Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
Adprep 無法延伸架構。
與 Exchange 2000 有架構衝突。架構尚未升級。
必須先解決架構衝突才能執行 adprep。解決架構衝突,允許變更所有複寫協力電腦之間的複寫,再執行 adprep。關於解決衝突的資訊,請參閱 Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379。 |
Não foi possível a Adprep expandir o esquema.
Existe um conflito de esquema com o Exchange 2000. O esquema não foi actualizado.
[Acção de utilizador]
O conflito de esquema tem que ser resolvido antes de executar adprep. Resolva o conflito de esquema, permita que a alteração se replique entre todos os parceiros de replicação e, em seguida, execute Adprep. Para informações sobre resolução de conflitos, consulte o artigo Q325379 da Microsoft Knowledge Base. |
Adprep 无法扩展架构。
与 Exchange 2000 之间存在架构冲突。架构没有升级。
运行 adprep 之前,必须解决架构冲突。解决架构冲突,允许更改在所有复制合作伙伴之间复制,然后运行 Adprep。有关解决冲突的信息,请参阅 Microsoft 知识库文章 Q325379。 |
Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
Adprep şemayı genişletemedi.
Exchange 2000 ile şema çakışması var. Şema yükseltilmemiş.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Şema çakışmasının adprep çalışmadan önce çözülmesi gerekir. Şema çakışmasını çözün, tüm çoğaltma ortakları arasında çoğaltmanın yapılması için değişikliğe izin verin ve Adprep'i çalıştırın. Çakışmanın çözülmesi ile ilgili ek bilgi için Microsoft Bilgi Tabanındaki Q325379 numaralı makaleye bakınız. |
Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
Adprep kunde inte utöka schemat.
En schemakonflikt med Exchange 2000 föreligger. Schemat uppgraderas inte.
Du måste lösa schemakonflikten innan du kan köra adprep. Lös schemakonflikten, låt ändringen replikeras mellan alla replikeringspartners och kör sedan Adprep igen. Ytterligare information om hur du kan lösa problemet finns i Knowledge Base-artikeln Q325379. |
Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
Az adprep nem tudta kibővíteni a sémát.
Sémaütközés az Exchange 2000 alkalmazással. A séma nincs frissítve.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
A sémaütközést az adprep futtatása meg kell szüntetni. Szüntesse meg a sémaütközést és engedélyezze a replikációt az összes replikációs partner között, majd futtassa az adprep parancsot. Az ütközés megszüntetéséről további információt a Microsoft Tudásbázis Q325379 számú cikkében talál. |
Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
Adprep não foi capaz de estender o esquema.
Existe um conflito de esquemas com o Exchange 2000. O esquema não está atualizado.
[Ação do Usuário]
O conflito de esquemas deve ser resolvido antes de adprep ser executado. Resolva o conflito de esquemas, permita que a alteração seja replicada entre todos os parceiros de replicação, e execute Adprep. Para obter mais informações sobre a resolução do conflito, consulte o artigo Q325379 da Microsoft Knowledge Base. |
ADPREP не удалось расширить схему.
Имеется конфликт схемы с Exchange 2000. Эта схема не обновлена.
[Действие пользователя]
Конфликт схемы должен быть разрешен перед запуском ADPREP. Разрешите конфликт схемы, позвольте изменениям реплицироваться на все компьютеры, являющиеся партнерами репликации, а затем запустите ADPREP. Более подробные сведения по разрешению этого конфликта содержатся в базе знаний в статье Q325379. |
Adprep はスキーマを拡張できませんでした。
Exchange 2000 とのスキーマの競合があります。スキーマはアップグレードされません。
Adprep を実行する前にスキーマの競合を解決しなければなりません。スキーマの競合を解決して、すべてのレプリケーション パートナー間でのレプリケートをする変更を許可してから、Adprep を実行してください。競合を解決するにあたっての詳細は、Microsoft サポート技術情報 (KB) Q325379 を参照してください。 |
Adprep no pudo extender el esquema.
Hay un conflicto con el esquema de Exchange 2000. No se actualizó el esquema.
[User Action]
Se debe resolver el conflicto de esquema antes de ejecutar adprep. Resuelva el conflicto de esquema, permita que se replique el cambio entre los asociados de replicación y luego ejecute Adprep. Para obtener más información sobre cómo resolver el conflicto, vea el artículo Q325379 en Microsoft Knowledge Base. |
Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
Adprep kan het schema niet uitbreiden.
Er is een schemaconflict met Exchange 2000. Het schema is niet bijgewerkt.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Het schemaconflict moet worden opgelost voordat adprep wordt uitgevoerd. Los het schemaconflict op, laat de wijzigingen repliceren op alle replicatiepartners en voer adprep opnieuw uit. Raadpleeg artikel Q325379 van de Microsoft Knowledge Base voor informatie over het oplossen van het conflict. |
Rozšíření schématu se nezdařilo.
Došlo ke konfliktu schématu se serverem Exchange 2000. Schéma nebylo upgradováno.
[Akce uživatele]
Před spuštěním nástroje příkazového řádku adprep je třeba vyřešit tento konflikt. Po vyřešení konfliktu počkejte na dokončení replikace změn a poté spusťte nástroj adprep. Další informace o řešení konfliktu získáte v článku Q325379 znalostní báze Knowledge Base. |
Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
스키마를 확장할 수 없습니다.
Exchange 2000과 스키마 충돌이 있습니다. 스키마가 업그레이드되지 않았습니다.
[사용자 작업]
Adprep를 실행하기 전에 스키마 충돌을 해결해야 합니다. 스키마 충돌을 해결하고 모든 복제 파트너 사이에 변경 내용이 복제되도록 한 다음 adprep를 실행하십시오. 충돌을 해결하는 방법에 관한 자세한 정보는 Microsoft 기술 자료 문서 Q325379를 참조하십시오. |
Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
Adprep was unable to extend the schema.
There is a schema conflict with Exchange 2000. The schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
The schema conflict must be resolved before running adprep. Resolve the schema conflict, allow the change to replicate between all replication partners, and then run Adprep. For information on resolving the conflict, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q325379. |
Impossibile estendere lo schema.
