Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務的陰影複製備份失敗。
請檢視事件日誌,依後續事件來判別問題發生的原因。 |
A cópia de segurança da cópia sombra para os Serviços LDS do Active Directory não foi concluída com êxito.
Acção do Utilizador
Consulte o registo de eventos relativamente a eventos subsequentes para determinar a causa do problema. |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务的卷影复制备份失败。
查看事件日志中随后的事件,从而确定问题的原因。 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri gölge kopya yedekleme işlemi başarısız oldu.
Kullanıcı Eylemi
Sorunun nedenini saptamak için izleyen olayların olay günlüğünü gözden geçirin. |
Säkerhetskopiering av Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services genom skuggkopia misslyckades.
Ytterligare händelser i loggboken kan innehålla orsaken till det här problemet. |
Wykonanie kopii zapasowej przy użyciu usługi kopiowania w tle usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory nie powiodło się.
Akcja użytkownika
Wyświetl dziennik zdarzeń, aby uzyskać informacje na temat kolejnych zdarzeń w celu określenia przyczyny problemu. |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások biztonsági másolatának árnyékmásolat segítségével történő elkészítése nem sikerült.
Tekintse meg a további eseményeket az eseménynaplóban a probléma okának meghatározásához. |
La sauvegarde du cliché instantané des services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) n’a pas réussi.
Action utilisateur
Consultez le journal des événements pour déterminer la cause du problème. |
O backup de cópia de sombra do Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services não foi realizado com êxito.
Ação do Usuário
Exiba o log dos eventos subseqüentes para determinar a causa do problema. |
Не удалось выполнить архивацию теневой копии служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам.
Действие пользователя
Поищите в журнале событий следующие за этой попыткой события, чтобы выяснить причину. |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスのシャドウ コピー バックアップは成功しませんでした。
問題の原因を判断するために、次のイベントのイベント ログを表示してください。 |
La copia de seguridad de la instantánea para los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory no se realizó correctamente.
Acción del usuario
Consulte los eventos subsiguientes en el registro de eventos para determinar la causa del problema. |
Die Schattenkopiesicherung für Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services war nicht erfolgreich.
BenutzeraktionÜberprüfen Sie das Ereignisprotokoll auf nachfolgende Ereignisse, um die Ursache des Problems zu ermitteln. |
Het is niet gelukt een schaduwkopie te maken voor AD LDS.
Bekijk het gebeurtenislogboek om de oorzaak van het probleem te achterhalen. |
Zálohování stínové kopie služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) bylo neúspěšné.
Akce uživatele
Zobrazením protokolu událostí pro následné události určete příčinu problému. |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)에 대한 섀도 복사본 백업에 실패했습니다.
사용자 작업
이벤트 로그에 있는 후속 이벤트를 참조하여 문제의 원인을 확인하십시오. |
Impossibile eseguire il backup della copia shadow per Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Azione utente
Visualizzare il registro eventi per esaminare gli eventi successivi in modo da determinare la causa del problema. |
因為使用的陰影複製太老舊,所以陰影複製服務無法還原 Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務。
請選取較新的陰影複製,再一次執行還原。 |
O serviço de cópia sombra não consegue restaurar os Serviços LDS do Active Directory uma vez que a cópia sombra utilizada é demasiado antiga.
Data de expiração da cópia sombra:
Acção do Utilizador
Seleccione uma cópia sombra mais recente e execute novamente o restauro. |
卷影复制服务无法还原 Active Directory 轻型目录服务,原因是使用的卷影副本过旧。
请选择较新的卷影副本,然后重新运行还原。 |
Kullanılan gölge kopya çok eski olduğundan, gölge kopya hizmeti Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri'ni geri yükleyemiyor.
Gölge kopya kullanım süresi sonu:
Kullanıcı Eylemi
Daha yeni bir gölge kopya seçin ve geri yükleme işlemini yeniden çalıştırın. |
Tjänsten Shadow Copy kan inte återställa Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services eftersom den skuggkopia som används är för gammal.
Skuggkopians förfallodatum:
Välj en nyare skuggkopia och försök sedan återställa igen. |
Usługa kopiowania w tle nie może przywrócić usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory, ponieważ używana kopia w tle jest za stara.
