Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務無法設定複寫一致性登錄機碼。
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
Os Serviços LDS do Active Directory não conseguiram definir a chave de Registo de consistência de replicação. Verifique o
valor da seguinte chave de Registo.
Chave de Registo:
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务无法设置复制一致性注册表项。请检查
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri, çoğaltma tutarlılığı kayıt defteri anahtarını ayarlayamadı. Lütfen aşağıdaki
kayıt defteri anahtarının değerini denetleyin.
Kayıt Defteri Anahtarı:
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services kunde inte ange ett värde i registernyckeln för replikeringskonsekvens.
Kontrollera värdet för följande registernyckel.
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą ustawić klucza rejestru spójności replikacji. Sprawdź wartość następującego
klucza rejestru.
Klucz rejestru:
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások nem tudta beállítani a replikáció konzisztenciájának beállításkulcsát. Ellenőrizze az
alábbi beállításkulcs értékét.
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
Les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) n’ont pas pu définir la clé de Registre de cohérence de la réplication. Vérifiez la
valeur de la clé de Registre suivante.
Clé de Registre :
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services não pôde definir a chave do Registro de consistência de replicação. Verifique o
valor da seguinte chave do Registro.
Chave do Registro:
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
Службам Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам не удалось установить раздел согласования репликации в реестре. Проверьте
значение следующего раздела реестра.
Раздел реестра:
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、レプリケーション整合性レジストリ キーを設定できませんでした。次の
レジストリ キーの値を確認してください。
レジストリ キー:
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
Los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory no pudieron establecer la clave del Registro de coherencia de la replicación. Compruebe el valor de la siguiente
clave del Registro.
Clave del Registro:
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
Der Replikationskonsistenz-Registrierungsschlüssel konnte von Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services nicht festgelegt werden.
Prüfen Sie den Wert für den folgenden Registrierungsschlüssel.
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
De registersleutel voor consistente replicatie kan niet worden ingesteld door AD LDS.
Controleer de waarde van de volgende registersleutel.
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
Služba AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) nenastavila klíč registru konzistence replikace. Zkontrolujte
hodnotu následujícího klíče registru.
Klíč registru:
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)가 복제 일치 레지스트리 키를 설정하지 못했습니다.
다음 레지스트리 키의 값을 확인하십시오.
레지스트리 키:
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services: impossibile impostare la chiave del Registro di sistema per la coerenza della replica. Verificare il
valore della chiave seguente del Registro di sistema.
Chiave del Registro di sistema:
HKeyLocalMachine\%1\%2 |
%1 %2
使用者動作:使用 rendom 工具重試上載網欲重新命名指令檔。 |
A assinatura do script é inválida ou o serviço de directório não conseguiu verificar a assinatura do mesmo.
Dados adicionais:Valor do erro:
%1 %2
Acção do utilizador:Repita o carregamento do script de mudança de nome de domínios utilizando a ferramenta rendom. |
%1 %2
用户操作:重新尝试使用 rendom 工具上载域重命名脚本。 |
Komut dosyası imzası geçersiz veya Dizin Hizmeti komut dosyası imzasını doğrulayamadı.
Ek veri::Hata değeri:
%1 %2
Kullanıcı eylemi:rendom aracını kullanarak etki alanı yeniden adlandırma komut dosyasını yeniden karşıya yüklemeyi deneyin. |
Antingen är skriptets signatur felaktig eller så kunde katalogtjänsten inte verifiera skriptets signatur.
Ytterligare data:Felvärde:
%1 %2
Användaråtgärd:Använd verktyget rendom och försök skicka skriptet för namnbyte av domänen igen. |
Podpis skryptu jest nieprawidłowy lub usługa katalogowa nie może go zweryfikować.
Dodatkowe dane:Wartość błędu:
%1 %2
Akcja użytkownika:Ponów próbę przekazania skryptu zmiany nazwy domeny, używając narzędzia rendom. |
A parancsfájl aláírása érvénytelen, vagy a címtárszolgáltatás nem tudta ellenőrizni azt.
További adatok:Hibaérték:
%1 %2
Felhasználói beavatkozás:Próbálja meg ismét feltölteni a tartomány-átnevezési parancsfájlt a rendom eszköz segítségével. |
La signature du script n’est pas valide ou le service d’annuaire n’a pas pu vérifier la signature du script.
Données supplémentaires :Valeur d’erreur :
%1 %2
Action utilisateur :Essayez de recharger le script de changement de nom de domaine en utilisant l’outil rendom. |
A assinatura de script é inválida ou o Serviço de Diretório não pôde verificar essa assinatura de script.
