Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Adprep 無法連絡分割 %1 的複本。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu contactar uma réplica da partição %1. |
Adprep 无法联系到分区 %1 的副本。 |
Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Adprep, %1 bölümü için bir çoğaltmayla bağlantı kuramadı. |
Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Adprep kunde inte kontakta en replik för partition %1. |
Program Adprep nie może skontaktować się z repliką partycji %1. |
Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Az Adprep nem tudott kapcsolatba lépni egy replikával a következő partícióhoz: %1. |
Adprep n’a pas pu contacter de réplica pour la partition %1. |
Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Adprep não pôde contatar uma réplica para a partição %1. |
Adprep не может связаться с репликой для раздела %1. |
Adprep は、パーティション %1 のレプリカに接続できませんでした。 |
Adprep no pudo establecer contacto con una réplica de la partición %1. |
Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Adprep konnte kein Replikat für Partition %1 erreichen. |
Adprep kan geen contact opnemen met een replica voor partitie %1. |
Program Adprep nemohl kontaktovat repliku pro oddíl %1. |
Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Adprep에서 %1 파티션의 복제본에 연결하지 못했습니다. |
Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Adprep could not contact a replica for partition %1. |
Adprep non è in grado di contattare una replica per la partizione %1. |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep 無法完成 RODCPREP。未變更任何分割。
Active Directory 網域服務 DNS 分割無法用於唯讀 DC。
檢查 %1 目錄中的記錄檔 ADPrep.log,了解可能的失敗原因。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu concluir o RODCPREP. Não foram alteradas quaisquer partições.
As partições DNS dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não estão preparadas para DCs Só de Leitura.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Consulte o ficheiro de registo ADPrep.log no %1 para possíveis causas da falha. |
Adprep 无法完成 RODCPREP。未更改任何分区。
[状态/结果]Active Directory 域服务 DNS 分区不是为只读 DC 准备的。
请检查 %1 目录中的日志文件 ADPrep.log 以了解故障的可能原因。 |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep, RODCPREP işlemini tamamlayamadı. Hiçbir bölüm değiştirilmedi.
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri DNS bölümleri Salt Okunur DC'ler için hazırlanmadı.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Hatanın olası nedeni için %1 dizinindeki ADPrep.log günlük dosyasını inceleyin. |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep kunde inte slutföra RODCPREP. Inga partitioner har ändrats.
Active Directory Domain Services DNS-partitioner är inte förberedda för skrivskyddade domänkontrollanter.
Information om möjliga orsaker finns i loggfilen ADPrep.log som finns i katalogen %1. |
Program Adprep nie może ukończyć polecenia RODCPREP. Żadne partycje nie zostały zmienione.
Partycje DNS Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory nie są przygotowane na potrzeby kontrolerów domen tylko do odczytu.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Sprawdź możliwe przyczyny błędu w pliku dziennika ADPrep.log w katalogu %1. |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Az Adprep nem tudta befejezni a RODCPREP folyamatot. A partíciók változatlanok maradtak.
Az Active Directory tartományszolgáltatások DNS-partíciói nincsenek felkészítve írásvédett tartományvezérlőkre.
Ellenőrizze az ADPrep.log naplófájlt a(z) %1 könyvtárban a hiba okának megállapításához. |
Adprep n’a pas pu effectuer RODCPREP. Aucune partition n’a été modifiée.
Les partitions DNS des services de domaine Active Directory ne sont pas préparées pour les contrôleurs de domaine en lecture seule.
[Action utilisateur]
Cherchez la cause éventuelle de cet échec dans le fichier journal ADPrep.log situé dans le répertoire %1. |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep não pode concluir o RODCPREP. Nenhuma partição foi alterada
As partições DNS dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não estão preparadas para controladores de domínio Somente Leitura.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique o arquivo de log ADPrep.log no diretório %1 para determinar a possível causa da falha. |
Adprep не может завершить RODCPREP. Разделы не были изменены.
Разделы DNS доменных служб Active Directory не подготовлены для контроллеров домена только для чтения.