Data wygaśnięcia kopii w tle:
Akcja użytkownika
Wybierz bardziej aktualną kopię w tle i ponownie uruchom przywracanie. |
Az árnyékmásolat-szolgáltatás nem tudja helyreállítani az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatásokat, mert a használt árnyékmásolat túl régi.
Árnyékmásolat lejáratának dátuma:
Válasszon egy újabb árnyékmásolatot, és futtassa újra a helyreállítást. |
Le service de cliché instantané ne peut pas restaurer les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) car le cliché instantané utilisé est trop ancien.
Date d’expiration du cliché instantané :
Action utilisateur
Sélectionnez un cliché instantané plus récent et relancez la restauration. |
O serviço de cópia de sombra não pode restaurar o Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services porque a cópia de sombra utilizada é muito antiga.
Data de validade da cópia de sombra:
Ação do Usuário
Selecione uma cópia de sombra mais recente e execute novamente a restauração. |
Службе теневого копирования не удается восстановить службы Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам, поскольку теневая копия устарела.
Срок действия теневой копии:
Действие пользователя
Выберите более позднюю теневую копию и вернитесь к восстановлению. |
使用したシャドウ コピーが古すぎるため、シャドウ コピー サービスにより Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスを復元できません。
シャドウ コピーの有効期限:
最近のシャドウ コピーを選択して復元を再実行してください。 |
El servicio de instantáneas no puede restaurar los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory porque la instantánea usada es demasiado antigua.
Fecha de expiración de la instantánea:
Acción del usuario
Seleccione una instantánea más reciente y vuelva a ejecutar la restauración. |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services kann vom Schattenkopiedienst nicht wiederhergestellt werden, da die verwendete Schattenkopie zu alt ist.
Ablaufdatum der Schattenkopie:
Wählen Sie eine neuere Schattenkopie aus, und führen Sie die Wiederherstellung erneut aus. |
AD LDS kan niet worden hersteld met de schaduwkopieservice, omdat de gebruikte schaduwkopie te oud is.
Verloopdatum schaduwkopie:
Selecteer een nieuwere schaduwkopie en voer de terugzetbewerking opnieuw uit. |
Služba Stínová kopie nemůže obnovit službu AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services), protože použitá stínová kopie je příliš stará.
Datum vypršení stínové kopie:
Akce uživatele
Vyberte novější stínovou kopii a znovu spusťte obnovení. |
사용된 섀도 복사본이 너무 오래되어서 섀도 복사본 서비스가 Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)를 복원할 수 없습니다.
섀도 복사본 만료 날짜:
사용자 작업
최신 섀도 복사본을 선택하고 복원을 다시 실행하십시오. |
Il servizio di copia shadow non è in grado di ripristinare Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services perché la copia shadow utilizzata è obsoleta.
Data di scadenza della copia shadow:
Azione utente
Selezionare una copia shadow più recente ed eseguire nuovamente il ripristino. |
Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務陰影複製還原失敗。
將無法預測 Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務資料庫內容。
請參閱後續事件的事件日誌來判定問題的發生原因。 |
O restauro da cópia sombra dos Serviços LDS do Active Directory não foi concluído com êxito.
O conteúdo da base de dados dos Serviços LDS do Active Directory é imprevisível.
Acção do Utilizador
Consulte o registo de eventos relativamente a eventos subsequentes para determinar a causa do problema. |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务卷影复制还原失败。
Active Directory 轻型目录服务数据库的内容不可预测。
查看事件日志中的随后事件,从而确定问题的原因。 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri gölge kopya geri yükleme işlemi başarısız oldu.
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri veritabanının içeriği belirsiz.
Kullanıcı Eylemi
Sorunun nedenini saptamak için izleyen olayların olay günlüğünü gözden geçirin. |
Återställning av skuggkopia av Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services misslyckades.
Innehållet i Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services-databasen är opålitligt.
Ytterligare händelser i loggboken kan innehålla orsaken till det här problemet. |
Przywracanie kopii w tle usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory nie powiodło się.
Zawartość bazy danych usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory jest nieprzewidywalna.
