Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
Adprep 已確認操作 %1 的狀態。
操作已沒有執行或目前並未執行中。下一次將會執行這個操作。 |
O Adprep verificou o estado da operação %1.
A operação não foi executada ou não está a ser executada actualmente. Será executada em seguida. |
Adprep 验证了操作 %1 的状态。
此操作尚未运行或当前未运行。下次将运行该操作。 |
Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
Adprep %1 işleminin durumunu doğruladı.
İşlem çalıştırılmadı veya şu anda çalışmıyor. Sonraki aşamada çalıştırılacak. |
Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
Adprep kontrollerade tillstånd för åtgärden %1.
Åtgärden har inte utförts eller inte utförts korrekt. Den kommer att utföras härnäst. |
Program Adprep zweryfikował stan operacji %1.
Operacja nie została uruchomiona lub aktualnie nie jest uruchomiona. Zostanie uruchomiona później. |
Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
Az Adprep ellenőrizte a(z) %1 művelet állapotát.
A művelet még nem volt futtatva vagy most nem fut. Ez a művelet lesz a következő. |
Adprep a vérifié l’état de l’opération %1.
L’opération ne s’est pas exécutée ou ne s’est pas correctement exécutée. Elle sera exécutée ultérieurement. |
Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
A Adprep verificou o estado da operação %1.
A operação não foi executada ou não está sendo executada no momento. Ela será executada em seguida. |
Программа Adprep проверила состояние операции %1.
Операция еще не выполнялась. Она будет запущена следующей. |
Adprep は操作 %1 の状態を検証しました。
操作は実行されなかったか、または現在実行されていません。次回実行されます。 |
Adprep comprobó el estado de la operación %1.
La operación no se ha ejecutado o no se está ejecutando actualmente. Se ejecutará a continuación. |
Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
Adprep hat den Status von Vorgang %1 überprüft.
Der Vorgang wurde noch nicht ausgeführt und wird auch zurzeit nicht
ausgeführt. Er wird als Nächstes ausgeführt. |
Adprep heeft de status van de bewerking %1 gecontroleerd.
De bewerking is niet uitgevoerd en is ook niet actief. Deze wordt als volgende stap uitgevoerd. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep ověřil stav operace %1.
Operace nebyla spuštěna ani není aktuálně spuštěna. Bude spuštěna příště. |
Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
Adprep가 %1 작업의 상태를 확인했습니다.
작업이 실행되지 않았거나, 현재 실행 중이지 않습니다. 다음에 실행됩니다. |
Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
Adprep verified the state of operation %1.
The operation has not run or is not currently running. It will be run next. |
Stato dell'operazione %1 verificato.
L'operazione non è stata eseguita e non è in fase di esecuzione. Verrà eseguita in seguito. |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
Adprep 成功地將物件 %2 上的 Forest Update 修訂屬性設定為 %1。
Adprep 更新 Forest Update 修訂屬性,以便將樹系標記為已準備。Adprep 正繼續執行並將立刻準備樹系。 |
O Adprep definiu com êxito o atributo Actualizar revisão da floresta como %1 no objecto %2.
O Adprep actualiza o atributo Actualizar revisão da floresta para a marcar como preparada. O Adprep vai continuar e irá preparar a floresta neste momento. |
Adprep 成功将对象 %2 上的林更新版本属性设置为 %1。
Adprep 更新了林更新版本属性以便将林标记为准备就绪。Adprep 继续并且现在将准备林。 |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
Adprep %2 nesnesindeki orman Güncelleştirme düzeltme özniteliğini başarıyla %1 olarak ayarladı.
Adprep, ormanı hazırlandı olarak işaretlemek için orman Güncelleştirmesi düzeltme özniteliğini güncelleştirir. Adprep işleme devam ediyor; şimdi orman hazırlanacak. |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
Attributet för skoguppdateringsrevision har angetts till %1 på objektet %2 i Adprep.
Attributet för skoguppdateringsrevision uppdateras för att tydliggöra att skogen har förberetts. Adprep fortsätter och kommer nu att förbereda skogen. |
Program Adprep pomyślnie ustawił atrybut poprawki aktualizacji lasu na %1 w obiekcie %2.
Program Adprep aktualizuje atrybut poprawki aktualizacji lasu, aby oznaczyć las jako przygotowany. Program Adprep kontynuuje i teraz będzie przygotowywał las. |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
Az Adprep a(z) %2 objektumon sikeresen beállította az erdő frissítésváltozatát definiáló attribútumot a következőre: %1.