Dados adicionais:Valor do erro:
%1 %2
Ação do usuário:Tente carregar novamente o script de renomeação de domínio utilizando a ferramenta rendom. |
Подпись сценария неправильна, либо службе каталогов не удается ее проверить.
Дополнительные данные:Значение ошибки:
%1 %2
Действие пользователя
Снова попробуйте отгрузить сценарий переименования домена с помощью программы rendom. |
スクリプト署名が無効か、またはディレクトリ サービスでスクリプト署名が確認できませんでした。
%1 %2
ユーザー操作:rendom ツールを使ってドメイン名の変更スクリプトのアップロードを再試行してください。 |
La firma del archivo de script no es válida o el servicio de directorio no puede comprobarla.
Datos adicionales:Valor de error:
%1 %2
Acción del usuario:Vuelva a intentar descargar el archivo de script para cambio de nombre de dominio mediante la herramienta rendom. |
Die Skriptsignatur ist ungültig, oder der Verzeichnisdienst konnte die Skriptsignatur nicht überprüfen.
Zusätzliche Daten:Fehlerwert:
%1 %2
Benutzeraktion:Versuchen, Sie das Domänenumbenennungsskript mithilfe des Tools "rendom" upzuloaden. |
De handtekening van het script is ongeldig of kan niet worden geverifieerd.
Aanvullende gegevens:Foutwaarde:
%1 %2
Aanbevolen handeling:Probeer het domeinnaamswijzigingsscript opnieuw te uploaden met het hulpprogramma rendom. |
Podpis skriptu není platný nebo jej služba Active Directory nemůže ověřit.
Další data:Chybová hodnota:
%1 %2
Akce uživatele:Znovu zkuste odeslat skript pro přejmenování domény pomocí nástroje RenDom. |
스크립트 서명이 잘못되었거나 디렉터리 서비스가 스크립트 서명을 확인할 수 없습니다.
추가 데이터:오류 값:
%1 %2
사용자 작업:임의 도구를 사용하여 도메인 이름 변경 스크립트의 로드를 다시 시도하십시오. |
La firma dello script non è valida o non è possibile verificarla.
Dati aggiuntivi:Valore di errore:
%1 %2
Azione utente:Riprovare il caricamento dello script per rinominare il dominio mediante lo strumento rendom. |
當初始化過程中,Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務無法升級重要的索引。
請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務以獲得協助。 |
O Serviços LDS do Active Directory não conseguiram actualizar um índice crítico como parte da inicialização.
Contacte o Suporte Técnico da Microsoft para obter assistência. |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务作为初始化的一部分,未能升级重要索引。
请与 Microsoft 产品支持服务联系以获得帮助。 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri, başlatma işleminin bir parçası olarak önemli bir dizini yükseltemedi.
Lütfen yardım için Microsoft Ürün Desteği Hizmetleri ile bağlantı kurun. |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services kunde inte uppdatera nödvändiga index som en del av initieringen.
Kontakta Microsoft Support för ytterligare hjälp. |
Usługi LDS w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą uaktualnić indeksu krytycznego w ramach inicjalizacji.
Aby uzyskać pomoc, skontaktuj się z Pomocą techniczną firmy Microsoft. |
Az Active Directory Lightweight Directory-szolgáltatások nem tudott frissíteni egy kritikus indexet az inicializálás során.
Segítséget a Microsoft terméktámogató szolgáltatásától kaphat. |
Les services AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) n’ont pas pu mettre à niveau un index critique faisant partie de l’initialisation.
Contactez les Services de Support Technique de Microsoft pour obtenir de l’assistance. |
O Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services não conseguiu atualizar um índice crítico como parte da inicialização.
Contate o Atendimento Microsoft para obter assistência. |
В ходе инициализации службам Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогам не удалось обновить критический индекс.
Обратитесь в службу технической поддержки продуктов Майкрософт. |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービスは、初期化操作の一部として重要なインデックスをアップグレードできませんでした。
Microsoft 製品サポート サービスに連絡してください。 |
Los Servicios de directorio ligero de Active Directory no pudieron actualizar un índice crítico como parte de la inicialización.
Póngase en contacto con los servicios de soporte técnico de Microsoft para obtener ayuda. |
Ein wichtiger Index konnte nicht als Teil der Initialisierung aktualisiert werden.
Wenden Sie sich an Microsoft Support Services. |
Een index die essentieel is voor het initialisatieproces kan in AD LDS niet worden bijgewerkt.