Akcja użytkownika
Wyświetl dziennik zdarzeń, aby uzyskać informacje na temat kolejnych zdarzeń w celu określenia przyczyny problemu. |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások árnyékmásolatának helyreállítása nem sikerült.
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások adatbázisának tartalma nem határozható meg.
Tekintse meg a további eseményeket az eseménynaplóban a probléma okának meghatározásához. |
La restauration du cliché instantané des services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) a échoué.
Le contenu de la base de données AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) n’est pas prévisible.
Action utilisateur
Consultez le journal des événements pour déterminer la cause du problème. |
A restauração de cópia de sombra do Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services não teve êxito.
O conteúdo do banco de dados do Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services é imprevisível.
Ação do Usuário
Exiba o log dos eventos subseqüentes para determinar a causa do problema. |
Не удалось восстановить теневую копию служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам.
Содержимое базы данных служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам может быть непредсказуемым.
Действие пользователя
Поищите в журнале событий следующие за этой попыткой события, чтобы выяснить причину. |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービス シャドウ コピーの復元は成功しませんでした。
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービス データベースの内容が予想できません。
問題の原因を判断するために、次のイベントのイベント ログを表示してください。 |
Error en la restauración de la instantánea de los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory.
El contenido de la base de datos de los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory es imprevisible.
Acción del usuario
Consulte los eventos subsiguientes en el registro de eventos para determinar la causa del problema. |
Die Wiederherstellung von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services war nicht
Die Inhalte der Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services-Datenbank sind unvorhersehbar.
Prüfen Sie das Ereignisprotokoll auf nachfolgende Ereignisse, um die
Ursache für das Problem zu bestimmen. |
AD LDS kan niet worden teruggezet aan de hand van de schaduwkopie.
De inhoud van de AD LDS-database is onvoorspelbaar.
Bekijk het gebeurtenislogboek om de oorzaak van het probleem te achterhalen. |
Obnovení stínové kopie adresáře služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) nebylo úspěšné.
Obsah databáze služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) je nepředvídatelný.
Akce uživatele
Zobrazte protokol událostí pro pozdější události a určete příčinu problému. |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services) 섀도 복사본 복원에 실패했습니다.
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services) 데이터베이스의 내용을 예상할 수 없습니다.
사용자 작업
이벤트 로그에 있는 후속 이벤트를 참조하여 문제의 원인을 확인하십시오. |
Impossibile eseguire il ripristino della copia shadow di Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services.
Il contenuto del database di Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services è imprevedibile.
Azione utente
Visualizzare il registro eventi per esaminare gli eventi successivi in modo da determinare la causa del problema. |
陰影複製服務在還原 Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務的準備階段時失敗。
磁碟上的資料庫狀態尚未變更。 |
O restauro dos Serviços LDS do Active Directory pelo serviço de cópia sombra falhou durante a fase preparatória.
O estado da base de dados no disco não foi alterado. |
卷影复制服务对 Active Directory 轻型目录服务的还原在准备阶段失败。
磁盘上数据库的状态尚未更改。 |
Gölge kopya hizmeti tarafından gerçekleştirilen Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri geri yükleme işlemi, hazırlık aşamasında başarısız oldu.
Diskteki veritabanının durumu değiştirilmedi. |
Återställning av Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services av tjänsten Shadow Copy misslyckades under förberedelsefasen.
Tillståndet för databasen på disken har inte ändrats. |
Przywracanie usług LDS w usłudze Active Directory przez usługę kopiowania w tle nie powiodło się podczas fazy przygotowawczej.
Stan bazy danych na dysku nie został zmieniony. |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások az árnyékmásolat-szolgáltatással történő helyreállítása a felkészülési fázis során hibába ütközött.
A lemezen lévő adatbázis állapota nem módosult. |
La restauration des services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) par le service VSS a échoué lors de la phase de préparation.
L’état de la base de données sur le disque n’a pas été modifié. |
Falha ao restaurar o Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services por meio do serviço de cópia de sombra durante a fase preparatória.
O estado do banco de dados no disco não foi alterado. |
Ошибка восстановления служб Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам службой теневого копирования на этапе подготовки.
Состояние базы данных на диске не изменилось. |
前処理フェーズの最中に、シャドウ コピー サービスによる Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスの復元が失敗しました。
ディスクのデータベースの状態は変更されていません。 |
Error en la restauración de los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory mediante el servicio de instantáneas durante la fase preparatoria.
