Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep 偵測出登入使用者不是下列群組的成員: Enterprise Admins 群組。
Adprep 已停止而沒有進行變更。
確認目前的登入使用者是 Enterprise Admins 群組、Schema Admins 群組、及 %1\Domain Admins 群組的成員。 |
Adprep detectou que o utilizador de início de sessão não é membro do seguinte grupo: Admins da empresa.
Adprep parou sem fazer alterações.
[Acção do utilizador]
Verifique se o utilizador com sessão iniciada actualmente é membro do grupo 'Admins da empresa', 'Admins de esquemas' e %1\Admins do domínio. |
Adprep 检测到登录用户不是下列组的成员: 企业管理员组。
Adprep 已经停止,且未做任何更改。
验证当前登录用户是企业管理员组、架构管理员组或 %1\域管理员组的成员。 |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep oturum açan kullanıcının şu grubun üyesi olmadığını algıladı: Enterprise Admins Grubu.
Adprep değişiklik yapmadan durduruldu.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Şu anda oturum açmış olan kullanıcının Enterprise Admins grubu, Schema Admins grubu ve %1\Domain Admins grubu üyesi olduğunu doğrulayın. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Den användare som är inloggad är inte medlem i följande grupp: Företagsadministratörer.
Adprep har avbrutits innan några ändringar har gjorts.
Kontrollera att den användare som är inloggad är medlem i grupperna Företagsadministratörer, Schemaadministratörer och %1\Domänadministratörer. |
Program Adprep wykrył, że zalogowany użytkownik nie jest członkiem następującej grupy: Administratorzy przedsiębiorstwa.
Program Adprep zatrzymał się bez dokonania zmian.
[Akcja użytkownika]
nZweryfikuj, czy aktualnie zalogowany użytkownik jest członkiem grupy Administratorzy przedsiębiorstwa, Administratorzy schematu oraz %1\Administratorzy domeny. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Az Adprep megállapította, hogy a bejelentkezett felhasználó nem tagja a következő csoportnak: Vállalati rendszergazdák csoport.
Az Adprep módosítások végrehajtása nélkül leállt.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Győződjön meg arról, hogy a felhasználó tagja a Vállalati rendszergazdák, a Sémagazdák és a(z) %1\Tartománygazdák csoportnak. |
Adprep a détecté que l’utilisateur connecté n’est pas membre du groupe suivant : Groupe d’Administrateurs d’entreprise.
Adprep s’est arrêté sans effectuer de modifications.
[Action utilisateur]
Vérifiez que l’utilisateur actuellement connecté est membre du groupe d’Administrateurs d’entreprise, d’Administrateurs de schéma et %1\du groupe d’Administrateurs du domaine. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
A Adprep detectou que o usuário de logon não é membro do grupo: Administradores corporativos.
A Adprep parou sem fazer alterações.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique se o usuário que está conectado no momento é membro dos grupos Administradores corporativos, Administradores de esquemas e %1\Administradores do domínio. |
Adprep обнаружено, что вошедший пользователь не является членом следующей группы: %1\группа "Администраторы предприятия".
Adprep остановил работу без внесения изменений.
[Действия пользователя]
Проверьте, что вошедший пользователь является членом группы "Администраторы предприятия", группы "Администраторы схемы" и %1\группы "Администраторы домена". |
Adprep により、ログオン ユーザーが次のグループのメンバではないことが検出されました: Enterprise Admins グループ。
Adprep は変更なしで停止しました。
現在ログオンしているユーザーが Enterprise Admins グループ、Schema Admins グループ、および %1\Domain Admins グループのメンバであることを検証してください。 |
Adprep detectó que el usuario que ha iniciado la sesión no es miembro del siguiente grupo: grupo de administradores de organización.
Adprep se detuvo sin realizar ningún cambio.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe que el usuario que ha iniciado la sesión actualmente es miembro del grupo de administradores de organización, grupo de administradores de esquema y grupo de administradores de dominio %1\. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep hat ermittelt, dass der angemeldete Benutzer kein Mitglied der folgenden Gruppe ist: Gruppe "Organisations-Admins".
Adprep wurde angehalten, ohne Änderungen vorzunehmen.
