Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Adprep 並未嘗試重新執行這個操作。 |
As informações de toda a floresta já foram actualizadas.
O Adprep não tentou executar novamente esta operação. |
Adprep 没有尝试重新运行此操作。 |
Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Orman çapındaki bilgiler zaten güncelleştirildi.
Adprep bu işlemi yeniden çalıştırma girişiminde bulunmadı. |
Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Information som gäller för hela skogen har redan uppdaterats.
Adprep försökte inte köra den här åtgärden igen. |
Informacje dotyczące całego lasu zostały już zaktualizowane.
Program Adprep nie próbuje wykonać tej operacji ponownie. |
Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Az erdőszintű információk már frissítve vannak.
Az Adprep nem próbálta újra végrehajtani ezt a műveletet. |
Les informations au niveau de la forêt ont déjà été mises à jour.
Adprep n’a pas tenté de réexécuter cette opération. |
Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
As informações de toda a floresta já foram atualizadas.
A Adprep não tentou executar novamente essa operação. |
Данные уровня леса уже обновлены.
Программа Adprep не предпринимала попыток повторить эту операцию. |
Adprep はこの操作を再実行しようとはしませんでした。 |
La información de todo el bosque ya se ha actualizado.
Adprep no intentó volver a ejecutar esta operación. |
Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Die gesamtstrukturweiten Informationen wurden bereits aktualisiert.
Adprep hat nicht versucht, diesen Vorgang erneut auszuführen. |
De gegevens voor het hele forest zijn reeds bijgewerkt.
Adprep heeft de bewerking niet opnieuw geprobeerd. |
Informace na úrovni doménové struktury již byly aktualizovány.
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep se nepokusil o opakované spuštění této operace. |
Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
전체 포리스트 정보가 이미 업데이트되었습니다.
Adprep에서 이 작업을 다시 실행하려고 시도하지 않았습니다. |
Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Forest-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Le informazioni a livello di foresta sono già state aggiornate.
Adprep non ha tentato di ripetere l'operazione. |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Adprep 並未嘗試重新執行這個操作。 |
As informações de todo o domínio já foram actualizadas.
O Adprep não tentou executar novamente esta operação. |
Adprep 没有尝试重新运行此操作。 |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Etki alanı çapındaki bilgiler zaten güncelleştirildi.
Adprep bu işlemi yeniden çalıştırma girişiminde bulunmadı. |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Information som gäller för hela domänen har redan uppdaterats.
Adprep försökte inte köra den här åtgärden igen. |
Informacje dotyczące całej domeny zostały już zaktualizowane.
Program Adprep nie próbuje wykonać tej operacji ponownie. |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
A tartományi szintű információk már frissítve vannak.
Az Adprep nem próbálta újra végrehajtani ezt a műveletet. |
Les informations au niveau du domaine ont déjà été mises à jour.
Adprep n’a pas tenté de réexécuter cette opération. |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
As informações de todo o domínio já foram atualizadas.
A Adprep não tentou executar novamente essa operação. |
Данные уровня домена уже обновлены.
Программа Adprep не предпринимала попыток повторить эту операцию. |
Adprep はこの操作を再実行しようとはしませんでした。 |
La información de todo el dominio ya se ha actualizado.
Adprep no intentó volver a ejecutar esta operación. |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Die domänenweiten Informationen wurden bereits aktualisiert.
Adprep hat nicht versucht, diesen Vorgang erneut auszuführen. |
De gegevens voor het hele domein zijn reeds bijgewerkt.
Adprep heeft de bewerking niet opnieuw geprobeerd. |
Informace na úrovni domény již byly aktualizovány.
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep se nepokusil o opakované spuštění této operace. |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
전체 도메인 정보가 이미 업데이트되었습니다.
Adprep에서 이 작업을 다시 실행하려고 시도하지 않았습니다. |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Domain-wide information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Le informazioni a livello di dominio sono già state aggiornate.
Adprep non ha tentato di ripetere l'operazione. |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
登入這個樹系的架構主機 %1,從安裝媒體執行下列命令,以便先完成樹系更新:
adprep.exe /forestprep
然後重新在基礎結構主機上執行 adprep.exe /domainprep。 |
登录到此林的架构主机 %1,从安装介质运行如下命令以首先完成林更新:
adprep.exe /forestprep
,然后再次在结构主机上重新运行 adprep.exe /domainprep。 |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
Etki alanı çapındaki bilgilerin güncelleştirilebilmesi için, orman çapındaki bilgilerin güncelleştirilmesi gerekli.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Bu orman için %1 şema yöneticisinde oturum açın; öncelikle orman güncelleştirmesini tamamlamak için yükleme medyasından aşağıdaki komutu çalıştırın:
adprep.exe /forestprep
daha sonra bu altyapı yöneticisinde adprep.exe /domainprep komutunu yeniden çalıştırın. |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
As informações de toda a floresta precisam de ser actualizadas antes das informações de todo o domínio.
