Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services is in the process of creating a new index for the following attribute.
Attribute name:
Attribute identifier:
%1 |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
Internal event: While rebuilding the Address Book hierarchy table, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed to allocate the requested memory for this task.
Memory requested (bytes):
User Action
Increase the amount of available physical or virtual memory. |
當處理 Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務事件日誌記錄覆寫時,找到的覆寫數目超過最大的覆寫值。
Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務最多只會處理到最大的事件日誌記錄覆寫值。 |
Ao processar substituições de registo de eventos dos Serviços LDS do Active Directory, o número de substituições localizadas excedeu o valor máximo de substituições.
Valor máximo de substituições de registo de eventos:
Os Serviços LDS do Active Directory só processarão valores de substituição de registo de eventos até ao valor máximo de substituições. |
当处理 Active Directory 轻型目录服务事件日志替代时,定位的替代数量超过了最大替代值。
Active Directory 轻型目录服务将只处理最大替代值以内的事件日志替代。 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri olay günlüğü geçersiz kılmaları işlenirken, bulunan geçersiz kılma sayısı geçersiz kılma üst sınırını aştı.
Olay günlüğü geçersiz kılma değeri üst sınırı:
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri, yalnızca geçersiz kılma üst sınırına kadar olan olay günlüğü geçersiz kılma değerlerini işler. |
När åsidosättningar av loggmeddelanden för Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services behandlades, överskred antalet åsidosättningar det högsta antalet som tillåts.
Högsta antalet åsidosättningar av meddelanden:
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services kommer bara att behandla åsidosättningsvärden upp till det högsta tillåtna antalet. |
Podczas przetwarzania zastąpień rejestrowania zdarzeń usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory liczba zlokalizowanych zastąpień przekroczyła maksymalną wartość zastępczą.
Maksymalna wartość zastępcza rejestrowania zdarzeń:
Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory będą przetwarzać tylko te wartości zastępcze rejestrowania zdarzeń, które nie przekraczają maksymalnej wartości zastępczej. |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások eseménynaplózás-felülbírálatainak feldolgozása közben talált felülbírálatok száma meghaladja a megengedett értéket.
A megengedett legnagyobb eseménynaplózás-felülbírálati érték:
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások csak a legnagyobb felülbírálati értékig terjedő eseménynaplózás-felülbírálati értékeket dolgozza fel. |
Lors du traitement des dérogations du journal des événements des services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services), le nombre de dérogations a dépassé sa valeur maximale.
Valeur maximale du nombre de dérogations du journal des événements :
Les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) ne traiteront les dérogations que jusqu’au nombre maximal de dérogations. |
Durante o processamento de substituições de logs de eventos do Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, o número de substituições localizadas excedeu o valor máximo de substituição.
Valor máximo de substituição de log de evento:
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services só processará valores de substituição de logs de eventos até o valor máximo de substituição. |
При обработке перекрытий ведения журнала служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам количество обнаруженных перекрытий превысило максимально допустимое.
Максимальное количество перекрытий журнала:
Будет обработано количество перекрытий журнала служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам, не превышающее максимальное. |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスのイベント ログの無効化の処理中に、検出された無効化の数が無効化の最大値を超えました。
イベント ログの無効化の最大値:
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスでは、無効化の最大値を超えるイベント ログの無効化の値は処理できません。 |
Mientras se procesaban invalidaciones del registro de eventos de los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory, el número de invalidaciones encontradas superó el número máximo de invalidaciones.
Valor máximo de invalidaciones del registro de eventos:
Los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory sólo procesarán valores de invalidación del registro de eventos hasta alcanzar el valor máximo. |
Beim Verarbeiten der Außerkraftsetzungen für Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services-Ereignisprotokollierungen hat die Anzahl der gefundenen Außerkraftsetzungen den Höchstwert überschritten.
Höchstwert für Außerkraftsetzungen von Ereignisprotokollierungen:
Von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services werden Außerkraftsetzungswerte für die Ereignisprotokollierung nur bis zum Höchstwert für Außerkraftsetzungen verarbeitet. |
Tijdens het verwerken van gebeurtenisregistratieopheffingen voor AD LDS heeft het aantal gevonden opheffingen de maximale opheffingswaarde overschreden.