Überprüfen Sie, ob der zurzeit angemeldete Benutzer ein Mitglied der Gruppen "Organisations-Admins", "Schema-Admins" und "%1\Domänen-Admins" ist. |
Adprep heeft ontdekt dat de aangemelde gebruiker geen lid van de volgende groep is: Ondernemingsadministrators.
Adprep is gestopt zonder het doorvoeren van wijzigingen.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Controleer of de aangemelde gebruiker lid van de groep Ondernemingsadministrators, Schema-administrators en Domeinadministrators op %1 is. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep zjistil, že přihlášený uživatel není členem následující skupiny: Enterprise Admins.
Nástroj Adprep byl ukončen bez provedení změn.
[Akce uživatele]
Ověřte, zda je aktuálně přihlášený uživatel členem skupin Enterprise Admins, Schema Admins a %1\Domain Admins. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep에서 로그온 사용자가 Enterprise Admins 그룹의 구성원이 아닌 것을 검색했습니다.
Adprep가 변경을 수행하지 않고 중단되었습니다.
[사용자 작업]
현재 로그온한 사용자가 Enterprise Admins 그룹, Schema Admins 그룹 또는 %1\Domain Admins 그룹의 구성원인지 확인하십시오. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following group: Enterprise Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
L'utente connesso non è un membro del seguente gruppo: Enterprise Admins.
Adprep è stato arrestato senza apportare cambiamenti.
[Azione utente]
Verificare che l'utente attualmente connesso sia un membro dei gruppi Enterprise Admins, Schema Admins e %1\Domain Admins. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep 偵測出登入使用者不是下列群組的成員: Enterprise Admins 群組及 %1\Domain Admins 群組。
Adprep 已停止而沒有進行變更。
確認目前的登入使用者是 Enterprise Admins 群組、Schema Admins 群組、及 %2\Domain Admins 群組的成員。 |
Adprep detectou que o utilizador de início de sessão não é membro dos seguintes grupos: 'Admins da empresa' e %1\Admins do domínio.
Adprep parou sem fazer alterações.
[Acção do utilizador]
Verifique se o utilizador com sessão iniciada actualmente é membro do grupo 'Admins da empresa', 'Admins de esquemas' e %2\Admins do domínio. |
Adprep 检测到登录用户不是下列组的成员: 企业管理员组和 %1\域管理员组。
Adprep 已经停止,且未做任何更改。
验证当前登录用户是企业管理员组、架构管理员组或 %2\域管理员组的成员。 |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep oturum açan kullanıcının şu grupların üyesi olmadığını algıladı: Enterprise Admins Grubu ve %1\Domain Admins Grubu.
Adprep değişiklik yapmadan durduruldu.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Şu anda oturum açmış olan kullanıcının Enterprise Admins grubu, Schema Admins grubu ve %2\Domain Admins grubu üyesi olduğunu doğrulayın. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Den användare som är inloggad är inte medlem i följande grupper: Företagsadministratörer och %1\Domänadministratörer.
Adprep har avbrutits innan några ändringar har gjorts.
Kontrollera att den användare som är inloggad är medlem i grupperna Företagsadministratörer, Schemaadministratörer och %2\Domänadministratörer. |
Program Adprep wykrył, że zalogowany użytkownik nie jest członkiem następujących grup: Administratorzy przedsiębiorstwa i %1\Administratorzy domeny.
Program Adprep zatrzymał się bez dokonania zmian.
[Akcja użytkownika]
nZweryfikuj, czy aktualnie zalogowany użytkownik jest członkiem grupy Administratorzy przedsiębiorstwa, Administratorzy schematu oraz %2\Administratorzy domeny. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Az Adprep megállapította, hogy a bejelentkezett felhasználó nem tagja a következő csoportoknak: Vállalati rendszergazdák csoport és %1\Tartománygazdák csoport.
Az Adprep módosítások végrehajtása nélkül leállt.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Győződjön meg arról, hogy a felhasználó tagja a Vállalati rendszergazdák, a Sémagazdák és a(z) %2\Tartománygazdák csoportnak. |
Adprep a détecté que l’utilisateur connecté n’est pas membre des groupes suivants : Groupe d’Administrateurs d’entreprise, et %1\du groupe d’Administrateurs du domaine.
Adprep s’est arrêté sans effectuer de modifications.