[Действия пользователя]
Проверьте файл журнала adprep.log в каталоге %1, чтобы определить возможную причину сбоя. |
Adprep は RODCPREP を完了できませんでした。変更されたパーティションはありません。
Active Directory ドメイン サービス DNS パーティションは読み取り専用 DC 用に準備されていません。
失敗の原因の可能性については、%1 ディレクトリのログ ファイル ADPrep.log を確認してください。 |
Adprep no pudo completar RODCPREP. No se cambió ninguna partición.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Las particiones DNS de Servicios de dominio de Active Directory no están preparas para los DC de sólo lectura.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe el archivo de registro ADPrep.log en el directorio %1 para averiguar las posibles causas del error. |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep konnte RODCPREP nicht abschließen. Es wurden keine Partitionen geändert.
Die DNS-Partitionen der Active Directory-Domänendienste werden nicht für schreibgeschützte Domänencontroller vorbereitet.
Informationen zur möglichen Fehlerursache finden Sie in der Protokolldatei "ADPrep.log" im Verzeichnis "%1". |
RODCPREP kon niet worden voltooid. Er zijn geen partities gewijzigd.
De DNS-partities van Active Directory Domain Services zijn niet voorbereid voor alleen-lezen domeincontrollers.
Raadpleeg het logboekbestand ADPrep.log in de map %1 voor mogelijke oorzaken van deze fout. |
Program Adprep nemohl dokončit operaci RODCPREP. Nebyly změněny žádné oddíly.
Oddíly DNS služby AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services) pro řadiče domény určené jen pro čtení nejsou připraveny.
[Akce uživatele]
Zkontrolujte soubor protokolu ADPrep.log v adresáři %1 a zkuste najít příčinu chyby. |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep에서 RODCPREP를 완료하지 못했습니다. 파티션은 변경되지 않았습니다.
Active Directory 도메인 서비스 DNS 파티션이 읽기 전용 DC에 대해 준비되지 않았습니다.
[사용자 작업]
오류의 가능한 원인에 대해서는 %1 디렉터리에서 로그 파일 ADPrep.log를 확인하십시오. |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not complete the RODCPREP. No partitions were changed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep non è in grado di completare il comando RODCPREP. Non è stata modificata alcuna partizione.
Le partizioni DNS di Servizi di dominio Active Directory non sono state preparate per i controller di dominio di sola lettura.
[Azione utente]
Per individuare le possibili cause dell'errore, controllare il file di registro ADPrep.log nella directory %1. |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep 無法連絡網域 %1 的基礎結構 FSMO。若要繼續進行此操作,必須要能與基礎結構 FSMO 連線。
Active Directory 網域服務 DNS 分割無法用於唯讀 DC。
請檢查 %2 目錄中的記錄檔 ADPrep.log,以找出可能的失敗原因。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu contactar o FSMO da Infra-estrutura para o domínio %1. Para esta operação continuar, é necessário o FSMO da Infra-estrutura estar acessível.
As partições DNS dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não estão preparadas para DCs Só de Leitura.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Para conhecer uma causa possível da falha, verifique o ficheiro de registo ADPrep.log no directório %2. |
Adprep 无法联系域 %1 的基础结构 FSMO。基础结构 FSMO 必须是可到达的,该操作才可以继续。
Active Directory 域服务 DNS 分区不是为只读 DC 准备的。
检查 %2 目录中的日志文件 ADPrep.log,查找导致失败的潜在原因。 |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep, %1 etki alanı için Altyapı FSMO'su ile iletişim kuramadı. Bu işlemin devam edebilmesi için Altyapı FSMO'suna erişilebilmesi gerekir.
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri DNS bölümleri Salt Okunur DC'ler için hazırlanmadı.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Hatanın olası nedeni için %2 dizinindeki ADPrep.log günlük dosyasını inceleyin. |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep kunde inte kontakta infrastrukturhanteraren för domänen %1. För att den här åtgärden ska kunna genomföras måste Infrastrukturhanteraren kunna nås.