Maximale waarde van gebeurtenisregistratieopheffingen:
In AD LDS worden alleen gebeurtenisregistratieopheffingen verwerkt tot aan de maximale opheffingswaarde. |
Při zpracování přepisu hodnot v protokolu událostí služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) překročil počet nových hodnot maximální novou hodnotu.
Maximální nová hodnota protokolu událostí:
Služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) zpracuje pouze nové hodnoty protokolu událostí, které dosahují maxima nové hodnoty. |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services) 이벤트 로깅 재설정을 처리하는 동안 검색된 재설정 수가 최대 재설정 값을 초과했습니다.
최대 이벤트 로깅 재설정 값:
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)는 이벤트 로깅 재설정 값을 최대 재설정 값만큼만 처리합니다. |
Durante l'elaborazione delle sostituzioni del registro eventi in Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services il numero di sostituzioni individuate ha superato il valore massimo consentito.
Valore massimo di sostituzioni del registro eventi:
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services elaborerà le sostituzioni del registro eventi solo fino al valore massimo consentito. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not shut down successfully and quit with threads still active.
User Action
Restart the directory service and confirm that the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services database recovered successfully. |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services has encountered the following exception and associated parameters.
Additional Data
Error value:
Internal ID:
%4 |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following language identifier is not valid on this domain controller. The registry key that specifies this language identifier might not be configured properly or the language support for this language identifier is not installed.
Language identifier:
Registry key:
Localized language indices will not be created for this language identifier. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Internal event: The following codepage is not installed on this directory server.
As a result, the user could not log on to the local directory server. |
Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務無法刪除下列屬性的索引。
%3%4 |
Os Serviços LDS do Active Directory não conseguiram eliminar o índice para o seguinte atributo.
Nome do atributo:
ID do atributo:
Este índice já não é necessário.
Dados adicionais
Valor do erro:
%3 %4 |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务无法删除下列属性的索引。
属性 ID:
%3 %4 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri aşağıdaki özniteliğin dizinini silemedi.
Öznitelik adı:
%1Öznitelik Kimliği:
Bu dizin artık gerekli değil.
Ek Veriler
Hata değeri:
%3 %4 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services kunde inte ta bort index för följande attribut.
Detta index behövs inte längre.
Ytterligare data
%3 %4 |
Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą usunąć indeksu następującego atrybutu.
Nazwa atrybutu:
Identyfikator atrybutu:
Ten indeks nie jest już potrzebny.
Dodatkowe dane
Wartość błędu:
%3 %4 |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások nem tudta törölni a következő attribútumhoz tartozó indexet.
Az attribútum azonosítója:
Erre az indexre nincs többé szükség.
További adatok
%3 %4 |
Les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) n’ont pas pu supprimer l’index pour l’attribut suivant.
Nom de l’attribut :
ID de l’attribut :
Cet index n’est plus nécessaire.
Données supplémentaires
Valeur d’erreur :
%3 %4 |
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services não pôde excluir o índice do seguinte atributo.
Nome do atributo:
ID do atributo:
Este índice não é mais necessário.
Dados Adicionais
Valor do erro:
%3 %4 |
Службам Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам не удалось удалить индекс для следующего атрибута.
Имя атрибута:
ID атрибута:
Этот индекс больше не нужен.
Дополнительные данные
Значение ошибки:
%3 %4 |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、次の属性のインデックスを削除できませんでした。
属性 ID:
%3 %4 |
Los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory no pudieron eliminar el índice del siguiente atributo.
Nombre de atributo:
Id. de atributo:
Este índice ya no es necesario.
Datos adicionales
Valor de error:
%3 %4 |
Der Index für das folgende Attribut konnte von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services nicht gelöscht werden.
Dieser Index wird nicht mehr benötigt.
Zusätzliche Daten
%3 %4 |
De index voor het volgende kenmerk kan niet worden verwijderd via AD LDS.
De index is niet meer nodig.
Aanvullende gegevens:Foutwaarde:
%3 %4 |
Služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) neodstranila index pro následující atribut.
Název atributu:
ID atributu:
Tento index již není potřebný.
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%3 %4 |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 다음 특성에 대한 인덱스를 삭제하지 못했습니다.
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%3 %4 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services: impossibile eliminare l'indice per l'attributo seguente.
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%3 %4 |
確認網域控制站正在執行作業系統的相同版本。 |
O controlador de domínio local recebeu uma mensagem de replicação entre locais com um número de versão da mensagem incompatível.