[Action utilisateur]
Vérifiez que l’utilisateur actuellement connecté est membre du groupe d’Administrateurs d’entreprise, d’Administrateurs de schéma et %2\du groupe d’Administrateurs du domaine. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
A Adprep detectou que o usuário de logon não é membro dos grupos: Administradores corporativos e %1\Administradores do domínio.
A Adprep parou sem fazer alterações.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique se o usuário que está conectado no momento é membro dos grupos Administradores corporativos, Administradores de esquemas e %2\Administradores do domínio. |
Adprep обнаружено, что вошедший пользователь не является членом следующих групп: "Администраторы предприятия" и %1\группы "Администраторы домена".
Adprep остановил работу без внесения изменений.
[Действия пользователя]
Проверьте, что вошедший пользователь является членом группы "Администраторы предприятия", группы "Администраторы схемы" и %2\группы "Администраторы домена". |
Adprep により、ログオン ユーザーが次のグループのメンバではないことが検出されました: Enterprise Admins グループと %1\Domain Admins グループ。
Adprep は変更なしで停止しました。
現在ログオンしているユーザーが Enterprise Admins グループ、Schema Admins グループ、および %2\Domain Admins グループのメンバであることを検証してください。 |
Adprep detectó que el usuario que ha iniciado la sesión no es miembro de los siguientes grupos: grupo de administradores de organización y grupo de administradores de dominio %1\.
Adprep se detuvo sin realizar ningún cambio.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe que el usuario que ha iniciado la sesión actualmente es miembro del grupo de administradores de organización, grupo de administradores de esquema y grupo de administradores de dominio %2\. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep hat ermittelt, dass der angemeldete Benutzer kein Mitglied der folgenden Gruppen ist: Gruppe "Organisations-Admins" und Gruppe "%1\Domänen-Admins".
Adprep wurde angehalten, ohne Änderungen vorzunehmen.
Überprüfen Sie, ob der zurzeit angemeldete Benutzer ein Mitglied der Gruppen "Organisations-Admins", "Schema-Admins" und "%2\Domänen-Admins" ist. |
Adprep heeft ontdekt dat de aangemelde gebruiker geen lid van de volgende groepen is: Ondernemingsadministrators en Domeinadministrators op %1.
Adprep is gestopt zonder het doorvoeren van wijzigingen.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Controleer of de aangemelde gebruiker lid van de groep Ondernemingsadministrators, Schema-administrators en Domeinadministrators op %2 is. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep zjistil, že přihlášený uživatel není členem následujících skupin: Enterprise Admins a %1\Domain Admins.
Nástroj Adprep byl ukončen bez provedení změn.
[Akce uživatele]
Ověřte, zda je aktuálně přihlášený uživatel členem skupin Enterprise Admins, Schema Admins a %2\Domain Admins. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep에서 로그온 사용자가 Enterprise Admins 그룹 및 %1\Domain Admins 그룹의 구성원이 아닌 것을 검색했습니다.
Adprep가 변경을 수행하지 않고 중단되었습니다.
[사용자 작업]
현재 로그온한 사용자가 Enterprise Admins 그룹, Schema Admins 그룹 또는 %2\Domain Admins 그룹의 구성원인지 확인하십시오. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
L'utente connesso non è un membro dei seguente gruppi: Enterprise Admins e %1\Domain Admins.
Adprep è stato arrestato senza apportare cambiamenti.
[Azione utente]
Verificare che l'utente attualmente connesso sia un membro dei gruppi Enterprise Admins, Schema Admins e %2\Domain Admins. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep 偵測出登入使用者不是下列群組的成員: Enterprise Admins 群組及 Schema Admins 群組。
Adprep 已停止而沒有進行變更。
確認目前的登入使用者是 Enterprise Admins 群組、Schema Admins 群組、及 %1\Domain Admins 群組的成員。 |
Adprep detectou que o utilizador de início de sessão não é membro dos seguintes grupos: 'Admins da empresa' e 'Admins de esquemas'.
Adprep parou sem fazer alterações.