DNS-partitionerna i Active Directory Domain Services är inte förberedda för skrivskyddade domänkontrollanter.
Information om möjliga orsaker finns i loggfilen ADPrep.log i katalogen %2. |
Program Adprep nie mógł skontaktować się z serwerem operacji FSMO infrastruktury dla domeny %1. Aby ta operacja mogła być kontynuowana, serwer operacji FSMO infrastruktury musi być osiągalny.
Partycje DNS usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory nie są przygotowane na potrzeby kontrolerów domen tylko do odczytu.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Sprawdź możliwe przyczyny błędu w pliku dziennika ADPrep.log w katalogu %2. |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Az Adprep nem tudott kapcsolódni a(z) %1 tartomány infrastruktúra-főkiszolgálójához. Az infrastruktúra-főkiszolgálónak elérhetőnek kell lennie a művelet folytatásához.
Az Active Directory tartományszolgáltatások DNS-partíciói nincsenek felkészítve írásvédett tartományvezérlőkre.
Ellenőrizze az ADPrep.log naplófájlt a(z) %2 könyvtárban a hiba okának megállapításához. |
Adprep n’a pas pu contacter le FSMO de l’infrastructure pour le domaine %1. Le FSMO de l’infrastructure doit être accessible pour continuer cette opération.
Les partitions DNS des services de domaine Active Directory ne sont pas préparées pour les contrôleurs de domaine en lecture seule.
[Action utilisateur]
Consultez le fichier journal ADPrep.log dans l’annuaire %2 pour obtenir les causes possibles d’échec. |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep não pôde contactar a Infra-estrutura FSMO do domínio %1. A Infra-estrutura FSMO deve estar acessível para que essa operação possa prosseguir.
As partições DNS dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não estão preparadas para Controladores de Domínio Somente Leitura.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique o arquivo de log ADPrep.log no diretório %2 para determinar a possível causa da falha. |
Программе Adprep не удалось установить связь с инфраструктурой FSMO для домена %1. Инфраструктура FSMO должна быть доступна, чтобы можно было продолжить данную операцию.
Разделы DNS доменных служб Active Directory не подготовлены для контроллеров домена только для чтения.
[Действие пользователя]
Проверьте файл журнала adprep.log в каталоге %2, чтобы определить возможную причину сбоя. |
Adprep は、ドメイン %1 のインフラストラクチャ FSMO に接続できませんでした。この操作を続行するには、インフラストラクチャ FSMO に到達可能である必要があります。
Active Directory ドメイン サービス DNS パーティションは読み取り専用 DC 用に準備されていません。
失敗の原因の可能性については、%2 ディレクトリのログ ファイル ADPrep.log を確認してください。 |
Adprep no pudo establecer contacto con FSMO de infraestructura para el dominio %1. FSMO de infraestructura debe ser accesible para que esta operación pueda continuar.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Las particiones DNS de Servicios de dominio de Active Directory no están preparadas para los DC de sólo lectura.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe el archivo de registro ADPrep.log en el directorio %2 para averiguar las posibles causas del error. |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Von Adprep konnte keine Verbindung zum Infrastruktur-FSMO für Domäne %1 hergestellt werden. Der Infrastruktur-FSMO muss erreichbar sein, damit dieser Vorgang fortgesetzt werden kann.
Die DNS-Partitionen von Active Directory Domain Services sind nicht für schreibgeschützte Domänencontroller vorbereitet.
Prüfen Sie die Protokolldatei "ADPrep.log" im %2-Verzeichnis, um die mögliche Ursache des Fehlers zu ermitteln. |
Er kan geen contact worden opgenomen met de infrastructuur-FSMO voor domein %1. Deze bewerking kan alleen doorgaan als de infrastructuur-FSMO bereikbaar is.
De DNS-partities van Active Directory Domain Services zijn niet voorbereid voor alleen-lezen domeincontrollers.