Conflitto con lo schema di Exchange 2000. Schema non aggiornato.
[Azione utente]
È necessario risolvere il conflitto prima di eseguire adprep. Risolvere il conflitto, consentire la replica del cambiamento a tutti i partner di replica ed eseguire nuovamente Adprep. Per indicazioni per la risoluzione del conflitto, vedere l'articolo Q325379 della Microsoft Knowledge Base. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep 無法確認 Exchange 架構是否存在衝突。
[狀態/結果]Active Directory 網域服務架構尚未升級。
請查看 %1 目錄中的記錄檔 ADPrep.log,了解失敗的可能原因。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu verificar se existe um conflito com o esquema Exchange.
O esquema dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não foi actualizado.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Consulte o ficheiro de registo ADPrep.log no directório %1 para possíveis causas da falha. |
Adprep 未能验证是否与 Exchange 架构之间存在冲突。
Active Directory 域服务架构未升级。
检查 %1 目录中的日志文件 ADPrep.log 以查找故障的可能原因。 |
Adprep, Exchange şeması ile bir çakışma olup olmadığını doğrulayamadı.
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri şeması yükseltilmedi.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Olası hata nedeni için %1 dizinindeki ADPrep.log günlük dosyasını denetleyin. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep kunde inte kontrollera om en konflikt med Exchange-schemat föreligger.
Active Directory Domain Services-schemat uppgraderas inte.
Information om möjliga orsaker finns i loggfilen ADPrep.log som finns i katalogen %1. |
Program Adprep nie może sprawdzić, czy występuje konflikt ze schematem Exchange.
Schemat Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory nie jest uaktualniony.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Sprawdź plik dziennika ADPrep.log w katalogu %1, aby uzyskać informacje o możliwych przyczynach błędu. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Az adprep nem tudta ellenőrizni, hogy van-e ütközés az Exchange sémával.
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások sémája nincs frissítve.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
A hiba okának megállapításához ellenőrizze az ADPrep.log naplófájlt a %1 könyvtárban. |
L’application adprep n’a pas vérifié s’il existe un conflit avec le schéma Exchange.
Le schéma des services de domaine Active Directory n’est pas à niveau.
[Action utilisateur]
Cherchez dans le fichier journal ADPrep.log situé dans le répertoire %1, la cause éventuelle de cet échec. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep não conseguiu verificar se existe um conflito com o esquema do Exchange.
O esquema dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não está atualizado.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique o arquivo de log ADPrep.log no diretório %1 para determinar a possível causa da falha. |
Adprep не удалось проверить, имеется ли конфликт со схемой Exchange.
Схема доменных служб Active Directory не обновлена.
[Действия пользователя]
Проверьте файл журнала adprep.log в каталоге %1, чтобы определить возможную причину сбоя. |
Adprep は、Exchange スキーマとの競合が存在するかどうか確認できませんでした。
Active Directory ドメイン サービス スキーマはアップグレードされません。
エラーの原因の可能性については、%1 ディレクトリにあるログ ファイル ADPrep.log を確認してください。 |
Adprep no pudo comprobar si hay un conflicto con el esquema de Exchange.
[Estado y consecuencia]
No se actualizó el esquema de Servicios de dominio de Active Directory.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe el archivo de registro ADPrep.log en el directorio %1 para averiguar las posibles causas del error. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep konnte nicht bestätigen, ob ein Konflikt mit dem Exchange-Schema besteht.
Das Schema der Active Directory-Domänendienste wurde nicht aktualisiert.
Informationen zur möglichen Fehlerursache finden Sie in der Protokolldatei "ADPrep.log" im Verzeichnis "%1". |
Er kan niet door Adprep worden gecontroleerd of er een conflict met het Exchange-schema bestaat.
Het Active Directory DomainServices-schema is niet bijgewerkt.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Controleer het logboekbestand ADPrep.log in de map %1 op mogelijke oorzaken van de fout. |
Nepodařilo se zjistit zda dochází ke konfliktu se schématem serveru Exchange.
Schéma služby Active Directory Domain Services nebylo upgradováno.
[Akce uživatele]
Zjistěte možné příčiny selhání v souboru protokolu ADPrep.log v adresáři %1. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep에서 Exchange 스키마와 충돌이 있는지 확인하지 못했습니다.
Active Directory 도메인 서비스 스키마가 업그레이드되지 않았습니다.
[사용자 작업]
오류의 원인에 대한 자세한 내용은 %1 디렉터리에 있는 ADPrep.log 로그 파일을 참조하십시오. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify whether a conflict exists with the Exchange schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep non è in grado di verificare se esista un conflitto con lo schema di Exchange.
Schema di Servizi di dominio Active Directory non aggiornato.
[Azione utente]
Per individuare le possibili cause dell'errore, controllare il file di registro ADPrep.log nella directory %1. |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep 無法確認 Win2K 架構的一致性。
[狀態/結果]Active Directory 網域服務架構尚未升級。
請查看 %1 目錄中的記錄檔 ADPrep.log,了解失敗的可能原因。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu verificar a consistência do esquema Win2K.
O esquema dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não foi actualizado.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Consulte o ficheiro de registo Adprep.log no directório %1 para possíveis causas da falha. |
Adprep 未能验证 Win2K 架构的一致性。
Active Directory 域服务架构未升级。
检查 %1 目录中的日志文件 ADPrep.log 以查找故障的可能原因。 |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep Win2K şemasının tutarlılığını doğrulayamadı.
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri şeması yükseltilmedi.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Olası hata nedeni için %1 dizinindeki ADPrep.log günlük dosyasını inceleyin. |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep kunde inte kontrollera Windows 2000-schemats konsekvens.
Active Directory Domain Services-schemat uppgraderas inte.
Information om möjliga orsaker finns i loggfilen Adprep.log som du kan hitta i katalogen %1. |
Program Adprep nie może sprawdzić spójności schematu systemu Windows 2000.
Schemat Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory nie jest uaktualniony.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Sprawdź plik dziennika ADPrep.log w katalogu %1, aby uzyskać informacje o możliwych przyczynach błędu. |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Az adprep nem tudta ellenőrizni, hogy van-e ütközés a Win2K sémával.
