Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep 無法更新網域資訊。
Adprep 需要存取來自基礎結構主機的現有全網域資訊,才能完成這個操作。
請查看 %1 目錄中的 ADPrep.log 記錄檔,以取得詳細資訊。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu actualizar as informações do domínio.
O Adprep necessita de acesso às informações de todo o domínio existentes no mestre de infra-estruturas para concluir esta operação.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Consulte o ficheiro de registo, ADPrep.log, no directório %1 para mais informações. |
Adprep 无法更新域信息。
Adprep 要求从结构主机访问现有的全域性信息以便完成此操作。
检查 %1 目录中的日志文件 ADPrep.log 以了解详细信息。 |
Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep etki alanı çapındaki bilgileri güncelleştiremedi.
Adprep'in bu işlemi tamamlaması için, altyapı yöneticisinden etki alanı çapında varolan bilgilere erişim izni almış olması gerekir.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Daha fazla bilgi için %1 dizinindeki ADPrep.log günlük dosyasını inceleyin. |
Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep kunde inte uppdatera information som berör domänen.
Adprep kräver åtkomst till befintlig information som berör hela domänen från infrastrukturshanteraren för att kunna slutföra den här åtgärden.
Ytterligare information finns i loggfilen ADPrep.log som finns i katalogen %1. |
Program Adprep nie może zaktualizować informacji dotyczących domeny.
Program Adprep wymaga dostępu do istniejących informacji dotyczących całej domeny z wzorca infrastruktury, aby ukończyć tę operację.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Sprawdź plik dziennika ADPrep.log w katalogu %1, aby uzyskać więcej informacji. |
Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Az Adprep nem tudta frissíteni a tartományinformációkat.
A művelet végrehajtásához az Adprep alkalmazásnak hozzá kell férnie az infrastruktúra-főkiszolgálótól származó meglévő tartományi szintű információkhoz.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
További információért ellenőrizze az ADPrep.log naplófájlt a %1 könyvtárban. |
Adprep n’a pas pu mettre à jour les informations du domaine.
Adprep doit pouvoir accéder aux informations existantes de tout le domaine à partir du maître d’infrastructure pour achever cette opération.
[Action utilisateur]
Pour plus d’informations, consultez le fichier journal, ADPrep.log, dans le répertoire %1. |
Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
A Adprep não pôde atualizar informações do domínio.
A Adprep exige acesso a informações existentes de todo o domínio do mestre de infra-estrutura a fim de completar essa operação.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique o arquivo de log, ADPrep.log, no diretório %1 para obter mais informações. |
Adprep не удалось обновить сведения о домене.
Для завершения данной операции Adprep требуется доступ к существующим сведениям уровня домена от хозяина инфраструктуры.
[Действие пользователя]
Проверьте файл журнала ADPrep.log в каталоге %1 для получения дополнительных сведений. |
Adprep はドメインの情報を更新できませんでした。
Adprep には、この操作を完了するために、インフラストラクチャ マスタから既存のドメイン全体の情報へのアクセスが必要です。
詳細については、%1 ディレクトリのログ ファイル ADPrep.log を確認してください。 |
Adprep no pudo actualizar la información del dominio.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep requiere acceso a la información de todo el dominio existente a partir del maestro de infraestructura para completar esta operación.
[Acción del usuario]
Consulte el archivo de registro, Adprep.log, en el directorio %1 para obtener más información. |
Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep konnte die Domäneninformationen nicht aktualisieren.
Adprep benötigt Zugriff auf die vorhandenen domänenweiten Informationen vom Infrastrukturmaster, um diesen Vorgang abzuschließen.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Protokolldatei "ADPrep.log" im Verzeichnis "%1". |
De domeingegevens kunnen niet worden bijgewerkt.
Voor het voltooien van deze bewerking is toegang vereist tot de bestaande domeinomvattende gegevens van de infrastructuurmaster.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Zie het logboekbestand ADPrep.log in de map %1 voor meer informatie. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep nemohl aktualizovat informace domény.
K dokončení této operace vyžaduje nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep přístup k existujícím informacím na úrovni domény z hlavního serveru infrastruktury.
[Akce uživatele]
Další informace získáte v souboru protokolu ADPrep.log v adresáři %1. |
Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep에서 도메인 정보를 업데이트하지 못했습니다.
이 작업을 완료하려면 Adprep에서 인프라 마스터에서 오는 도메인 전반에 대한 기존 정보에 액세스할 수 있어야 합니다.
[사용자 작업]
자세한 내용은 %1 디렉터리에 있는 ADPrep.log 로그 파일을 참조하십시오. |
Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to update domain information.
Adprep requires access to existing domain-wide information from the infrastructure master in order to complete this operation.
[User Action]
Check the log file, ADPrep.log, in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep non è in grado di aggiornare le informazioni a livello di dominio.
Per il completamento dell'operazione Adprep richiede l'accesso alle informazioni a livello di dominio esistenti nel master infrastrutture.
[Azione utente]
Per ulteriori informazioni, controllare il file di registro ADPrep.log nella directory %1. |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep 無法檢查樹系更新狀態。
Adprep 查詢目錄以檢查是否已準備樹系。如果資訊無法取得或不明,Adprep 會繼續執行而不嘗試這個操作。
重新啟動 Adprep 並檢查 Adprep.log 檔案。在記錄檔中確認已成功地準備這個樹系。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu verificar o estado de actualização da floresta.
O Adprep consulta o directório para verificar se a floresta já foi preparada. Se as informações não estiverem disponíveis ou não forem conhecidas, o Adprep prossegue, sem tentar executar esta operação.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Reinicie o Adprep e verifique o ficheiro ADPrep.log. No ficheiro de registo, verifique se esta floresta já foi preparada com êxito. |
ADPREP 无法检查林更新状态。
Adprep 查询目录以了解林是否已准备好。如果此信息不可用或未知,则 Adprep 会在不尝试此操作的情况下继续进行。
重新启动 Adprep 并检查 Adprep.log 文件。在日志文件中验证此林已成功准备。 |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep orman güncelleştirme durumunu denetleyemedi.
