Šiřitel popisovače zabezpečení zahájil úplné předání šíření. |
보안 설명자 전파자가 전체 전파 전달을 시작했습니다. |
Il propagatore dei descrittori di protezione ha avviato un passaggio di propagazione completo |
安全性描述元傳播程式已完成一個完整的傳播。 |
O propagador de descritor de segurança concluiu uma fase de propagação completa. |
安全描述符传播程序已经完成了一次完整的传播。 |
Güvenlik tanımlayıcı yayıcısı, tam bir yayma geçişini tamamladı. |
Aktiviteten för spridning av säkerhetsbeskrivare har slutfört ett spridningspass. |
Propagator deskryptora zabezpieczeń ukończył pełne przejście propagacji. |
A biztonsági leíró terjesztője befejezte a teljes terjesztést. |
Le propagateur de descripteurs de sécurité a terminé la passe de propagation complète. |
O propagador do descritor de segurança concluiu uma passagem de propagação cheia |
Службой распространения дескрипторов безопасности завершен полный цикл распространения. |
セキュリティ記述子伝達子は、完全な伝達パスを完了しました。 |
El propagador de descriptores de seguridad completó una fase de propagación completa. |
Der Sicherheitsbeschreibungspropagierer hat einen vollständigen Propagierungsdurchgang abgeschlossen. |
De taak voor doorgifte van alle security descriptoren is voltooid. |
Šiřitel popisovače zabezpečení dokončil úplné předání šíření. |
보안 설명자 전파자가 전체 전파 전달을 완료했습니다. |
Il propagatore dei descrittori di protezione ha completato un passaggio di propagazione. |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: The following directory partition was deleted.
Directory partition DN:
Directory partition GUID:
Name changed (0 or 1):
Garbage collect immediate (0 or 1):
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%5 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object.
CrossRef object:
Partition name:
%3 |
Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務正在初始化還原的資料庫檔案。這可能需要數分鐘時間。 |
Os Serviços LDS do Active Directory estão a inicializar os ficheiros de base de dados restaurados. Este procedimento poderá demorar vários minutos. |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务正在初始化还原的数据库文件。这可能需要几分钟。 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri geri yüklenen veritabanı dosyalarını başlatıyor. Bu işlem birkaç dakika sürebilir. |
De återställda databasfilerna initieras. Detta kan ta flera minuter. |
Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory inicjują przywrócone pliki bazy danych. Może to potrwać kilka minut. |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások inicializálja a visszaállított adatbázisfájlokat. Ez eltarthat néhány percig. |
Les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) initialisent les fichiers de la base de données restaurée. Cette opération peut durer plusieurs minutes. |
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services está inicializando os arquivos restaurados do banco de dados. Isto pode levar alguns minutos. |
Cлужбы Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам инициализируют восстановленные файлы базы данных. Это может занять несколько минут. |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、復元されたデータベース ファイルを初期化しています。この処理には数分かかることがあります。 |
Los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory están inicializando los archivos de base de datos restaurados. Esta operación puede tardar varios minutos. |
Die wiederhergestellten Datenbankdateien wurden von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services initialisiert. Dies kann einige Minuten in Anspruch nehmen. |
De teruggezette databasebestanden van AD LDS worden geïnitialiseerd. Dit kan enkele minuten duren. |
Služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) inicializuje obnovené databázové soubory. To může trvat několik minut. |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 복원된 데이터베이스 파일을 초기화하는 중입니다. 이 작업에 몇 분 정도 걸릴 수 있습니다. |
Inizializzazione dei file del database ripristinati di Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services in corso. Questo processo può richiedere alcuni minuti. |
配置的空間 (MB):
可用空間 (MB):
這樣可能可增加 Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務資料庫上的可用空間。
請考慮離線重組資料庫,以重新回收 Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務資料庫中可用的空間。 |
O propagador de descritor de segurança concluiu uma fase de propagação completa.
Espaço atribuído (MB):
Espaço disponível (MB):
Desta forma, poderá ter sido aumentado o espaço disponível na base de dados dos Serviços LDS do Active Directory.
Acção do Utilizador
Considere a desfragmentação da base de dados em offline para recuperar o espaço disponível na base de dados dos Serviços LDS do Active Directory. |
这可能会增加 Active Directory 轻型目录服务数据库中的可用空间。
考虑脱机进行数据库碎片整理以回收 Active Directory 轻型目录服务数据库中的可用空间。 |
Güvenlik tanımlayıcı yayıcısı, tam bir yayma geçişini tamamladı.
Ayrılan alan (MB):
Boş alan (MB):
Bu işlem Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri veritabanındaki boş alanı artırabilir.
Kullanıcı Eylemi
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri veritabanında kullanılabilir boş alan elde etmek için veritabanını çevrimdışı olarak birleştirmeyi deneyin. |
Aktiviteten för spridning av säkerhetsbeskrivare har ett spridningspass.
Allokerat diskutrymme i MB:
Ledigt diskutrymme i MB:
Detta kan ha ökat mängden ledigt utrymme i Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services-databasen.
