[群組全部省略] |
[Todos os grupos omitidos] |
[缺少所有组] |
[Tüm gruplar atlandı] |
[Alla grupper har uteslutits] |
[Wszystkie grupy pominięte] |
[Minden csoport kihagyva] |
[Totalité des groupes omis] |
[Todos os grupos omitidos] |
[Все группы опущены] |
[グループがすべて省略されています] |
[Todos los grupos omitidos] |
[Alle Gruppen ausgelassen] |
[Alle groepen weggelaten] |
[Všechny skupiny vynechány] |
[그룹 모두 생략됨] |
[Tutti i gruppi sono stati omessi] |
[自訂宣告不存在] |
[Afirmações personalizadas não existentes] |
[自定义声明不存在] |
[Özel talepler yok] |
[Egna anspråk finns inte] |
[Brak oświadczeń niestandardowych] |
[Nem léteznek egyéni jogcímek] |
[Revendications personnalisées non présentes] |
[Declarações personalizadas não presentes] |
[Настраиваемые утверждения отсутствуют] |
[カスタム要求がありません] |
[Notificaciones personalizadas no presentes] |
[Benutzerdefinierte Ansprüche nicht vorhanden] |
[Aangepaste claims niet aanwezig] |
[Nejsou přítomny vlastní deklarace] |
[사용자 지정 클레임 없음] |
[Attestazioni personalizzate non presenti] |
[SID 存在] |
[SIDs presentes] |
[SID 存在] |
[SID'ler var] |
[Säkerhets-ID:n är tillgängliga] |
[Dostępne identyfikatory SID] |
[Meglévő biztonsági azonosítók] |
[SID présents] |
[SIDs presentes] |
[Идентификаторы безопасности присутствуют] |
[SID があります] |
[SID presentes] |
[SIDs vorhanden] |
[SID's aanwezig] |
[Jsou přítomny identifikátory SID] |
[SID 있음] |
[SID presenti] |
[SID 不存在] |
[SIDs não presentes] |
[SID 不存在] |
[SID'ler yok] |
[Inga säkerhets-ID:n är tillgängliga] |
[Brak identyfikatorów SID] |
[Nem található biztonsági azonosítók] |
[SID non présents] |
[SIDs não presentes] |
[Идентификаторы безопасности отсутствуют] |
[SID がありません] |
[SID no presentes] |
[SIDs nicht vorhanden] |
[SID's niet aanwezig] |
[Nejsou přítomny identifikátory SID] |
[SID 없음] |
[SID non presenti] |
[SID 略過] |
[SIDs ignorados] |
[忽略 SID] |
[SID'ler yoksayıldı] |
[Säkerhets-ID:n ignorerades] |
[Zignorowane identyfikatory SID] |
[Figyelmen kívül hagyott biztonsági azonosítók] |
[SID ignorés] |
[SIDs ignorados] |
[Идентификаторы безопасности игнорируются] |
[SID が無視されました] |
[SID omitidos] |
[SIDs ignoriert] |
[SID's genegeerd] |
[Identifikátory SID vynechány] |
[SID 무시됨] |
[SID ignorati] |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep 無法檢查這台電腦的作業系統版本。
Adprep 已停止而沒有進行變更。準備好網域及樹系時,版本檢查很重要。
Active Directory 網域服務準備工作只能在執行 Windows 2000、Windows Server 2003 或 Windows Server 2008 的 Active Directory 網域控制站上進行。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu verificar a versão do sistema operativo neste computador.
O Adprep parou sem efectuar alterações. A verificação da versão é essencial quando o domínio e a floresta estão a ser preparados.
[Acção do utilizador]
A preparação dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory só pode ocorrer num controlador de domínio com o Windows 2000, o Windows Server 2003 ou o Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep 无法检查此计算机上操作系统的版本。
Adprep 已停止,且未做更改。域和林准备就绪后,版本检查很关键。
Active Directory 域服务准备只能在运行 Windows 2000、Windows Server 2003 或 Windows Server 2008 的 Active Directory 域控制器上进行。 |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep bu bilgisayar üzerindeki işletim sistemi sürümünü denetleyemedi.