Adprep ormanın zaten hazırlanmış olup olmadığını görmek için dizini sorgular. Bilgi yoksa veya bilinmiyorsa , Adprep bu işlemi gerçekleştirmeyi denemeden devam eder.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Adprep'i yeniden başlatın ve ADPrep.log dosyasını denetleyin. Bu ormanın zaten başarıyla hazırlanmış olduğunu günlük dosyasında doğrulayın. |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep kunde inte kontrollera skogens uppdateringsstatus.
Adprep använder katalogen för att se om skogen redan har förberetts. Om informationen inte finns eller är okänd fortsätter Adprep utan att försöka utföra den här åtgärden.
Starta om Adprep och kontrollera informationen i filen ADPrep.log. Kontrollera i loggfilen att den här skogen redan har förberetts. |
Program Adprep nie może sprawdzić stanu aktualizacji lasu.
Program Adprep uruchamia kwerendę w katalogu, aby sprawdzić, czy las jest już przygotowany. Jeżeli informacja jest niedostępna lub nieznana, program Adprep będzie kontynuował bez próby wykonania tej operacji.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Uruchom ponownie program Adprep i sprawdź plik ADPrep.log. Na podstawie pliku dziennika zweryfikuj, czy ten las został już pomyślnie przygotowany. |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
Az Adprep nem tudta ellenőrizni az erdőfrissítés állapotát.
Az Adprep lekérdezi a címtárat, hogy megállapítsa, az erdő előkészítése megtörtént-e. Ha ez az információ nem érhető el vagy ismeretlen, az Adprep a művelet végrehajtása nélkül folytatja.
Indítsa újra az Adprep programot, majd ellenőrizze az Adprep.log fájlt. A naplófájlban ellenőrizze, hogy az erdő előkészítése sikeresen megtörtént-e. |
Adprep n’a pas pu vérifier l’état de mise à jour de la forêt.
Adprep interroge le répertoire pour déterminer si la forêt a déjà été préparée. Si les informations sont indisponibles ou inconnues, Adprep poursuit sans tenter d’effectuer cette opération.
[Action utilisateur]
Redémarrez Adprep et consultez le fichier ADPrep.log. Vérifiez dans le fichier journal que cette forêt a déjà été correctement préparée. |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
A Adprep não pôde verificar o status de atualização da floresta.
A Adprep consulta o diretório para verificar se a floresta já foi preparada. Se as informações não estiverem disponíveis ou forem desconhecidas, a Adprep continuará sem tentar essa operação.
[Ação do Usuário]
Reinicie a Adprep e verifique o arquivo ADPrep.log. Verifique no arquivo de log se a floresta já foi preparada com êxito. |
Adprep не может проверить состояние обновления леса.
Adprep опрашивает каталог и проверяет, не выполнялась ли ранее подготовка леса. Если сведения недоступны или отсутствуют, Adprep продолжает, пропустив эту операцию.
[Действие пользователя]
Перезапустите Adprep и проверьте файл Adprep.log. При помощи файла журнала убедитесь в том, что данный лес уже был успешно подготовлен ранее. |
Adprep はフォレストの更新状態を確認できませんでした。
Adprep は、フォレストが既に準備されたかどうかを確認するためにディレクトリを照会します。情報がないか、または情報が不明な場合は、Adprep はこの操作を行わずに続行します。
Adprep を再起動して ADPrep.log ファイルを確認してください。このフォレストが既に正常に準備されているかどうか、ログ ファイルの中を検証してください。 |
Adprep no pudo comprobar el estado de actualización del bosque.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep consulta el directorio para ver si el bosque ya está preparado. Si la información no está disponible o se desconoce, Adprep continuará sin intentar esta operación.
[Acción del usuario]
Reinicie Adprep y consulte el archivo ADPrep.log. Compruebe en el archivo de registro que este bosque ya se preparó correctamente. |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
De bijwerkstatus van het forest kan niet worden gecontroleerd.
De gegevens van de map worden opgevraagd om na te gaan of het forest al is voorbereid. Als de gegevens niet beschikbaar zijn of als deze onbekend zijn, wordt de uitvoering van Adprep voortgezet zonder deze bewerking.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Start Adprep opnieuw en controleer in het bestand Adprep.log of dit forest al is voorbereid. |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep에서 포리스트 업데이트 상태를 확인하지 못했습니다.
Adprep에서 디렉터리를 쿼리하여 포리스트가 이미 준비되었는지를 확인합니다. 정보를 사용할 수 없거나 알 수 없으면 adprep에서는 이 작업을 시도하지 않고 계속 진행합니다.
[사용자 작업]
Adprep를 다시 시작하고 ADPrep.log 파일을 확인해 보십시오. 로그 파일에서 이 포리스트가 이미 준비되었는지 확인해 보십시오. |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the forest update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the forest has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this forest has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep non è in grado di controllare lo stato di aggiornamento della foresta.
Adprep esegue una query sulla directory per verificare se la foresta è già stata preparata. Se queste informazioni non sono disponibili o non sono note, Adprep prosegue senza eseguire questa operazione.
[Azione utente]
Riavviare Adprep e controllare il file Adprep.log per verificare che la foresta sia già stata preparata. |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep 無法檢查網域更新狀態。
Adprep 查詢目錄以檢查是否已準備網域。如果資訊無法取得或不明,Adprep 會繼續執行而不嘗試這個操作。
重新啟動 Adprep 並檢查 Adprep.log 檔案。在記錄檔中確認已成功地準備這個網域。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu verificar o estado de actualização do domínio.
O Adprep consulta o directório para verificar se o domínio já foi preparado. Se as informações não estiverem disponíveis ou não forem conhecidas, o Adprep prossegue, sem tentar executar esta operação.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Reinicie o Adprep e verifique o ficheiro ADPrep.log. No ficheiro de registo, verifique se este domínio já foi preparado com êxito. |
ADPREP 无法检查域更新状态。
Adprep 查询目录以了解域是否已准备好。如果此信息不可用或未知,则 Adprep 会在不尝试此操作的情况下继续进行。
重新启动 Adprep 并检查 Adprep.log 文件。在日志文件中验证此域已经成功准备。 |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep etki alanı güncelleştirme durumunu denetleyemedi.