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások sémája nincs frissítve.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
A hiba okának megállapításához ellenőrizze az ADPrep.log naplófájlt a %1 könyvtárban. |
L’application adprep n’a pas vérifié la cohérence du schéma Win2K.
Le schéma des services de domaine Active Directory n’est pas à niveau.
[Action utilisateur]
Cherchez dans le fichier journal ADPrep.log situé dans le répertoire %1, la cause éventuelle de cet échec. |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep não conseguiu verificar a consistência do esquema do Win2K.
O esquema dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não está atualizado.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique o arquivo de log ADPrep.log no diretório %1 para determinar a possível causa da falha. |
Adprep не удалось проверить непротиворечивость схемы Win2K.
Схема доменных служб Active Directory не обновлена.
[Действия пользователя]
Проверьте файл журнала adprep.log в каталоге %1, чтобы определить возможную причину сбоя. |
Adprep は、Win2K スキーマとの整合性を確認できませんでした。
Active Directory ドメイン サービス スキーマはアップグレードされません。
エラーの原因の可能性については、%1 ディレクトリにあるログ ファイル ADPrep.log を確認してください。 |
Adprep no pudo comprobar la coherencia del esquema de Windows 2000.
[Estado y consecuencia]
No se actualizó el esquema de Servicios de dominio de Active Directory.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe el archivo de registro ADPrep.log en el directorio %1 para averiguar las posibles causas del error. |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep konnte die Konsistenz des Win2K-Schemas nicht bestätigen.
Das Schema der Active Directory-Domänendienste wurde nicht aktualisiert.
Informationen zur möglichen Fehlerursache finden Sie in der Protokolldatei "ADPrep.log" im Verzeichnis "%1". |
De consistentie van het Win2K-schema kan niet door Adprep worden gecontroleerd.
Het Active Directory Domain Services-schema is niet bijgewerkt.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Controleer het logboekbestand ADPrep.log in de map %1 op mogelijke oorzaken van de fout. |
Nepodařilo se zjistit zda je schéma serveru Windows 2000 konzistentní.
Schéma služby Active Directory Domain Services nebylo upgradováno.
[Akce uživatele]
Zjistěte možné příčiny selhání v souboru protokolu ADPrep.log v adresáři %1. |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep에서 Win2K 스키마의 일관성을 확인하지 못했습니다.
Active Directory 도메인 서비스 스키마가 업그레이드되지 않았습니다.
[사용자 작업]
오류의 원인에 대한 자세한 내용은 %1 디렉터리에 있는 ADPrep.log 로그 파일을 참조하십시오. |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed to verify the consistency of Win2K schema.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep non è in grado di verificare la coerenza dello schema di Windows 2000.
Schema di Servizi di dominio Active Directory non aggiornato.
[Azione utente]
Per individuare le possibili cause dell'errore, controllare il file di registro ADPrep.log nella directory %1. |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
在 Windows 2000 架構和延伸架構中所定義物件的 "%1" 屬性數值不符。 |
O valor do atributo "%1" não corresponde para objectos definidos no esquema Windows 2000 e no esquema expandido. |
Windows 2000 架构与扩展架构中定义的对象的“%1”属性值不匹配。 |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
Windows 2000 şemasında ve genişletilmiş şemada tanımlanan nesneler için "%1" öznitelik değeri eşleşmiyor. |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
Värdet för attributet "%1" för objekt som definierats i Windows 2000-schemat matchar inte motsvarande objekt i det utökade schemat. |
Wartości atrybutu "%1" dla obiektów zdefiniowanych w schemacie systemu Windows 2000 i schemacie rozszerzonym nie są zgodne. |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
Az objektumokhoz definiált "%1" attribútumérték nem egyezik meg a Windows 2000 operációs rendszerben és a kibővített sémában . |
« %1 » : les valeurs d’attributs des objets définis dans le schéma Windows 2000 et dans le schéma étendu ne concordent pas. |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
O valor do atributo "%1" de objetos definidos no esquema do Windows 2000 e no esquema estendido não correspondem. |
Значение атрибута "%1" для объектов, определенных в схеме Windows 2000 и в расширенной схеме не совпадают. |
Windows 2000 スキーマと拡張スキーマで定義されているオブジェクトの "%1" 属性の値が一致しません。 |
No coincide el valor de atributo "%1" para los objetos definidos en el esquema de Windows 2000 y el esquema extendido. |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
"Der im Windows 2000-Schema definierte Attributwert "%1" stimmt nicht mit dem vorhandenen Schema überein. |
De waarde van het kenmerk %1 van objecten die in het Windows 2000-schema en het uitgebreide schema zijn gedefinieerd, komen niet overeen. |
Hodnota atributu %1 pro objekty schématu serveru Windows 2000 a rozšířeného schématu nesouhlasí. |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
Windows 2000 스키마와 확장된 스키마에 정의된 개체의 "%1" 특성 값이 일치하지 않습니다. |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
"%1" attribute value for objects defined in Windows 2000 schema and extended schema do not match. |
Il valore dell'attributo "%1" di oggetti definiti nello schema di Windows 2000 e quello corrispondente nello schema esteso sono diversi. |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
之前的架構延伸已定義物件 "%2" 的屬性值為 "%1",和 Windows Server 2008 的架構延伸所需要的不同。
Adprep 無法延伸您現有的架構
請連絡之前延伸架構的應用程式廠商解決不一致性,然後再次執行 adprep。 |
Uma extensão do esquema anterior definiu o valor do atributo como "%1" para o objecto "%2" de maneira diferente daquela que é necessária para a extensão de esquema do Windows Server 2008.
O Adprep não pode expandir o esquema existente
[Acção do Utilizador]
Contacte o fabricante da aplicação que expandiu o esquema anteriormente para resolver a inconsistência. Em seguida, execute o adprep novamente. |
上次架构扩展已将对象“%2”的属性值定义为“%1”,这与 Windows Server 2008 所需的架构扩展不同。
Adprep 无法扩展现有架构
请与上次扩展架构的应用程序的供应商联系,以解决不一致问题。然后重新运行 adprep。 |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
Önceki şema uzantısı, Windows Server 2008 için gereken şema uzantısından farklı olarak "%2" nesnesinin öznitelik değerini "%1" olarak tanımladı.