[Acção do utilizador]
Verifique se o utilizador com sessão iniciada actualmente é membro do grupo 'Admins da empresa', 'Admins de esquemas' e %1\Admins do domínio. |
Adprep 检测到登录用户不是下列组的成员: 企业管理员组和架构管理员组。
Adprep 已经停止,且未做任何更改。
验证当前登录用户是企业管理员组、架构管理员组或 %1\域管理员组的成员。 |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep oturum açan kullanıcının şu grupların üyesi olmadığını algıladı: Enterprise Admins Grubu ve Schema Admins Grubu.
Adprep değişiklik yapmadan durduruldu.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Şu anda oturum açmış olan kullanıcının Enterprise Admins grubu, Schema Admins grubu ve %1\Domain Admins grubu üyesi olduğunu doğrulayın. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Den användare som är inloggad är inte medlem i följande grupper: Företagsadministratörer och Schemaadministratörer.
Adprep har avbrutits innan några ändringar har gjorts.
Kontrollera att den användare som är inloggad är medlem i grupperna Företagsadministratörer, Schemaadministratörer och %1\Domänadministratörer. |
Program Adprep wykrył, że zalogowany użytkownik nie jest członkiem następujących grup: Administratorzy przedsiębiorstwa i Administratorzy schematu .
Program Adprep zatrzymał się bez dokonania zmian.
[Akcja użytkownika]
nZweryfikuj, czy aktualnie zalogowany użytkownik jest członkiem grupy Administratorzy przedsiębiorstwa, Administratorzy schematu oraz %1\Administratorzy domeny. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Az Adprep megállapította, hogy a bejelentkezett felhasználó nem tagja a következő csoportoknak: Vállalati rendszergazdák csoport és Sémagazdák csoport.
Az Adprep módosítások végrehajtása nélkül leállt.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Győződjön meg arról, hogy a felhasználó tagja a Vállalati rendszergazdák, a Sémagazdák és a(z) %1\Tartománygazdák csoportnak. |
Adprep a détecté que l’utilisateur connecté n’est pas membre des groupes suivants : Groupe d’Administrateurs d’entreprise et groupe d’Administrateurs de schéma.
Adprep s’est arrêté sans effectuer de modifications.
[Action utilisateur]
Vérifiez que l’utilisateur actuellement connecté est membre du groupe d’Administrateurs d’entreprise, d’Administrateurs de schéma et %1\du groupe d’Administrateurs du domaine. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
A Adprep detectou que o usuário de logon não é membro dos grupos: Administradores corporativos e Administradores de esquemas.
A Adprep parou sem fazer alterações.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique se o usuário que está conectado no momento é membro dos grupos Administradores corporativos, Administradores de esquemas e %1\Administradores do domínio. |
Adprep обнаружено, что вошедший пользователь не является членом следующих групп: "Администраторы предприятия" и "Администраторы схемы".
Adprep остановил работу без внесения изменений.
[Действия пользователя]
Проверьте, что вошедший пользователь является членом группы "Администраторы предприятия", группы "Администраторы схемы" и %1\группы "Администраторы домена". |
Adprep により、ログオン ユーザーが次のグループのメンバではないことが検出されました: Enterprise Admins グループと Schema Admins グループ。
Adprep は変更なしで停止しました。
現在ログオンしているユーザーが Enterprise Admins グループ、Schema Admins グループ、および %1\Domain Admins グループのメンバであることを検証してください。 |
Adprep detectó que el usuario que ha iniciado la sesión no es miembro de los siguientes grupos: grupo de administradores de organización y grupo de administradores de esquema.
Adprep se detuvo sin realizar ningún cambio.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe que el usuario que ha iniciado la sesión actualmente es miembro del grupo de administradores de organización, grupo de administradores de esquema y grupo de administradores de dominio %1\. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep hat ermittelt, dass der angemeldete Benutzer kein Mitglied der folgenden Gruppen ist: Gruppe "Organisations-Admins" und Gruppe "Schema-Admins".
Adprep wurde angehalten, ohne Änderungen vorzunehmen.
Überprüfen Sie, ob der zurzeit angemeldete Benutzer ein Mitglied der Gruppen "Organisations-Admins", "Schema-Admins" und "%1\Domänen-Admins" ist. |
Adprep heeft ontdekt dat de aangemelde gebruiker geen lid van de volgende groepen is: Ondernemingsadministrators en Schema-Administrators.