Raadpleeg het logboekbestand ADPrep.log in de map %2 voor mogelijke oorzaken van deze fout. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep nemohl kontaktovat hlavní operační server infrastruktury pro doménu %1. Není-li hlavní operační server infrastruktury dosažitelný, nemůže operace pokračovat.
Oddíly DNS služby AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services) nejsou připraveny na řadiče domény jen pro čtení.
[Akce uživatele]
Zkuste najít příčinu chyby v souboru protokolu ADPrep.log v adresáři %2. |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep에서 %1 도메인에 대한 인프라 FSMO에 연결하지 못했습니다. 이 작업을 계속하려면 인프라 FSMO에 연결할 수 있어야 합니다.
Active Directory 도메인 서비스 DNS 파티션이 읽기 전용 DC에 대해 준비되지 않았습니다.
[사용자 작업]
오류의 가능한 원인에 대해서는 %2 디렉터리에서 로그 파일 ADPrep.log를 확인하십시오. |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep could not contact the Infrastructure FSMO for domain %1. The Infrastructure FSMO must be reachable for this operation to proceed.
The Active Directory Domain Services DNS partitions are not prepared for Read Only DCs.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for possible cause of failure. |
Adprep non è stato in grado di contattare Infrastructure FSMO per il dominio %1. Per poter completare l'operazione, Infrastructure FSMO deve essere raggiungibile.
Le partizioni DNS dei Servizi di dominio Active Directory non sono pronte per i controller di dominio di sola lettura.
[Azione utente]
Per individuare le possibili cause dell'errore, controllare il file di registro ADPrep.log nella directory %2. |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Adprep 無法在這個平台上執行,因為它不是 Active Directory 網域控制站。
Adprep 已停止而沒有進行任何變更。
請在 Active Directory 網域控制站上執行 Adprep。 |
O Adprep não funciona nesta plataforma porque não é um Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory.
O Adprep parou sem efectuar quaisquer alterações.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Execute o Adprep num Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory. |
Adprep 无法在此平台上运行,原因是它不是 Active Directory 域控制器。
Adprep 已停止,并且未做任何更改。
在 Active Directory 域控制器上运行 Adprep。 |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi olmadığından Adprep bu platformda çalıştırılamaz.
Adprep hiçbir değişiklik yapmadan durdu.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Adprep'i bir Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi üzerinde çalıştırın. |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Adprep kan inte köras på den här plattformen eftersom den inte är en Active Directory-domänkontrollant.
Adprep stoppades utan att några ändringar har gjorts.
Kör Adprep på en Active Directory-domänkontrollant. |
Programu Adprep nie można uruchomić na tej platformie, ponieważ to nie jest kontroler domeny usługi Active Directory.
Program Adprep zatrzymał się bez dokonania żadnych zmian.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Uruchom program Adprep na kontrolerze domeny usługi Active Directory. |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Az Adprep nem futtatható ezen a platformon, mert az nem Active Directory tartományvezérlő.
Az Adprep módosítások végrehajtása nélkül leállt.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Futtassa az Adprep alkalmazást Active Directory tartományvezérlőn. |
Adprep ne peut pas s’exécuter sur cette plateforme, car il ne s’agit pas d’un contrôleur de domaine Active Directory.
Adprep s’est arrêté sans apporter de modification.
[Action utilisateur]
Exécutez Adprep sur un contrôleur de domaine Active Directory. |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
A Adprep não pode ser executada nesta plataforma porque ela não é um Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory.
A Adprep parou sem fazer alterações.
[Ação do Usuário]
Execute a Adprep em um Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory. |
Выполнение Adprep невозможно на этой платформе, поскольку она не является контроллером домена Active Directory.
Выполнение Adprep остановлено без внесения изменений.
[Действие пользователя]
Запустите Adprep на контроллере домена Active Directory. |
Adprep は Active Directory ドメイン コントローラではないためこのプラットフォームで実行することはできません。
Adprep は変更なしで停止しました。
Active Directory ドメイン コントローラの Adprep を実行してください。 |
Adprep no puede ejecutarse en esta plataforma porque no es un controlador de dominio de Active Directory.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep se detuvo sin efectuar ningún cambio.
