Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to initialize the removal process.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Directory partition:
Helper DSA GUID:
%3 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 %2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters.
Helper DSA GUID:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services completed the request to uninstall this instance.
Additional Data
Operations Done: %1
Failed Operation: %2
Error value:
%3 %4 |
使用者動作:如果此目錄服務一直存在於服務控制管理員或事件日誌中,嘗試執行 adamuninstall 並用 /force 選項。 |
O serviço de directório iniciou uma desinstalação.
Acção do utilizador:Se este serviço de directório permanecer no 'Gestor de controlo de serviços' ou no 'Registo de eventos', tente executar o comando adamuninstall com a opção /force. |
用户操作:如果此目录服务仍然留在服务控制管理器或事件日志里,请尝试用 /force 选项运行 adamuninstall。 |
Dizin hizmeti bir yüklemeyi kaldırmaya başladı.
Kullanıcı Eylemi:Bu dizin hizmeti Hizmet Denetim Yöneticisi'nde veya Olay Günlüğü'nde kalırsa, adamuninstall komutunu /force seçeneğiyle çalıştırmayı deneyin. |
Katalogtjänsten har börjat avinstalleras.
Användaråtgärd:Om den här katalogtjänsten fortfarande syns i tjänstkontrollhanteraren och/eller i loggboken kan du köra kommandot adamuninstall med alternativet /force. |
Usługa katalogowa rozpoczęła dezinstalację.
Akcja użytkownika:Jeśli ta usługa katalogowa wciąż występuje w Menedżerze sterowania usługą lub w Dzienniku zdarzeń, spróbuj uruchomić program adamuninstall z opcją /force. |
A címtárszolgáltatás megkezdte az eltávolítást.
Felhasználói művelet:Ha ez a címtárszolgáltatás a szolgáltatáskezelőben vagy az eseménynaplóban marad, futtassa az adamuninstall parancsot a /force kapcsolóval. |
Le service d’annuaire a commencé une désinstallation.
Action utilisateur :Si ce service d’annuaire est toujours présent dans le Gestionnaire de contrôle de service ou le journal des événements, essayez d’exécuter adamuninstall avec l’option /force. |
O serviço de diretório começou uma desinstalação.
Ação do Usuário:Se este serviço de diretório permanecer no Gerenciador de Controle de Serviço ou Log de Eventos, tente executar adamuninstall com a opção /force. |
Служба каталогов начала процесс отмены установки.
Действие пользователя:Если эта служба каталогов остается в диспетчере управления службами или в журнале событий, попробуйте выполнить команду "adamuninstall" с параметром "/force". |
ディレクトリ サービスでアンインストールを開始しました。
ユーザー操作:このディレクトリ サービスがサービス コントロール マネージャかイベント ログに残った場合は、/force オプションをつけて adamuninstall を実行してください。 |
El servicio de directorio ha comenzado una desinstalación.
Acción del usuario:Si este servicio de directorio permanece en el administrador de control de servicios o en el registro de eventos, ejecute adamuninstall con la opción /force. |
Die Deinstallation wurde vom Verzeichnisdienst begonnen.
Benutzeraktion:Verbleibt dieser Verzeichnisdienst im Dienststeuerungsmanager oder dem Ereignisprotokoll, versuchen Sie "adamuninstall" mit der Option "/force" auszuführen. |
De directoryservice heeft het verwijderen gestart.
Aanbevolen handeling:Als deze directoryservice achter blijft in servicebeheer of in het gebeurtenissenlogboek, kunt u de opdracht adamuninstall met de optie /force gebruiken. |
Byla spuštěna odinstalace adresářové služby.
Akce uživatele:V případě, že tato adresářová služba nebude ze správce řízení služeb nebo z protokolu událostí odstraněna, zkuste spustit příkaz adamuninstall s parametrem /force. |
디렉터리 서비스에서 제거 작업을 시작했습니다.
사용자 작업:이 디렉터리 서비스가 서비스 제어 관리자나 이벤트 로그에 남아 있으면 adamuninstall 명령을 /force 옵션으로 실행하십시오. |
Il servizio directory ha iniziato un'operazione di disinstallazione.