Adprep is gestopt zonder het doorvoeren van wijzigingen.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Controleer of de aangemelde gebruiker lid van de groep Ondernemingsadministrators, Schema-administrators en Domeinadministrators op %1 is. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep zjistil, že přihlášený uživatel není členem následujících skupin: Enterprise Admins a Schema Admins.
Nástroj Adprep byl ukončen bez provedení změn.
[Akce uživatele]
Ověřte, zda je aktuálně přihlášený uživatel členem skupin Enterprise Admins, Schema Admins a %1\Domain Admins. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep에서 로그온 사용자가 Enterprise Admins 그룹 및 Schema Admins 그룹의 구성원이 아닌 것을 검색했습니다.
Adprep가 변경을 수행하지 않고 중단되었습니다.
[사용자 작업]
현재 로그온한 사용자가 Enterprise Admins 그룹, Schema Admins 그룹 또는 %1\Domain Admins 그룹의 구성원인지 확인하십시오. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group and Schema Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %1\Domain Admins group. |
L'utente connesso non è un membro dei seguente gruppi: Enterprise Admins e Schema Admins.
Adprep è stato arrestato senza apportare cambiamenti.
[Azione utente]
Verificare che l'utente attualmente connesso sia un membro dei gruppi
Enterprise Admins, Schema Admins e %1\Domain Admins. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep 偵測出登入使用者不是下列群組的成員: Enterprise Admins 群組、Schema Admins 群組、及 %1\Domain Admins 群組。
Adprep 已停止而沒有進行變更。
確認目前的登入使用者是 Enterprise Admins 群組、Schema Admins 群組、及 %2\Domain Admins 群組的成員。 |
Adprep detectou que o utilizador de início de sessão não é membro dos seguintes grupos: 'Admins da empresa', 'Admins de esquemas' e %1\Admins do domínio.
Adprep parou sem fazer alterações.
[Acção do utilizador]
Verifique se o utilizador com sessão iniciada actualmente é membro do grupo 'Admins da empresa', 'Admins de esquemas' e %2\Admins do domínio. |
Adprep 检测到登录用户不是下列组的成员: 企业管理员组、架构管理员组和 %1\域管理员组。
Adprep 已经停止,且未做任何更改。
验证当前登录用户是企业管理员组、架构管理员组或 %2\域管理员组的成员。 |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep oturum açan kullanıcının şu grupların üyesi olmadığını algıladı: Enterprise Admins Grubu, Schema Admins Grubu ve %1\Domain Admins Grubu.
Adprep değişiklik yapmadan durduruldu.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Şu anda oturum açmış olan kullanıcının Enterprise Admins grubu, Schema Admins grubu ve %2\Domain Admins grubu üyesi olduğunu doğrulayın. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Den användare som är inloggad är inte medlem i följande grupper: Företagsadministratörer, Schemaadministratörer och %1\Domänadministratörer.
Adprep har avbrutits innan några ändringar har gjorts.
Kontrollera att den användare som är inloggad är medlem i grupperna Företagsadministratörer, Schemaadministratörer och %2\Domänadministratörer. |
Program Adprep wykrył, że zalogowany użytkownik nie jest członkiem następujących grup: Administratorzy przedsiębiorstwa, Administratorzy schematu i %1\Administratorzy domeny.
Program Adprep zatrzymał się bez dokonania zmian.
[Akcja użytkownika]
nZweryfikuj, czy aktualnie zalogowany użytkownik jest członkiem grupy Administratorzy przedsiębiorstwa, Administratorzy schematu oraz %2\Administratorzy domeny. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Az Adprep megállapította, hogy a bejelentkezett felhasználó nem tagja a következő csoportoknak: Vállalati rendszergazdák csoport, Sémagazdák csoport és %1\Tartománygazdák csoport.
Az Adprep módosítások végrehajtása nélkül leállt.
[Felhasználói beavatkozás]
Győződjön meg arról, hogy a felhasználó tagja a Vállalati rendszergazdák, a Sémagazdák és a(z) %2\Tartománygazdák csoportnak. |
Adprep a détecté que l’utilisateur connecté n’est pas membre des groupes suivants : Groupe d’Administrateurs d’entreprise, groupe d’Administrateurs de schéma et %1\du groupe d’Administrateurs du domaine.