[Acção do utilizador]
Inicie sessão no mestre de esquema %1 desta floresta, execute o seguinte comando a partir do suporte de instalação para concluir primeiro a actualização da floresta:
adprep.exe /forestprep
e, em seguida, execute novamente o adprep.exe domainprep no principal de infra-estrutura. |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
Information som gäller för hela skogen måste uppdateras innan information som gäller för domänen kan uppdateras.
Logga in på schemahanteraren %1 i den här skogen och kör följande kommando från installationsmediet för att slutföra skogsuppgraderingen:
adprep.exe /forestprep
Kör därefter adprep.exe /domainprep på den domänkontrollant som är infrastrukturhanterare igen. |
Informacje dotyczące całego lasu powinny być zaktualizowane, zanim informacje dotyczące całej domeny mogą być zaktualizowane.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Zaloguj się do wzorca schematu %1 dla tego lasu, uruchom następujące polecenie z nośnika instalacyjnego, aby najpierw wykonać aktualizację lasu:
adprep.exe /forestprep
a następnie uruchom ponownie polecenie adprep.exe /domainprep na wzorcu infrastruktury. |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
A tartományi szintű információk frissítéséhez előbb az erdőszintű információkat kell frissíteni.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Jelentkezzen be az erdő séma-főkiszolgálójára (%1), majd az erdőt frissítéséhez futtassa az alábbi parancsot a telepítési adathordozóról:
adprep.exe /forestprep
végül futtassa újra az infrastruktúra-főkiszolgálón az adprep.exe /domainprep parancsot. |
Les informations au niveau de la forêt doivent être mises à jour pour que les
informations au niveau du domaine puissent être mises à jour.
[Action utilisateur]
Ouvrez une session sur le contrôleur de schéma %1 pour cette forêt,
exécutez la commande suivante à partir du support d’installation pour achever
d’abord la mise à jour de la forêt :
adprep.exe /forestprep
et réexécutez ensuite adprep.exe /domainprep sur le maître d’infrastructure. |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
As informações de toda a floresta precisam ser atualizadas para que as informações de todo o domínio possam ser atualizadas.
[Ação do Usuário]
Efetue logon no mestre de esquema %1 dessa floresta e execute o seguinte comando pela mídia de instalação a fim de concluir primeiro a atualização da floresta:
adprep.exe /forestprep
Em seguida, execute adprep.exe /domainprep novamente no mestre de infra-estrutura. |
Перед обновлением данных уровня домена необходимо обновить данные уровня леса.
[Действие пользователя]
Для обновления леса войдите на сервер-хозяин схемы (%1) этого леса и выполните с установочного носителя следующую команду:
adprep.exe /forestprep
Затем снова запустите программу adprep.exe /domainprep на данном хозяине инфраструкруры. |
このフォレストのスキーマ マスタ %1 にログオンしてインストール メディアから次のコマンドを実行し、フォレストの更新を先に完了してください:
adprep.exe /forestprep
それからインフラストラクチャ マスタで adprep.exe /domainprep を再実行してください。 |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
Die gesamtstrukturweiten Informationen müssen aktualisiert werden, bevor die domänenweiten Informationen aktualisiert werden können.
Melden Sie sich am Schemamaster %1 für diese Gesamtstruktur an, und führen Sie den folgenden Befehl vom Installationsmedium aus, um zuerst die Aktualisierung der Gesamtstruktur fertig zu stellen.
adprep.exe /forestprep
Führen Sie dann erneut "adprep.exe /domainprep" auf diesem Infrastrukturmaster aus. |
De gegevens voor het hele forest dienen te worden bijgewerkt voordat de gegevens voor het hele domein kunnen worden bijgewerkt.
Aanbevolen handeling
Meld u aan op de schemamaster %1 voor dit forest en voer de volgende opdracht op het installatiemedium uit om zo eerst de forestupdate te voltooien:
adprep.exe /forestprep
Voer vervolgens adprep.exe /domainprep opnieuw op de infrastructuurmaster uit. |
Před aktualizací informací na úrovni domény je nutné nejdříve aktualizovat informace na úrovni doménové struktury.
[Akce uživatele]
Přihlaste se k hlavnímu serveru schémat %1 pro tuto doménovou strukturu a spuštěním příkazu
adprep.exe /forestprep
z instalačního média nejdříve dokončete aktualizaci doménové struktury a potom v tomto hlavním serveru infrastruktury znovu spusťte příkaz adprep.exe /domainprep. |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
전체 도메인 정보를 업데이트하려면 먼저 전체 포리스트 정보를 업데이트해야 합니다.
[사용자 작업]
이 포리스트의 %1 스키마 마스터로 로그온하고 설치 미디어에서 다음 명령을 실행하여 포리스트 업데이트를 먼저 완료합니다.
adprep.exe /forestprep
그런 다음 인프라 마스터에서 adprep.exe /domainprep를 다시 실행합니다. |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
Forest-wide information needs to be updated before the domain-wide information can be updated.