Adprep etki alanının zaten hazırlanmış olup olmadığını görmek için dizini sorgular. Bilgi yoksa veya bilinmiyorsa , Adprep bu işlemi gerçekleştirmeyi denemeden devam eder.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Adprep'i yeniden başlatın ve ADPrep.log dosyasını denetleyin. Bu etki alanının zaten başarıyla hazırlanmış olduğunu günlük dosyasında doğrulayın. |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep kunde inte kontrollera domänens uppdateringsstatus.
Adprep använder katalogen för att se om domänen redan har förberetts. Om informationen inte finns eller är okänd fortsätter Adprep utan att försöka utföra den här åtgärden.
Starta om Adprep och kontrollera informationen i filen ADPrep.log. Kontrollera i loggfilen att den här domänen redan har förberetts. |
Program Adprep nie może sprawdzić stanu aktualizacji domeny.
Program Adprep uruchamia kwerendę w katalogu, aby sprawdzić, czy domena jest już przygotowana. Jeżeli informacja jest niedostępna lub nieznana, program Adprep będzie kontynuował bez próby wykonania tej operacji.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Uruchom ponownie program Adprep i sprawdź plik programu ADPrep.log. Na podstawie pliku dziennika zweryfikuj, czy ta domena została już pomyślnie przygotowana. |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
Az Adprep nem tudta ellenőrizni a tartományfrissítés állapotát.
Az Adprep lekérdezi a címtárat, hogy megállapítsa, a tartomány előkészítése megtörtént-e. Ha ez az információ nem érhető el vagy ismeretlen, az Adprep a művelet végrehajtása nélkül folytatja.
Indítsa újra az Adprep programot, majd ellenőrizze az Adprep.log fájlt. A naplófájlban ellenőrizze, hogy a tartomány előkészítése sikeresen megtörtént-e. |
Adprep n’a pas pu vérifier l’état de mise à jour du domaine.
Adprep interroge le répertoire pour déterminer si le domaine a déjà été préparé. Si les informations sont indisponibles ou inconnues, Adprep continue sans tenter d’effectuer cette opération.
[Action utilisateur]
Redémarrez Adprep et consultez le fichier ADPrep.log. Vérifiez dans le fichier journal que ce domaine a déjà été correctement préparé. |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
A Adprep não pôde verificar o status de atualização do domínio.
A Adprep consulta o diretório para verificar se o domínio já foi preparado. Se as informações não estiverem disponíveis ou forem desconhecidas, a Adprep continuará sem tentar essa operação.
[Ação do Usuário]
Reinicie a Adprep e verifique o arquivo ADPrep.log. Verifique no arquivo de log se o domínio já foi preparado com êxito. |
Adprep не может проверить состояние обновления домена.
Adprep опрашивает каталог и проверяет, не выполнялась ли ранее подготовка домена. Если сведения недоступны или отсутствуют, Adprep продолжает, пропустив эту операцию.
[Действие пользователя]
Перезапустите Adprep и проверьте файл Adprep.log. При помощи файла журнала убедитесь в том, что данный домен уже был успешно подготовлен ранее. |
Adprep はドメインの更新状態を確認できませんでした。
Adprep は、ドメインが既に準備されたかどうかを確認するためにディレクトリを照会します。情報がないか、または情報が不明な場合は、Adprep はこの操作を行わずに続行します。
Adprep を再起動して ADPrep.log ファイルを確認してください。このドメインが既に正常に準備されているかどうか、ログ ファイルの中を検証してください。 |
Adprep no pudo comprobar el estado de actualización del dominio.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep consulta el directorio para ver si el dominio ya está preparado. Si la información no está disponible o se desconoce, Adprep continuará sin intentar esta operación.
[Acción del usuario]
Reinicie Adprep y consulte el archivo ADPrep.log. Compruebe en el archivo de registro que este dominio ya se preparó correctamente. |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep konnte den Domänenaktualisierungsstatus nicht überprüfen.
Adprep fragt das Verzeichnis ab, um festzustellen, ob die Domäne bereits vorbereitet wurde. Sind die Informationen nicht verfügbar oder nicht bekannt, setzt Adprep den Vorgang ohne einen weiteren Versuch fort.
Starten Sie Adprep erneut, und überprüfen Sie die Datei "ADPrep.log". Überprüfen Sie in der Protokolldatei, ob diese Domäne bereits erfolgreich vorbereitet wurde. |
De bijwerkstatus van het domein kan niet worden gecontroleerd.
De gegevens van de map worden opgevraagd om na te gaan of het domein al is voorbereid. Als de gegevens niet beschikbaar zijn of als deze onbekend zijn, wordt de uitvoering van Adprep voortgezet zonder deze bewerking.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Start Adprep opnieuw en controleer in het bestand Adprep.log of het domein al is voorbereid. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep nemohl zkontrolovat stav aktualizace domény.
Nástroj Adprep zjišťuje v adresáři, zda již byla připravena doména. Pokud tyto informace nejsou k dispozici nebo nejsou známy, bude nástroj Adprep pokračovat, aniž by se pokusil o tuto operaci.
[Akce uživatele]
Restartujte nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep a zkontrolujte soubor ADPrep.log. V souboru protokolu ověřte, zda tato doména již byla úspěšně připravena. |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep에서 도메인 업데이트 상태를 확인하지 못했습니다.
Adprep에서 디렉터리를 쿼리하여 도메인이 이미 준비되었는지를 확인합니다. 정보를 사용할 수 없거나 알 수 없으면 adprep에서는 이 작업을 시도하지 않고 계속 진행합니다.
[사용자 작업]
Adprep를 다시 시작하고 ADPrep.log 파일을 확인해 보십시오. 로그 파일에서 이 도메인이 이미 준비되었는지 확인해 보십시오. |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep was unable to check the domain update status.
Adprep queries the directory to see if the domain has already been prepared. If the information is unavailable or unknown, Adprep proceeds without attempting this operation.
[User Action]
Restart Adprep and check the ADPrep.log file. Verify in the log file that this domain has already been successfully prepared. |
Adprep non è in grado di controllare lo stato di aggiornamento del dominio.
