Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller received a message with an unrecognized message type.
Message type:
As a result, this message will be ignored. |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event: During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while receiving a message from the Intersite Messaging service.
This operation will be tried again at the following interval.
Interval (minutes):
Additional Data
Error value:
%3 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
Internal event; During intersite replication, the local domain controller encountered an error while sending a message using the Intersite Messaging service.
Destination domain controller:
Message description:
The operation will be tried again at the next replication interval according to the schedule on the Connection object.
Additional Data
Error value:
%5 %1 |
將目錄伺服器設定為通用類別目錄,或將命名操作主機角色轉移到是通用類別目錄的目錄伺服器上。 |
此本地域控制器是域命名主机; 但它不全局编录。域命名主机必须是全局编录。
将目录服务器配置成全局编录,或将域命名操作主机角色传送到全局编录的目录服务器。 |
Yerel etki alanı denetleyicisi, etki alanı adlandırma yöneticisi, ancak bir genel katalog değil. Etki alanı adlandırma yöneticisinin genel bir katalog olması gerekir.
Kullanıcı Eylemi
Bu dizin sunucusunu genel katalog olarak yapılandırın veya adlandırma işlemleri yöneticisi rolünü, genel katalog olan bir dizin sunucusuna aktarın. |
O controlador de domínio local corresponde ao mestre de atribuição de nomes de domínios; no entanto, não se trata de um catálogo global. O mestre de atribuição de nomes de domínios tem de ser um catálogo global.
Acção do utilizador
Configure este servidor de directório como um catálogo global ou transfira a função de mestre de operações de atribuição de nomes para um servidor de directório que seja um catálogo global. |
Den lokala domänkontrollanten är hanterare för domännamngivning, men den är inte en global katalog. Hanteraren för domännamngivning måste vara en global katalog.
Konfigurera den lokala katalogservern som en global katalog eller överför rollen som hanterare av namngivning till en katalogserver som är en global katalog. |
Lokalny kontroler domeny jest wzorcem nazw domen; nie jest on jednak wykazem globalnym. Wzorzec nazw domen musi być wykazem globalnym.
Akcja użytkownika
Skonfiguruj ten serwer katalogowy jako wykaz globalny lub przetransferuj rolę wzorca operacji nazw do serwera katalogowego będącego wykazem globalnym. |
A helyi tartományvezérlő a tartománynév-kiosztási főkiszolgáló, de nem kezel globális katalógust. A tartománynév-kiosztási főkiszolgálónak globális katalógust kell kezelnie.
Teendő:Állítsa be ezt a címtárkiszolgálót úgy, hogy globális katalógust kezeljen, vagy adja át a névkiosztási főkiszolgálói szerepkört olyan címtárkiszolgálónak, amely azt kezel. |
Le contrôleur de domaine local est le maître d’attribution de noms du domaine ; cependant, il ne s’agit pas d’un catalogue global. Le maître d’attribution de noms du domaine doit être un catalogue global.
Action utilisateur
Configurez ce serveur d’annuaire en tant que catalogue global, ou transférez le rôle de maître d’attribution de noms du domaine vers un serveur d’annuaire qui soit un catalogue global. |
O controlador de domínio local é o mestre de nomenclatura de domínio; no entanto, ele não é um catálogo global. O mestre de nomenclatura de domínio deve ser um catálogo global.
Ação do usuário
Configure este servidor de diretório como um catálogo global ou transfira a função de mestre de nomenclatura para um servidor de diretório que seja um catálogo global. |
Локальный контроллер домена является хозяином именования доменов, однако он не является глобальным каталогом. Хозяин именования доменов должен быть глобальным каталогом.
Действие пользователя
Настройте локальный сервер каталогов в качестве глобального каталога либо передайте роль хозяина именования серверу каталогов, являющемуся глобальным каталогом. |
ローカル ドメイン コントローラはドメイン名前付けマスタですが、グローバル カタログではありません。ドメイン名前付けマスタはグローバル カタログでなければなりません。
このディレクトリ サーバーをグローバル カタログとして構成するか、またはグローバル カタログになっているディレクトリ サーバーに名前付け操作マスタ役割を転送してください。 |
El controlador de dominio local es el maestro de nombres de dominio; no obstante, no es un catálogo global. El maestro de nombres de dominio debe ser un catálogo global.