Adprep hiçbir değişiklik yapmadan durdu. Etki alanı ve orman hazırlanmışsa, sürüm denetimi kritik düzeyde önemlidir.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri hazırlığı, yalnızca Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 veya Windows Server 2008 çalıştıran bir Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi'nde gerçekleşebilir. |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep kunde inte kontrollera operativsystemets version på den här datorn.
Adprep har stoppats utan att några ändringar har gjorts. Den här versionskontrollen är nödvändig när domänen och skogen förbereds.
Active Directory Domain Services kan endast förberedas på Active Directory-domänkontrollanter som kör Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 eller Windows Server 2008. |
Program Adprep nie może sprawdzić wersji systemu operacyjnego na tym komputerze.
Program Adprep zatrzymał się bez dokonania zmian. Sprawdzenie wersji jest czynnością krytyczną podczas przygotowywania domeny i lasu.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Przygotowanie usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory może nastąpić tylko na kontrolerze domeny usługi Active Directory z systemem Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 lub Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
Az Adprep alkalmazás nem tudta ellenőrizni az operációs rendszer verziószámát ezen a számítógépen.
Az Adprep módosítások végrehajtása nélkül leállt. A verzióellenőrzés elengedhetetlen a tartomány és az erdő előkészítéséhez .
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások előkészítése csak Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 vagy Windows Server 2008 operációs rendszerű Active Directory-tartományvezérlőn lehetséges. |
Adprep n’a pas pu vérifier la version du système d’exploitation de cet ordinateur.
Adprep s’est arrêté sans apporter de modification. La vérification de la version est critique lorsque le domaine et la forêt sont préparés.
[Action utilisateur]
La préparation des services de domaine Active Directory ne peut s’effectuer que sur un contrôleur de domaine Active Directory exécutant Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 ou Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
A Adprep não pôde verificar a versão do sistema operacional neste computador.
A Adprep parou sem fazer alterações. A verificação de versão é crítica quando o domínio e a floresta são preparados.
[Ação do Usuário]
A preparação dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory só pode ocorrer em um Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory que execute o Windows 2000, o Windows Server 2003 ou o Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep はこのコンピュータのオペレーティング システムのバージョンを確認できませんでした。
Adprep は変更なしで停止しました。バージョンの確認はドメインとフォレストを準備するときには重要です。
Active Directory ドメイン サービスの準備は、Windows 2000、Windows Server 2003 または Windows Server 2008 を実行している Active Directory ドメイン コントローラでのみ可能です。 |
Adprep no pudo comprobar la versión del sistema operativo en este equipo.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep se detuvo sin realizar cambios. La comprobación de la versión es crucial cuando el dominio y el bosque se preparan.
[Acción del usuario]
La preparación de Servicios de dominio de Active Directory sólo puede producirse en un controlador de dominio de Active Directory que ejecuta Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 o Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
Die Version des Betriebssystems auf diesem Computer konnte nicht überprüft werden.
Adprep wurde beendet, ohne Änderungen durchzuführen. Die Versionsüberprüfung
ist unabdingbar, wenn Domäne und Gesamtstruktur vorbereitet werden.
Die Vorbereitung der Active Directory-Domänendienste kann nur auf einem Active Directory-Domänencontroller unter Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 oder Windows Server 2008 durchgeführt werden. |
De versie van het besturingssysteem op deze computer kan niet worden gecontroleerd.
Het uitvoeren van Adprep is gestopt zonder wijzigingen aan te brengen. De versiecontrole is kritiek bij de voorbereiding van het domein en het forest.
Active Directory Domain Services kan alleen worden voorbereid op een Active Directory-domeincontroller met Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 of Windows Server 2008. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep nemohl zkontrolovat verzi operačního systému v tomto počítači.
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep byl ukončen bez provedení změn. Kontrola verze je důležitá při přípravě domény a doménové struktury.
[Akce uživatele]
Přípravu služby Active Directory Domain Services lze provádět pouze v řadiči domény služby Active Directory se systémem Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 nebo Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep가 이 컴퓨터의 운영 체제 버전을 확인하지 못했습니다.
Adprep가 변경 없이 중지되었습니다. 도메인 및 포리스트가 준비된 상태에서의 버전 확인은 중요합니다.