Adprep esegue una query sulla directory per verificare se il dominio è già stato preparato. Se queste informazioni non sono disponibili o non sono note, Adprep prosegue senza eseguire questa operazione.
[Azione utente]
Riavviare Adprep e controllare il file Adprep.log per verificare che il dominio sia già stato preparato. |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
Adprep 只能一次一項,執行樹系更新、網域更新或唯讀 DC 更新。
Adprep 已停止而沒有進行變更。
請分別執行 Adprep 進行樹系、網域及唯讀 DC 的準備到完成工作。 |
O Adprep só consegue executar a actualização da floresta, a actualização do domínio ou a actualização do DC só de leitura uma de cada vez.
O Adprep parou sem efectuar alterações.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Execute o Adprep para preparar a conclusão separada da floresta, do domínio e do DC só de leitura. |
Adprep 一次只能运行一个林更新、域更新或只读 DC 更新。
Adprep 已停止,并且未做任何更改。
运行 Adprep 以分别完成林、域和只读 DC 的准备。 |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
Adprep belli bir anda yalnızca orman güncelleştirmesini, etki alanı güncelleştirmesini veya salt okunur DC güncelleştirmesini çalıştırabilir.
Adprep hiçbir değişiklik yapmadan durdu.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Adprep'i orman, etki alanı veya salt okunur DC hazırlama işlemi tamamlanana kadar ayrı ayrı çalıştırın. |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
Adprep kan inte uppdatera både skogen och domänen samtidigt.
Adprep har stoppats utan att göra några ändringar.
Kör Adprep för att förbereda skogen, domänen och den skrivskyddade domänkontrollanten separat. |
Program Adprep w danej chwili może uruchomić tylko jedną z aktualizacji: aktualizację lasu, aktualizację domeny lub aktualizację kontrolera domeny tylko do odczytu.
Program Adprep zatrzymał się bez dokonania zmian.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Uruchom program Adprep osobno dla przygotowania lasu, domeny i kontrolera domeny tylko do odczytu. |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
Az Adprep egyszerre csak erdőt, tartományt vagy írásvédett tartományvezérlőt tud frissíteni.
Az Adprep módosítások végrehajtása nélkül leállt.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Futtassa le külön az Adprep alkalmazást az erdő, a tartomány és az írásvédett tartományvezérlő frissítéséhez. |
Adprep ne peut exécuter qu’une seule mise à jour à la fois de la forêt, du domaine ou du contrôleur de domaine en lecture seule.
Adprep s’est arrêté sans apporter de modification.
[Action utilisateur]
Exécutez Adprep pour une préparation à l’exécution distincte de la forêt, du domaine et du contrôleur de domaine en lecture seule. |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
A Adprep pode somente executar a atualização da floresta, do domínio ou do controlador de domínio somente leitura.
A Adprep parou sem fazer alterações.
[Ação do Usuário]
Execute separadamente a Adprep para preparação da floresta, do domínio e do controlador de domínio somente leitura para conclusão. |
Одновременно Adprep может выполнять обновление либо леса, либо домена, либо контроллера домена только для чтения.
Выполнение Adprep остановлено без внесения изменений.
[Действие пользователя]
Запустите Adprep и выполните отдельно подготовку леса, домена и контроллера домена только для чтения. |
Adprep では、フォレストの更新、ドメインの更新、読み取り専用 DC の更新を、一度に 1 つずつ実行できます。
Adprep は変更なしで停止しました。
フォレストの準備、ドメインの準備、読み取り専用 DC の準備を行うために、それぞれに対して個別に Adprep を実行して完了してください。 |
Adprep sólo puede ejecutar una actualización del bosque, del dominio o de DC de sólo lectura simultáneamente.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep se detuvo sin realizar ningún cambio.
[Acción del usuario]
Ejecute Adprep para la preparación del bosque, del dominio y de DC de sólo lectura para completarlos por separado. |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
Adprep kann die Aktualisierung der Gesamtstruktur, der Domäne und des schreibgeschützten Domänencontrollers nicht zur gleichen Zeit ausführen.
Adprep wurde beendet, ohne Änderungen vorzunehmen.
Führen Sie Adprep für die Vorbereitung der Gesamtstruktur, der Domäne und des schreibgeschützten Domänencontrollers separat aus. |
Er kan slechts een forest, domein of alleen-lezen domeincontroller tegelijk worden bijgewerkt.
Adprep is gestopt zonder dat er wijzigingen zijn aangebracht.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Voer Adprep afzonderlijk uit voor het voorbereiden van het forest, voor het voorbereiden van het domein en voor het voorbereiden van de alleen-lezen domeincontroller. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep může spustit současně jen aktualizaci doménové struktury nebo aktualizaci domény nebo aktualizaci řadičů domény pouze pro čtení.
Nástroj Adprep byl ukončen bez provedení změn.
[Akce uživatele]
Spusťte nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep zvlášť pro dokončení přípravy doménové struktury, domény a zvlášť pro dokončení přípravy řadičů domény pouze pro čtení. |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
Adprep에서 포리스트 업데이트, 도메인 업데이트 또는 읽기 전용 DC 업데이트를 동시에 실행할 수 없습니다.
Adprep가 변경 없이 중지되었습니다.
[사용자 작업]
포리스트, 도메인 및 읽기 전용 DC 준비 작업에 대해 Adprep를 각각 실행하여 완료하십시오. |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
Adprep can only run forest update,domain update or read only DC update one at a time.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep for forest, domain and read only DC preparation to completion separately. |
Adprep non è in grado di aggiornare contemporaneamente la foresta, il dominio e il controller di dominio di sola lettura.
Adprep è stato interrotto e non ha apportato modifiche.
[Azione utente]
Eseguire Adprep separatamente per la preparazione della foresta, del dominio e del controller di dominio di sola lettura. |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep 失敗。
請查看 %1 目錄中的記錄檔 ADPrep.log,以取得詳細資訊。 |
Falha do Adprep.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Consulte o ficheiro de registo ADPrep.log no directório %1 para mais informações. |
Adprep 失败。
检查 %1 目录中的日志文件 ADPrep.log 以了解详细信息。 |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep başarısız oldu.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Daha fazla bilgi için %1 dizinindeki ADPrep.log günlük dosyasını inceleyin. |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep misslyckades.