Azione utente:Se questo servizio directory rimane in Gestione controllo servizi o nel Registro eventi, provare ad eseguire adamuninstall con l'opzione /force. |
使用者動作:如果此目錄服務一直存在於服務控制管理員或事件日誌中,嘗試執行 adamuninstall 並用 /force 選項。 |
O serviço de directório consolidou a desinstalação para a base de dados. Não será possível reiniciar este serviço de directório.
Acção do utilizador:Se este serviço de directório permanecer no 'Gestor de controlo de serviços' ou no 'Registo de eventos', tente executar o comando adamuninstall com a opção /force. |
用户操作:如果此目录服务仍然留在服务控制管理器或事件日志里,请尝试用 /force 选项运行 adamuninstall。 |
Dizin hizmeti kaldırma işlemini veritabanına kaydetti. Bu dizin hizmeti bir daha başlatılamayacak.
Kullanıcı Eylemi:Bu dizin hizmeti Hizmet Denetim Yöneticisi'nde veya Olay Günlüğü'nde kalırsa, adamuninstall komutunu /force seçeneğiyle çalıştırmayı deneyin. |
Katalogtjänsten har sparat (commit) en avinstallation i databasen. Tjänsten kommer inte att starta igen.
Användaråtgärd:Om den här katalogtjänsten fortfarande syns i tjänstkontrollhanteraren och/eller i loggboken kan du köra kommandot adamuninstall med alternativet /force. |
Usługa katalogowa zaraportowała dezinstalację w bazie danych. Tej usługi katalogowej nie będzie można uruchomić ponownie.
Akcja użytkownika:Jeśli ta usługa katalogowa wciąż występuje w Menedżerze sterowania usługą lub w Dzienniku zdarzeń, spróbuj uruchomić program adamuninstall z opcją /force. |
A címtárszolgáltatás eltávolította az adatbázist. Ez a címtárszolgáltatás többé nem indítható el.
Felhasználói művelet:Ha ez a címtárszolgáltatás a szolgáltatáskezelőben vagy az eseménynaplóban marad, futtassa az adamuninstall parancsot a /force kapcsolóval. |
Le service d’annuaire a effectué la désinstallation de la base de données. Ce service d’annuaire ne pourra plus démarrer.
Action utilisateur :Si ce service d’annuaire est toujours présent dans le Gestionnaire de contrôle de service ou le journal des événements, essayez d’exécuter adamuninstall avec l’option /force. |
O serviço de diretório confirmou a desinstalação com o banco de dados. O serviço de diretório não poderá iniciar novamente.
Ação do Usuário:Se este serviço de diretório permanecer no Gerenciador de Controle de Serviço ou Log de Eventos, tente executar adamuninstall com a opção /force. |
Служба каталогов передала отмену установки в базу данных. Эта служба каталогов больше не может быть запущена.
Действие пользователя:Если эта служба каталогов остается в диспетчере управления службами или в журнале событий, попробуйте выполнить команду "adamuninstall" с параметром "/force". |
ディレクトリ サービスで、アンインストールをデータベースにコミットしました。このディレクトリ サービスを開始することはできなくなりました。
ユーザー操作:このディレクトリ サービスがサービス コントロール マネージャかイベント ログに残った場合は、/force オプションをつけて adamuninstall を実行してください。 |
El servicio de directorio se ha comprometido a desinstalar la base de datos. Este servicio de directorio no podrá iniciarse de nuevo.
Acción del usuario:Si este servicio de directorio permanece en el administrador de control de servicios o en el registro de eventos, ejecute adamuninstall con la opción /force. |
Der Datenbank wurde vom Verzeichnisdienst die Deinstallation übertragen. Dieser Verzeichnisdienst kann nicht wieder gestartet werden.
Benutzeraktion:Verbleibt dieser Verzeichnisdienst im Dienssteuerungsmanager oder dem Ereignisprotokoll, versuchen Sie "adamuninstall" mit der Option "/force" auszuführen. |
De directoryservice heeft de verwijdering in de database opgeslagen. Deze directoryservice kan niet opnieuw worden gestart.
aanbevolen handeling:Gebruik de opdracht adamuninstall met de optie /force, als gegevens van deze directoryservice achterblijven in Servicebeheer of het gebeurtenissenlogboek. |
Adresářová služba zaznamenala odinstalaci do databáze. Tuto službu nebude možné znovu spustit.