[사용자 작업]
Active Directory 도메인 서비스 준비 작업은 Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 또는 Windows Server 2008을 실행하는 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러에서만 수행할 수 있습니다. |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep не может проверить версию операционной системы на данном компьютере.
Выполнение Adprep остановлено без внесения изменений. Проверка версии важна при подготовке домена и леса.
[Действие пользователя]
Подготовка доменных служб Active Directory может осуществляться только на контроллере домена Active Directory, работающем под управлением Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 или Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep was unable to check the version of the operating system on this computer.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. The version check is critical when the domain and forest is prepared.
[User Action]
Active Directory Domain Services preparation can only occur on a Active Directory Domain Controller running Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008. |
Impossibile controllare la versione del sistema operativo nel computer in uso.
Adprep è stato interrotto e non ha apportato modifiche. Il controllo della versione è critico durante la preparazione del dominio e della foresta.
[Azione utente]
La preparazione di Servizi di dominio Active Directory può essere eseguita solo in un controller di dominio Active Directory che esegue Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 o Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
Adprep 無法建立記錄檔 %1。
Adprep 已停止而沒有進行變更。Adprep 會使用在 %2 目錄中所建立的記錄檔,記錄網域或樹系準備過程中的狀態或錯誤訊息。
請確認您的登入識別碼有這個目錄的寫入權限,並在適當時變更權限。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu criar o ficheiro de registo %1.
O Adprep parou sem efectuar alterações. O Adprep utiliza o ficheiro de registo, criado no directório %2, para escrever mensagens de estado e de erro durante a preparação do domínio ou da floresta.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Verifique se o ID de início de sessão tem permissões de escrita para este directório e altere as permissões, conforme apropriado. |
Adprep 无法创建日志文件 %1。
Adprep 已经停止,并且未做任何更改。在域或林的准备过程中,Adprep 使用在 %2 目录中创建的日志文件来写出状态和错误消息。
验证您的登录 ID 是否具有对此目录的写入权限并适当更改权限。 |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
Adprep %1 günlük dosyasını oluşturamadı.
Adprep hiçbir değişiklik yapmadan durdu. Adprep etki alanı veya ormanın hazırlanması sırasındaki durum ve hata iletilerini yazmak için %2 dizininde oluşturulan günlük dosyasını kullanır.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Oturum açma kimliğinizin bu dizine yazma izni olduğunu doğrulayın ve izinleri gerektiği şekilde değiştirin. |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
Adprep kunde inte skapa loggfilen %1.
Adprep har stoppats utan att några ändringar har gjorts. Adprep använder loggfilen, som skapas i katalogen %2 för att skriva status- och felmeddelanden när domänen eller skogen förbereds.
Kontrollera att du har skrivbehörighet för katalogen och ändra behörigheterna. |
Program Adprep nie może utworzyć pliku dziennika %1.
Program Adprep zatrzymał się bez dokonania zmian. Program Adprep używa pliku dziennika, utworzonego w katalogu %2, do zapisywania komunikatów o stanie i błędach podczas przygotowywania domeny lub lasu.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Zweryfikuj, czy identyfikator logowania użytkownika ma uprawnienia do zapisu w tym katalogu, i w razie potrzeby zmień uprawnienia na odpowiednie. |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
Az Adprep alkalmazás nem tudta létrehozni a(z) %1 naplófájlt.
Az Adprep módosítások végrehajtása nélkül leállt. Az Adprep ebbe a %2 könyvtárban létrehozott naplófájlba írja ki a tartomány vagy az erdő előkészítésekor keletkező állapot- és hibaüzeneteket.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Ellenőrizze, hogy bejelentkezési azonosítója rendelkezik-e írási engedéllyel ehhez a könyvtárhoz, és hajtsa végre a szükséges engedélymódosításokat. |
Adprep n’a pas pu créer le fichier journal %1.
Adprep s’est arrêté sans apporter de modification. Adprep utilise le fichier journal créé dans le répertoire %2 pour écrire l’état et les messages d’erreur pendant la préparation du domaine ou de la forêt.
[Action utilisateur]
Vérifiez que votre ID d’ouverture de session dispose de droits en écriture pour ce répertoire et modifiez éventuellement les autorisations. |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
A Adprep não pôde criar o arquivo e log %1.