Ytterligare information finns i loggfilen ADPrep.log i katalogen %1. |
Wystąpił błąd programu Adprep.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Sprawdź plik dziennika ADPrep.log w katalogu %1, aby uzyskać więcej informacji. |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Az Adprep hiba miatt leállt.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
További információért ellenőrizze az ADPrep.log naplófájlt a %1 könyvtárban. |
Adprep a échoué.
[Action utilisateur]
Pour plus d’informations, consultez le fichier journal ADPrep.log dans le répertoire %1. |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Falha da Adprep.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique o arquivo de log Adprep.log no diretório %1 para obter mais informações. |
Adprep が失敗しました。
詳細については %1 ディレクトリのログ ファイル ADPrep.log を確認してください。 |
Error en Adprep.
[Acción del usuario]
Consulte el archivo de registro ADPrep.log en el directorio %1 para obtener más información. |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Protokolldatei "ADPrep.log" im Verzeichnis "%1". |
Het uitvoeren van Adprep is mislukt.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Zie het logboekbestand ADPrep.log in de map %1 voor meer informatie. |
Chyba nástroje příkazového řádku Adprep.
[Akce uživatele]
Další informace získáte v souboru protokolu adprep.log v adresáři %1. |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep가 실패했습니다.
[사용자 작업]
자세한 내용은 %1 디렉터리에 있는 ADPrep.log 로그 파일을 참조하십시오. |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Сбой Adprep.
[Действие пользователя]
Проверьте файл журнала ADPrep.log в каталоге %1 для получения дополнительных сведений. |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Impossibile eseguire Adprep.
[Azione utente]
Per ulteriori informazioni, controllare il file di registro Adprep.log nella directory %1. |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
Adprep 無法升級架構主機上的架構。
檢查 %1 目錄中的 Ldif.err 記錄檔,以取得詳細資訊。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu actualizar o esquema no mestre de esquema.
O esquema não será restaurado para o estado original.
[Acção do utilizador]
Consulte o ficheiro de registo Ldif.err no directório %1 para obter informações detalhadas. |
Adprep 无法在架构主机上升级架构。
检查 %1 目录中的 Ldif.err 日志文件以获得详细信息。 |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
Adprep şema yöneticisindeki şemayı yükseltemedi.
Şema özgün durumuna geri yüklenmeyecek.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Ayrıntı bilgi için %1 dizinindeki Ldif.err günlük dosyasını denetleyin. |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
Adprep kunde inte uppgradera schemat på schemahanteraren.
Schemat kommer inte att återställas till sitt ursprungliga tillstånd.
Ytterligare information finns i filen Ldif.err i katalogen %1. |
Program Adprep nie może uaktualnić schematu we wzorcu schematu.
Schemat nie zostanie przywrócony do stanu oryginalnego.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Sprawdź plik dziennika Ldif.err w katalogu %1, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje. |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
Az Adprep nem tudta frissíteni a sémát a séma főkiszolgálóján.
A séma eredeti állapota nem lesz visszaállítva.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Részletes információért ellenőrizze az Ldif.err naplófájlt a(z) %1 könyvtárban. |
Adprep n’a pas pu mettre à jour le schéma dans le contrôleur de schéma.
L’état initial du schéma ne sera pas restauré.
[Action utilisateur]
Pour plus d’informations, consultez le fichier journal Ldif.err dans le répertoire %1. |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
A Adprep não pôde atualizar o mestre de esquema.
O estado original do esquema não será restaurado.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique o arquivo de logLdif.err no diretório %1 para obter informações detalhadas. |
Adprep не может обновить схему на сервере хозяина схемы.
Первоначальное состояние схемы восстановлено не будет.
[Действие пользователя]
См. дополнительные сведения в файле журнала Ldif.err в каталоге %1. |
Adprep はスキーマ マスタのスキーマをアップグレードできませんでした。
詳細は %1 ディレクトリの ldif.err ログ ファイルを確認してください。 |
Adprep no pudo actualizar el esquema en el maestro de esquema.
El esquema no se restaurará a su estado original.
[User Action]
Consulte el archivo de registro Ldif.err en el directorio %1 para obtener información detallada. |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
Adprep konnte das Schema auf dem Schemamaster nicht aktualisieren.
Das Schema wird nicht im ursprünglichen Zustand wiederhergestellt.
Detailliertere Informationen finden Sie in der Protokolldatei "Ldif.log" im Verzeichnis "%1". |
Het schema op de schemamaster kan niet worden bijgewerkt.
Het schema wordt niet in de oorspronkelijke staat teruggezet.
Aanbevolen handeling
Zie het logboekbestand Ldif.err in de map %1 voor meer informatie. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep nemohl upgradovat schéma na hlavním souboru schémat.
Schéma nebude obnoveno do původního stavu.
[Akce uživatele]
Podrobnější informace naleznete v souboru protokolu Ldif.err v adresáři %1. |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
Adprep에서 스키마 마스터에 있는 스키마를 업그레이드하지 못했습니다.
스키마가 원래 상태로 복원되지 않습니다.
[사용자 작업]
자세한 정보는 %1 디렉터리에 있는 ldif.err 로그 파일을 참조하십시오. |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
Adprep was unable to upgrade the schema on the schema master.
The schema will not be restored to its original state.
[User Action]
Check the Ldif.err log file in the %1 directory for detailed information. |
Impossibile aggiornare lo schema nel master schema.
Lo stato originale dello schema non sarà ripristinato.
[Azione utente]
Per informazioni dettagliate, controllare il file di registro Ldif.err
nella directory %1. |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
Adprep 無法完成,因為回撥功能失敗。
錯誤訊息: %1
請查看 %2 目錄中的記錄檔 ADPrep.log,以取得詳細資訊。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu concluir a operação devido a falha na função de chamada de retorno.