Du kan välja att defragmentera databasen i offlineläge för att återvinna det utrymme som kan ha frigjorts i Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services-databasen. |
Propagator deskryptora zabezpieczeń ukończył pełne przejście propagacji.
Przydzielone miejsce (MB):
Wolne miejsce (MB):
Mogło to zwiększyć ilość wolnego miejsca w bazie danych usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory.
Akcja użytkownika
Rozważ defragmentację bazy danych w trybie offline w celu odzyskania wolnego miejsca, które może być dostępne w bazie danych usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory. |
A biztonsági leíró terjesztője befejezte a teljes terjesztést.
Lefoglalt terület (MB):
Szabad terület (MB):
Lehetséges, hogy ez a művelet növelte a szabad területet az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások adatbázisában.
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások adatbázisában esetleg meglévő szabad terület visszanyeréséhez próbálkozzon az adatbázis offline módban való töredezettségmentesítésével. |
O propagador do descritor de segurança concluiu uma passagem de propagação cheia.
Espaço alocado (MB):
Espaço livre (MB):
Isto pode ter aumentado o espaço livre no banco de dados do Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Ação do Usuário
Desfragmente o banco de dados offline para recuperar o espaço livre que pode estar disponível no banco de dados do Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. |
Службой распространения дескрипторов безопасности завершен полный цикл распространения.
Выделенное пространство (МБ):
Свободное пространство (МБ):
Это могло увеличить свободное место в базе данных служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам.
Действия пользователя
Попробуйте дефрагментировать базу данных в автономном режиме, чтобы освободить место, которое не используется в базе данных служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам. |
割り当てられた領域 (MB):
空き領域 (MB):
これにより、Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービス データベースの空き領域が増えた可能性があります。
データベース オフラインを最適化し、Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービス データベースで利用できる可能性のある空き領域を増やすことを検討してください。 |
De taak voor doorgifte van alle security descriptors is voltooid.
Toegewezen ruimte (MB):
Vrije ruimte (MB):
Mogelijk is er extra ruimte vrijgekomen in de AD LDS-database.
Het kan verstandig zijn de database offline te defragmenteren zodat u de eventueel vrijgekomen ruimte in de AD LDS-database kunt benutten. |
Šiřitel popisovače zabezpečení dokončil úplné předání šíření.
Přidělené místo (MB):
Volné místo (MB):
Tím mohlo dojít ke zvětšení volného místa v databázi služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services).
Akce uživatele
Defragmentací databáze v offline režimu uvolněte volné místo, které může být k dispozici v databázi služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services). |
보안 설명자 전파자가 전체 전파 전달 작업을 완료했습니다.
할당된 공간(MB):
빈 공간(MB):
그 결과로 Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services) 데이터베이스의 빈 공간이 늘어났을 수도 있습니다.
사용자 작업
오프라인에서 데이터베이스를 조각 모음하여 Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services) 데이터베이스에 사용할 수 있는 빈 공간을 확보하십시오. |
Il propagatore dei descrittori di protezione ha concluso un passaggio di propagazione completo.
Spazio allocato (MB):
Spazio disponibile (MB):
Lo spazio disponibile nel database di Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services potrebbe essere aumentato.
Azione utenteÈ possibile eseguire la deframmentazione del database non in linea per recuperare spazio disponibile nel database di Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. |
Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務已將這個網域的網域功能等級提高為和目前的樹系功能等級相容。
%3 |
Os Serviços LDS do Active Directory aumentaram o nível de funcionalidade do domínio para que este domínio seja compatível com o nível de funcionalidade da floresta actual.
Nível de funcionalidade da floresta actual:
Nível de funcionalidade do domínio anterior:
Nível de funcionalidade do domínio actual:
%3 |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务已经提升了此域的域功能级别,以便与当前的林功能级别兼容。
%3 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri, bu etki alanının etki alanı işlev düzeyini geçerli orman işlev düzeyi ile uyumlu olacak şekilde yükseltti.
Etki alanı:
Geçerli orman işlev düzeyi:
%3Önceki etki alanı işlev düzeyi:
Geçerli etki alanı işlev düzeyi:
%3 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services har ökat den här domänens funktionalitetsnivå så att den är kompatibel med skogens aktuella funktionalitetsnivå.
Skogens aktuella funktionalitetsnivå:
Domänens tidigare funktionalitetsnivå:
Domänens aktuella funktionalitetsnivå:
%3 |
Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory podniosły poziom funkcjonalności tej domeny w celu zapewnienia zgodności z bieżącym poziomem funkcjonalności lasu.
Bieżący poziom funkcjonalności lasu:
Poprzedni poziom funkcjonalności domeny:
Bieżący poziom funkcjonalności domeny:
%3 |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások megemelte a tartomány működési szintjét, hogy kompatibilis legyen az erdő aktuális működési szintjével.
Az erdő aktuális működési szintje:
A tartomány előző működési szintje:
A tartomány aktuális működési szintje:
%3 |
Les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) ont élevé le niveau fonctionnel du domaine pour qu’il soit compatible avec le niveau fonctionnel actuel de la forêt.