Adprep varolan şemanızı genişletemiyor
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Tutarsızlığı çözmek için şemayı önceden genişleten uygulamanın satıcısına başvurun. Daha sonra adprep'i yeniden çalıştırın. |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
En tidigare schemautökning har definierat attributvärdet som %1 för objektet %2 annorlunda än schemautökningen som krävs för Windows Server 2008.
Adprep kan inte utöka det befintliga schemat
Kontakta det företag som tillverkade programmet som tidigare utökade schemat så att inkonsekvensen kan lösas. Kör sedan adprep igen. |
Poprzednie rozszerzenie schematu definiowało wartość atrybutu jako "%1" dla obiektu "%2" inaczej niż rozszerzenie schematu potrzebne dla systemu Windows Server 2008.
Program Adprep nie może rozszerzyć istniejącego schematu
[Akcja użytkownika]
Aby rozwiązać problem ze spójnością, skontaktuj się z dostawcą aplikacji użytej do rozszerzenia schematu. Uruchom ponownie program Adprep. |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
Egy korábbi sémabővítés "%1" attribútumértéket definiált a(z) "%2" objektumhoz, ez eltér a Windows Server 2008 rendszerhez szükséges sémabővítéstől.
Az adprep nem tudja kibővíteni a meglévő sémát
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Lépjen kapcsolatba az ellentmondást sémabővítéssel feloldó alkalmazás szállítójával, majd futtassa újra az adprep parancsot. |
La valeur d’attribut « %1 » de l’objet « %2 » d’une extension de schéma existante n’est pas celle de l’extension de schéma que doit utiliser Windows Server 2008.
L’application adprep ne peut pas étendre votre schéma existant.
[Action utilisateur]
Contactez le revendeur de l’application qui a étendu le schéma, qui vous aidera à régler cette incohérence. Ensuite, exécutez de nouveau l’application adprep. |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
Uma extensão de esquema anterior não definiu o valor do atributo como "%1" para o objeto "%2" da forma como a extensão do esquema necessária para o Windows Server 2008.
Adprep não pode estender o esquema existente
[Ação do Usuário]
Contate o fornecedor do aplicativo que estendeu o esquema anteriormente para resolver a inconsistência. Em seguida, execute adprep novamente. |
Предшествовавшие расширения схемы определяли значение атрибута "%1" для объекта "%2" не так, как это требуется для расширения схемы Windows Server 2008.
ADPREP не удалось расширить существующую схему
[Действие пользователя]
Обратитесь к поставщику приложения, использовавшегося для предшествующих расширений схемы для разрешения несовместимости. После этого вновь запустите ADPREP. |
以前のスキーマ拡張では、オブジェクト "%2" の属性値を "%1" と定義しており、Windows Server 2008 で必要なスキーマ拡張とは異なっています。
Adprep は既存のスキーマを拡張できません。
以前にスキーマを拡張したアプリケーションのベンダに問い合わせて矛盾を解決してから Adprep を再実行してください。 |
Una extensión de esquema anterior definió el valor de atributo "%1" para el objeto "%2" de forma diferente a la extensión de esquema necesaria para Windows Server 2008.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep no pudo extender el esquema existente.
[Acción del usuario]
Póngase en contacto con el proveedor de la aplicación que extendió el esquema anteriormente para resolver la incoherencia. Después, ejecute adprep de nuevo. |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
Den Attributwert "%1" für das Objekt "%2" wurde von einer früheren Schemaerweiterung nicht mit dem für die Schemaerweiterung für Windows Server 2008 erforderlichen Wert definiert.
Das vorhandene Schema kann nicht erweitert werden.
Wenden Sie sich an den Lieferanten der Anwendung, durch die das Schema erweitert wurde, um diese Inkonsistenz zu beheben. Führen Sie adprep anschließend erneut aus. |
Een vorige schemauitbreiding heeft de kenmerkwaarde voor object %2 als %1 gedefinieerd, anders dan de schemauitbreiding die nodig is voor Windows Server 2008.
Het bestaande schema kan niet door Adprep worden uitgebreid
Neem contact op met de leverancier van de toepassing die eerder het schema heeft uitgebreid om de inconsistentie op te lossen. Voer vervolgens adprep opnieuw uit. |
Při předchozím rozšíření schématu byla hodnota atributu %1 pro objekt %2 nastavena jinak, než je požadováno pro rozšíření schématu systému Windows Server 2008.
Rozšíření stávajícího schématu nástrojem Adprep se nezdařilo.
[Akce uživatele]
Obraťte se na dodavatele aplikace, která schéma rozšířila, a vyřešte konflikt. Poté spusťte nástroj Adprep znovu. |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
이전 스키마 확장에서는 "%2" 개체의 특성 값을 Windows Server 2008에 필요한 스키마 확장과 다르게 "%1"(으)로 정의했습니다.
Adprep가 기존 스키마를 확장할 수 없습니다.
[사용자 작업]
이전에 스키마를 확장한 응용 프로그램의 공급업체에 문의하여 일관성 문제를 해결하십시오. 그런 다음 Adprep를 다시 실행하십시오. |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
A previous schema extension has defined the attribute value as "%1" for object "%2" differently than the schema extension needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that previously extended the schema to resolve the inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
Una precedente estensione dello schema ha definito il valore dell'attributo come "%1" per l'oggetto "%2", diversamente rispetto all'estensione dello schema necessaria per Windows Server 2008.
Adprep non è in grado di estendere lo schema esistente.
[Azione utente]
Contattare il fornitore dell'applicazione che ha precedentemente esteso lo schema, risolvere l'incoerenza, quindi eseguire nuovamente Adprep. |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
為物件 %2 定義的 OID "%1" 與 Windows Server 2008 所需要的架構延伸衝突。
Adprep 將不會延伸您現有的架構。
請連絡之前以 OID 值 "%1" 延伸架構的應用程式廠商解決不一致性,然後再次執行 adprep。 |
O OID "%1" definido para o objecto %2 está em conflito com as extensões de esquema necessárias para o Windows Server 2008.