[User Action]
Log on to the schema master %1 for this forest, run the following command from the installation media to complete the forest update first:
adprep.exe /forestprep
and then rerun adprep.exe /domainprep on infrastructure master again. |
La información de todo el bosque necesita actualizarse antes de que la información de todo el dominio pueda actualizarse.
[User Action]
Inicie una sesión en el maestro de esquema %1 para este bosque, ejecute el siguiente comando desde el medio de instalación para completar la actualización del bosque en primer lugar:
adprep.exe /forestprep
y, a continuación, vuelva a ejecutar adprep.exe /domainprep en el maestro de infraestructura. |
Le informazioni a livello di foresta devono essere aggiornate prima delle informazioni a livello di dominio.
[Azione utente]
Accedere al master schema %1 di questa foresta, eseguire il seguente comando dal supporto di installazione per completare prima l'aggiornamento della foresta:
adprep.exe /forestprep
ed eseguire di nuovo adprep.exe /domainprep sul master infrastrutture. |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
Adprep 成功完成。
這個樹系內的這個 Active Directory 網域控制站、架構主機及基礎結構主機都已正確地準備好升級到 Windows Server 2008。
您可以在這個樹系內其餘的 Active Directory 網域控制站上安裝 Windows Server 2008。 |
O Adprep foi concluído com êxito.
Este Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory, o mestre de esquema e o mestre de infra-estruturas dentro desta floresta foram correctamente preparados para actualização para o Windows Server 2008.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Pode instalar o Windows Server 2008 nos restantes Controladores de Domínio do Active Directory dentro desta floresta. |
Adprep 已成功完成。
此 Active Directory 域控制器、架构主机以及此林内的结构主机都已准备好升级到 Windows Server 2008。
可以在此林内其余 Active Directory 域控制器上安装 Windows Server 2008。 |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
Adprep başarıyla tamamlandı.
Bu Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi, şema yöneticisi ve bu ormandaki altyapı yöneticisi Windows Server 2008'e yükseltme için düzgün olarak hazırlandı.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Windows Server 2008'i bu orman içindeki geri kalan Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicilerine yükleyebilirsiniz. |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
Adprep har slutförts.
Den här Active Directory-domänkontrollanten, schemahanteraren och infrastrukturshanteraren i den här skogen har alla förberetts för att uppgraderas till Windows Server 2008.
Du kan installera Windows Server 2008 på alla kvarstående Active Directory-domänkontrollanter i den här skogen. |
Program Adprep zakończył się pomyślnie.
Ten kontroler domeny usługi Active Directory, wzorzec schematu i wzorzec infrastruktury wewnątrz tego lasu zostały prawidłowo przygotowane do uaktualnienia do systemu Windows Server 2008.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Można zainstalować system Windows Server 2008 na pozostałych kontrolerach domeny usługi Active Directory wewnątrz tego lasu. |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
Az Adprep futtatása sikeresen befejeződött.
Ez az Active Directory-tartományvezérlő, valamint az erdő séma-főkiszolgálója és az infrastruktúra főkiszolgálója egyaránt megfelelően elő van készítve a Windows Server 2008 rendszerre történő frissítéshez.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Telepítheti a Windows Server 2008 operációs rendszert az erdő többi Active Directory-tartományvezérlőjére. |
Adprep s’est terminé correctement.
Ce contrôleur de domaine Active Directory, le contrôleur de schéma et le maître d’infrastructure au sein de cette forêt ont tous été correctement préparés à la mise à niveau vers Windows Server 2008.
[Action utilisateur]
Vous pouvez installer Windows Server 2008 sur les contrôleurs de domaine Active Directory restants au sein de cette forêt. |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
A Adprep foi concluída com êxito.
Este Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory, o mestre de esquema e o mestre de infra-estrutura dentro desta floresta foram preparados adequadamente a fim de serem atualizados para o Windows Server 2008.
[Ação do Usuário]
Você pode continuar e instalar o Windows Server 2008 nos Controladores de Domínio do Active Directory agora. |
Программа Adprep успешно завершена.
Данный контроллер домена Active Directory, хозяин схемы, а также хозяин инфраструктуры этого леса успешно подготовлены к обновлению до уровня Windows Server 2008.
[Действие пользователя]
Можно устанавливать Windows Server 2008 на остальных контроллерах доменов Active Directory этого леса. |
Adprep は正常に終了しました。
このフォレストの中の Active Directory ドメイン コントローラ、スキーマ マスタ、およびインフラストラクチャ マスタはすべて Windows Server 2008 へのアップグレード用に適切に準備されました。
このフォレストの残りの Active Directory ドメイン コントローラに Windows Server 2008 をインストールできます。 |
Adprep finalizó correctamente.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Este controlador de dominio de Active Directory, el maestro de esquema y el maestro de infraestructura en este bosque se prepararon de modo adecuado para actualizar a Windows Server 2008.