A mensagem será ignorada.
Acção do utilizador
Verifique se os controladores de domínio estão a executar a mesma versão do sistema operativo. |
确认域控制器运行相同版本的操作系统。 |
Yerel etki alanı denetleyicisi, uyumsuz ileti sürüm numarasına sahip bir siteler arası çoğaltma iletisi aldı.
İleti yoksayılacak.
Kullanıcı Eylemi
Etki alanı denetleyicilerinin işletim sisteminin aynı sürümünü çalıştırdıklarını doğrulayın. |
Den lokala domänkontrollanten erhöll ett meddelande om replikering mellan platser som hade ett inkompatibelt meddelandeversionsnummer.
Meddelandet kommer att ignoreras.
Kontrollera att domänkontrollanterna använder samma operativsystemsversion. |
Lokalny kontroler domeny odebrał komunikat replikacji międzylokacyjnej z niezgodnym numerem wersji komunikatu.
Komunikat zostanie zignorowany.
Akcja użytkownika
Zweryfikuj, że kontrolerach domeny jest uruchomiona ta sama wersja systemu operacyjnego. |
A helyi tartományvezérlő a helyek közötti replikációra vonatkozó olyan üzenetet kapott, amelynek a verziószáma nem megfelelő.
Az üzenetet a program nem veszi figyelembe.
Felhasználói beavatkozás
Ellenőrizze, hogy a tartományvezérlőkön azonos verziószámú operációs rendszer fut-e. |
Le contrôleur de domaine local a reçu un message de réplication intersite avec un numéro de version de message incompatible.
Le message sera ignoré.
Action utilisateur
Vérifiez que les contrôleurs de domaine exécutent la même version du système d’exploitation. |
O controlador de domínio recebeu uma mensagem de replicação entre
sites com um número de versão de mensagem incompatível.
A mensagem será ignorada.
Ação do usuário
Verifique se os controladores de domínio estão executando a mesma
versão do sistema operacional. |
В ходе репликации между сайтами локальный контроллер домена получил сообщение с несовместимым номером версии.
Это сообщение будет проигнорировано.
Действие пользователя
Убедитесь, что версии операционной системы на контроллерах домена совпадают. |
ローカル ドメイン コントローラはサイト間のレプリケーション メッセージを受信しましたが、メッセージ バージョン番号の互換性がありません。
ドメイン コントローラで実行されているオペレーティング システムが同じバージョンであることを確認してください。 |
El controlador de dominio local ha recibido un mensaje de replicación entre sitios con un número de versión de mensaje incompatible.
El mensaje se omitirá.
Acción del usuario
Compruebe que los controladores de dominio estén ejecutando la misma versión del sistema operativo. |
Der lokale Domänencontroller hat eine standortübergreifende Replikationsmeldung mit einer inkompatiblen Meldungsversionsnummer erhalten.
Die Meldung wird ignoriert.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Domänencontroller die gleiche Version des Betriebssystems ausführen. |
De lokale domeincontroller heeft een intersitereplicatiebericht met een incompatibel berichtversienummer ontvangen.
Het bericht wordt genegeerd.
Aanbevolen actie
Controleer of de domeincontrollers met dezelfde versie van het besturingssysteem werken. |
Místní řadič domény obdržel zprávu o replikaci mezi lokalitami, která obsahovala nekompatibilní číslo verze zprávy.
Zpráva bude ignorována.
Akce uživatele
Ujistěte se, že řadiče domény mají spuštěnou stejnou verzi operačního systému. |
로컬 도메인 컨트롤러가 호환되지 않는 메시지 버전 번호가 있는 사이트 간 복제 메시지를 수신했습니다.
메시지가 무시됩니다.
사용자 작업
도메인 컨트롤러가 같은 버전의 운영 체제를 실행 중인지 확인해 주십시오. |
Il controller di dominio locale ha ricevuto un messaggio di replica tra siti con un numero di versione incompatibile.
Il messaggio verrà ignorato.
Azione utente
Verificare che i controller di dominio stiano eseguendo la stessa versione del sistema operativo. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |
Internal event: The local domain controller received a compressed intersite replication message with an incompatible compression version number.
This message will be ignored.
User Action
Verify that the domain controllers are running the same version of the operating system. |