Domaine :
Niveau fonctionnel actuel de la forêt :
Niveau fonctionnel précédent du domaine :
Niveau fonctionnel actuel du domaine :
%3 |
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services elevou o nível funcional do domínio para que este domínio seja compatível com o nível funcional da floresta atual.
Nível funcional da floresta atual:
Nível funcional do domínio anterior:
Nível funcional do domínio atual:
%3 |
Для совместимости с текущим режимом работы леса режим работы этого домена повышен службами Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам.
Текущий режим работы леса:
Предыдущий режим работы домена:
Текущий режим работы домена:
%3 |
Los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory aumentaron el nivel funcional de este dominio para que sea compatible con el nivel funcional actual del bosque.
Nivel funcional actual del bosque:
Nivel funcional anterior del dominio:
Nivel funcional actual del dominio:
%3 |
Die Domänenfunktionsebene für diese Domäne wurde so angehoben, dass sie mit der aktuellen Gesamtstrukturfunktionsebene kompatibel ist.
Aktuelle Gesamtstrukturfunktionsebene:
Vorherige Domänenfunktionsebene:
Aktuelle Domänenfunktionsebene:
%3 |
AD LDS heeft het domeinfunctionaliteitsniveau van dit domein verhoogd en compatibel gemaakt met het huidige forest-functionaliteitsniveau.
Huidig forest-functionaliteitsniveau:
Vorig domeinfunctionaliteitsniveau:
Huidig domeinfunctionaliteitsniveau:
%3 |
Služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) zvýšila funkční úroveň této domény, aby byla kompatibilní s aktuální funkční úrovní doménové struktury.
Aktuální funkční úroveň doménové struktury:
Předchozí funkční úroveň domény:
Aktuální funkční úroveň domény:
%3 |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 현재 포리스트의 기능 수준과 호환되도록 이 도메인의 도메인 기능 수준을 올렸습니다.
현재 포리스트 기능 수준:
이전 도메인 기능 수준:
현재 도메인 기능 수준:
%3 |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、現在のフォレストの機能レベルと互換性を持たせるためにこのドメインの機能レベルを上げました。
%3 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services: il livello di funzionalità del dominio è stato aumentato per renderlo compatibile con il livello di funzionalità corrente della foresta.
Livello di funzionalità corrente della foresta:
Livello di funzionalità precedente del dominio:
Livello di funzionalità corrente del dominio:
%3 |
Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務無法配置足夠的記憶體,來移除應用程式目錄分割 %1。請嘗試以手動方式移除應用程式目錄分割。 |
Os Serviços LDS do Active Directory não conseguiram atribuir memória suficiente para remover a partição do directório de aplicações %1. Tente remover a partição do directório de aplicações manualmente. |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务无法分配足够的内存以删除应用程序目录分区 %1。请尝试手动删除应用程序目录分区。 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri %1 uygulama dizini bölümünü kaldırmak için yeterli bellek ayıramadı. Uygulama dizini bölümünü el ile kaldırmayı deneyin. |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services kunde inte allokera tillräckligt mycket minne för att ta bort programkatalogpartitionen %1. Försök ta bort programkatalogpartitionen manuellt. |
Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą przydzielić wystarczającej ilości pamięci do usunięcia partycji katalogu aplikacji %1. Spróbuj usunąć partycję katalogu aplikacji ręcznie. |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások nem tudott elegendő memóriát lefoglalni az alkalmazásspecifikus címtárpartíció (%1) eltávolításához. Próbálkozzon a partíció kézi eltávolításával. |
Les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) n’ont pas pu allouer assez de mémoire pour supprimer la partition d’annuaire d’applications %1. Tentez de supprimer manuellement la partition d’annuaire d’applications. |
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services não pôde alocar memória suficiente para remover a partição de diretório do aplicativo %1. Tente remover a partição de diretório do aplicativo manualmente. |
Службам Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам не удается выделить достаточно памяти для удаления раздела каталога приложений %1. Попробуйте вручную удалить раздел каталога приложений. |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、アプリケーション ディレクトリ パーティション %1 を削除するのに必要なメモリを割り当てられませんでした。アプリケーション ディレクトリ パーティションを手動で削除してみてください。 |
Los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory no pudieron asignar memoria suficiente para quitar la partición de directorio de aplicaciones %1. Intente quitarla manualmente. |
Von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services konnte nicht genügend Speicherplatz zugeordnet werden, um die Anwendungspartition %1 zu entfernen. Entfernen Sie die Anwendungspartition manuell. |
Er kan in AD LDS niet voldoende geheugen worden toegewezen voor verwijdering van de toepassingspartitie %1. Probeer de toepassingspartitie handmatig te verwijderen. |
Služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) nepřidělila dostatek paměti k odebrání oddílu adresáře aplikace %1. Pokuste se oddíl adresáře aplikace odebrat ručně. |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 응용 프로그램 디렉터리 파티션 %1을(를) 제거하는 데 필요한 충분한 메모리를 할당하지 못했습니다. 응용 프로그램 디렉터리 파티션을 수동으로 제거해 보십시오. |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services: impossibile allocare memoria sufficiente per rimuovere la partizione di directory applicativa %1. Provare a rimuovere la partizione di directory applicativa manualmente. |