[Acción del usuario]
Puede instalar Windows Server 2008 en los controladores de dominio de Active Directory restantes en este bosque. |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
Adprep wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
Dieser Active Directory-Domänencontroller, der Schemamaster und der Infrastrukturmaster innerhalb dieser Gesamtstruktur wurden ordnungsgemäß für das Upgrade auf Windows Server 2008 vorbereitet.
Windows Server 2008 kann auf den verbleibenden Active Directory-Domänencontrollern dieser Gesamtstruktur installiert werden. |
Adprep is voltooid.
Deze Active Directory-domeincontroller, de schemamaster en de infrastructuurmaster binnen dit forest zijn allen volledig voorbereid voor de upgrade naar Windows Server 2008.
U kunt Windows Server 2008 op de resterende Active Directory-domeincontrollers binnen dit forest installeren. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep byl úspěšně dokončen.
Tento řadič domény služby Active Directory, hlavní server schémat a hlavní server infrastruktury v této doménové struktuře byly řádně připraveny k upgradu na systém Windows Server 2008.
[Akce uživatele]
Nyní můžete nainstalovat systém Windows Server 2008 do zbývajících řadičů domény služby Active Directory v této doménové struktuře. |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
Adprep가 완료되었습니다.
이 포리스트의 이 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러, 스키마 마스터 및 인프라 마스터가 Windows Server 2008로 업그레이드할 수 있도록 올바르게 준비되었습니다.
[사용자 작업]
이 포리스트에 있는 나머지 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러에 Windows Server 2008을 설치할 수 있습니다. |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
Adprep finished successfully.
This Active Directory Domain Controller, the schema master, and the infrastructure master within this forest all have been properly prepared for upgrade to Windows Server 2008.
[User Action]
You can install Windows Server 2008 on the remaining Active Directory Domain Controllers within this forest. |
Esecuzione di Adprep completata.
Questo controller di dominio Active Directory, il master schema e il master infrastrutture di questa foresta sono stati preparati per l'aggiornamento a Windows Server 2008.
[Azione utente]
È possibile installare Windows Server 2008 nei restanti controller di dominio Active Directory della foresta. |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
Adprep 修改了物件 %1 上的預設安全性描述元。
Adprep 將現有的預設安全性描述元與新增存取控制項目 (ACE) 合併。 |
O Adprep modificou o descritor de segurança predefinido no objecto %1.
O Adprep intercalou o descritor de segurança predefinido existente com a nova entrada de controlo de acesso (ACE). |
Adprep 修改了对象 %1 上的默认安全描述符。
Adprep 将现有默认的安全描述符与新的访问控制项(ACE)合并。 |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
Adprep %1 nesnesindeki varsayılan güvenlik tanımlayıcısını değiştirdi.
Adprep, varolan varsayılan güvenlik tanımlayıcısını yeni erişim denetimi girişiyle (ACE) birleştirdi. |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
Adprep ändrade standardsäkerhetsbeskrivare på objektet %1.
Adprep samkörde den befintliga standardsäkerhetsbeskrivaren med den nya åtkomstkontrollposten (ACE). |
Program Adprep zmodyfikował domyślny deskryptor zabezpieczeń w obiekcie %1.
Program Adprep scalił istniejący domyślny deskryptor zabezpieczeń z nowym wpisem kontroli dostępu ACE. |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
Az Adprep módosította az alapértelmezett biztonsági leírót a(z) %1 objektumon.
Az Adprep egyesítette a meglévő alapértelmezett biztonsági leírót az új hozzáférés-szabályozó bejegyzéssel. |
Adprep a modifié le descripteur de sécurité par défaut sur l’objet %1.
Adprep a fusionné le descripteur de sécurité par défaut existant avec la nouvelle entrée de contrôle d’accès (ACE). |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
A Adprep modificou o descritor de segurança padrão no objeto %1.
A Adprep mesclou o descritor de segurança existente padrão com a nova entrada de controle de acesso (ACE). |
Программа Adprep изменила дескриптор безопасности, принимаемый по умолчанию для объекта %1.
Adprep объединила существующий дескриптор безопасности по умолчанию с содержимым новой строки таблицы управления доступом (ACE). |
Adprep はオブジェクト %1 の既定のセキュリティ記述子を変更しました。
Adprep は既存の既定のセキュリティ記述子を、新しいアクセス制御エントリ (ACE) に結合しました。 |
Adprep ha modificado el descriptor de seguridad predeterminado en el objeto %1.
Adprep ha combinado el descriptor de seguridad predeterminado existente con la nueva entrada de control de acceso (ACE). |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
Adprep hat die Standardsicherheitsbeschreibung auf Objekt "%1" verändert.