Az Adprep az erdő frissítésváltozatát definiáló attribútum frissítésével előkészítettként jelöli meg az erdőt. Az Adprep folytatódik, és előkészíti az erdőt. |
Adprep a correctement défini l’attribut de version de la mise à jour de la forêt à %1 sur l’objet %2.
Adprep met à jour l’attribut de version de la mise à jour de la forêt afin de marquer la forêt comme préparée. Adprep continue et prépare à présent la forêt. |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
A Adprep definiu com êxito o atributo de revisão forest Update como %1 no objeto %2.
A Adprep atualiza o atributo de revisão forest Update para marcar a floresta como preparada. A Adprep está continuando e preparará a floresta. |
Программа Adprep успешно установила значение %1 атрибута версии обновления леса для объекта %2.
Adprep изменяет атрибут версии обновления леса, чтобы пометить лес как подготовленный. Выполнение Adprep продолжается и начинается подготовка леса. |
Adprep は、オブジェクト %2 のフォレスト更新のリビジョン属性を %1 に正常に設定しました。
Adprep はフォレストを準備済みとマークするために、フォレスト更新のリビジョン属性を更新します。Adprep は続行され、フォレストが準備されます。 |
Adprep estableció correctamente el atributo de revisión de actualización del bosque en %1 en el objeto %2.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep actualiza el atributo de revisión de actualización del bosque para marcar el bosque como preparado. Adprep continúa y a continuación preparará el bosque. |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
Adprep hat das Gesamtstruktur-Aktualisierungsrevisionsattribut für Objekt %2 erfolgreich auf %1 gesetzt.
Adprep aktualisiert das Gesamtstruktur-Aktualisierungsrevisionsattribut, um die Gesamtstruktur als vorbereitet zu kennzeichnen. Adprep wird fortgesetzt und bereitet nun die Gesamtstruktur vor. |
Adprep heeft het kenmerk Forestupdaterevisie op %1 ingesteld voor het object %2.
Adprep werkt het kenmerk Forestupdaterevisie bij om zodoende het forest als voorbereid te markeren. Adprep wordt voortgezet en bereidt nu het forest voor. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep úspěšně nastavil atribut revize Aktualizace doménové struktury %1 u objektu %2.
Nástroj Adprep aktualizuje atribut revize Aktualizace doménové struktury, aby mohl doménovou strukturu označit jako připravenou. Nástroj Adprep bude pokračovat a nyní připraví doménovou strukturu. |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
Adprep가 %2 개체에서 포리스트 업데이트 수정 특성을 %1(으)로 설정했습니다.
포리스트를 준비된 상태로 표시하기 위해서 Adprep가 포리스트 업데이트 수정 특성을 업데이트합니다. Adprep가 계속 진행되고 포리스트를 준비합니다. |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
Adprep successfully set the forest Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the forest Update revision attribute in order to mark the forest as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the forest. |
L'attributo di revisione dell'aggiornamento della foresta è stato impostato su %1 da Adprep per l'oggetto %2.
Adprep aggiorna questo attributo di revisione per contrassegnare la foresta come preparata. Adprep proseguirà ora con la preparazione della foresta. |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
Adprep 成功地將物件 %2 上的 Domain Update 修訂屬性設定為 %1。
Adprep 更新 Domain Update 修訂屬性,以便將網域標記為已準備。Adprep 正繼續執行並將立刻準備網域。 |
O Adprep definiu com êxito o atributo Actualizar revisão do domínio como %1 no objecto %2.
O Adprep actualiza o atributo Actualizar revisão do domínio para o marcar como preparado. O Adprep vai continuar e irá preparar o domínio neste momento. |
Adprep 成功将对象 %2 上的域更新版本属性设置为 %1。
Adprep 更新了域更新版本属性以便将域标记为准备就绪。Adprep 继续并且现在将准备域。 |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
Adprep %2 nesnesindeki etki alanı Güncelleştirme düzeltme özniteliğini başarıyla %1 olarak ayarladı.
Adprep, etki alanını hazırlandı olarak işaretlemek için etki alanı Güncelleştirmesi düzeltme özniteliğini güncelleştirir. Adprep işleme devam ediyor; şimdi etki alanı hazırlanacak. |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
Adprep har angett attributet för domänuppdateringsrevision till %1 på objektet %2.