El estado de la base de datos del disco no se alteró. |
Fehler bei der Wiederherstellung von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services durch den Schattenkopiedienst in der Vorbereitungsphase.
Der Status der Datenbank auf dem Datenträger wurde nicht geändert. |
Tijdens de voorbereidende fase is het terugzetten van AD LDS via de schaduwkopieservice mislukt.
De toestand van de database op de schijf is niet gewijzigd. |
Obnovení služby AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) službou Stínová kopie se nezdařilo v přípravné fázi.
Stav databáze na disku nebyl změněn. |
섀도 복사본 서비스가 사전 복원 단계 중에 Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)를 복원하지 못했습니다.
디스크의 데이터베이스 상태는 변경되지 않았습니다. |
Errore durante la fase precedente il ripristino di Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services da parte del servizio copia shadow.
Lo stato del database su disco non è stato modificato. |
在諮詢模式下,Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務無法檢查所有延遲物件是否存在於本機網域控制站。但是在程序結束之前就被識別出來的物件已經確認存在於以下來源網域控制站。這些物件已經列在過去的事件日誌項目。
%2 %3 |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务无法以顾问模式验证本地域控制器上所有延迟对象的存在。但是,在进程退出之前发现的延迟对象已在以下源域控制器上验证了其存在。以前的事件日志项中已列出这些对象。
%2 %3 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri, danışma modunda yerel etki alanı denetleyicisinde kalan tüm nesnelerin varlığını doğrulayamadı. Ancak, işlemden çıkılmadan önce bulunan kalan nesnelerin varlığı aşağıdaki kaynak etki alanı denetleyicisinde doğrulandı. Bu nesneler, geçmiş olay günlüğü girdilerinde listelendi.
Kaynak etki alanı denetleyicisi:
Tanımlanan ve doğrulanan nesne sayısı:
Ek Veriler
Hata değeri:
%2 %3 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services kunde inte ta kontrollera om alla kvarvarande objekt finns på den lokala domänkontrollanten i rådgivande läge. Kvarvarande objekt som hittades innan processen avbröts har dock kontrollerats så att de finns på följande källdomänkontrollant. Dessa objekt har angetts i tidigare loggmeddelanden.
Antal objekt som har identifierats och kontrollerats:
Ytterligare data
%2 %3 |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、勧告モードのローカル ドメイン コントローラの残留オブジェクトをすべて確認できませんでした。しかし、終了処理の前に見つかった残留オブジェクトは次のソース ドメイン コントローラで存在が確認されています。これらのオブジェクトは過去のイベント ログ エントリに一覧されています。
ソース ドメイン コントローラ:
%2 %3 |
Das Vorhandensein aller veralteten Objekte auf dem lokalen Domänencontroller konnte im Beratungsmodus nicht überprüft werden. Allerdings wurde das Vorhandensein veralteter Objekte, die vor dem Beenden des Vorgangs gefunden wurden, auf dem folgenden Quelldomänencontroller überprüft. Diese Objekte wurden in den letzten Protokolleinträgen aufgelistet.
Anzahl identifizierter und überprüfter Objekte:
Zusätzliche Daten
%2 %3 |
Služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) neověřila existenci všech přetrvávajících odstraněných objektů v potvrzovacím režimu místního řadiče domény. Existence přetrvávajících odstraněných objektů nalezených před ukončením procesu však byla ověřena v následujícím řadiči domény. Tyto objekty byly uvedeny v minulých záznamech protokolu událostí.
Zdrojový řadič domény:
Počet označených a ověřených objektů:
Další data
Chybová hodnota:
%2 %3 |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 보고 모드에서 로컬 도메인 컨트롤러에 있는 모든 느린 개체의 존재 여부를 확인하지 못했습니다. 하지만, 작업을 취소하기 전에 검색된 느린 개체의 존재 여부를 다음 원본 도메인 컨트롤러에서 확인했습니다. 이 개체는 이전 이벤트 로그 항목에 나열되어 있습니다.