Adprep hat die vorhandene Standardsicherheitsbeschreibung mit dem neuen
ACE-Eintrag zusammengeführt. |
Adprep heeft de standaard-security descriptor op het object %1 gewijzigd.
Adprep heeft de bestaande standaard-security descriptor en het nieuwe ACE-object (Access Control Entry) samengevoegd. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep změnil výchozí popisovač zabezpečení u objektu %1.
Nástroj Adprep sloučil existující výchozí popisovač zabezpečení s novou položkou řízení přístupu (ACE). |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
Adprep에서 %1 개체의 기본 보안 설명자를 수정했습니다.
Adprep에서 기존의 기본 보안 설명자와 새 ACE(액세스 제어 항목)를 병합했습니다. |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
Adprep modified the default security descriptor on object %1.
Adprep merged the existing default security descriptor with the new access control entry (ACE). |
È stato modificato il descrittore di protezione predefinito per l'oggetto %1.
Adprep ha unito il descrittore di protezione predefinito esistente alla nuova voce di controllo degli accessi (ACE). |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
在執行 adprep 之前,樹系中的所有 Windows 2000 Active Directory 網域控制站都應該先升級到 Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) 或更新版本。[使用者動作]
如果您所有現有的 Windows 2000 Active Directory 網域控制站都符合這個要求,請鍵入 C 然後按 ENTER 繼續執行。否則,請鍵入任何其他按鍵然後按 ENTER 結束。 |
运行 adprep 之前,林中的所有 Windows 2000 Active Directory 域控制器都应升级到 Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) 或更高版本。[用户操作]
如果所有的现有 Windows 2000 Active Directory 域控制器均满足此要求,则键入 C,然后按 Enter 继续。否则,键入任何其他键并按 Enter 退出。 |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
Adprep'i yüklemeden önce, ormandaki tüm Windows 2000 Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicilerinin Windows 2000 Service Pack 4'e (SP4) veya daha sonraki sürüme yükseltilmesi gerekir. [Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Varolan TÜM Windows 2000 Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicileriniz bu gerekliliği karşılıyorsa, devam etmek için C yazıp ENTER'e basın. Ya da çıkmak için başka bir tuşa ve sonra da ENTER'e basın. |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
Innan du kör adprep måste alla Active Directory-domänkontrollanter med Windows 2000 i skogen uppgraderas till Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) eller senare.[Användaråtgärd]
Om ALLA befintliga Active Directory-domänkontrollanter med Windows 2000 uppfyller detta krav kan du trycka på A och sedan gå vidare genom att trycka på Retur. I annat fall kan du trycka på en annan tangent och därefter avsluta genom att trycka på Retur. |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
Az adprep futtatása előtt az erdő összes Windows 2000 Active Directory tartományvezérlőjét Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) vagy újabb verzióra kell frissíteni.[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Ha az ÖSSZES meglévő Windows 2000 Active Directory tartományvezérlő megfelel a fenti követelményeknek, írja be: C, majd a nyomja le az ENTER billentyűt, vagy a kilépéshez nyomjon le bármilyen más billentyűt és nyomja le az ENTER billentyűt. |
AVERTISSEMENT ADPREP :Avant d’exécuter adprep, tous les contrôleurs de domaine Active Directory Windows 2000 de la forêt doivent être mis à niveau vers Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) ou version ultérieure.[Action Utilisateur]
Si TOUS vos contrôleurs de domaine Active Directory Windows 2000 existants correspondent à cette configuration, tapez C, puis appuyez sur la touche Entrée pour continuer. Sinon appuyez sur n’importe quelle autre touche, puis appuyez sur Entrée pour quitter. |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
Antes da execução da adprep, todos os Controladores de Domínio do Active Directory do Windows 2000 na floresta devem ser atualizados para o Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) ou posterior. [Ação do usuário]
Se TODOS os Controladores de Domínio do Active Directory existentes do Windows 2000 atenderem a esse requisito, digite C e pressione ENTER para continuar. Caso contrário, pressione qualquer outra tecla e pressione ENTER para sair. |
adprep を実行する前に、フォレスト内のすべての Windows 2000 Active Directory ドメイン コントローラを Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) 以降にアップグレードする必要があります。[ユーザーによる操作]
既存の Windows 2000 Active Directory ドメイン コントローラのすべてがこの要件を満たす場合は、C キーを押してから Enter キーを押して続行してください。中止するには、その他のキーを押してから Enter キーを押してください。 |
Antes de ejecutar adprep, todos los controladores de dominio de Active Directory de Windows 2000 en el bosque deben actualizarse a Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) o posterior. [Acción del usuario]
Si todos los controladores de dominio de Active Directory de Windows 2000 existentes cumplen este requisito, escriba C y, a continuación, presione ENTRAR para continuar, o escriba cualquier otra letra y presione ENTRAR para salir. |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
Voordat u adprep uitvoert, dienen alle Active Directory-domeincontrollers te worden bijgewerkt naar Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) of hoger. [Aanbevolen handeling]