Acción del usuario
Configure el servidor de directorio local como un catálogo global o transfiera la función de maestro de operaciones de nombres de dominio a un servidor de directorio que sea un catálogo global. |
Der lokale Domänencontroller ist der Domänennamenmaster und kein
globaler Katalog (GC). Dieser Domänennamenmaster muss ein globaler
Katalog (GC) sein.
Konfigurieren Sie diesen Verzeichnisserver in einen globalen
Katalog (GC), oder übertragen Sie die
Domänennamen-Betriebsmasterfunktion auf einen Verzeichnisserver,
der ein globaler Katalog (GC) ist. |
De lokale domeincontroller is de domeinnaamgevingsmaster. Deze is echter geen globale catalogus. De domeinnaamgevingsmaster dient een globale catalogus te zijn.
Aanbevolen actie
Configureer de lokale directory service als een globale catalogus of draag de rol van operations-master voor domeinnaamgeving over op een directory service die wel een globale catalogus is. |
Místní řadič domény je hlavním serverem pro pojmenování domén, nepředstavuje však globální katalog. Hlavní server pro pojmenování domén musí být globálním katalogem.
Akce uživatele
Nakonfigurujte tento adresářový server jako globální katalog nebo převeďte roli hlavního operačního serveru pro pojmenování domén na adresářový server, který představuje hlavní katalog. |
로컬 도메인 컨트롤러가 도메인 명명 마스터이지만, 글로벌 카탈로그는 아닙니다. 도메인 명명 마스터는 반드시 글로벌 카탈로그여야 합니다.
사용자 작업
해당 디렉터리 서비스를 글로벌 카탈로그로 구성하거나 도메인 명명 작업 마스터 역할을 글로벌 카탈로그인 디렉터리 서비스로 전송하십시오. |
Il controller di dominio locale è il master per la denominazione dei domini,
ma non è un catalogo globale. Il master per la denominazione dei domini deve essere un catalogo globale.
Azione utente
Configurare questo server directory come catalogo globale oppure trasferire il ruolo di master per le operazioni di denominazione
a un server directory che sia un catalogo globale. |
因為在產生新的 Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務資料庫 GUID 時發生錯誤,所以嘗試從備份媒體還原 Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務失敗。
%1%2 |
Uma tentativa para restaurar os Serviços LDS do Active Directory a partir do suporte de dados de cópia de segurança falhou porque foi detectado um erro ao gerar um novo GUID da base de dados dos Serviços LDS do Active Directory.
Dados Adicionais
Valor do erro:
%1 %2 |
尝试从备份媒体还原 Active Directory 轻型目录服务失败,因为生成新 Active Directory 轻型目录服务数据库 GUID 时遇到错误。
%1 %2 |
Yeni bir Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri veritabanı GUID değeri oluşturulmaya çalışılırken hata oluştuğu için, Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri'ni yedek medyadan geri yükleme girişimi başarısız oldu.
Ek Veriler
Hata değeri:
%1 %2 |
Ett försök gjordes att återställa Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services från säkerhetskopian eftersom ett fel uppstod när ett nytt GUID skulle skapas för Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services-databasen.
Ytterligare data
%1 %2 |
Próba przywrócenia usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory z nośnika kopii zapasowej nie powiodła się, ponieważ napotkano błąd podczas generowania nowego identyfikatora GUID bazy danych usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory.
Dodatkowe dane
Wartość błędu:
%1 %2 |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások háttértárolóról történő visszaállítására tett kísérlet nem sikerült, mert hiba lépett fel, amikor a rendszer az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások adatbázisához új globálisan egyedi azonosítót (GUID) próbált létrehozni.
További adatok
%1 %2 |
Une tentative de restauration des services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) à partir d’un support de sauvegarde a échoué en raison d’une erreur de génération d’un nouveau GUID de base de données AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services).