Adprep uppdaterar attributet för domänuppdateringsrevision för att tydliggöra att domänen har förberetts. Adprep fortsätter och kommer nu att förbereda domänen. |
Program Adprep pomyślnie ustawił atrybut poprawki aktualizacji domeny na %1 w obiekcie %2.
Program Adprep aktualizuje atrybut poprawki aktualizacji domeny, aby oznaczyć domenę jako przygotowaną. Program Adprep kontynuuje i teraz będzie przygotowywał domenę. |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
Az Adprep a(z) %2 objektumon sikeresen beállította a tartomány frissítésváltozatát definiáló attribútumot a következőre: %1.
Az Adprep a tartomány frissítésváltozatát definiáló attribútum frissítésével előkészítettként jelöli meg a tartományt. Az Adprep folytatódik, és előkészíti a tartományt. |
Adprep a correctement défini l’attribut de version de la mise à jour du domaine à %1 sur l’objet %2.
Adprep met à jour l’attribut de version de la mise à jour de la forêt afin de marquer le domaine comme préparé. Adprep continue et prépare à présent le domaine. |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
A Adprep definiu com êxito o atributo de revisão domain Update como %1 no objeto %2.
A Adprep atualiza o atributo de revisão domain Update para marcar o domínio como preparado. A Adprep está continuando e preparará o domínio. |
Программа Adprep успешно установила значение %1 атрибута версии обновления домена для объекта %2.
Adprep изменяет атрибут версии обновления домена, чтобы пометить домен как подготовленный. Выполнение Adprep продолжается и начинается подготовка домена. |
Adprep は、オブジェクト %2 のドメイン更新のリビジョン属性を %1 に正常に設定しました。
Adprep はドメインを準備済みとマークするために、ドメイン更新のリビジョン属性を更新します。Adprep は続行され、ドメインが準備されます。 |
Adprep estableció correctamente el atributo de revisión de actualización del dominio en %1 en el objeto %2.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep actualiza el atributo de revisión de actualización del dominio para marcar el dominio como preparado. Adprep continúa y a continuación preparará el dominio. |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
Adprep hat das Domänen-Aktualisierungsrevisionsattribut für Objekt %2 erfolgreich auf %1 gesetzt.
Adprep aktualisiert das Domänen-Aktualisierungsrevisionsattribut, um die Domäne als vorbereitet zu kennzeichnen. Adprep wird fortgesetzt und bereitet die Domäne nun vor. |
Adprep heeft het kenmerk Domeinupdaterevisie op %1 ingesteld voor het object %2.
Adprep werkt het kenmerk Domeinupdaterevisie bij om zodoende het domein als voorbereid te markeren. Adprep wordt voortgezet en bereidt nu het domein voor. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep úspěšně nastavil atribut revize Aktualizace domény %1 u objektu %2.
Nástroj Adprep aktualizuje atribut revize Aktualizace domény, aby mohl doménu označit jako připravenou. Nástroj Adprep bude pokračovat a nyní připraví doménu. |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
Adprep가 %2 개체에서 도메인 업데이트 수정 특성을 %1(으)로 설정했습니다.
도메인을 준비된 상태로 표시하기 위해 adprep가 도메인 업데이트 수정 특성을 업데이트합니다. Adprep가 계속 진행되고 도메인을 준비합니다. |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
Adprep successfully set the domain Update revision attribute to %1 on object %2.
Adprep updates the domain Update revision attribute in order to mark the domain as prepared. Adprep is continuing and will now prepare the domain. |
L'attributo di revisione dell'aggiornamento del dominio è stato impostato su %1 da Adprep per l'oggetto %2.
Adprep aggiorna questo attributo di revisione per contrassegnare il dominio come preparato. Adprep proseguirà ora con la preparazione del dominio. |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
Adprep 偵測出 Adprep 的另一個執行個體正在執行中。
Adprep 已停止而沒有進行變更。
允許 Adprep 的另一個執行個體完成。 |
O Adprep detectou que está a ser executada outra instância do Adprep.
O Adprep parou sem efectuar alterações.
[Acção do utilizador]
Aguarde que a outra instância de Adprep termine. |
Adprep 已检测到另一个 Adprep 的实例正在运行。
Adprep 已经停止,且未做任何更改。
允许 Adprep 的其他实例完成。 |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
Adprep, başka bir Adprep örneğinin çalışmakta olduğunu algıladı.