Mensagem de erro: %1
[Acção do Utilizador]
Consulte o ficheiro de registo ADPrep.log, no directório %2, para mais informações. |
Adprep 无法完成,原因是回叫功能失败。
错误消息: %1
检查 %2 目录中的日志文件 ADPrep.log 以了解详细信息。 |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
Geri çağırma işlevi başarısız olduğundan Adprep tamamlanamadı.
Hata iletisi: %1
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Daha fazla bilgi için %2 dizinindeki ADPrep.log günlük dosyasını inceleyin. |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
Adprep kunde inte slutföras eftersom motanropsfunktionen misslyckades.
Felmeddelande: %1
Ytterligare information finns i loggfilen ADPrep.log i katalogen %2. |
Program Adprep nie może ukończyć pracy, ponieważ funkcja wywołania zwrotnego nie powiodła się.
Komunikat o błędzie: %1
[Akcja użytkownika]
Sprawdź plik dziennika ADPrep.log w katalogu %2, aby uzyskać więcej informacji. |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
Az Adprep nem tudta befejezni a műveletet, mert a visszahívási függvény sikertelen volt.
Hibaüzenet: %1
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
További információért ellenőrizze az ADPrep.log naplófájlt a %2 könyvtárban. |
Adprep n’a pas pu achever l’opération, car la fonction de rappel a échoué.
Message d’erreur : %1
[Action utilisateur]
Pour plus d’informations, consultez le fichier journal ADPrep.log, dans le répertoire %2. |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
A Adprep não pôde ser concluída porque houve falha na função de retorno de chamada.
Mensagem de erro: %1
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique o arquivo de log, ADPrep.log, no diretório %2 para obter mais informações. |
Adprep не удалось завершить операцию из-за сбоя в функции обратного вызова.
Сообщение об ошибке: %1
[Действие пользователя]
Проверьте файл журнала ADPrep.log в каталоге %2 для получения дополнительных сведений. |
コールバック関数に失敗したため Adprep は完了できませんでした。
エラー メッセージ: %1
詳細については %2 ディレクトリのログ ファイル ADPrep.log を確認してください。 |
Adprep no pudo completarse porque se produjo un error en la función de devolución de llamada.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Mensaje de error: %1
[Acción del usuario]
Consulte el archivo de registro ADPrep.log en el directorio %2 para obtener más información. |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
Adprep konnte wegen eines Fehlers der Rückruffunktion nicht abgeschlossen werden.
Fehlermeldung: %1
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Protokolldatei "ADPrep.log" im Verzeichnis "%2". |
Adprep kan niet volledig worden uitgevoerd doordat er een fout is opgetreden bij de terugroepfunctie.
Foutbericht: %1
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Zie het logboekbestand ADPrep.log in de map %2 voor meer informatie. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep nemohl dokončit akci, protože funkce zpětného volání se nezdařila.
Chybová zpráva: %1
[Akce uživatele]
Další informace získáte v souboru protokolu ADPrep.log v adresáři %2. |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
콜백 기능이 실패하여 Adprep에서 작업을 완료하지 못했습니다.
오류 메시지: %1
[사용자 작업]
자세한 내용은 %2 디렉터리에 있는 ADPrep.log 로그 파일을 참조하십시오. |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
Adprep was unable to complete because the call back function failed.
Error message: %1
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log, in the %2 directory for more information. |
Impossibile completare l'esecuzione di Adprep. Funzione di richiamata non riuscita.
Messaggio di errore: %1
[Azione utente]
Per ulteriori informazioni, controllare il file di registro Adprep.log nella directory %2. |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
Adprep 無法與 Active Directory 網域控制站 %1 進行 LDAP 連線。
Adprep 需要連線到要準備的本機 Active Directory 網域控制站。
請確認可連線到擁有基礎結構或架構主機角色的 Active Directory 網域控制站,然後重新啟動 Adprep。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu estabelecer uma ligação LDAP ao Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory %1.
O Adprep requer conectividade aos Controladores de Domínio do Active Directory locais que serão preparados.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Verifique a conectividade ao Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory que tem a função de mestre de infra-estruturas ou de esquema e, em seguida, reinicie o Adprep. |
Adprep 无法建立与 Active Directory 域控制器 %1 之间的 LDAP 连接。
Adprep 要求连接到将要准备的本地 Active Directory 域控制器。
验证与具有结构或架构主机角色的 Active Directory 域控制器之间的连接,然后重新启动 Adprep。 |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
Adprep %1 Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi ile LDAP bağlantısı gerçekleştiremedi.
Adprep ile hazırlanacak yerel Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicileri arasında bağlantı kurulması gereklidir.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Altyapı veya şema yöneticisi rolüne sahip Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi bağlantısını doğrulayın ve ardından Adprep'i yeniden başlatın. |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
Adprep kunde inte skapa en LDAP-anslutning till Active Directory-domänkontrollanten %1.
Adprep kräver anslutning till de lokala Active Directory-domänkontrollanter som ska förberedas.
Kontrollera att det går att ansluta till den Active Directory-domänkontrollant som är infrastrukturshanterare eller schemahanterare och starta sedan om Adprep. |
Program Adprep nie może utworzyć połączenia LDAP do kontrolera domeny usługi Active Directory %1.
Program Adprep wymaga połączenia do lokalnych kontrolerów domeny usługi Active Directory, które mają być przygotowane.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Zweryfikuj połączenie z kontrolerem domeny usługi Active Directory, który przechowuje rolę wzorca schematu lub infrastruktury, a następnie uruchom ponownie program Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
Az Adprep nem tudott LDAP-kapcsolatot létrehozni a(z) %1 Active Directory tartományvezérlővel.
Az Adprep alkalmazásnak kapcsolatban kell lennie az előkészítendő Active Directory tartományvezérlőkkel.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Ellenőrizze az infrastruktúra vagy a séma főkiszolgálóját tartalmazó Active Directory tartományvezérlővel való kapcsolatot, majd indítsa újra az Adprep alkalmazást. |
Adprep n’a pas pu établir de connexion LDAP au contrôleur de domaine Active Directory %1.
Adprep exige une connexion aux contrôleurs de domaine Active Directory locaux qui doivent être préparés.