O Adprep não irá expandir o esquema existente.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Contacte o fabricante da aplicação que expandiu o esquema com o valor OID "%1" e resolva esta inconsistência. Em seguida, execute o adprep novamente. |
为对象 %2 定义的 OID“%1”与 Windows Server 2008 所需的架构扩展冲突。
Adprep 将不扩展现有架构。
请与用 OID 值“%1”扩展架构的应用程序的供应商联系,以解决此不一致问题。然后重新运行 adprep。 |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
%2 nesnesi için tanımlanan "%1" nesne kimliği Windows Server 2008 için gereken şema uzantıları ile çakışıyor.
Adprep varolan şemanızı genişletmeyecek.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
"%1" nesne kimliği değeri ile şemayı genişleten uygulamanın satıcısına başvurun ve bu tutarsızlığı çözün. Daha sonra adprep'i yeniden çalıştırın. |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
Objekt-ID %1 som definierats för objektet %2 står i konflikt med den schemautökning som krävs för Windows Server 2008.
Adprep kommer inte att utöka det befintliga schemat.
Kontakta det företag som tillverkade det program som utökade schemat med objekt-ID-värdet %1 för att lösa inkonsekvensen. Kör sedan adprep igen. |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
A(z) %2 objektumhoz OID "%1" van definiálva, ez ütközik a Windows Server 2008 rendszerhez szükséges sémabővítésekkel.
Az adprep nem fogja kibővíteni a meglévő sémát
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Lépjen kapcsolatba az ellentmondást "%1" OID értékkel feloldó alkalmazás szállítójával, majd futtassa újra az adprep parancsot. |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
A OID "%1" definida para o objeto %2 está em conflito com as extensões de esquema necessárias para o Windows Server 2008.
Adprep não estenderá o esquema existente.
[Ação do Usuário]
Contate o fornecedor do aplicativo que estendeu o esquema com o valor "%1" em OID para resolver essa inconsistência. Em seguida, execute adprep novamente. |
OID "%1", определенный для объекта "%2", конфликтует с расширениями схемы для Windows 2008.
Adprep не удалось расширить существующую схему.
[Действие пользователя]
Обратитесь к поставщику приложения, выполнившего расширение схемы с OID "%1", чтобы устранить эту несовместимость. После этого вновь запустите ADPREP. |
オブジェクト %2 で定義されている OID "%1" は Windows Server 2008 で必要なスキーマ拡張と競合しています。
Adprep は既存のスキーマを拡張しません。
以前にスキーマを拡張したアプリケーションのベンダに OID 値 "%1" について問い合わせてこの矛盾を解決してから Adprep を再実行してください。 |
El OID "%1" definido para el objeto %2 está en conflicto con las extensiones de esquema necesarias para Windows Server 2008.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep no extenderá el esquema existente.
[Acción del usuario]
Póngase en contacto con el proveedor de la aplicación que extendió el esquema con el valor de OID "%1 y resuelva esta incoherencia. Después, vuelva a ejecutar adprep. |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
De waarde OID %1 die is gedefinieerd voor object %2 conflicteert met de schemauitbreidingen die nodig zijn voor Windows Server 2008.
Het bestaande schema wordt niet door Adprep uitgebreid.
Neem contact op met de leverancier van de toepassing die eerder het schema heeft uitgebreid met de waarde OID %1 om de inconsistentie op te lossen. Voer vervolgens adprep opnieuw uit. |
Hodnota OID %1 definovaná pro objekt %2 způsobuje konflikt s rozšířením schématu nutným pro systém Windows Server 2008.
Stávající schéma nebude rozšířeno.
[Akce uživatele]
Obraťte se na dodavatele aplikace, která rozšířila schéma o hodnotu OID %1, a vyřešte nekonzistenci. Poté spusťte nástroj Adprep znovu. |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
%2 개체에 대해 정의된 OID "%1"이(가) Windows Server 2008에 필요한 스키마 확장과 충돌합니다.
Adprep가 기존 스키마를 확장하지 않습니다.
[사용자 작업]
스키마를 OID 값 "%1"(으)로 확장한 응용 프로그램의 공급업체에 문의하여 일관성 문제를 해결하십시오. 그런 다음 Adprep를 다시 실행하십시오. |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
OID "%1" defined for object %2 conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the OID value "%1" and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
L'OID "%1" definito per l'oggetto %2 è in conflitto con le estensioni dello schema necessarie per Windows Server 2008.
Adprep non è in grado di estendere lo schema esistente.
[Azione utente]
Contattare il fornitore dell'applicazione che ha esteso lo schema con il valore OID "%1", risolvere l'incoerenza, quindi eseguire nuovamente Adprep. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
為物件 "%2" 定義的 lDAPDisplayName "%1" 與 Windows Server 2008 所需要的架構延伸衝突。
Adprep 將不會延伸您現有的架構。
請連絡之前以 lDAPDisplayName 值 "%1" 延伸架構的應用程式廠商解決不一致性,然後再次執行 adprep。 |
O lDAPDisplayName "%1" definido para o objecto "%2" está em conflito com as extensões de esquema necessárias para o Windows Server 2008.
O Adprep não irá expandir o esquema existente.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Contacte o fabricante da aplicação que expandiu o esquema com o valor lDAPDisplayName "%1" e resolva esta inconsistência. Em seguida, execute o adprep novamente. |
为对象“%2”定义的 lDAPDisplayName“%1”与 Windows Server 2008 所需的架构扩展冲突。
Adprep 将不扩展现有架构。
请与用 lDAPDisplayName 值“%1”扩展架构的应用程序的供应商联系,以解决此不一致问题。然后重新运行 adprep。 |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
%2 nesnesi için tanımlanan "%1" lDAPDisplayName Windows Server 2008 için gereken şema uzantıları ile çakışıyor.
Adprep varolan şemanızı genişletmeyecek.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
%1 lDAPDisplayName değeri ile şemayı genişleten uygulamanın satıcısına başvurun ve bu tutarsızlığı çözün. Daha sonra adprep'i yeniden çalıştırın. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
lDAPDisplayName %1 som definierats för objektet %2 står i konflikt med den schemautökning som krävs för Windows Server 2008.