[Acción del usuario]
Ejecute Adprep en un controlador de dominio de Active Directory. |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Adprep kann auf dieser Plattform nicht ausgeführt werden, da es sich nicht um einen Active Directory-Domänencontroller handelt.
Adprep wurde beendet, ohne Änderungen vorzunehmen.
Führen Sie Adprep auf einem Active Directory-Domänencontroller aus. |
Adprep kan niet op dit platform worden uitgevoerd omdat het geen Active Directory-domeincontroller is.
Adprep is gestopt zonder het doorvoeren van wijzigingen.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Voer Adprep op een Active Directory-domeincontroller uit. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep nelze spustit na této platformě, protože nejde o řadič domény služby Active Directory.
Nástroj Adprep byl ukončen bez provedení změn.
[Akce uživatele]
Spusťte nástroj Adprep v řadiči domény služby Active Directory. |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
이 플랫폼은 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러가 아니기 때문에 Adprep가 실행될 수 없습니다.
Adprep가 변경 없이 중지되었습니다.
[사용자 작업]
Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러에서 Adprep를 실행하십시오. |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Adprep cannot run on this platform because it is not an Active Directory Domain Controller.
Adprep stopped without making any changes.
[User Action]
Run Adprep on a Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Impossibile eseguire adprep in questa piattaforma. Non è un controller di dominio Active Directory.
Adprep è stato interrotto e non ha apportato modifiche.
[Azione utente]
Eseguire Adprep in un controller di dominio Active Directory. |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
Adprep 已成功與本機 Active Directory 網域控制站 %1 進行 LDAP 連線。 |
O Adprep efectuou com êxito a ligação de LDAP ao Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory local %1. |
Adprep 成功建立了与本地 Active Directory 域控制器 %1 之间的 LDAP 连接。 |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
Adprep, %1 yerel Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi ile LDAP bağlantısını başarıyla gerçekleştirdi. |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
Adprep har upprättat LDAP-anslutningen till den lokala Active Directory-domänkontrollanten %1. |
Program Adprep pomyślnie utworzył połączenie LDAP do lokalnego kontrolera domeny usługi Active Directory %1. |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
Az Adprep sikeresen létrehozta az LDAP-kapcsolatot a helyi Active Directory tartományvezérlővel (%1). |
Adprep a correctement établi la connexion LDAP au contrôleur de domaine Active Directory local %1. |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
A Adprep fez corretamente a conexão LDAP com o Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory %1. |
Программа Adprep успешно установила подключение LDAP к локальному контроллеру домена Active Directory %1. |
Adprep はローカル Active Directory ドメイン コントローラ %1 への LDAP 接続を正常に確立しました。 |
Adprep estableció correctamente la conexión LDAP con el controlador de dominio de Active Directory local %1. |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
Adprep hat erfolgreich eine LDAP-Verbindung mit dem lokalen Active Directory-Domänencontroller "%1" hergestellt. |
Adprep heeft de LDAP-verbinding naar de lokale Active Directory-domeincontroller %1 tot stand gebracht. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep úspěšně vytvořil připojení LDAP k místnímu řadiči domény služby Active Directory %1. |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
Adprep에서 Active Directory 로컬 도메인 컨트롤러 %1(으)로의 LDAP 연결을 만들었습니다. |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
Adprep successfully made the LDAP connection to the local Active Directory Domain Controller %1. |
Adprep: connessione LDAP al controller di dominio Active Directory locale %1 effettuata. |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
Adprep 已成功從本機 Active Directory 網域服務擷取資訊。 |
O Adprep obteve com êxito informações dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory locais. |
Adprep 已从本地 Active Directory 域服务中成功检索到信息。 |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
Adprep, yerel Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri'nden bilgileri başarıyla aldı. |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
Adprep har läst information från lokala Active Directory Domain Services. |
Program Adprep pomyślnie pobrał informacje z lokalnych Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory. |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
Az Adprep sikerrel beolvasta az információt a helyi Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatásokból. |
Adprep a correctement récupéré des informations à partir des services de domaine Active Directory locaux. |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
A Adprep recuperou com êxito as informações dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory. |
Программа Adprep успешно получила данные из локальных доменных служб Active Directory. |
Adprep はローカル Active Directory ドメイン サービスから情報を正常に取得しました。 |
Adprep recuperó correctamente la información desde Servicios de dominio de Active Directory local. |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
Adprep hat von den lokalen Active Directory-Domänendiensten erfolgreich Informationen erhalten. |
Adprep heeft gegevens uit de lokale Active Directory Domain Services opgehaald. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep úspěšně načetl informace z místní služby Active Directory Domain Services. |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
Adprep가 로컬 Active Directory 도메인 서비스에서 정보를 검색했습니다. |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services. |
Adprep: recupero di informazioni da Servizi di dominio Active Directory locale completato. |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
Adprep 成功地使用 schupgr.exe 來升級架構。
已成功地準備架構主機上的架構資訊。 |
O Adprep actualizou com êxito o esquema utilizando schupgr.exe.