[Action utilisateur]
Vérifiez la connexion au contrôleur de domaine Active Directory qui a le rôle du maître d’infrastructure ou du contrôleur de schéma, puis redémarrez Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
A Adprep não pôde fazer uma conexão LDAP com o Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory %1.
A Adprep exige conectividade com os Controladores de Domínio do Active Directory locais a serem preparados.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique a conectividade com o Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory que tem a função de mestre de infra-estrutura ou de esquema e reinicie a Adprep. |
Adprep не может установить подключение LDAP к контроллеру домена Active Directory %1.
Adprep необходимо подключение к локальным контроллерам доменов Active Directory, предназначенным для подготовки.
[Действие пользователя]
Проверьте подключение к контроллеру домена Active Directory, которому назначена роль хозяина инфраструктуры или схемы, а затем перезапустите Adprep. |
Adprep は Active Directory ドメイン コントローラ %1 に LDAP 接続を作成できませんでした。
Adprep には、準備する Active Directory ドメイン コントローラへの接続が必要です。
インフラストラクチャおよびスキーマ マスタ役割を保持するドメイン コントローラへの接続を確認し、Adprep を再起動してください。 |
Adprep no pudo realizar una conexión LDAP al controlador de dominio de Active Directory %1.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep requiere conectividad a los controladores de dominio de Active Directory locales que van a prepararse.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe la conectividad con el controlador de dominio de Active Directory que contiene la función de maestro de esquema o de infraestructura y, a continuación, reinicie Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
Adprep konnte keine LDAP-Verbindung mit dem Active Directory-Domänencontroller %1 herstellen.
Adprep benötigt eine Verbindung zu den lokalen Active Directory-Domänencontrollern, die vorbereitet werden sollen.
Überprüfen Sie die Verbindung zu dem Active Directory-Domänencontroller, der die Funktion des Infrastruktur- oder Schemamasters ausübt, und starten Sie Adprep dann neu. |
Er kan geen LDAP-verbinding met de Active Directory-domeincontroller %1 worden gemaakt.
Bij het uitvoeren van Adprep is een verbinding vereist met de lokale Active Directory-domeincontrollers die moeten worden voorbereid.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Controleer of er een verbinding is met de Active Directory-domeincontroller die de infrastructuurrol of de schemamasterrol heeft en start vervolgens Adprep opnieuw. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep nemohl vytvořit připojení LDAP k řadiči domény služby Active Directory %1.
Nástroj Adprep vyžaduje připojení k místním řadičům domény služby Active Directory, které mají být připraveny.
[Akce uživatele]
Ověřte připojení k řadiči domény služby Active Directory, který plní roli hlavního serveru infrastruktury nebo hlavního serveru schémat a restartujte nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
Adprep가 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러 %1에 LDAP 연결을 만들지 못했습니다.
준비되어야 할 로컬 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러에 Adprep가 연결되어 있어야 합니다.
[사용자 작업]
인프라 또는 스키마 마스터 역할을 가지고 있는 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러로의 연결을 확인한 후 Adprep를 다시 시작하십시오. |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to make an LDAP connection to the Active Directory Domain Controller %1.
Adprep requires connectivity to the local Active Directory Domain Controllers that are to be prepared.
[User Action]
Verify connectivity to the Active Directory Domain Controller that holds the infrastructure or schema master role, and then restart Adprep. |
Adprep non è in grado di stabilire una connessione LDAP al controller di dominio Active Directory %1.
Adprep richiede la connettività ai controller di dominio Active Directory locali da preparare.
[Azione utente]
Verificare la connettività al controller di dominio Active Directory con il ruolo di master infrastrutture o schema, quindi riavviare Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
Adprep 無法從本機 Active Directory 網域控制站擷取資訊。
請確認本機目錄物件存在,並且可以存取。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu obter informações do Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory local.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Verifique se o objecto de directório local existe e se está acessível. |
Adprep 无法从本地 Active Directory 域控制器检索信息。
验证本地目录对象是否存在并可以访问。 |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
Adprep, yerel Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi'nden bilgi alamadı.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Yerel dizin nesnesinin varolduğunu ve erişilebilir olduğunu doğrulayın. |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
Adprep kunde inte läsa information från den lokala Active Directory-domänkontrollanten.
Kontrollera att det lokala katalogobjektet finns och kan användas. |
Program Adprep nie może pobrać informacji z lokalnego kontrolera domeny usługi Active Directory.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Zweryfikuj, czy obiekt lokalnego katalogu istnieje i jest dostępny. |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
Az Adprep nem tudott információt beolvasni a helyi Active Directory tartományvezérlőből.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Győződjön meg a helyi címtárobjektum létezéséről és elérhetőségéről. |
Adprep n’a pas pu récupérer d’information du contrôleur de domaine Active Directory local.
[Action utilisateur]
Vérifiez que l’objet du répertoire local existe et est accessible. |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
A Adprep não pôde recuperar informações do serviço de Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory local.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique se o objeto de diretório local existe e pode ser acessado. |
Adprep не может получить данные из локального контроллера домена Active Directory.
[Действие пользователя]
Проверьте, существует ли объект локального каталога и доступен ли он. |
Adprep は Active Directory ドメイン コントローラから情報を取得できませんでした。
ローカル ディレクトリ オブジェクトが存在し、アクセス可能であることを確認してください。 |
Adprep no pudo recuperar la información desde el controlador de dominio de Active Directory local.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe que el objeto del directorio local existe y es accesible. |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
Adprep konnte keine Informationen vom lokalen Active Directory-Domänencontroller abrufen.
Überprüfen Sie, dass das lokale Verzeichnisobjekt vorhanden ist und dass darauf zugegriffen werden kann. |
Er kunnen geen gegevens uit de lokale Active Directory-domeincontroller worden opgehaald.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Controleer of het lokale Active Directory-object bestaat en toegankelijk is. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep nemohl načíst informace z místního řadiče domény služby Active Directory.
[Akce uživatele]
Ověřte, zda existuje objekt místního adresáře a zda je přístupný. |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
Adprep가 로컬 Active Directory 디렉터리 도메인 컨트롤러로부터 정보를 검색하지 못했습니다.