Données supplémentaires
Valeur d’erreur :
%1 %2 |
Falha ao tentar restaurar o Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, usando uma mídia de backup, pois ocorreu um erro durante a geração de uma nova GUID de banco de dados do Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Dados Adicionais
Valor do erro:
%1 %2 |
新しい Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービス データベースの GUID を生成中にエラーが発生したため、バックアップ メディアから Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスを復元できませんでした。
%1 %2 |
Error al intentar restaurar los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory desde un medio de copia de seguridad debido a un error al generar un nuevo GUID de base de datos de los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory.
Datos adicionales
Valor de error:
%1 %2 |
Der Versuch, Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services aus den Sicherungsmedien wiederherzustellen, war nicht erfolgreich, da beim Generieren eines neuen Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services-Datenbank-GUIDs ein Fehler aufgetreten ist.
Zusätzliche Daten
%1 %2 |
Het is niet gelukt AD LDS aan de hand van een back-upmedium terug te zetten, omdat er een fout is opgetreden bij het genereren van een nieuwe GUID voor de AD LDS-database.
Aanvullende gegevens
%1 %2 |
Obnovení služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) ze záložního média se nezdařilo, protože při generování nového identifikátoru databáze GUID služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) došlo k chybě.
Další data
Chybová hodnota:
%1 %2 |
새 Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services) 데이터베이스 GUID를 생성하는 동안 오류가 발생하여 백업 미디어에서 Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)를 복원하지 못했습니다.
추가 데이터
오류 값:
%1 %2 |
Попытка восстановления служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам из архивного носителя завершилась сбоем из-за ошибки создания нового GUID базы данных служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам.
Дополнительные данные
Значение ошибки:
%1 %2 |
Impossibile ripristinare Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services dal supporto di backup a causa di un errore durante la generazione di un nuovo GUID database di Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Dati aggiuntivi
Valore errore:
%1 %2 |
Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務無法停用下列硬碟上的軟體磁碟寫入快取。
資料可能已在系統失敗時遺失。 |
Os Serviços LDS do Active Directory não conseguiram desactivar a cache de escrita em disco baseada em software no seguinte disco rígido.
Disco rígido:
Podem perder-se dados durante falhas do sistema. |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务无法禁用下列硬盘上基于软件的磁盘写缓存。
系统失败时数据可能丢失。 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri, aşağıdaki sabit diskte bulunan yazılım tabanlı disk yazma önbelleğini devre dışı bırakamadı.
Sabit disk:
Sistem hataları sırasında veriler kaybolmuş olabilir. |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services kunde inte inaktivera den programvarubaserade diskskrivningscachen på följande hårddisk.
Data kan gå förlorade under systemfel. |
Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą wyłączyć programowej pamięci podręcznej zapisu na poniższym dysku twardym.
Dysk twardy:
Dane mogą zostać utracone podczas awarii systemu. |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások nem tudta letiltani a szoftveres alapú lemezíró gyorsítótár használatát a következő merevlemez esetében.
Rendszerhibák esetén ez adatvesztést okozhat. |
Les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) n’ont pas pu désactiver le cache logiciel d’écriture disque sur le disque dur suivant.
Disque dur :
Des données peuvent être perdues lors des échecs du système. |
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services não pôde desabilitar o cache de gravação em disco baseado em software no seguinte disco rígido.
Disco rígido:
Dados podem ser perdidos durante falhas de sistema. |
Службам Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам не удалось отключить программный кэш записи на следующем жестком диске.
Жесткий диск:
В случае сбоя системы возможна потеря данных. |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、次のハード ディスク上の、ソフトウェア ベースのディスク書き込みキャッシュを無効にできませんでした。
ハード ディスク:
システム障害時にデータが失われる可能性があります。 |
Los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory no pudieron deshabilitar la memoria caché de escritura en disco por software en el siguiente disco duro.
Disco duro:
Pueden perderse datos si se producen errores del sistema. |
Der softwarebasierte Datenträgerschreibungscache konnte von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services auf der folgenden Festplatte nicht deaktiviert werden.