원본 도메인 컨트롤러:
식별되고 확인된 개체 수:
추가 데이터
오류 값:
%2 %3 |
因為本機網域控制站的下列延遲物件可能已經在延遲物件刪除處理程序中更新或刪除,所以 Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務無法刪除這些延遲物件。物件已在以下來源網域控制站上予以刪除並進行廢棄項目收集。
物件 GUID:
重新執行延遲物件移除處理程序。 |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务无法删除本地域控制器上的以下延迟对象,原因是它可能已在延迟对象删除过程中被更新或删除。此对象已被删除并在下列源域控制器上被收集为垃圾。
对象 GUID:
重新运行延迟对象删除过程。 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri, yerel etki alanı denetleyicisinde kalan aşağıdaki nesneyi, kalan nesne kaldırma işlemi sırasında güncelleştirilmiş veya silinmiş olduğundan silemedi. Nesne silindi ve aşağıdaki kaynak etki alanı denetleyicisine atık olarak gönderildi.
Nesne GUID'si:
Kaynak etki alanı denetleyicisi:
Kullanıcı eylemi
Kalan nesne kaldırma işlemini yeniden çalıştırın. |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services kunde inte ta bort följande kvarvarande objekt på den lokala domänkontrollanten eftersom det kanske har uppdaterats eller tagits bort under processen för borttagning av kvarvarande objekt. Objektet har tagits bort och skräpinsamlats på följande källdomänkontrollant.
Objektets GUID:
Kör processen för borttagning av kvarvarande objekt igen. |
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services não pôde excluir este objeto remanescente no controlador de domínio local porque ele pode ter sido atualizado ou excluído durante o processo de remoção de objetos remanescentes. O objeto foi excluído e coletado como lixo no seguinte controlador de domínio de origem.
GUID do Objeto:
Controlador de domínio de origem:
Ação do Usuário
Execute novamente o processo de remoção de objetos remanescentes. |
Службам Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам не удалось удалить следующий устаревший объект на локальном контроллере домена, поскольку он мог быть обновлен или удален в процессе удаления устаревших объектов. Этот объект был удален и собран как мусор на следующем исходном контроллере домена.
GUID объекта:
Исходный контроллер домена:
Действие пользователя
Перезапустите процесс удаления устаревших объектов. |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、ローカル ドメイン コントローラの次の残留オブジェクトを、残留オブジェクトの削除処理中に更新または削除された可能性があるために削除できませんでした。オブジェクトは次のソース ドメイン コントローラで削除されてガベージ コレクトされています。
オブジェクト GUID:
ソース ドメイン コントローラ:
残留オブジェクト削除処理を再実行してください。 |
느린 개체 제거 작업을 수행하는 동안 개체가 업데이트되거나 삭제되었을 수 있으므로, Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 로컬 도메인 컨트롤러에 있는 다음 느린 개체를 삭제하지 못했습니다. 다음 원본 도메인 컨트롤러에서 개체가 삭제되고 가비지 수집되었습니다.
개체 GUID:
원본 도메인 컨트롤러:
사용자 작업
느린 개체 제거 작업을 다시 실행해 보십시오. |
Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務無法刪除本機網域控制站的一個延遲物件。物件已在以下來源網域控制站上予以刪除並進行廢棄項目收集,但是尚未將刪除作業複寫到本機網域控制站。
物件 GUID:
%3 %4 |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务无法删除本地域控制器上的延迟对象。此对象已被删除并在以下源域控制器上被收集为垃圾,但尚未在本地域控制器上复制删除。
对象 GUID:
%3 %4 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri, yerel etki alanı denetleyicisinde kalan bir nesneyi silemedi. Nesne silindi ve aşağıdaki kaynak etki alanı denetleyicisine atık olarak gönderildi, ancak silme işlemi yerel etki alanı denetleyicisinde çoğaltılmadı.
Nesne GUID'si:
Kaynak etki alanı denetleyicisi:
Kalan nesne kaldırma işlemi devam etmeyecek.
Ek Veriler
Hata değeri:
%3 %4 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services kunde inte ta bort ett kvarvarande objekt på den lokala domänkontrollanten. Objektet har tagits bort och skräpinsamlats på följande källdomänkontrollant men borttagning har ännu inte replikerats till den lokala domänkontrollanten.