Adprep kommer inte att utöka det befintliga schemat.
Kontakta det företag som tillverkade det program som utökade schemat med lDAPDisplayName-värdet %1 så att inkonsekvensen kan lösas. Kör sedan adprep igen. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
A(z) %2 objektumhoz lDAPDisplayName "%1" van definiálva, ez ütközik a Windows Server 2008 rendszerhez szükséges sémabővítésekkel.
Az adprep nem fogja kibővíteni a meglévő sémát
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Lépjen kapcsolatba az ellentmondást "%1" lDAPDisplayName értékkel feloldó alkalmazás szállítójával, majd futtassa újra az adprep parancsot. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" definido para o objeto "%2" está em conflito com as extensões de esquema necessárias para o Winows Server 2008.
Adprep não estenderá o esquema existente.
[Ação do Usuário]
Contate o fornecedor do aplicativo que estendeu o esquema com o valor %1 em lDAPDisplayName para resolver essa inconsistência. Em seguida, execute adprep novamente. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1", определенный для объекта "%2", конфликтует с расширениями схемы для Windows 2008.
Adprep не удалось расширить существующую схему.
[Действие пользователя]
Обратитесь к поставщику приложения, выполнившего расширение схемы с lDAPDisplayName "%1", чтобы устранить эту несовместимость. После этого вновь запустите ADPREP. |
オブジェクト "%2" で定義されている lDAPDisplayName "%1" は Windows Server 2008 で必要なスキーマ拡張と競合しています。
Adprep は既存のスキーマを拡張しません。
以前にスキーマを拡張したアプリケーションのベンダに lDAPDisplayName 値 %1 について問い合わせてこの矛盾を解決してから Adprep を再実行してください。 |
El lDAPDisplayName "%1" definido para el objeto %2 está en conflicto con las extensiones de esquema necesarias para Windows Server 2008.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep no extenderá el esquema existente.
[Acción del usuario]
Póngase en contacto con el proveedor de la aplicación que extendió el esquema con el valor de lDAPDisplayName "%1 y resuelva esta incoherencia. Después, ejecute adprep de nuevo. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
Hodnota lDAPDisplayName %1 definovaná pro objekt %2 způsobuje konflikt s rozšířením schématu nutným pro systém Windows Server 2008.
Stávající schéma nebude rozšířeno.
[Akce uživatele]
Obraťte se na dodavatele aplikace, která rozšířila schéma o hodnotu lDAPDisplayName %1, a vyřešte nekonzistenci. Poté spusťte nástroj Adprep znovu. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
%2 개체에 대해 정의된 lDAPDisplayName "%1"이(가) Windows Server 2008에 필요한 스키마 확장과 충돌합니다.
Adprep가 기존 스키마를 확장하지 않습니다.
[사용자 작업]
스키마를 lDAPDisplayName 값 "%1"(으)로 확장한 응용 프로그램의 공급업체에 문의하여 일관성 문제를 해결하십시오. 그런 다음 adprep를 다시 실행하십시오. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
lDAPDisplayName "%1" defined for object "%2" conflicts with the schema extensions needed for Windows Server 2008.
Adprep will not extend your existing schema.
[User Action]
Contact the vendor of the application that extended the schema with the lDAPDisplayName value %1 and resolve this inconsistency. Then run adprep again. |
Il valore dell'attributo LDAPDisplayName "%1" definito per l'oggetto "%2" è in conflitto con le estensioni dello schema necessarie per Windows Server 2008.
Adprep non è in grado di estendere lo schema esistente.
[Azione utente]
Contattare il fornitore dell'applicazione che ha esteso lo schema con il valore LDAPDisplayName %1, risolvere l'incoerenza, quindi eseguire nuovamente Adprep. |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep 無法延伸您現有的架構
請查看 %1 目錄中的記錄檔 ADPrep.log,了解失敗的可能原因。 |
A actualização da política de grupo falhou.
O Adprep não pode expandir o esquema existente
[Acção do Utilizador]
Consulte o ficheiro de registo gpupgrad.log no directório %1 para possíveis causas da falha. |
Adprep 无法扩展您的现有架构。
检查 %1 目录中的日志文件 gpupgrad.log 以查找故障的可能原因。 |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Grup ilkesi güncelleştirmesi başarısız oldu.
Adprep varolan şemanızı genişletemiyor
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Olası hata nedeni için %1 dizinindeki gpupgrad.log günlük dosyasını denetleyin. |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Det gick inte att uppgradera grupprincipen.
Adprep kan inte utöka det aktuella schemat
Information om möjliga orsaker finns i loggfilen gpupgrad.log som du kan hitta i katalogen %1. |
Uaktualnienie zasad grupy nie powiodło się.
Program adprep nie może rozszerzyć istniejącego schematu
[Akcja użytkownika]
Sprawdź plik dziennika gpupgrad.log w katalogu %1, aby poznać przyczynę błędu. |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
A csoportházirend frissítése nem sikerült.
Az adprep nem tudja kibővíteni a meglévő sémát
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
A hiba okának megállapításához ellenőrizze a gpupgrad.log naplófájlt a %1 könyvtárban. |
Échec de la mise à niveau de la stratégie de groupe.
Adprep ne peut pas étendre votre schéma existant.
[Action utilisateur]
Cherchez dans le fichier journal gpupgrad.log situé dans le répertoire %1, la cause éventuelle de cet échec. |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Falha ao atualizar diretiva de grupo.
Adprep não pode estender o esquema existente
[Ação do Usuário]
Procure no arquivo de log gpupgrad.log no diretório %1 a possível causa da falha. |
Не удалось выполнить обновление групповой политики.
Adprep не удалось расширить существующую схему
[Действие пользователя]
Проверьте файл журнала gpupgrad.log в каталоге %1, чтобы определить возможную причину сбоя. |
グループ ポリシーのアップグレードは失敗しました。
Adprep は既存のスキーマを拡張できません。
失敗の原因の可能性については、%1 ディレクトリのログ ファイル gpupgrad.log を確認してください。 |
Error al actualizar la directiva de grupo.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep no puede extender el esquema existente.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe el archivo de registro gpupgrad.log en el directorio %1 para averiguar las posibles causas del error. |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Gruppenrichtlinie.