A Adprep parou sem fazer alterações. A Adprep usa o arquivo de log, criado no diretório %2, para gravar mensagens de status e de erro durante a preparação do domínio ou da floresta.
[Ação de Usuário]
Verifique se sua identificação de logon tem permissões de gravação nesse diretório e altere as permissões conforme apropriado. |
Adprep не может создать файл журнала %1.
Выполнение Adprep остановлено без внесения изменений. Adprep использует файл журнала, созданный в каталоге %2, для записи сообщений о состоянии и ошибках во время подготовки домена или леса.
[Действие пользователя]
Проверьте, имеет ли ваш код входа в систему разрешения на запись в этот каталог, и измените разрешения нужным образом. |
Adprep はログ ファイル %1 を作成できませんでした。
Adprep は変更なしで停止しました。Adprep は %2 ディレクトリに作成されたログ ファイルを使用して、ドメインまたはフォレストの準備中の状態およびエラー メッセージを書き出します。
ログオン ID がこのディレクトリへの書き込みのアクセス許可を持っているかどうかを確認し、必要な場合はアクセス許可を変更してください。 |
Adprep no pudo crear el archivo de registro %1.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep se detuvo sin realizar ningún cambio. Adprep usa el archivo de registro creado en el directorio %2 para escribir los mensajes de estado y de error durante la preparación del dominio o el bosque.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe que su identificador de inicio de sesión tiene permisos de escritura en este directorio y cambie los permisos del modo adecuado. |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
Adprep konnte die Protokolldatei "%1" nicht erstellen.
Adprep wurde beendet, ohne Änderungen vorzunehmen. Adprep verwendet das
Protokoll, das im Verzeichnis "%2" erstellt wird, um während der Vorbereitung der Domäne oder der Gesamtstruktur Status- und Fehlermeldungen zu schreiben.
Überprüfen Sie, ob Ihr Benutzername über Schreibberechtigungen für dieses
Verzeichnis verfügt, und ändern Sie die Berechtigungen entsprechend. |
Logboekbestand %1 kan niet worden gemaakt.
Adprep is gestopt zonder dat er wijzigingen zijn aangebracht. In het logboekbestand dat in de map %2 is gemaakt worden status- en foutberichten geregistreerd tijdens de voorbereiding van het domein of het forest.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Controleer of u met uw aanmeldings-id gemachtigd bent te schrijven naar deze map en wijzig zo nodig de machtigingen. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep nemohl vytvořit soubor protokolu %1.
Nástroj Adprep byl ukončen bez provedení změn. Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep používá soubor protokolu vytvořený v adresáři %2 k zápisu chybových zpráv a zpráv o stavu během přípravy domény nebo doménové struktury.
[Akce uživatele]
Ověřte, zda pro použité ID přihlášení existuje oprávnění k zápisu do tohoto adresáře a podle potřeby oprávnění změňte. |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
Adprep에서 %1 로그 파일을 만들지 못했습니다.
Adprep가 변경 없이 중지되었습니다. Adprep는 %2 디렉터리에서 만들어진 로그 파일을 사용하여 도메인 또는 포리스트의 준비 작업을 진행하는 중에 상태 및 오류 메시지를 씁니다.
[사용자 작업]
로그온 ID가 이 디렉터리에 대한 쓰기 권한을 가지고 있는지 확인하고 적절한 권한으로 변경하십시오. |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
Adprep was unable to create the log file %1.
Adprep has stopped without making changes. Adprep uses the log file, created in the %2 directory, to write out status and error messages during the preparation of the domain or forest.
[User Action]
Verify that your logon ID has write permissions to this directory and change the permissions as appropriate. |
Adprep non è in grado di creare il file di registro %1.
Adprep è stato interrotto e non ha apportato modifiche. Adprep utilizza il file di registro, creato nella directory %2, per la scrittura di messaggi di stato e di errore durante la preparazione del dominio o della foresta.
[Azione utente]
Verificare che l'ID di accesso disponga delle autorizzazioni di scrittura per questa directory e modificare le autorizzazioni in base alle esigenze. |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep 無法建立物件的分辨名稱。
允許系統為這個操作配置更多的資源,來修正這個問題。請重新啟動 Adprep。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu criar um nome único para um objecto.
Esta operação não teve êxito porque não foi atribuída uma memória intermédia, possivelmente devido à existência de poucos recursos de sistema.