As informações de esquema no mestre de esquema foram preparadas com êxito. |
Adprep 成功地用 schupgr.exe 升级了架构。
架构主机上的架构信息已经成功准备。 |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
Adprep, schupgr.exe dosyasını kullanarak şemayı başarıyla yükseltti.
Şema yöneticisindeki şema bilgileri başarıyla hazırlandı. |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
Adprep uppgraderade schemat genom att använda schupgr.exe.
Schemainformationen om schemahanterare har förberetts. |
Program Adprep pomyślnie uaktualnił schemat, używając programu schupgr.exe.
Informacje o schemacie we wzorcu schematu zostały pomyślnie przygotowane. |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
Az Adprep a schupgr.exe alkalmazással sikeresen frissítette a sémát.
A séma főkiszolgálóján sikerült előkészíteni a sémainformációkat. |
Adprep a correctement mis à niveau le schéma à l’aide de schupgr.exe.
Les informations de schéma sur le contrôleur de schéma ont été correctement préparées. |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
A Adprep atualizou com êxito o esquema por meio de schupgr.exe.
As informações de esquema no mestre de esquema foram preparadas com êxito. |
Программа Adprep успешно обновила схему с помощью процедуры schupgr.exe.
Данные схемы успешно подготовлены на сервере хозяина схемы. |
Adprep は schupgr.exe を使用してスキーマを正常にアップグレードしました。
スキーマ マスタのスキーマ情報が正しく準備されました。 |
Adprep actualizó correctamente el esquema con schupgr.exe.
La información del esquema en el maestro de esquema se ha preparado correctamente. |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
Adprep hat mithilfe von "schupgr.exe" das Schema erfolgreich aktualisiert.
Die Schemainformationen auf dem Schemamaster wurden erfolgreich vorbereitet. |
Adprep heeft het schema bijgewerkt via schupgr.exe.
De schemagegevens op de schemamaster zijn voorbereid. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep úspěšně upgradoval schéma pomocí nástroje schupgr.exe.
Informace o schématu na hlavním serveru schémat byly úspěšně připraveny. |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
Adprep에서 schupgr.exe를 사용하여 스키마를 업그레이드했습니다.
스키마 마스터의 스키마 정보가 준비되었습니다. |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
Adprep successfully upgraded the schema using schupgr.exe.
The schema information on schema master has been successfully prepared. |
Aggiornamento dello schema tramite schupgr.exe riuscito.