Adprep kann das vorhandene Schema nicht erweitern.
Informationen zur möglichen Fehlerursache finden Sie in der Protokolldatei "gpupgrad.log" im Verzeichnis "%1". |
Het bijwerken van groepsbeleid is mislukt.
Het bestaande schema kan niet door Adprep worden uitgebreid.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Controleer het logboekbestand gpupgrad.log in de map %1 op mogelijke oorzaken van de fout. |
Upgrade zásady skupiny se nezdařil.
Rozšíření stávajícího schématu příkazem Adprep se nezdařilo.
[Akce uživatele]
Zkontrolujte soubor protokolu gpupgrad.log v adresáři %1, obsahující informace o možném důvodu selhání. |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
그룹 정책 업그레이드에 실패했습니다.
Adprep가 기존 스키마를 확장할 수 없습니다.
[사용자 작업]
오류의 원인에 대한 자세한 내용은 %1 디렉터리에 있는 gpupgrad.log 로그 파일을 참조하십시오. |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Group policy upgrade failed.
Adprep cannot extend your existing schema
[User Action]
Check the log file gpupgrad.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Aggiornamento Criteri di gruppo non riuscito.
Adprep non è in grado di estendere lo schema esistente
[Azione utente]
Per individuare le possibili cause dell'errore, controllare il file di registro gpupgrad.log nella directory %1. |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep 在執行 Exchange 架構檢查時失敗。
Active Directory 網域服務架構尚未升級。
請查看 %1 目錄中的記錄檔 ADPrep.log,了解失敗的可能原因。 |
O Adprep falhou enquanto realizava a verificação do esquema Exchange.
O esquema dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não foi actualizado.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Consulte o ficheiro de registo ADPrep.log no directório %1 para possíveis causas da falha. |
Adprep 执行 Exchange 架构检查时失败。
Active Directory 域服务架构未升级。
检查 %1 目录中的日志文件 ADPrep.log 以查找故障的可能原因。 |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep Exchange şeması denetimi gerçekleştirilirken başarısız oldu.
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri şeması yükseltilmedi.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Olası hata nedeni için %1 dizinindeki ADPrep.log günlük dosyasını denetleyin. |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Ett fel uppstod i Adprep när Exchange-schemat kontrollerades.
Active Directory Domain Services-schemat har inte uppgraderats.
Information om möjliga orsaker finns i loggfilen ADPrep.log som du kan hitta i katalogen %1. |
Program Adprep zawiódł podczas sprawdzania schematu Exchange.
Schemat Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory nie jest uaktualniony.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Sprawdź plik dziennika ADPrep.log w katalogu %1, aby poznać przyczynę błędu. |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Az adprep hibát észlelt az Exchange séma ellenőrzése közben.
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások sémája nincs frissítve.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
A hiba okának megállapításához ellenőrizze az ADPrep.log naplófájlt a %1 könyvtárban. |
Erreur ADPREP lors de la vérification du schéma Exchange.
Le schéma des services de domaine Active Directory n’a pas été mis à jour.
[Action utilisateur]
Cherchez dans le fichier journal ADPrep.log situé dans le répertoire %1, la cause éventuelle de cet échec. |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep falhou ao executar a verificação do esquema do Exchange.
O esquema dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não está atualizado.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique o arquivo de log ADPrep.log no diretório %1 para determinar a possível causa da falha. |
Произошла ошибка ADPREP при выполнении проверки схемы Exchange.
Схема доменных служб Active Directory не обновлена.
[Действия пользователя]
Проверьте файл журнала adprep.log в каталоге %1, чтобы определить возможную причину сбоя. |
Exchange スキーマの確認を実行中に Adprep が失敗しました。
Active Directory ドメイン サービス スキーマはアップグレードされません。
失敗の原因の可能性については、%1 ディレクトリのログ ファイル ADPrep.log を確認してください。 |
Adprep no pudo comprobar el esquema de Exchange.
[Estado y consecuencia]
No se actualizó el esquema de Servicios de dominio de Active Directory.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe el archivo de registro ADPrep.log en el directorio %1 para averiguar las posibles causas del error. |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Fehler bei der Exchange-Schemaüberprüfung.
Das Schema der Active Directory-Domänendienste wurde nicht aktualisiert.
Informationen zur möglichen Fehlerursache finden Sie in der Protokolldatei "ADPrep.log" im Verzeichnis "%1". |
Er is tijdens het uitvoeren van de schemacontrole van Exchange een fout in Adprep opgetreden.
Het Active Directory Domain Services-schema is niet bijgewerkt.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Raadpleeg het logboekbestand ADPrep.log in de map %1 voor mogelijke oorzaken van deze fout. |
Při kontrole schématu serveru Exchange došlo k selhání.
Schéma služby Active Directory Domain Services nebylo upgradováno.
[Akce uživatele]
Zjistěte možné příčiny selhání v souboru protokolu ADPrep.log v adresáři %1. |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep에서 Exchange 스키마 검사를 수행하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.
Active Directory 도메인 서비스 스키마가 업그레이드되지 않았습니다.
[사용자 작업]
오류의 원인에 대한 자세한 내용은 %1 디렉터리에 있는 ADPrep.log 로그 파일을 참조하십시오. |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep failed while performing Exchange schema check.
The Active Directory Domain Services schema is not upgraded.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep non è in grado di completare la verifica dello schema di Exchange.
Schema di Servizi di dominio Active Directory non aggiornato.
[Azione utente]
Per individuare le possibili cause dell'errore, controllare il file di registro ADPrep.log nella directory %1. |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep 無法連絡網域命名 FSMO 以讀取分割。若要進行此操作,必須能連線網域命名 FSMO。
Active Directory 網域服務 DNS 分割無法用於唯讀 DC。
檢查 %1 目錄中的記錄檔 ADPrep.log,了解可能的失敗原因。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu contactar o FSMO de Atribuição de Nomes de Domínio para ler as partições. O FSMO de Atribuição de Nomes de Domínio tem de estar contactável para que esta operação continue.