[Acção do utilizador]
Corrija o problema, permitindo ao sistema atribuir mais recursos a esta operação. Reinicie o Adprep. |
Adprep 无法构造对象的可分辨名称。
通过允许系统为此操作分配更多资源来纠正此问题。重新启动 Adprep。 |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep nesne için ayırt edici bir ad yapılandıramadı.
Büyük bir olasılıkla düşük sistem kaynakları nedeniyle önbellek ayrılamadığından bu işlem başarısız oldu.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Sistemin bu işleme daha fazla kaynak ayırmasını sağlayarak sorunu düzeltin. Adprep uygulamasını yeniden başlatın. |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep kunde inte skapa ett unikt namn för ett objekt.
Den här åtgärden misslyckades eftersom det inte gick att allokera en buffert. Detta kan bero på att systemresurser saknades.
Rätta till problemet genom att låta systemet allokera mer resurser för den här åtgärden. Starta om Adprep. |
Program Adprep nie może skonstruować nazwy wyróżniającej obiektu.
Nie można wykonać tej operacji, ponieważ nie można przydzielić buforu, prawdopodobnie z powodu zbyt małej ilości zasobów systemowych.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Rozwiąż problem, zezwalając systemowi na przydzielenie większej ilości zasobów dla tej operacji. Uruchom ponownie program Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
Az Adprep nem tudta felépíteni egy objektum megkülönböztető nevét.
A művelet sikertelen pufferlefoglalás következtében meghiúsult, valószínűleg a rendszererőforrások alacsony volta miatt.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
A hiba kijavításához engedélyezze, hogy a rendszer több erőforrást biztosítson ehhez a művelethez. Indítsa újra az Adprep alkalmazást. |
Adprep n’a pas pu construire de nom unique pour un objet.
Cette opération a échoué, car aucun tampon n’a pu être alloué, probablement à cause de ressources système insuffisantes.
[Action utilisateur]
Résolvez le problème en autorisant le système à allouer davantage de ressources à cette opération. Redémarrez Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
A Adprep não pôde construir um nome distinto para um objeto.
Essa operação falhou porque um buffer não pôde ser alocado, provavelmente devido à falta de recursos do sistema.
[Ação do Usuário]
Corrija o problema permitindo que o sistema aloque mais recursos para essa operação. Reinicie a Adprep. |
Adprep не может создать различаемое имя для объекта.
Операция не выполнена, так как не удалось выделить место для буфера, возможно из-за нехватки системных ресурсов.
[Действие пользователя]
Разрешите системе выделять больше ресурсов для этой операции. Перезапустите Adprep. |
Adprep はオブジェクトの識別名を構築できませんでした。
バッファを割り当てることができなかったために、この操作に失敗しました。おそらくシステム リソース不足が原因です。
システムがより多くのリソースをこの操作用に割り当てられるようにして、この問題を修正してください。Adprep を再起動してください。 |
Adprep no pudo construir un nombre distintivo para un objeto.
Esta operación produjo un error porque no pudo asignarse un búfer, debido posiblemente a la escasez de recursos del sistema.
[User Action]
Corrija el problema permitiendo que el sistema asigne más recursos para esta operación. Reinicie Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep konnte einen Objekt-DN nicht erstellen.
Dieser Vorgang schlug fehl, weil ein Puffer, möglicherweise aufgrund geringer
Systemressourcen, nicht zugewiesen werden konnte.
Beheben Sie das Problem, in die dem System ermöglichen, mehr Ressourcen
für diesen Vorgang zuzuweisen. Starten Sie Adprep erneut. |
Er kan voor een object geen DN-naam worden gemaakt.
Deze bewerking is mislukt doordat er geen buffer kan worden toegewezen. Dit wordt mogelijk veroorzaakt door onvoldoende systeembronnen.
Aanbevolen handeling
U kunt dit probleem verhelpen door ervoor te zorgen dat het systeem meer bronnen kan toewijzen voor deze bewerking. Start Adprep opnieuw. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep nemohl vytvořit rozlišující název objektu.
Tato operace se nezdařila, protože nebylo možné přidělit vyrovnávací paměť, pravděpodobně z důvodu nedostatku systémových prostředků.