Akce uživatele:V případě, že tato adresářová služba nebyla ze správce řízení služeb nebo z protokolu událostí odstraněna, zkuste spustit příkaz adamuninstall s parametrem /force. |
디렉터리 서비스에서 제거 작업을 데이터베이스에 커밋했습니다. 이 디렉터리 서비스는 다시 시작할 수 없습니다.
사용자 작업:이 디렉터리 서비스가 서비스 제어 관리자나 이벤트 로그에 남아 있으면 adamuninstall 명령을 /force 옵션으로 실행하십시오. |
Il servizio directory ha effettuato il commit dell'operazione di disinstallazione nel database. Non sarà più possibile avviare questo servizio directory.
Azione utente:Se questo servizio directory rimane in Gestione controllo servizi o nel Registro eventi, provare ad eseguire adamuninstall con l'opzione /force. |
DSA DN: %1 |
O serviço de directório removeu os respectivos metadados de servidor do conjunto de configuração
Dados adicionais:
DN DSA: %1 |
DSA DN: %1 |
Dizin hizmeti sunucu meta verilerini yapılandırma kümesinden kaldırdı
Ek Veriler:
DSA DN'si: %1 |
Metadata om servern har tagits bort från konfigurationsuppsättningen
Ytterligare data:
Unikt namn för katalogtjänsten: %1 |
Usługa katalogowa usunęła swoje metadane serwera z zestawu konfiguracyjnego.
Dodatkowe dane:
Nazwa wyróżniająca agenta DSA: %1 |
A címtárszolgáltatás eltávolította kiszolgálói metadatait a konfigurációkészletből
További adatok:
DSA megkülönböztető neve: %1 |
Le service d’annuaire a supprimé ses métadonnées de serveur du jeu de configuration.
Données supplémentaires :
Nom unique DSA : %1 |
O serviço de diretório removeu seus metadados de servidor do conjunto de configurações
Dados Adicionais:
DN DSA: %1 |
Эта служба каталогов удалила свои метаданные сервера из этого набора конфигурации
Дополнительные данные:
DSA DN: %1 |
ディレクトリ サービスで、サーバー メタデータが構成セットからから削除されました。
DSA DN: %1 |
El servicio de directorio quitó su servidor de metadatos del conjunto de configuración
Datos adicionales:
DN de DSA: %1 |
Die Servermetadaten wurden vom Verzeichnisdienst aus dem Konfigurationssatz entfernt.
Zusätzliche Daten:
DSA-DN: %1 |
De directoryservice heeft de metagegevens van de server uit de configuratieset verwijderd
Aanvullende gegevens:
DN-naam van DSA: %1 |
Adresářová služba odebrala metadata serveru z konfigurační sady
Další data:
Rozlišující název agenta DSA: %1 |
구성 집합에서 디렉터리 서비스의 서버 메타데이터를 제거했습니다.
추가 데이터:
DSA DN: %1 |
Il servizio directory ha rimosso i metadati del relativo server dal set di configurazione
Dati aggiuntivi:
Nome distinto DSA: %1 |
解除安裝無法為服務從登錄中讀取服務設定值: %1!S!。 |
O programa de desinstalação não conseguiu ler as definições de serviço do registo para o serviço: %1!S!. |
卸载无法从注册表读取此服务的服务设置: %1!S!。 |
Kaldırma işlemi kayıt defterinden hizmetle ilgili ayarları okuyamadı: %1!S!. |
Det gick inte att läsa tjänstinställningar från registret för tjänsten: %1!S!. |
Proces dezinstalacji nie może odczytać ustawień usługi z rejestru dla następującej usługi: %1!S!. |
Az eltávolítás során nem lehetett beolvasni a következő szolgáltatás beállításait a beállításjegyzékből: %1!S!. |
Le programme de désinstallation n’a pas pu lire les paramètres de service dans le Registre pour le service : %1!S!. |
A desinstalação não pôde ler as configurações de serviço do Registro para o serviço: %1!S!. |
Процесс отмены установки не смог прочесть из реестра параметры службы для следующей службы: %1!S!. |
アンインストールで、サービスのレジストリからサービス設定を読み取ることができませんでした: %1!S!. |
La desinstalación no puede leer la configuración del servicio del Registro para el servicio: %1!S!. |
Für den folgenden Dienst konnten die Diensteinstellungen vom Deinstallationsprogramm nicht aus der Registrierung gelesen werden: %1!S!. |
De serviceinstellingen van de service in het register kunnen niet worden gelezen voor het ongedaan maken van de installatie:: %1!S!. |
Při odinstalaci nebylo možné načíst nastavení z registru u služby: %1!S!. |
레지스트리에서 서비스에 대한 서비스 설정을 읽지 못했습니다. %1!S! |
Impossibile leggere le impostazioni dal Registro di sistema per il seguente servizio: %1!S!. |
解除安裝無法連線到 %1 上的 Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務。沒有 AD LDS 的資訊,就無法繼續解除安裝。請重新啟動 AD LDS 或執行 ADAMUnInstall /force。 |