Le informazioni dello schema nel master schema sono state preparate. |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
Adprep 已成功建立 Active Directory 網域服務物件 %1。 |
O Adprep criou com êxito o objecto dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory %1. |
Adprep 成功创建了 Active Directory 域服务对象 %1。 |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
Adprep, %1 Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri nesnesini başarıyla oluşturdu. |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
Active Directory Domain Services-objektet %1 har skapats. |
Program Adprep pomyślnie utworzył obiekt Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory %1. |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
Az Adprep sikeresen létrehozta az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások %1 objektumát. |
Adprep a correctement créé l’objet %1 des services de domaine Active Directory. |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
A Adprep criou com êxito o objeto dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory %1. |
Программа Adprep успешно создала объект доменных служб Active Directory %1. |
Adprep は Active Directory ドメイン サービス オブジェクト %1 を正常に作成しました。 |
Adprep creó correctamente el objeto de Servicios de dominio de Active Directory %1. |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
Adprep hat das Active Directory-Domänendiensteobjekt "%1" erfolgreich erstellt. |
Adprep heeft het Active Directory Domain Services-object %1 gemaakt. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep úspěšně vytvořil objekt služby Active Directory Domain Services %1. |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
Adprep가 Active Directory 도메인 서비스 개체 %1을(를) 만들었습니다. |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
Adprep successfully created the Active Directory Domain Services object %1. |
Adprep: creazione dell'oggetto di Servizi di dominio Active Directory %1 completata. |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep 嘗試建立 Active Directory 網域服務物件 %1。
物件已存在,因此 Adprep 並未嘗試重新執行這個操作,但正繼續執行中。 |
O Adprep tentou criar o objecto dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory %1.
O objecto existe, pelo que o Adprep não tentou executar novamente esta operação, mas vai continuar. |
Adprep 尝试过创建 Active Directory 域服务对象 %1。
该对象存在,因此 Adprep 未尝试重新运行此操作而继续操作。 |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep, %1 Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri nesnesini oluşturmaya çalıştı.
Nesne varolduğundan, Adprep bu işlemi yeniden çalıştırma girişiminde bulunmadı, ancak işlem devam ediyor. |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep försökte skapa Active Directory Domain Services-objektet %1.
Objektet finns redan så Adprep försökte inte köra åtgärden igen utan fortsätter. |
Program Adprep próbował utworzyć obiekt Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory %1.
Obiekt istnieje, więc program Adprep kontynuuje działanie, nie próbując wykonać tej operacji ponownie. |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Az Adprep megkísérelte létrehozni az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások %1 objektumát.
Az objektum már létezik, így az Adprep nem hajtotta végre ismét a műveletet, hanem folytatja az előkészítést. |
Adprep a tenté de créer l’objet %1 des services de domaine Active Directory.
Cet objet existe. Par conséquent, Adprep n’a pas tenté de réexécuter cette opération avant de continuer. |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Программа Adprep пыталась создать объект доменных служб Active Directory %1.
Объект уже существует, поэтому программа Adprep не предпринимала повторных попыток, но продолжает выполняться. |
Adprep は Active Directory ドメイン サービス オブジェクト %1 を作成しようとしました。
オブジェクトが存在するので、Adprep はこの操作の再実行を試行しませんでしたが、続行しています。 |
Adprep intentó crear el objeto de Servicios de dominio de Active Directory %1.
[Estado y consecuencia]
El objeto existe, de manera que Adprep no intentó volver a ejecutar esta operación, pero continúa. |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep hat versucht, das Active Directory-Domänendiensteobjekt "%1" zu erstellen.
Das Objekt ist vorhanden, sodass Adprep diesen Vorgang nicht erneut versucht, sondern den Gesamtvorgang fortsetzt. |
Adprep heeft geprobeerd het Active Directory Domain Services-object %1 te maken.
Het object bestaat reeds. Adprep heeft de bewerking niet opnieuw geprobeerd maar gaat gewoon door. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep se pokusil o vytvoření objektu služby Active Directory Domain Services %1.
Objekt existuje, a proto se nástroj Adprep nepokusil o opakované spuštění této operace, ale pokračuje v činnosti. |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep가 Active Directory 도메인 서비스 개체 %1을(를) 만들려고 했습니다.