Objektets GUID:
Processen för borttagning av kvarvarande objekt kommer inte att fortsätta.
Ytterligare data
%3 %4 |
Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą usunąć obiektu pokutującego z lokalnego kontrolera domeny. Obiekt został usunięty i przeniesiony do zbioru elementów bezużytecznych na następującym źródłowym kontrolerze domeny, ale usunięcie nie zostało zreplikowane na lokalnym kontrolerze domeny.
Identyfikator GUID obiektu:
Źródłowy kontroler domeny:
Proces usuwania obiektu pokutującego będzie kontynuowany.
Dodatkowe dane
Wartość błędu:
%3 %4 |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások nem tudott törölni egy fennmaradó objektumot a helyi tartományvezérlőn. Az objektum az alábbi forrás-tartományvezérlőn törölve lett és el lett távolítva a szemétgyűjtéskor, de a törlés nem lett replikálva a helyi tartományvezérlőn.
Objektum GUID azonosítója:
A rendszer nem folytatja a fennmaradó objektumok eltávolításának folyamatát.
További adatok
%3 %4 |
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services não pôde excluir um objeto remanescente no controlador de domínio local. O objeto foi excluído e coletado como lixo no seguinte controlador de domínio de origem, mas a exclusão não foi replicada no controlador de domínio local.
GUID do Objeto:
Controlador de domínio de origem:
O processo de remoção de objetos remanescentes será interrompido.
Dados Adicionais
Valor do erro:
%3 %4 |
Службам Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам не удалось удалить устаревший объект на локальном контроллере домена. Этот объект был удален и собран как мусор на следующем исходном контроллере домена, но удаление не было реплицировано на локальный контроллер домена.
GUID объекта:
Исходный контроллер домена:
Процесс удаления устаревшего объекта будет прерван.
Дополнительные данные
Значение ошибки:
%3 %4 |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、ローカル ドメイン コントローラの残留オブジェクトを削除できませんでした。オブジェクトは次のソース ドメイン コントローラで削除されてガベージ コレクトされましたが、その削除はローカル ドメイン コントローラでレプリケートされていません。
オブジェクト GUID:
ソース ドメイン コントローラ:
%3 %4 |
In AD LDS kan een achtergebleven object op de lokale domeincontroller niet worden verwijderd. Het object is permanent verwijderd en aan de garbage collection toegevoegd op de volgende brondomeincontroller, maar de verwijdering is niet gerepliceerd op de lokale domeincontroller.
Het proces voor verwijdering van achtergebleven objecten wordt niet voortgezet.
Aanvullende gegevens
%3 %4 |
Služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) neodstranila přetrvávající odstraněný objekt z místního řadiče domény. Objekt byl odstraněn a byla u něho uvolněna paměť v následujícím zdrojovém řadiči domény, ale toto odstranění nebylo replikováno v místním řadiči domény.
Identifikátor GUID objektu:
Zdrojový řadič domény:
Proces odebrání přetrvávajícího odstraněného objektu nebude pokračovat.
Další data
Chybová hodnota:
%3 %4 |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 로컬 도메인 컨트롤러에서 느린 개체를 삭제하지 못했습니다. 다음 원본 도메인 컨트롤러에서 개체가 삭제되고 가비지 수집되었지만, 로컬 도메인 컨트롤러에서 삭제가 복제되지 않았습니다.
개체 GUID:
원본 도메인 컨트롤러:
느린 개체 제거 작업이 계속 진행되지 않습니다.
추가 데이터
오류 값:
%3 %4 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services: impossibile eliminare un oggetto residuo nel controller di dominio locale. L'oggetto è stato eliminato e sottoposto a Garbage Collection nel controller di dominio di origine seguente, ma l'eliminazione non è stata replicata nel controller di dominio locale.
GUID oggetto:
Controller di dominio di origine:
Il processo di rimozione dell'oggetto residuo verrà interrotto.
Dati aggiuntivi
Valore errore:
%3 %4 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: The following directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. The operation may have failed.
Process ID:
Reported error information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Extended error information:Error value:
%4 (%5)
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
%8 |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:Error value:
%1 (%2)
directory service:
Supplemental information:Detection location:
Generating component:
Time at directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 (%2) |