Typ C en druk vervolgens op Enter als alle bestaande Active Directory-domeincontrollers van Windows 2000 aan deze eis voldoen. Druk in alle andere gevallen op een andere toets en vervolgens op Enter om deze bewerking af te breken. |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
Adprep를 실행하기 전 포리스트의 모든 Windows 2000 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러는 Windows 2000 서비스 팩 4(SP4) 이상으로 업그레이드되어야 합니다. [사용자 작업]
기존의 모든 Windows 2000 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러가 이 요구 사항을 준수하면 C를 입력하고 <enter> 키를 눌러 계속 진행하십시오. 그렇지 않은 경우 다른 키를 누르고 <enter> 키를 눌러 작업을 종료하십시오.</enter></enter> |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
Before running adprep, all Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers in the forest should be upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. [User Action]
If ALL your existing Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain Controllers meet this requirement, type C and then press ENTER to continue. Otherwise, type any other key and press ENTER to quit. |
Prima di eseguire adprep, tutti i controller di dominio Active Directory Windows 2000 della foresta devono essere aggiornati a Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) o versioni successive.[Azione utente]
Se TUTTI i controller di dominio Active Directory Windows 2000 esistenti soddisfano questi requisiti, digitare C, quindi premere INVIO per continuare. In caso contrario, premere un altro tasto qualsiasi, quindi INVIO per uscire. |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP 不允許在 Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory 網域控制站上準備樹系及網域。
不支援從 Beta 2 升級。
您必須在含有 Service Pack 2 或更新版本的 Windows 2000 作業系統、執行 Windows Server 2003 的伺服器,或在執行 Windows Server 2008 的伺服器上執行 Adprep。 |
O ADPREP não permite a preparação da floresta e do domínio nos Controladores de Domínio do Active Directory do Windows Server 2003 Beta 2.
A actualização a partir da Beta 2 não é suportada.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Tem de executar o Adprep num sistema operativo Windows 2000 com o Service Pack 2 ou posterior, num servidor com o Windows Server 2003 ou num servidor com o Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP 不允许在 Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory 域控制器上准备林和域..
不支持从 Beta 2 升级。
必须在带有 Service Pack 2 或更新版本的 Windows 2000 操作系统、运行 Windows Server 2003 的服务器或运行 Windows Server 2008 的服务器上运行 Adprep。 |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP, Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicileri üzerinde orman ve etki alanı hazırlanmasına izin vermez.
Beta 2 sürümünden yükseltme desteklenmez.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Adprep'i, Service Pack 2 veya sonraki sürümü bulunan bir Windows 2000 işletim sisteminde veya Windows Server 2003 ya da Windows Server 2008 çalıştıran bir sunucuda çalıştırmalısınız. |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep har inte stöd för förberedelse av skogar och domäner på Active Directory-domänkontrollanter som använder Windows Server 2003 Beta 2.
Uppgradering från Beta 2 stöds inte.
Du måste köra Adprep på en dator med Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, på en server med Windows Server 2003 eller på en server med Windows Server 2008. |
Program ADPREP nie zezwala na przygotowanie lasu i domeny na kontrolerach domeny usługi Active Directory z systemem Windows Server 2003 w wersji Beta 2.
Uaktualnienie z wersji Beta 2 nie jest obsługiwane.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Musisz uruchomić program Adprep w systemie operacyjnym Windows 2000 z dodatkiem Service Pack 2 lub nowszym, na serwerze z systemem Windows Server 2003 lub na serwerze z systemem Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
Az ADPREP Windows 2003 Beta 2 verziójú Active Directory-tartományvezérlőkön nem engedélyezi az erdő- és tartomány-előkészítést.
A Beta 2 verzióról történő frissítést a program nem támogatja.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Az Adprep alkalmazás csak Service Pack 2 vagy újabb verziójú Windows 2000 operációs rendszeren, illetve Windows Server 2003 vagy Windows Server 2008 kiszolgálón futtatható. |
ADPREP n’autorise pas la préparation de la forêt et du domaine sur les contrôleurs de domaine Active Directory Windows Server 2003 version bêta 2.
La mise à niveau depuis la version bêta 2 n’est pas prise en charge.
[Action utilisateur]
Vous devez exécuter Adprep sur un système d’exploitation Windows 2000 avec le Service Pack 2 ou ultérieur, sur un serveur exécutant Windows Server 2003 ou sur un serveur exécutant Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
A ADPREP não permite a preparação de floresta e de domínio em Controladores de Domínio do Active Directory no Windows Server 2003 Beta 2.
Não há suporte para atualização da versão Beta 2.
[Ação do Usuário]
Execute a Adprep em um sistema operacional Windows 2000 com Service Pack 2 ou posterior ou em um servidor que execute o Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP не допускает подготовку леса и домена на контроллерах доменов Active Directory под управлением Windows Server 2003 бета-версии 2.