Adprep değişiklik yapmadan durduruldu.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Diğer Adprep örneğinin işlemi tamamlamasına izin verin. |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
Adprep har upptäckt att en annan instans av Adprep körs.
Adprep har stoppats och inga ändringar har utförts.
Vänta på att den andra instansen av Adprep slutförs. |
Program Adprep wykrył, że inne wystąpienie programu Adprep jest uruchomione.
Program Adprep zatrzymał się bez dokonania zmian.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Zezwól innemu wystąpieniu programu Adprep na zakończenie. |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
Az Adprep az Adprep alkalmazás egy másik futó példányát észlelte.
Az Adprep módosítások végrehajtása nélkül leállt.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Várja meg, amíg az Adprep másik példánya végigfut. |
Adprep a détecté qu’une autre instance d’Adprep est en cours d’exécution.
Adprep s’est arrêté sans apporter de modification.
[Action utilisateur]
Autorisez l’autre instance d’Adprep à se terminer. |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
A Adprep detectou que outra instância da Adprep está sendo executada.
A Adprep parou sem fazer alterações.
[Ação do Usuário]
Permita que a outra instância da Adprep seja concluída. |
Программа Adprep обнаружила еще один выполняющийся экземпляр Adprep.
Выполнение Adprep остановлено без внесения изменений.
[Действие пользователя]
Проследите за завершением второго экземпляра Adprep. |
Adprep の別のインスタンスが実行中であることを検出しました。
Adprep は変更なしで停止しました。
Adprep のほかのインスタンスの終了を待ってください。 |
Adprep detectó que otra instancia de Adprep se está ejecutando.
Adprep se ha detenido sin realizar ningún cambio.
[User Action]
Permite que la otra instancia de Adprep finalice. |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
Adprep hat ermittelt, dass eine andere Instanz von Adprep ausgeführt wird.
Adprep wurde angehalten, ohne Änderungen vorzunehmen.
Lassen Sie das Fertigstellen der anderen Instanz von Adprep zu. |
Er is al een sessie van de van Adprep gestart.
Adprep is gestopt zonder het doorvoeren van wijzigingen.
Aanbevolen handeling
Wacht tot de andere Adprep-instantie is beëindigd. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep zjistil, že je spuštěna jiná instance nástroje Adprep.
Nástroj Adprep byl ukončen bez provedení změn.
[Akce uživatele]
Umožněte dokončení jiné instance nástroje Adprep. |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
Adprep가 다른 Adprep 인스턴스가 실행 중임을 검색했습니다.
Adprep가 변경 내용 없이 중지되었습니다.
[사용자 작업]
다른 Adprep 인스턴스의 완료를 허용하십시오. |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
Adprep detected that another instance of Adprep is running.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Allow the other instance of Adprep to finish. |
È stata rilevata un'altra istanza di Adprep.
Adprep è stato interrotto senza apportare modifiche.
[Azione utente]
Attendere il completamento dell'esecuzione dell'altra istanza di Adprep. |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
Adprep 成功地初始化全域變數。
Adprep 正繼續執行中。 |
O Adprep inicializou com êxito variáveis globais.
O Adprep vai continuar. |
Adprep 成功初始化全局变量。
Adprep 正在继续。 |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
Adprep genel değişkenleri başarıyla başlattı.
Adprep işleme devam ediyor. |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
Adprep har initierat globala variabler.
Adprep fortsätter köras. |
Program Adprep pomyślnie zainicjował zmienne globalne.
Program Adprep kontynuuje. |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
Az Adprep sikeresen inicializálta a globális változókat.
Az Adprep folytatja a műveletet. |
Adprep a correctement initialisé les variables globales.
Adprep continue. |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
A Adprep inicializou com êxito as variáveis globais.
A Adprep está continuando. |
Программа Adprep успешно инициализировала глобальные переменные.
Выполнение Adprep продолжается. |
Adprep はグローバル変数を正常に初期化しました。
Adprep は続行しています。 |
Adprep inicializó correctamente variables globales.
Adprep continúa. |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
Adprep hat die globalen Variablen erfolgreich initialisiert.
Adprep wird fortgesetzt. |
Adprep heeft globale variabelen geïnitialiseerd.
Adprep wordt voortgezet. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep úspěšně inicializoval globální proměnné.
Nástroj Adprep pokračuje v činnosti. |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
Adprep가 글로벌 변수를 초기화했습니다.
Adprep가 계속 진행됩니다. |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
Adprep successfully initialized global variables.