개체가 이미 존재하여 Adprep에서 이 작업을 다시 실행하려고 시도하지는 않았지만 작업이 계속 진행됩니다. |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
A Adprep tentou criar o objeto dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory %1.
O objeto existe, portanto a Adprep não tentou executar novamente essa operação, mas está continuando. |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep attempted to create the Active Directory Domain Services object %1.
The object exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep: è stato eseguito un tentativo di creare l'oggetto di Servizi di dominio Active Directory %1.
L'oggetto esiste già. Adprep prosegue senza tentare di ripetere l'operazione. |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep 檢查以確認操作 %1 是否已完成。
操作 GUID 已存在,因此 Adprep 並未嘗試重新執行這個操作,但正繼續執行中。 |
O Adprep verificou se a operação %1 foi concluída.
O GUID da operação já existe, pelo que o Adprep não tentou executar novamente esta operação, mas vai continuar. |
检查 Adprep 验证操作 %1 是否已经完成。
操作 GUID 已经存在,因此 Adprep 没有尝试重新运行此操作,而是继续进行。 |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep %1 işleminin tamamlanıp tamamlanmadığını doğrulamak için denetledi.
GUID işlemi zaten varolduğundan, Adprep bu işlemi yeniden çalıştırma girişiminde bulunmadı, ancak uygulama devam ediyor. |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep kontrollerade om åtgärden %1 har slutförts.
Åtgärdens GUID finns redan så Adprep försökte inte köra åtgärden igen utan fortsätter. |
Program Adprep dokonał weryfikacji, czy operacja %1 została ukończona.
Identyfikator GUID operacji już istnieje, więc program Adprep kontynuuje, nie próbując wykonać tej operacji ponownie. |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Az Adprep ellenőrizte, hogy a(z) %1 befejeződött-e.
A művelet GUID azonosítója már létezik, így az Adprep nem hajtotta végre ismét a műveletet, hanem folytatja az előkészítést. |
Adprep a vérifié si l’opération %1 était terminée.
Le GUID de l’opération existe déjà. Par conséquent, Adprep n’a pas tenté de réexécuter l’opération avant de continuer. |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Программа Adprep пыталась проверить, завершена ли операция %1.
Код GUID операции уже существует, поэтому Adprep не предпринимала попыток повторить операцию, но продолжает выполняться. |
Adprep は操作 %1 が完了したかどうかを検証するために確認しました。
GUID 操作が既に存在するので、Adprep はこの操作の再実行を試行しませんでしたが、続行しています。 |
Adprep comprobó si la operación %1 se ha completado.
El GUID de operación ya existe, de manera que Adprep no intentó volver a ejecutar esta operación sino que continúa. |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep hat überprüft, ob der Vorgang "%1" fertig gestellt wurde.
Die Vorgangs-GUID ist bereits vorhanden, sodass Adprep diesen Vorgang nicht erneut versucht, sondern den Gesamtvorgang fortsetzt. |
Adprep heeft gecontroleerd of de bewerking %1 is voltooid.
De bewerkings-GUID bestaat reeds. Adprep heeft de bewerking niet opnieuw geprobeerd maar gaat gewoon door. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep ověřil, zda byla operace %1 dokončena.
Identifikátor GUID této operace již existuje, a proto se nástroj Adprep nepokusil o opakované spuštění této operace, ale pokračuje v činnosti. |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep에서 %1 작업이 완료되었는지 확인했습니다.
작업 GUID가 이미 있으므로 Adprep에서 이 작업을 다시 실행하려고 시도하지는 않았지만, 작업은 계속 진행됩니다. |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
A Adprep verificou se a operação %1 foi concluída.
O GUID da operação já existe, portanto a Adprep não tentou executar novamente essa operação, mas está continuando. |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
Adprep checked to verify whether operation %1 has completed.
The operation GUID already exists so Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation but is continuing. |
È stato eseguito un controllo per verificare se l'operazione %1 è stata completata.
Il GUID dell'operazione esiste già e Adprep ha proseguito senza tentare di ripetere l'operazione. |