Möglicherweise gehen Daten bei einem Systemfehler verloren. |
De op software gebaseerde schijfschrijfcache op de volgende vaste schijf kan niet worden uitgeschakeld in AD LDS.
Vaste schijf:
Er zijn mogelijk gegevens verloren gegaan wegens systeemfouten. |
Služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) nezakázala ukládání do mezipaměti při softwarovém zápisu na následující pevný disk.
Pevný disk:
Při selhání systému může dojít ke ztrátě dat. |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 다음 하드 디스크에서 소프트웨어 기반의 디스크 쓰기 캐시를 사용하지 않도록 설정하지 못했습니다.
하드 디스크:
시스템에 오류가 발생했을 때 데이터가 손실되었을 수 있습니다. |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services: impossibile disabilitare la cache in scrittura basata su software nel disco rigido seguente.
Disco rigido:
Gli errori di sistema possono provocare la perdita dei dati. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: An Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema mismatch was encountered while replicating the directory partition from the following directory service.
Directory partition:
Directory Service:
As a result, a schema update will be performed. An attempt to replicate the directory partition will be tried again after the schema update. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
Internal event: This directory service is not making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
An attempt to perform an initial synchronization will be tried again later. |
%2 |
Todos os servidores de directório no seguinte local que podem replicar a partição de directório através deste transporte não estão disponíveis actualmente.
Partição de directório:
%2 |
%2 |
Aşağıdaki sitede yer alan ve dizin bölümünü bu taşıyıcı üzerinden çoğaltabilen dizin sunucularından hiçbiri şu anda kullanılamıyor.
Dizin bölümü:
%2 |
Alla katalogservrar i följande plats som kan replikera partitioner över denna transport är för närvarande otillgängliga.
%2 |
Wszystkie serwery katalogowe, które mogą replikować partycję katalogu przez ten transport są aktualnie niedostępne.
Partycja katalogu:
%2 |
Az alábbi helyen egyik olyan címtárkiszolgáló sem érhető el, amely képes ezzel az átviteli móddal címtárpartíciót replikálni.
%3Átviteli mód:
%2 |
Tous les serveurs d’annuaire du site suivant qui répliquent la partition d’annuaire via ce transport sont actuellement indisponibles.
Site :
Partition de l’annuaire :
Transport :
%2 |
Nenhum dos servidores de diretório no site a seguir que podem replicar a partição de diretório por este transporte está disponível no momento.
Partição de diretório:
%2 |
Все серверы службы каталогов в следующем сайте, способные реплицировать данный раздел каталога через этот транспорт, в настоящий момент недоступны.
Раздел каталога:
%2 |
次のサイトにあるディレクトリ サーバーで、ディレクトリ パーティションをこのトランスポートを越えてレプリケートできるドメイン コントローラは、現在どれも利用できません。
ディレクトリ パーティション:
%2 |
Ninguno de los servidores de directorio del siguiente sitio, que pueden replicar la partición de directorio por medio de este transporte, está disponible actualmente.
Partición de directorio:
%2 |
Alle Verzeichnisdienste am folgenden Standort, die die Verzeichnispartition über diesen Transport replizieren können, sind zurzeit nicht verfügbar.
%2 |
Alle directory servers op de volgende site, die de mappartitie via dit transport kunnen repliceren, zijn momenteel niet beschikbaar.
%2 |
Žádný z adresářových serverů v následující lokalitě, které mohou replikovat oddíl adresáře pomocí tohoto přenosu, není nyní dostupný.
Oddíl adresáře:
%2 |
이 전송을 통해 디렉터리 파티션을 복제할 수 있는 다음 사이트의 모든 디렉터리 서비스를 현재 사용할 수 없습니다.
디렉터리 파티션:
%2 |
Tutti i server directory nel seguente sito che possono replicare la partizione di directory su questo trasporto sono attualmente non disponibili.
Partizione di directory:
%2 |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |
Internal event: Inbound replication was delayed for the following time period due to contention of resources with the security descriptor propagation task.
Time period (minutes and seconds):
%1 %2
This condition might be transient. An attempt to replicate will be tried again later. |