Adprep is continuing. |
Variabili globali inizializzate.
L'esecuzione di Adprep verrà proseguita. |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
ADPREP 並未嘗試將 Anonymous Logon SID 新增到 Windows 2000 前版的 Compatible Access 群組,因為 Everyone 不是這個群組的成員。
為了回溯相容性,Adprep 要求 Anonymous Logon 安全性群組必須是 Windows 2000 前版 Compatible Access 安全性群組的一個成員 (如果 Everyone 群組也是成員之一)。由於群組 Everyone 不是成員之一,因此 Adprep 會繼續執行。 |
Adprep 没有尝试将 Anonymous Logon SID 添加到 indows 2000 之前的兼容访问组,因为 Everyone 都不是该组的成员。
为了保持向后兼容性,如果 Everyone 组也是 Windows 2000 之前的兼容访问安全组的成员,则 Adprep 要求 Anonymous Logon 安全组是其成员。因为 Everyone 组不是成员,则 Adprep 继续。 |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
Herkes grup üyesi olmadığından, Adprep, Windows 2000 Öncesi Uyumlu Erişim grubuna Anonim Oturum Açma SID'si ekleme girişiminde bulunmadı.
Geriye dönük uyumluluk için, Adprep, Herkes grubu da üyeyse, Anonim Oturum Açma güvenlik grubunun, Windows 2000 Öncesi Uyumlu Erişim güvenlik grubu üyesi olmasını gerektirir. Herkes üye olmadığından, Adprep işleme devam ediyor. |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
Adprep försökte inte lägga till SID för anonyma användare i gruppen som ger åtkomst för tidigare operativsystem än Windows 2000 eftersom gruppen Alla inte är medlem i den gruppen.
Av bakåtkompatibilitetsskäl kräver Adprep att gruppen Anonyma användare är medlem i grupper som ger åtkomst för tidigare operativsystem än Windows 2000 om gruppen Alla också är medlem. Eftersom gruppen Alla inte är medlem kommer Adprep att fortsätta köras. |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
A Adprep não tentou adicionar a SID de Logon Anônimo ao grupo Acesso Compatível com Versões Anteriores ao Windows 2000 porque o grupo Todos não é membro desse grupo.
Para obter compatibilidade com versões anteriores, a Adprep exige que o grupo de segurança Logon Anônimo seja membro do grupo de segurança Acesso Compatível com Versões Anteriores ao Windows 2000 se o grupo Todos também for membro. Como o grupo Todos não é membro, a Adprep continuará. |
Программа Adprep не пыталась добавить код SID анонимного входа в группу доступа пред-Windows 2000, так как группа "Все" не является членом этой группы.
Для совместимости Adprep с предыдущими версиями необходимо, чтобы группа безопасности "Анонимный вход" являлась членом группы "Пред-Windows 2000 доступ", если ее членом является также группа "Все". Поскольку группа "Все" отсутствует среди членов, выполнение Adprep продолжается. |
Everyone が Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access グループのメンバではないため、Adprep は Anonymous Logon SID の追加を試行しませんでした。
Everyone グループも Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access セキュリティ グループのメンバである場合は、後方互換性のために Anonymous Logon セキュリティ グループがメンバであることが Adprep では要求されます。Everyone がメンバではないため、Adprep は続行されます。 |
Adprep no intentó agregar Inicio de sesión anónimo SID al grupo Acceso compatible con versiones anteriores a Windows 2000 porque Todos no es un miembro de este grupo.
Para compatibilidades regresivas, Adprep requiere que el grupo de seguridad Inicio de sesión anónimo sea miembro del grupo de seguridad Acceso compatible con versiones anteriores a Windows 2000 si el grupo Todos también es miembro. Como el grupo Todos no es miembro, Adprep continúa. |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
ADPREP hat nicht versucht die SID "Anonyme Anmeldung" zur Gruppe
"Prä-Windows 2000 kompatibler Zugriff" hinzuzufügen, weil "Jeder" nicht
Mitglied in dieser Gruppe ist.
Aus Gründen der Abwärtskompatibilität erfordert Adprep, dass die Sicherheits-
gruppe "Anonyme Anmeldung" ein Mitglieder der Sicherheitsgruppe "Prä-Windows
2000 kompatibler Zugriff", wenn die Gruppe "Jeder" ebenfalls Mitglied ist.