Neem contact op met Microsoft Productondersteuning voor assistentie. |
Službě AD LDS (Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services) se při inicializaci nepodařilo upgradovat důležitý index.
Obraťte se na oddělení technické podpory. |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services)에서 초기화의 일부인 중요한 인덱스를 업그레이드하지 못했습니다.
Microsoft 기술 지원 서비스에 문의하십시오. |
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services: impossibile aggiornare un indice critico durante l'inizializzazione.
Per informazioni, rivolgersi al Servizio Supporto Tecnico Clienti Microsoft. |
無法複寫設定及架構資訊。請檢查網路及伺服器的可用性。 |
Não é possível replicar as informações de configuração e de esquema. Verifique a disponibilidade da rede e do servidor. |
无法复制配置和架构信息。请检查网络和服务器可用性。 |
Yapılandırma ve şema bilgileri çoğaltılamıyor. Ağ ve sunucu kullanılabilirliğini denetleyin. |
Det går inte att replikera konfigurations- och schemainformation. Kontrollera att nätverket och servern är tillgängliga. |
Nie można replikować informacji konfiguracyjnych i informacji o schemacie. Sprawdź, czy sieć i serwer są dostępne. |
Nem lehet replikálni a konfigurációs és sémainformációkat. Ellenőrizze a hálózat és a kiszolgáló rendelkezésre állását. |
Impossible de répliquer les informations de configuration et de schéma. Vérifiez la disponibilité du réseau et du serveur. |
Não é possível replicar informações de configuração e esquema. Verifique a disponibilidade da rede e do servidor. |
Не удается реплицировать сведения о схеме и настройке. Проверьте доступность сети и сервера. |
構成とスキーマ情報をレプリケートできません。ネットワークとサーバーが利用可能かどうか確認してください。 |
No se puede replicar la información de configuración ni del esquema. Compruebe la disponibilidad de la red y del servidor. |
Konfiguration und Schemainformationen können nicht repliziert werden. Überprüfen Sie die Verfügbarkeit von Netzwerk und Server. |
Kan geen configuratie- en schemagegevens repliceren. Netwerk- en serverbeschikbaarheid controleren. |
Nelze provést replikaci informací o konfiguraci a schématu. Zkontrolujte dostupnost sítě a serveru. |
구성 및 스키마 정보를 복제할 수 없습니다. 네트워크 및 서버가 사용 가능한지를 확인하십시오. |
Impossibile replicare le informazioni di configurazione e schema. Verificare che la rete e il server siano disponibili. |
不能有一個以上類別 msExchConfigurationContainer 的物件來做為設定 NC 中服務容器的當前子系。 |
Não é possível ter mais de um objecto da classe msExchConfigurationContainer como elemento subordinado imediato do contentor 'Serviços' na NC de configuração. |
在配置 NC 中,不能有多于一个类 msExchConfigurationContainer 的对象作为服务容器的直接子对象。 |
Yapılandırma NC'sinde Hizmetler kapsayıcısının bir alt öğesi olarak birden fazla msExchConfigurationContainer sınıfı nesnesi olamaz. |
Du kan inte ha fler än ett objekt från klassen msExchConfigurationContainer som direkt underordnat objekt till behållaren Tjänster i namngivningskontexten. |
Tylko jeden obiekt klasy msExchConfigurationContainer może być bezpośrednim obiektem podrzędnym kontenera usług w kontekście nazewnictwa konfiguracji. |
A konfiguráció névhasználati környezetében a Services tárolónak nem lehet egynél több msExchConfigurationContainer osztályú közvetlen gyermeke. |
Impossible d’avoir plus d’un objet de la classe msExchConfigurationContainer en tant qu’enfant immédiat du conteneur Services dans le NC Configuration. |
Não é possível ter mais de um objeto da classe msExchConfigurationContainer como um filho imediato do contêiner Serviços no NC de Configuração. |
Не допускается наличие более одного объекта класса msExchConfigurationContainer в качестве непосредственного дочернего объекта в контейнере службы настройки NC. |
Configuration NC にある Services コンテナの直下の子として、クラス msExchConfigurationContainer のオブジェクトを複数持つことはできません。 |
No puede haber más de un objeto de la clase msExchConfigurationContainer como secundario inmediato del contenedor de servicios en el NC de configuración. |
Es darf nicht mehr als ein Objekt der Klasse msExchConfigurationContainer als unmittelbar untergeordnetes Objekt des Services-Containers im Konfigurationsnamenskontext geben. |
Er kan niet meer dan één object uit de klasse msExchConfigurationContainer als een direct ondergeschikt object van de servicescontainer in de configuratie-NC fungeren. |
Jako bezprostřední podřízený objekt kontejneru Služby v názvovém kontextu konfigurace nemůže existovat více než jeden objekt třídy msExchConfigurationContainer. |
msExchConfigurationContainer 클래스의 개체를 구성 NC의 서비스 컨테이너의 직접적인 자식으로 가질 수 없습니다. |
Impossibile avere più di un oggetto della classe msExchConfigurationContainer come figlio diretto del contenitore Servizi nel contesto dei nomi della configurazione. |
錯誤值:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Falha na operação de restauro da base de dados.