Обновление бета-версии 2 не поддерживается.
[Действие пользователя]
Необходимо запустить Adprep в операционной системе Windows 2000 с пакетом обновления 2 или более поздним либо на сервере, работающем под управлением Windows Server 2003 или Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP は Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory ドメイン コントローラでのフォレスト、およびドメインの準備を許可しません。
Beta 2 からのアップグレードはサポートされていません。
Service Pack 2 以降が適用されている Windows 2000 オペレーティング システム、Windows Server 2003 を実行しているサーバー、または Windows Server 2008 を実行しているサーバーで、Adprep を実行しなければなりません。 |
ADPREP no permite la preparación de bosques y dominios en los controladores de dominio de Active Directory de Windows Server 2003 Beta 2.
[Estado y consecuencia]
No se admite la actualización desde la versión Beta 2.
[Acción del usuario]
Debe ejecutar Adprep en un sistema operativo Windows 2000 con Service Pack 2 o posterior, en un servidor con Windows Server 2003 o en un servidor con Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
Die Gesamtstruktur- und Domänenvorbereitung ist auf Active Directory-Domänencontrollern unter Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 nicht möglich.
Die Aktualisierung von Beta 2 wird nicht unterstützt.
Führen Sie Adprep unter einem Windows 2000-Betriebssystem mit Service Pack 2 oder höher, auf einem Server unter Windows Server 2003 oder auf einem Server unter Windows Server 2008 aus. |
Adprep staat geen forest- en domeinvoorbereiding toe op Active Directory-domeincontrollers met Windows Server 2003 Beta 2.
Een upgrade vanaf Beta 2 wordt niet ondersteund.
U dient Adprep uit te voeren op een systeem met Windows 2000 en Service Pack 2 of hoger, op een server met Windows Server 2003 of op een server met Windows Server 2008. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku ADPREP neumožňuje přípravu doménové struktury a domény v řadičích domény služby Active Directory se systémem Windows Server 2003 verze beta 2.
Upgrade z verze beta 2 není podporován.
[Akce uživatele]
Nástroj Adprep je nutné spustit v operačním systému Windows 2000 s aktualizací Service Pack 2 a vyšší nebo na serveru se systémem Windows Server 2003 nebo na serveru se systémem Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP는 Windows Server 2003 베타 2 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러에서의 포리스트 및 도메인 준비를 허용하지 않습니다.
베타 2에서 업그레이드할 수 없습니다.
[사용자 작업]
Adprep는 서비스 팩 2 이상이 설치된 Windows 2000 운영 체제, Windows Server 2003을 실행하는 서버 또는 Windows Server 2008을 실행하는 서버에서 실행해야 합니다. |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
ADPREP does not permit forest and domain preparation on Windows Server 2003 Beta 2 Active Directory Domain Controllers..
Upgrading from Beta 2 is not supported.
[User Action]
You must run Adprep on a Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 2 or later, or on a server running Windows Server 2003, or on a server running Windows Server 2008. |
Adprep non consente la preparazione del dominio e della foresta nei controller di dominio Active Directory Windows Server 2003 versione Beta 2.
L'aggiornamento dalla versione Beta 2 non è supportato.
[Azione utente]
Eseguire Adprep in un sistema operativo Windows 2000 con Service Pack 2 o versione successiva, in un server Windows Server 2003 o in un server Windows Server 2008. |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep 已停止。並未完全準備好樹系。
請查看 %1 目錄中的記錄檔 ADPrep.log,以取得詳細資訊。 |
A actualização da floresta foi cancelada pelo utilizador.
O Adprep foi parado. A floresta não foi preparada na totalidade.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Consulte o ficheiro de registo ADPrep.log no directório %1 para mais informações. |
Adprep 已停止。林尚未完全准备就绪。
检查 %1 目录中的日志文件 ADPrep.log 以了解详细信息。 |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Orman yükseltme işlemi kullanıcı tarafından iptal edildi.
Adprep durduruldu. Orman tam olarak hazırlanmadı.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Daha fazla bilgi için %1 dizinindeki ADPrep.log günlük dosyasını inceleyin. |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Skogsuppdateringen avbröts av användaren.
Adprep har stoppats. Hela skogen har inte förberetts.
Ytterligare information finns i filen ADPrep.log som finns i katalogen %1. |
Uaktualnienie lasu zostało anulowane przez użytkownika.
Program Adprep został zatrzymany. Las nie został przygotowany całkowicie.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Sprawdź plik dziennika ADPrep.log w katalogu %1, aby uzyskać więcej informacji. |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Az erdő frissítését a felhasználó leállította.
Az Adprep leállt. Az erdő előkészítése nem fejeződött be.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
További információért ellenőrizze az ADPrep.log naplófájlt a %1 könyvtárban. |
La mise à jour de la forêt a été annulée par l’utilisateur.