Da die Gruppe "Jeder" kein Mitglied ist, wird Adprep fortgesetzt. |
Adprep heeft geen poging tot het toevoegen van een anonieme aanmeldings-SID aan de pre-Windows 2000-compatibele toegangsgroep, omdat Iedereen geen lid is van deze groep.
Omwille van compatibiliteit met eerdere versies vereist Adprep dat de beveiligingsgroep Anonieme aanmelding lid is van de pre-Windows 2000-compatibele toegangsbeveiligingsgroep indien de groep Iedereen ook lid is. Aangezien de groep Iedereen geen lid is gaat Adprep gewoon door. |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
Everyone 그룹이 이 그룹의 구성원이 아니므로, Adprep가 익명 로그온 SID를 Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access 그룹에 추가하려고 하지 않았습니다.
이전 버전과의 호환성을 위해서는, Everyone 그룹이 Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access 보안 그룹의 구성원일 경우, 익명 로그온 보안 그룹도 해당 그룹의 구성원이여야 합니다. Everyone 그룹이 구성원이 아니므로, Adprep를 계속 진행합니다. |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
Adprep did not attempt to add Anonymous Logon SID to Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group because Everyone is not a member of this group.
For backward compatibility, Adprep requires that the Anonymous Logon security group be a member of the pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access security group if the Everyone group is also a member. Since the group Everyone is not a member, Adprep continues. |
Il SID di Accesso anonimo non è stato aggiunto al gruppo Accesso compatibile precedente a Windows 2000 perché Everyone non è un membro di questo gruppo.
Per la compatibilità con versioni precedenti, Adprep richiede che il gruppo di protezione Accesso anonimo sia un membro del gruppo di protezione Accesso compatibile precedente a Windows 2000 se a tale gruppo appartiene anche Everyone. Poiché il gruppo Everyone non è un membro, l'esecuzione di Adprep verrà proseguita. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep 偵測出登入使用者不是 %1\Domain Admins 群組的成員。
Adprep 已停止而沒有進行變更。
確認目前的登入使用者是 %2\Domain Admins 群組的成員。 |
O Adprep detectou que o utilizador de início de sessão não é um membro de %1\Grupo de admins de domínio.
O Adprep parou sem efectuar alterações.
[Acção do utilizador]
Verifique se o utilizador com sessão actualmente é um membro de %2\Grupo de admins de domínio.. |
Adprep 检测到登录用户不是 %1\域管理员组的成员。
Adprep 已经停止,且未做任何更改。
验证当前登录用户是否是 %2\域管理员组的成员。 |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep oturum açma kullanıcısının, %1\Etki Alanı Yöneticileri grubu üyesi olmadığını algıladı.
Adprep değişiklik yapmadan durduruldu.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Geçerli oturum açan kullanıcının %2 Etki Alanı Yöneticileri grubu üyesi olduğunu doğrulayın. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
Den användare som är inloggad är inte medlem i gruppen %1\Domänadministratörer.
Adprep har avbrutits innan några ändringar har gjorts.
Kontrollera att den användare som är inloggad är medlem i gruppen %2\Domänadministratörer. |
Program Adprep wykrył, że zalogowany użytkownik nie jest członkiem grupy
%1\Administratorzy domeny
Program Adprep zatrzymał się bez dokonania zmian.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Zweryfikuj, czy aktualnie zalogowany użytkownik jest członkiem grupy
%2\Administratorzy domeny. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
Az Adprep megállapította, hogy a bejelentkezett felhasználó nem tagja a(z) %1\Tartománygazdák csoportnak.
Az Adprep módosítások végrehajtása nélkül leállt.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Győződjön meg arról, hogy a felhasználó tagja a(z) %2\Tartománygazdák csoportnak. |
Adprep a détecté que l’utilisateur connecté n’est pas membre du
%1\Groupe Administrateurs de domaine.
Adprep s’est arrêté sans effectuer de modification.
[Action utilisateur]
Vérifiez que l’utilisateur actuellement connecté est membre du %2\Groupe
Administrateurs du domaine. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
A Adprep detectou que o usuário de logon não é membro do grupo %1\Admins. do Domínio.
A Adprep parou sem fazer alterações.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique se o usuário que está conectado no momento é membro do grupo %2\Admins. do Domínio. |
Adprep обнаружено, что вошедший пользователь не является членом %1\группы "Администраторы домена".
Adprep остановил работу без внесения изменений.