O programa de desinstalação não consegue ligar aos Serviços LDS do Active Directory em %1. Não é possível continuar a desinstalação sem informações do AD LDS. Reinicie o AD LDS ou execute ADAMUnInstall/force. |
卸载无法在 %1 连接到此 Active Directory 轻型目录服务。缺少 AD LDS 信息,卸载将无法继续。请重新启动此 AD LDS 或运行 ADAMUnInstall /force。 |
Kaldırma işlemi %1 konumundaki Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri'ne bağlanamıyor. Kaldırma, AD LDS'den bilgi almadan devam edemez. Lütfen AD LDS'yi yeniden başlatın veya ADAMUnInstall /force komutunu çalıştırın. |
Det gick inte att ansluta till Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services på %1. Det går inte att fortsätta med avinstallationen utan information från AD LDS. Starta om AD LDS eller kör kommandot ADAMUnInstall /force. |
Proces odinstalowywania nie może nawiązać połączenia z Usługami LDS w usłudze Active Directory na %1. Nie można kontynuować odinstalowywania bez informacji z usług LDS w usłudze AD. Ponownie uruchom usługi LDS w usłudze AD lub uruchom polecenie ADAMUnInstall /force. |
Az eltávolítást végző program nem képes csatlakozni a következő helyen lévő Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatásokhoz: %1. Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások adatai nélkül az eltávolítás nem folytatható. Indítsa újra az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatásokat vagy futtassa az ADAMUnInstall /force parancsot. |
Le programme de désinstallation ne peut pas se connecter aux services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) à %1. Le programme de désinstallation ne peut pas continuer sans les informations provenant des services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services). Redémarrez les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) ou exécutez ADAMUnInstall /force. |
A desinstalação não pode se conectar ao Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services em %1. A desinstalação não pode continuar sem informações do AD LDS. Reinicie o AD LDS ou execute ADAMUnInstall /force. |
Программе удаления не удается связаться со службами Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам на %1. Отмена установки не может быть продолжена без получения информации от служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам. Либо перезапустите службы Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам, либо выполните команду "ADAMUnInstall /force". |
アンインストールで、%1 の Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスに接続できません。AD LDS の情報なしでアンインストールを続行することはできません。AD LDS を再起動するか、ADAMUnInstall /force を実行してください。 |
El programa de desinstalación no puede conectarse a los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory en %1. La desinstalación no puede continuar sin información de AD LDS. Reinicie AD LDS o ejecute ADAMUnInstall /force. |
Vom Deinstallationsprogramm kann keine Verbindung zu Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services auf %1 hergestellt werden. Die Deinstallation kann nicht ohne Informationen von AD LDS fortgesetzt werden. Starten Sie entweder AD LDS neu, oder führen Sie "ADAMUnInstall /force" aus. |
Kan geen verbinding maken met AD LDS op %1. Het verwijderen kan niet worden voorgezet zonder gegevens van AD LDS. Start AD LDS opnieuw of gebruik de opdracht 'ADAMUnInstall /force'. |
Při odinstalaci se nebylo možné připojit ke službě AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) v umístění %1. Odinstalace nemůže bez informací služby AD LDS pokračovat. Restartujte službu AD LDS nebo spusťte příkaz ADAMUnInstall /force. |
제거 작업이 %1에 있는 Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)에 연결할 수 없습니다. AD LDS로부터의 정보 없이 제거 작업을 계속할 수 없습니다. AD LDS를 다시 시작하거나 ADAMUnInstall /force 명령을 실행하십시오. |
Impossibile stabilire la connessione a Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services in %1. Impossibile continuare la disinstallazione senza informazioni da Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services. Riavviare Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services oppure eseguire ADAMUnInstall /force. |