As partições DNS dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não estão preparadas para DCs Só de Leitura.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Consulte o ficheiro de registo ADPrep.log no %1 para possíveis causas da falha. |
Adprep 无法与域命名 FSMO 联系来读取这些分区。域命名 FSMO 必须可访问,此操作才能继续。
Active Directory 域服务 DNS 分区不是为只读 DC 准备的。
请检查 %1 目录中的日志文件 ADPrep.log 以了解故障的可能原因。 |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep, bölümleri okumak için Etki Alanı Adlandırma FSMO'su ile bağlantı kuramadı. Bu işlemin devam etmesi için Etki Alanı Adlandırma FSMO'suna erişilebilmesi gerekir.
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri DNS bölümleri Salt Okunur DC'ler için hazırlanmadı.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Hatanın olası nedeni için %1 dizinindeki ADPrep.log günlük dosyasını inceleyin. |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep kunde inte kontakta FSMO för domännamngivning och läsa partitionerna. Det måste gå att söka i FSMO för domännamngivning för att den här åtgärden ska kunna genomföras.
Active Directory Domain Services DNS-partitioner är inte förberedda för skrivskyddade domänkontrollanter.
Information om möjliga orsaker finns i loggfilen ADPrep.log i katalog %1. |
Program Adrep nie może skontaktować się z serwerem operacji FSMO nazw domen w celu odczytania partycji. Aby ta operacja mogła być kontynuowana, serwer operacji FSMO nazw domen musi być osiągalny.
Partycje DNS Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory nie są przygotowane na potrzeby kontrolerów domen tylko do odczytu.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Sprawdź możliwe przyczyny błędu w pliku dziennika ADPrep.log w katalogu %1. |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Az Adprep nem tudott kapcsolódni a tartománynév-kiosztási műveleti főkiszolgálóhoz a partíciók beolvasása érdekében. A tartománynév-kiosztási műveleti főkiszolgálónak elérhetőnek kell lennie a művelet folytatásához.
Az Active Directory tartományszolgáltatások DNS-partíciói nincsenek felkészítve írásvédett tartományvezérlőkre.
Ellenőrizze az ADPrep.log naplófájlt a(z) %1 könyvtárban a hiba okának megállapításához. |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep não pôde contatar o Domínio Denominado FSMO para ler as partições. O Domínio Denominado FSMO deve estar acessível para que essa operação possa prosseguir.
As partições DNS dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não estão preparadas para controladores de domínio Somente Leitura.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique o arquivo de log ADPrep.log no diretório %1 para determinar a possível causa da falha. |
Adprep не может связаться с FSMO именования доменов, чтобы прочитать разделы. FSMO именования доменов должен быть доступен, чтобы можно было продолжить данную операцию.
Разделы DNS доменных служб Active Directory не подготовлены для контроллеров домена только для чтения.
[Действия пользователя]
Проверьте файл журнала adprep.log в каталоге %1, чтобы определить возможную причину сбоя. |
Adprep は、ドメイン名前付け FSMO に接続できなかったため、パーティションを読み取れませんでした。この操作を続行するには、ドメイン名前付け FSMO に到達可能である必要があります。
Active Directory ドメイン サービス DNS パーティションは、読み取り専用 DC 用に準備されていません。
失敗の原因の可能性については、%1 ディレクトリのログ ファイル ADPrep.log を確認してください。 |
Adprep no pudo establecer contacto con FSMO de nomenclatura de dominio para leer las particiones. FSMO de nomenclatura de dominio debe ser accesible para que esta operación pueda continuar.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Las particiones DNS de Servicios de dominio de Active Directory no están preparadas para los DC de sólo lectura.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe el archivo de registro ADPrep.log en el directorio %1 para averiguar las posibles causas del error. |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Der Domänennamen-FSMO zum Lesen der Partitionen war nicht erreichbar. Der Domänennamen-FSMO muss erreichbar sein, damit dieser Vorgang fortgesetzt werden kann.
Die DNS-Partitionen der Active Directory-Domänendienste werden nicht für schreibgeschützte Domänencontroller vorbereitet.
Informationen zur möglichen Fehlerursache finden Sie in der Protokolldatei "ADPrep.log" im Verzeichnis "%1". |
Er kan geen contact worden opgenomen met de domeinnaamgevings-FSMO om de partities te lezen. Deze bewerking kan alleen doorgaan als de domeinnaamgevings-FSMO bereikbaar is.
De DNS-partities van Active Directory Domain Services zijn niet voorbereid voor alleen-lezen domeincontrollers.
Raadpleeg het logboekbestand ADPrep.log in de map %1 voor mogelijke oorzaken van deze fout. |
Program Adprep nemohl kontaktovat server FSMO pro pojmenování domén a přečíst informace o oddílech. Tato operace nemůže pokračovat, dokud server FSMO pro pojmenování domén nebude dostupný.
Oddíly DNS služby AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services) pro řadiče domény určené jen pro čtení nejsou připraveny.
[Akce uživatele]
Zkontrolujte soubor protokolu ADPrep.log v adresáři %1 a zkuste najít příčinu chyby. |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep에서 파티션을 읽기 위해 도메인 명명 FSMO에 연결하지 못했습니다. 이 작업을 계속하려면 도메인 명명 FSMO에 연결할 수 있어야 합니다.
Active Directory 도메인 서비스 DNS 파티션이 읽기 전용 DC에 대해 준비되지 않았습니다.
[사용자 작업]
오류의 가능한 원인에 대해서는 %1 디렉터리에서 로그 파일 ADPrep.log를 확인하십시오. |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Domain Naming FSMO to read the partitions. The Domain Naming FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep non è in grado di contattare il master FSMO per la denominazione dei domini per la lettura delle partizioni. Per continuare l'operazione è necessario raggiungere il master FSMO per la denominazione dei domini.
Le partizioni DNS di Servizi di dominio Active Directory non sono state preparate per i controller di dominio di sola lettura.
[Azione utente]
Per individuare le possibili cause dell'errore, controllare il file di registro ADPrep.log nella directory %1. |