[Действия пользователя]
Проверьте, что вошедший пользователь является членом %2\группы "Администраторы домена". |
Adprep により、ログオン ユーザーが %1\Domain Admins グループのメンバではないことが検出されました。
Adprep は変更なしで停止しました。
現在ログオンしているユーザーが %2\Domain Admins グループのメンバであることを検証してください。 |
Adprep detectó que el usuario que ha iniciado la sesión no es miembro del grupo de administradores del domino %1\.
Adprep se detuvo sin realizar ningún cambio.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe que el usuario que ha iniciado la sesión actualmente es miembro del grupo de administradores del dominio %2\. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep hat ermittelt, dass der angemeldete Benutzer kein Mitglieder der Gruppe "%1\Domänen-Admins" ist.
Adprep wurde angehalten, ohne Änderungen vorzunehmen.
Überprüfen Sie, ob der zurzeit angemeldete Benutzer ein Mitglied der Gruppe "%2\Domänen-Admins" ist. |
Adprep heeft ontdekt dat de aangemelde gebruiker geen lid van de groep Domeinadministrators op %1 is.
Adprep is gestopt zonder het doorvoeren van wijzigingen.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Controleer of de aangemelde gebruiker lid van de groep Domeinadministrators op %2 is. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep zjistil, že přihlášený uživatel není členem skupiny %1\Domain Admins.
Nástroj Adprep byl ukončen bez provedení změn.
[Akce uživatel]
Ověřte, zda je aktuálně přihlášený uživatel členem skupiny %2\Domain Admins. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep에서 로그온 사용자가 %1\Domain Admins 그룹의 구성원이 아닌 것을 검색했습니다.
Adprep가 변경을 수행하지 않고 중단되었습니다.
[사용자 작업]
현재 로그온한 사용자가 %2\Domain Admins 그룹의 구성원인지 확인하십시오. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of %2\Domain Admins group. |
L'utente connesso non è un membro del gruppo %1\Domain Admins.
Adprep è stato arrestato senza apportare cambiamenti.
[Azione utente]
Verificare che l'utente attualmente connesso sia un membro del gruppo
%2\Domain Admins. |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
使用者已取消 Adprep.exe。
Adprep 已停止。並未完全準備好樹系。
請查看 %1 目錄中的記錄檔 ADPrep.log,以取得詳細資訊。 |
O Adprep.exe foi cancelado pelo utilizador.
O Adprep foi parado. A floresta não foi preparada na totalidade.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Consulte o ficheiro de registo ADPrep.log no directório %1 para mais informações. |
Adprep.exe 已被用户取消。
Adprep 已停止。林尚未完全准备就绪。
检查 %1 目录中的日志文件 ADPrep.log 以了解详细信息。 |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep.exe kullanıcı tarafından iptal edildi.
Adprep durduruldu. Orman tam olarak hazırlanmadı.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Daha fazla bilgi için %1 dizinindeki ADPrep.log günlük dosyasını inceleyin. |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep.exe avbröts av användaren.
Adprep har stoppats. Hela skogen har inte förberetts.
Ytterligare information finns i filen ADPrep.log som finns i katalogen %1. |
Program Adprep.exe został anulowany przez użytkownika.
Program Adprep został zatrzymany. Las nie został przygotowany całkowicie.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Sprawdź plik dziennika ADPrep.log w katalogu %1, aby uzyskać więcej informacji. |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Az Adprep.exe alkalmazást a felhasználó leállította.
Az Adprep leállt. Az erdő előkészítése nem fejeződött be.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
További információért ellenőrizze az ADPrep.log naplófájlt a %1 könyvtárban. |
Adprep.exe a été annulé par l’utilisateur.
Adprep a été arrêté. La forêt n’a pas été complètement préparée.
[Action utilisateur]
Pour plus d’informations, consultez le fichier journal ADPrep.log dans le répertoire %1. |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
A Adprep.exe foi cancelada pelo usuário.
A Adprep parou. A floresta não foi totalmente preparada.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique o arquivo de log ADPrep.log no diretório %1 para obter mais informações. |
Выполнение Adprep.exe отменено пользователем.
Выполнение Adprep остановлено. Лес не был полностью подготовлен.
[Действие пользователя]
Проверьте файл журнала ADPrep.log в каталоге %1 для получения дополнительных сведений. |
ユーザーによって Adprep.exe が取り消されました。
Adprep は停止しました。フォレストの準備は完全ではありません。
詳細については %1 ディレクトリのログ ファイル ADPrep.log を確認してください。 |
El usuario canceló Adprep.exe.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep se detuvo. El bosque no se preparó completamente.