Dados adicionais
Valor do erro:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
错误值:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Veritabanını yeniden yükleme işlemi başarısız oldu.
Ek Veriler
Hata değeri:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
En återställningsåtgärd misslyckades.
Ytterligare data
Felvärde:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Operacja przywrócenia bazy danych nie powiodła się.
Dodatkowe dane
Wartość błędu:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Az adatbázist nem sikerült visszaállítani.
További adatok
Hibaérték:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
L’opération de restauration de la base de données a échoué.
Données supplémentaires
Valeur d’erreur :%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Falha na operação de restauração do banco de dados.
Dados adicionais
Valor do erro:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Сбой при восстановлении базы данных.
Дополнительные данные
Значение ошибки:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
エラー値:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
No se pudo restaurar la base de datos.
Datos adicionales
Valor de error:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Fehler beim Datenbankwiederherstellungsvorgang.
Zusätzliche Daten
Fehlerwert:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Het terugzetten van de database is mislukt.
Extra gegevens
Foutwaarde:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Operace obnovení databáze se nezdařila.
Přídavná data
Chybová hodnota:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
데이터베이스 복원 작업에 실패했습니다.
추가 데이터
오류 값:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Impossibile effettuare il ripristino del database.
Dati aggiuntivi
Valore errore:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed while preparing to restore from backup media.
Additional Data
Error value:%1 (0x%2)%3 |
Active Directory 輕量型目錄服務 DB 備份準備失敗,原因是:使用者動作:重試備份操作。如果這個問題持續,請先調查一般的資料庫問題,然後重試備份操作。
備份已被取消。一般的資料庫問題包括 (但不限制在) 磁碟失敗、磁碟已滿、資料庫
其他資料:錯誤值: %1 %2
內部識別碼: %3 |
Active Directory 轻型目录服务 DB 备份准备失败:用户操作:重试备份操作。如果此问题持续存在,请调查一般数据库问题,
其他数据:错误值: %1 %2
内部 ID: %3 |
Active Directory Basit Dizin Hizmetleri DB yedekleme hazırlığı başarısız oldu:Kullanıcı Eylemi:Yedekleme işlemini yeniden deneyin. Sorun devam ederse, sık karşılaşılan veritabanı sorunlarını araştırın
ve yedekleme işlemini yeniden deneyin. Yedekleme iptal edildi. Sık karşılaşılan veritabanı sorunları arasında
hatalı diskler, diskin dolu olması, veritabanı çekişmesi ve bozulmalar sayılabilir ancak başka nedenler de vardır.
Ek Veriler:Hata Değeri: %1 %2
İç kimlik: %3 |
Active Directory ライトウェイト ディレクトリ サービス DB バックアップの準備が、
り消されました。データベースによく発生する問題としては、ディスク エラー、ディス
追加データ:エラー値: %1 %2
内部 ID: %3 |
Active Directory LDS(Lightweight Directory Services) DB 백업 준비에 실패했습니다.
사용자 작업:백업 작업을 다시 시도하십시오. 이 문제가 지속되면 일반적인 데이터베이스 문제를 확인한 다음
백업 작업을 다시 시도하십시오. 백업이 취소되었습니다. 일반적인 데이터베이스 문제는
디스크 문제, 디스크 공간 부족, 데이터베이스 충돌, 손상 등이 있을 수 있습니다.
추가 데이터:오류 값: %1 %2
내부 ID: %3 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database was in an incorrect state.
User Action
Restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services from backup.
Additional Data
Internal ID (DitState): %1 |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |
Internal error: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services could not boot normally, because the database is in an incorrect state. This might have been caused by a prior unsuccessful promotion using the ‘Install from media’ option in the installation wizard.
User Action
Remove the directory service and reinstall it. |