[Akce uživatele]
Problém odstraníte tím, že systému umožníte přidělit pro tuto operaci více prostředků. Restartujte nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep가 개체에 대한 구별된 이름을 작성하지 못했습니다.
버퍼를 할당할 수 없어서 이 작업에 실패했습니다. 시스템 리소스가 부족하기 때문일 수 있습니다.
[사용자 작업]
시스템에서 이 작업에 더 많은 리소스를 할당하도록 하여 문제를 해결해 보십시오. Adprep를 다시 시작하십시오. |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to construct a distinguished name for an object.
This operation failed because a buffer could not be allocated, possibly due to low system resources.
[User Action]
Correct the problem by allowing the system to allocate more resources for this operation. Restart Adprep. |
Impossibile creare un nome distinto per un oggetto.
L'operazione non è riuscita perché non è stato possibile allocare un buffer, probabilmente a causa di risorse di sistema insufficienti.
[Azione utente]
Risolvere il problema consentendo al sistema di allocare più risorse per questa operazione. Riavviare Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep 無法完成這個操作。
請查看 %1 目錄中的記錄檔 ADPrep.log,以取得詳細資訊。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu concluir esta operação.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Consulte o ficheiro de registo ADPrep.log no directório %1 para mais informações. |
Adprep 无法完成此操作。
检查 %1 目录中的日志文件 ADPrep.log 以了解详细信息。 |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep bu işlemi tamamlayamadı.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Daha fazla bilgi için %1 dizinindeki ADPrep.log günlük dosyasını inceleyin. |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep kunde inte slutföra åtgärden.
Ytterligare information finns i loggfilen Adprep.log som finns i katalogen %1. |
Program Adprep nie może ukończyć tej operacji.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Sprawdź plik dziennika ADPrep.log w katalogu %1, aby uzyskać więcej informacji. |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Az Adprep nem tudta végrehajtani ezt a műveletet.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
További információért ellenőrizze az ADPrep.log naplófájlt a %1 könyvtárban. |
Adprep n’a pas pu achever cette opération.
[Action utilisateur]
Pour plus d’informations, consultez le fichier journal, ADPrep.log dans le répertoire %1. |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
A Adprep não pôde completar essa operação.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique o arquivo de log, ADPrep.log, no diretório %1 para obter mais informações. |
Adprep не удалось выполнить данную операцию.
[Действие пользователя]
Проверьте файл журнала ADPrep.log в каталоге %1 для получения дополнительных сведений. |
Adprep はこの操作を完了できませんでした。
詳細については、%1 ディレクトリのログ ファイル ADPrep.log を確認してください。 |
Adprep no pudo completar esta operación.
[Acción del usuario]
Consulte el archivo de registro, Adprep.log, en el directorio %1 para obtener más información. |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep konnte diesen Vorgang nicht fertig stellen.
Weitere Information finden Sie in der Protokolldatei "ADPrep.log" im Verzeichnis "%1". |
Deze bewerking kan niet worden voltooid.
[Aanbevolen handeling]Zie het logboekbestand ADPrep.log in de map %1 voor meer informatie. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep nemohl tuto operaci dokončit.
[Akce uživatele]
Další informace získáte v souboru protokolu ADPrep.log v adresáři %1. |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep에서 이 작업을 완료하지 못했습니다.
[사용자 작업]
자세한 내용은 %1 디렉터리에 있는 ADPrep.log 로그 파일을 참조하십시오. |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep non è in grado di completare l'operazione.
[Azione utente]
Per ulteriori informazioni, controllare il file di registro Adprep.log nella directory %1. |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep 無法更新樹系資訊。
Adprep 需要存取來自架構主機的現有全樹系資訊,才能完成這個操作。
請查看 %1 目錄中的 ADPrep.log 記錄檔,以取得詳細資訊。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu actualizar as informações da floresta.
O Adprep necessita de acesso às informações de toda a floresta existentes no mestre de esquema para concluir esta operação.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Consulte o ficheiro de registo, ADPrep.log, no directório %1 para mais informações. |
Adprep 无法更新林信息。
Adprep 要求从架构主机访问现有的全林性信息以便完成此操作。
检查 %1 目录中的日志文件 ADPrep.log 以了解详细信息。 |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep orman bilgilerini güncelleştiremedi.
