刪除這些連線物件的其中一個。 |
Os seguintes objectos de ligação estão configurados para os mesmos serviços de directório de origem e de destino. Como resultado, um objecto de ligação será ignorado.
Objecto de ligação ignorado:
Objecto de ligação:
Acção do utilizador
Elimine um destes objectos de ligação. |
删除这些连接对象之一。 |
Aşağıdaki Bağlantı nesneleri aynı kaynak ve hedef dizin hizmetleri için yapılandırılmış durumda. Sonuç olarak, Bağlantı nesnelerinden biri yoksayılacak.
Yoksayılan Bağlantı nesnesi:
Bağlantı nesnesi:
Kullanıcı Eylemi
Bu Bağlantı nesnelerinden birini silin. |
Följande Connection-objekt har konfigurerats för samma käll- och målkatalogserver. Ett Connection-objekt kommer därför att ignoreras.
Ignorerat Connection-objekt:
Ta bort ett av dessa Connection-objekt. |
Następujące obiekty połączenia zostały skonfigurowane dla tych samych źródłowych i docelowych usług katalogowych. Z tego powodu jeden z obiektów połączeń zostanie zignorowany.
Ignorowany obiekt połączenia:
Obiekt połączenia:
Akcja użytkownika
Usuń jeden z obiektów połączenia. |
Az alábbi kapcsolatobjektumokon ugyanaz a forrás- és cél-címtárszolgáltatás van beállítva. Emiatt egy kapcsolatobjektumot a program nem vesz majd figyelembe.
A figyelmen kívül hagyott kapcsolatobjektum:
Felhasználói beavatkozás
Törölje az egyik kapcsolatobjektumot. |
Les objets Connexion suivants sont configurés pour les mêmes services d’annuaire source et destination. En conséquence, un objet Connexion sera ignoré.
Objet Connexion ignoré :
Objet Connexion :
Action utilisateur
Supprimez l’un de ces objets Connexion. |
Os objetos de conexão a seguir estão configurados para os mesmos serviços de diretório de origem e destino. Como resultado, um objeto de conexão será ignorado.
Objeto de conexão ignorado:
Objeto de conexão:
Ação do usuário
Exclua um dos objetos de conexão. |
Следующие объекты подключения настроены на совпадающие исходную и конечную службы каталогов. В результате один из объектов подключения будет проигнорирован.
Игнорируемый объект подключения:
Объект подключения:
Действие пользователя
Удалите один из этих объектов подключения. |
次の接続オブジェクトは同じソース ディレクトリ サービスと宛先ドメイン コントローラに対して構成されているため、接続オブジェクトの 1 つは無視されます。
これらの接続オブジェクトの 1 つを削除してください。 |
Los siguientes objetos de conexión están configurados para los mismos servicios de directorio de origen y destino. Como resultado, se omitirá un objeto de conexión.
Objeto de conexión omitido:
Objeto de conexión:
Acción del usuario
Elimine uno de estos objetos de conexión. |
Die folgenden Verbindungsobjekte sind für dieselben Quell- und Zielverzeichnisdienste konfiguriert. Als Folge wird ein Verbindungsobjekt ignoriert.
Ignoriertes Verbindungsobjekt:
Löschen Sie eines dieser Verbindungsobjekte. |
De volgende verbindingsobject zijn geconfigureerd voor dezelfde bron- en doeldirectory services. Hierdoor wordt één verbindingsobject genegeerd.
Genegeerd verbindingsobject:
Aanbevolen actie
Verwijder één van deze verbindingsobjecten. |
Následující objekty připojení jsou konfigurovány pro stejnou cílovou a zdrojovou adresářovou službu. V důsledku toho bude jeden objekt připojení ignorován.
Ignorovaný objekt připojení:
Objekt připojení:
Akce uživatele:Odstraňte jeden z těchto objektů připojení. |
다음 연결 개체는 같은 원본 및 대상 디렉터리 서비스에 대해 구성되어 있습니다.
따라서 하나의 연결 개체는 무시됩니다.
무시된 연결 개체:
연결 개체:
사용자 작업
연결 개체 중 하나를 삭제하십시오. |
I seguenti oggetti Connessione sono configurati per gli stessi servizi directory di origine e di destinazione. Di conseguenza, un oggetto Connessione verrà ignorato.
Oggetto Connessione ignorato:
Oggetto Connessione:
Azione utente
Eliminare uno di questi oggetti Connessione. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following structural class is derived from the following class that is defined by multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance, where both parent classes are structural, is not supported by Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Structural class identifier:
Structural class name:
Class identifier:
Class name:
This error was ignored and the inheritance was processed anyway. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The following attribute does not contain an attribute identifier.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: The search for objects in the schema directory partition returned the following unexpected attribute.
The attribute will be ignored. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new database column for the following new attribute.
Attribute identifier:
Attribute name:
%2 |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class is part of a class hierarchy that results in an inheritance loop. This class references itself as either a superclass or an auxiliary class.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a superclass that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Superclass identifier:
Inheritance was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a relative distinguished name (RDN) attribute identifier that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
RDN attribute identifier:
The class definition was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has a mandatory attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Mandatory attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |
Internal event: The following schema class has an optional attribute that is not valid.
Class identifier:
Class name:
Optional attribute:
The attribute was ignored. |