[사용자 작업]
로컬 디렉터리 개체가 있고 액세스할 수 있는지 확인하십시오. |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
Adprep was unable to retrieve information from the local Active Directory Domain Controller.
[User Action]
Verify that the local directory object exists and is accessible. |
Adprep non è in grado di recuperare informazioni dal controller di dominio Active Directory locale.
[Azione utente]
Verificare che l'oggetto directory locale esista e sia accessibile. |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep 無法將登錄機碼 %1 的值設定為 %2
這個 ADPREP 操作失敗。
請確認這個登錄子機碼及機碼存在,並且可以存取。請查看 %3 目錄中的記錄檔 ADPrep.log,以取得詳細資訊。請重新啟動 Adprep。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu definir o valor da chave de registo %1 como %2
Esta operação do ADPREP falhou.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Verifique se esta chave e subchave de registo existe e se está acessível. Consulte o ficheiro de registo ADPrep.log no directório %3 para mais informações. Reinicie o Adprep. |
Adprep 无法将注册表项 %1 的值设置为 %2
此 ADPREP 操作失败。
验证此注册表的子项和项是否存在并可以访问。检查 %3 目录中的日志文件 ADPrep.log 以了解详细信息。重新启动 Adprep。 |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep, %1kayıt defteri anahtarının değerini %2 olarak ayarlayamadı.
Bu ADPREP işlemi başarısız oldu.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Bu kayıt defteri anahtarının ve alt anahtarının varolduğunu ve erişilebilir olduğunu doğrulayın. Daha fazla bilgi için %3 dizinindeki ADPrep.log günlük dosyasını inceleyin. Adprep'i yeniden başlatın. |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep kunde inte ange värdet %2 för registernyckeln %1.
Denna Adprep-åtgärd misslyckades.
Kontrollera att den här registernyckeln finns och kan användas. Ytterligare information finns i loggfilen ADPrep.log som finns i katalogen %3. Starta om Adprep. |
Program Adprep nie może ustawić wartości klucza rejestru %1 na %2
Ta operacja programu ADPREP nie powiodła się.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Zweryfikuj, czy ten podklucz i klucz rejestru istnieje i jest dostępny. Sprawdź plik dziennika ADPrep.log w katalogu %3, aby uzyskać więcej informacji. Uruchom ponownie program Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Az Adprep nem tudta a(z) %1 beállításkulcs értékét beállítani a következőre: %2
Ez az Adprep művelet sikertelen.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Győződjön meg a beállításkulcs és alkulcs létezéséről és elérhetőségéről. További információért ellenőrizze az ADPrep.log naplófájlt a %3 könyvtárban. Indítsa újra az Adprep alkalmazást. |
Adprep n’a pas pu définir la valeur de la clé de Registre %1 à %2
Cette opération ADPREP a échoué.
[Action utilisateur]
Vérifiez que cette clé et cette sous-clé de Registre existent et sont accessibles. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le fichier journal ADPrep.log dans le répertoire %3. Redémarrez Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
A Adprep não pôde definir o valor da chave do Registro %1 como %2
Essa operação ADPREP falhou.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique se a subchave do Registro e a chave existem e podem ser acessadas. Verifique o arquivo de log ADPrep.log no diretório %3 para obter mais informações. Reinicie a Adprep. |
Adprep не удалось установить для раздела реестра %1 значение %2
Данная операция Adprep не выполнена.
[Действие пользователя]
Проверьте наличие и доступность этих подраздела и раздела реестра. Проверьте файл журнала ADPrep.log в каталоге %3 для получения дополнительных сведений. Перезапустите Adprep. |
Adprep はレジストリ キー %1 の値を %2 に設定できませんでした。
この ADPREP 操作は失敗しました。
このレジストリ サブキーおよびキーが存在し、アクセス可能であることを確認してください。詳細については %3 ディレクトリのログ ファイル ADPrep.log を確認してください。Adprep を再起動してください。 |
Adprep no pudo establecer el valor de la clave del Registro %1 como %2
[Estado y consecuencia]
Error en esta operación ADPREP.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe que esta subclave y clave del Registro existen y son accesibles. Consulte el archivo de registro ADPrep.log en el directorio %3 para obtener más información. Reinicie Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
De waarde van registersleutel %1 kan niet worden ingesteld op %2
Deze bewerking van Adprep is mislukt.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Controleer of de registersleutel en -subsleutel bestaan en toegankelijk zijn. Zie het logboekbestand ADPrep.log in het de map %3 voor meer informatie. Start Adprep opnieuw. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep nemohl nastavit u klíče registru %1 hodnotu %2.
Tato operace nástroje ADPREP se nezdařila.
[Akce uživatele]
Ověřte, zda tento klíč a podklíč registru existují a zda jsou přístupné. Další informace získáte v souboru protokolu ADPrep.log v adresáři %3. Restartujte nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep가 레지스트리 키 %1의 값을 %2(으)로 설정하지 못했습니다.
이 Adprep 작업이 실패했습니다.
[사용자 작업]
이 레지스트리 하위 키 및 키가 있고 액세스할 수 있는지 확인하십시오. 자세한 내용은 %3 디렉터리에 있는 Adprep.log 로그 파일을 참조하십시오. Adprep를 다시 시작하십시오. |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to set the value of registry key %1 to %2
This ADPREP operation failed.
[User Action]
Verify that this registry subkey and key exists and is accessible. Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %3 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep konnte den Wert des Registrierungsschlüssels %1 nicht auf %2 festlegen.
Fehler bei diesem Adprep-Vorgang.
Überprüfen Sie, ob Registrierungsunterschlüssel und -schlüssel vorhanden sind und darauf zugegriffen werden kann. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Protokolldatei "ADPrep.log" im Verzeichnis "%3". Starten Sie Adprep neu. |
Adprep non è in grado di impostare il valore della chiave del Registro di sistema %1 su %2
Operazione di ADPREP non riuscita.
[Azione utente]
Verificare che la sottochiave e la chiave del Registro di sistema esistano e siano accessibili. Per ulteriori informazioni, controllare il file di registro Adprep.log nella directory %3. Riavviare Adprep. |