Adprep s’est arrêté. La forêt n’a pas été complètement préparée.
[Action utilisateur]
Pour plus d’informations, consultez le fichier journal ADPrep.log dans le répertoire %1. |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
A atualização da floresta foi cancelada pelo usuário.
A Adprep foi parada. A floresta não foi totalmente preparada.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique o arquivo de log ADPrep.log no diretório %1 para obter mais informações. |
Обновление леса отменено пользователем.
Выполнение Adprep остановлено. Лес не был полностью подготовлен.
[Действие пользователя]
Проверьте файл журнала ADPrep.log в каталоге %1 для получения дополнительных сведений. |
Adprep は停止しました。フォレストの準備は完全ではありません。
詳細については %1 ディレクトリのログ ファイル ADPrep.log を確認してください。 |
El usuario canceló la actualización del bosque.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep se detuvo. El bosque no se preparó por completo.
[Acción del usuario]
Consulte el archivo de registro ADPrep.log en el directorio %1 para obtener más información. |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Die Gesamtstrukturaktualisierung wurde abgebrochen.
Adprep wurde angehalten. Die Gesamtstruktur wurde nicht vollständig
[User Action]
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Protokolldatei "ADPrep.log" im Verzeichnis "%1". |
De forestupgrade is geannuleerd door de gebruiker.
Adprep is gestopt. Het forest is niet volledig voorbereid.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Raadpleeg het logboekbestand ADPrep.log in de map %1 voor meer informatie. |
Upgrade doménové struktury byl zrušen uživatelem.
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep byl ukončen. Příprava doménové struktury nebyla zcela dokončena.
[Akce uživatele]
Další informace získáte v souboru protokolu ADPrep.log v adresáři %1. |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
포리스트 업그레이드가 사용자에 의해 취소되었습니다.
Adprep가 중지되었습니다. 포리스트가 완전히 준비되지 않았습니다.
[사용자 작업]
자세한 내용은 %1 디렉터리에 있는 ADPrep.log 로그 파일을 참조하십시오. |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Forest upgrade has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Aggiornamento della foresta annullato dall'utente.
Adprep è stato interrotto. La preparazione della foresta non è stata completata.
[Azione utente]
Per ulteriori informazioni, controllare il file di registro Adprep.log nella directory %1. |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
Adprep 在 %2 目錄中建立記錄檔 %1。 |
O Adprep criou o ficheiro de registo %1 no directório %2. |
Adprep 在 %2 目录下创建了日志文件 %1。 |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
Adprep, %1 günlük dosyasını %2 dizini altında oluşturdu. |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
Adprep skapade loggfilen %1 i katalogen %2. |
Program Adprep utworzył plik dziennika %1 w katalogu %2. |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
Az Adprep létrehozta a(z) %1 naplófájlt a következő könyvtárban: %2. |
Adprep a créé le fichier journal %1 dans le répertoire %2. |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
A Adprep criou o arquivo de log %1 no diretório %2. |
Программа Adprep создала файл журнала %1 в каталоге %2. |
Adprep は %2 ディレクトリの下にログ ファイル %1 を作成しました。 |
Adprep creó el archivo de registro %1 en el directorio %2. |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
Adprep hat die Protokolldatei %1 im Verzeichnis %2 erstellt. |
Adprep heeft het logboekbestand %1 in de map %2 gemaakt. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep vytvořil soubor protokolu %1 v adresáři %2. |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
Adprep가 %2 디렉터리에 %1 로그 파일을 만들었습니다. |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
Adprep created the log file %1 under %2 directory. |
File di registro %1 creato nella directory %2. |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
Adprep 將登錄機碼 %1 的值設定為 %2 |
O Adprep definiu o valor da chave de registo %1 como %2 |
Adprep 将注册表项 %1 的值设置为 %2 |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
Adprep, %1 kayıt defteri anahtarının değerini %2 olarak ayarladı. |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
Adprep angav värdet för registernyckeln %1 till %2 |
Program Adprep ustawił wartość klucza rejestru %1 na %2 |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
Az Adprep a(z) %1 beállításkulcs értékét a következőre állította: %2 |
Adprep a défini la valeur de la clé de Registre %1 à %2 |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
A Adprep definiu o valor da chave de Registro %1 como %2 |
Программа Adprep установила для раздела реестра %1 значение %2. |
Adprep はレジストリ キー %1 の値を %2 に設定しました。 |
Adprep estableció el valor de la clave del Registro %1 a %2 |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
Adprep legt den Wert von Registrierungsschlüssel %1 auf %2 fest |
Adprep heeft de waarde van de registersleutel %1 op %2 ingesteld |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep nastavil hodnotu klíče registru %1 na %2. |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
Adprep가 레지스트리 키 %1의 값을 %2(으)로 설정했습니다. |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
Adprep set the value of registry key %1 to %2 |
Valore della chiave del Registro di sistema %1 impostato su %2 |