[Acción del usuario]
Consulte el archivo de registro ADPrep.log en el directorio %1 para obtener más información. |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep.exe wurde vom Benutzer abgebrochen.
Adprep wurde beendet. Die Gesamtstruktur wurde nicht vollständig vorbereitet.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Protokolldatei "ADPrep.log" im Verzeichnis "%1". |
Adprep.exe is geannuleerd door de gebruiker.
Adprep is gestopt. Het forest is niet volledig voorbereid.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Raadpleeg het logboekbestand ADPrep.log in de map %1 voor meer informatie. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep.exe byl zrušen uživatelem
Nástroj Adprep byl ukončen. Příprava doménové struktury nebyla zcela dokončena.
[Akce uživatele]
Další informace získáte v souboru protokolu Adprep.log v adresáři %1. |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
사용자가 adprep.exe를 취소했습니다.
Adprep가 중지되었습니다. 포리스트가 완전히 준비되지 않았습니다.
[사용자 작업]
자세한 내용은 %1 디렉터리에 있는 ADPrep.log 로그 파일을 참조하십시오. |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
Adprep.exe has been canceled by user.
Adprep has been stopped. The forest has not been completely prepared.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %1 directory for more information. |
L'esecuzione di Adprep.exe è stata annullata dall'utente.
Adprep è stato interrotto. La preparazione della foresta non è stata completata.
[Azione utente]
Per ulteriori informazioni, controllare il file di registro Adprep.log nella directory %1. |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
Adprep 已將檔案 %1 從安裝點複製到本機電腦的目錄 %2 中。 |
O Adprep copiou o ficheiro %1 do ponto de instalação para o computador local no directório %2. |
Adprep 将文件 %1 从安装点复制到本地计算机的目录 %2 下。 |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
Adprep, %1 dosyasını yükleme noktasından yerel makineye %2 dizini altına kopyaladı. |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
Adprep kopierade filen %1 från installationspunkten till den lokala datorn under katalogen %2. |
Program Adprep skopiował plik %1 z punktu instalacji do katalogu %2 na komputerze lokalnym. |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
Az Adprep a(z) %1 fájlt a telepítési pontról a helyi számítógép következő könyvtárába másolta: %2. |
Adprep a copié le fichier %1 du point d’installation vers l’ordinateur local, dans le répertoire %2. |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
A Adprep copiou o arquivo %1 do ponto de instalação para o computador local no diretório %2. |
Программа Adprep скопировала файл %1 из папки установки на локальный компьютер в каталог %2. |
Adprep はファイル %1 をインストール ポイントからローカル コンピュータのディレクトリ %2 の下にコピーしました。 |
Adprep ha copiado el archivo %1 desde el punto de instalación al equipo local en el directorio %2. |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
Adprep kopierte Datei %1 vom Installationspunkt auf den lokalen Computer in Verzeichnis %2. |
Adprep heeft het bestand %1 vanuit het installatiepunt naar de lokale computer onder map %2 gekopieerd. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep zkopíroval soubor %1 z umístění instalace do adresáře %2 v místním počítači. |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
Adprep가 설치 지점으로부터 %2 디렉터리에 있는 로컬 컴퓨터로 %1 파일을 복사했습니다. |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
Adprep copied file %1 from installation point to local machine under directory %2. |
Il file %1 è stato copiato dalla cartella di installazione nella directory %2 del computer locale. |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s()。要新增的項目為 %1。 |
ldap_add_s(). A entrada a adicionar é %1. |
ldap_add_s()。要添加的项目为 %1。 |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). Eklenecek giriş: %1. |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). Den post som ska läggas till är %1. |
ldap_add_s(). Pozycja do dodania: %1. |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). A hozzáadandó bejegyzés %1. |
ldap_add_s(). L’entrée à ajouter est %1. |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). A entrada a ser adicionada é %1. |
ldap_add_s(). Добавляемый элемент: %1. |
ldap_add_s()。追加するエントリは %1 です。 |
ldap_add_s(). La entrada que debe agregarse es %1. |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). Der hinzuzufügende Eintrag ist %1. |
ldap_add_s(). De toe te voegen vermelding is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). Položka pro přidání: %1 |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). 추가할 항목은 %1입니다. |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). The entry to add is %1. |
ldap_add_s(). La voce da aggiungere è %1. |