Adprep'in bu işlemi tamamlaması için, şema yöneticisinden orman çapında varolan bilgilere erişim izni almış olması gerekir.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Daha fazla bilgi için %1 dizinindeki ADPrep.log günlük dosyasını inceleyin. |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep kunde inte uppdatera information som berör skogen.
Adprep kräver åtkomst till befintlig information som berör hela skogen från schemahanteraren för att kunna slutföra den här åtgärden.
Ytterligare information finns i loggfilen ADPrep.log som finns i katalogen %1. |
Program Adprep nie może zaktualizować informacji dotyczących lasu.
Program Adprep wymaga dostępu do istniejących informacji dotyczących całego lasu z wzorca schematu, aby ukończyć tę operację.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Sprawdź plik dziennika ADPrep.log w katalogu %1, aby uzyskać więcej informacji. |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Az Adprep nem tudta frissíteni az erdőinformációkat.
A művelet végrehajtásához az Adprep alkalmazásnak hozzá kell férnie a séma-főkiszolgálótól származó meglévő erdőszintű információkhoz.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
További információért ellenőrizze az ADPrep.log naplófájlt a %1 könyvtárban. |
Adprep n’a pas pu mettre à jour les informations de la forêt.
Adprep doit pouvoir accéder aux informations existantes de toute la forêt, à partir du contrôleur de schéma pour achever cette opération.
[Action utilisateur]
Pour plus d’informations, consultez le fichier journal, ADPrep.log, dans le répertoire %1. |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
A Adprep não pôde atualizar informações da floresta.
A Adprep exige acesso a informações existentes de toda a floresta do mestre de esquema a fim de completar essa operação.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique o arquivo de log, ADPrep.log, no diretório %1 para obter mais informações. |
Adprep не удалось обновить сведения о лесе.
Для завершения данной операции Adprep нужен доступ из хозяина схемы к существующим сведениям уровня леса.
[Действие пользователя]
Проверьте файл журнала ADPrep.log в каталоге %1 для получения дополнительных сведений. |
Adprep はフォレストの情報を更新できませんでした。
Adprep には、この操作を完了するために、スキーマ マスタから既存のフォレスト全体の情報へのアクセスが必要です。
詳細については、%1 ディレクトリのログ ファイル ADPrep.log を確認してください。 |
Adprep no pudo actualizar la información del bosque.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep requiere acceso a la información de todo el bosque existente a partir del maestro de esquema para completar esta operación.
[Acción del usuario]
Consulte el archivo de registro, Adprep.log, en el directorio %1 para obtener más información. |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep konnte die Gesamtstrukturinformationen nicht aktualisieren.
Adprep benötigt Zugriff auf die vorhandenen gesamtstrukturweiten Informationen vom Schemamaster, um diesen Vorgang abzuschließen.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Protokolldatei "ADPrep.log" im Verzeichnis "%1". |
De forestgegevens kunnen niet worden bijgewerkt.
Voor het voltooien van deze bewerking is toegang vereist tot de bestaande forestomvattende gegevens van de schemamaster.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Zie het logboekbestand ADPrep.log in de map %1 voor meer informatie. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep nemohl aktualizovat informace doménové struktury.
K dokončení této operace vyžaduje nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep přístup k existujícím informacím na úrovni doménové struktury z hlavního serveru schémat.
[Akce uživatele]
Další informace získáte v souboru protokolu ADPrep.log v adresáři %1. |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep에서 포리스트 정보를 업데이트하지 못했습니다.
이 작업을 완료하려면 Adprep에서 스키마 마스터에서 오는 포리스트 전반에 대한 기존 정보에 액세스할 수 있어야 합니다.
[사용자 작업]
자세한 내용은 %1 디렉터리에 있는 ADPrep.log 로그 파일을 참조하십시오. |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update forest information.
Adprep requires access to existing forest-wide information from the schema master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep non è in grado di aggiornare le informazioni a livello di foresta.
Per il completamento dell'operazione Adprep richiede l'accesso alle informazioni a livello di foresta esistenti nel master schema.
[Azione utente]
Per ulteriori informazioni, controllare il file di registro Adprep.log nella directory %1. |