Adprep s’est arrêté sans effectuer de modifications.
[Action utilisateur]
Vérifiez que l’utilisateur actuellement connecté est membre du groupe d’Administrateurs d’entreprise, d’Administrateurs de schéma et %2\du groupe d’Administrateurs du domaine. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
A Adprep detectou que o usuário de logon não é membro dos grupos: Administradores corporativos, Administradores de esquemas e %1\Administradores do domínio.
A Adprep parou sem fazer alterações.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique se o usuário que está conectado no momento é membro dos grupos Administradores corporativos, Administradores de esquemas e %2\Administradores do domínio. |
Adprep обнаружено, что вошедший пользователь не является членом следующих групп: "Администраторы предприятия", "Администраторы схемы" и %1\группы "Администраторы домена".
Adprep остановил работу без внесения изменений.
[Действия пользователя]
Проверьте, что вошедший пользователь является членом группы "Администраторы предприятия", группы "Администраторы схемы" и %2\группы "Администраторы домена". |
Adprep により、ログオン ユーザーが次のグループのメンバではないことが検出されました: Enterprise Admins グループ、Schema Admins グループ、および %1\Domain Admins グループ。
Adprep は変更なしで停止しました。
現在ログオンしているユーザーが Enterprise Admins グループ、Schema Admins グループ、および %2\Domain Admins グループのメンバであることを検証してください。 |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep hat ermittelt, dass der angemeldete Benutzer kein Mitglied der folgenden Gruppen ist: Gruppe "Organisations-Admins", Gruppe "Schema-Admins" und Gruppe "%1\Domänen-Admins".
Adprep wurde angehalten, ohne Änderungen vorzunehmen.
Überprüfen Sie, ob der zurzeit angemeldete Benutzer ein Mitglied der Gruppen "Organisations-Admins", "Schema-Admins" und "%2\Domänen-Admins" ist. |
Adprep heeft ontdekt dat de aangemelde gebruiker geen lid van de volgende groepen is: Ondernemingsadministrators, Schema-Administrators en Domeinadministrators op %1.
Adprep is gestopt zonder het doorvoeren van wijzigingen.
[Aanbevolen handeling]
Controleer of de aangemelde gebruiker lid van de groep Ondernemingsadministrators, Schema-administrators en Domeinadministrators op %2 is. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep zjistil, že přihlášený uživatel není členem následujících skupin: Enterprise Admins, Schema Admins a %1\Domain Admins.
Nástroj Adprep byl ukončen bez provedení změn.
[Akce uživatele]
Ověřte, zda je aktuálně přihlášený uživatel členem skupin Enterprise Admins, Schema Admins a %2\Domain Admins. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep에서 로그온 사용자가 Enterprise Admins 그룹, Schema Admins 그룹 및 %1\Domain Admins 그룹의 구성원이 아닌 것을 검색했습니다.
Adprep가 변경을 수행하지 않고 중단되었습니다.
[사용자 작업]
현재 로그온한 사용자가 Enterprise Admins 그룹, Schema Admins 그룹 또는 %2\Domain Admins 그룹의 구성원인지 확인하십시오. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
Adprep detected that the logon user is not a member of the following groups: Enterprise Admins Group, Schema Admins Group and %1\Domain Admins Group.
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user is a member of Enterprise Admins group, Schema Admins group and %2\Domain Admins group. |
L'utente connesso non è un membro dei seguente gruppi: Enterprise Admins, Schema Admins e %1\Domain Admins.
Adprep è stato arrestato senza apportare cambiamenti.
[Azione utente]
Verificare che l'utente attualmente connesso sia un membro dei gruppi Enterprise Admins, Schema Admins e %2\Domain Admins. |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
Adprep 偵測出 Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) 已安裝在這個樹系中。您必須先為 SFU 套用 Microsoft hotfix Q293783,才能繼續 adprep /forestprep。請連絡 Microsoft 產品支援服務以取得這個修正檔案。(Microsoft 網站上沒有這個 hotfix。) 您也必須套用知識庫文章 919938 的修正。 |
O Adprep detectou que o Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) está instalado nesta floresta. Antes de prosseguir com adprep /forestprep, tem de aplicar a correcção Q293783 da Microsoft para o SFU. Contacte o Suporte Técnico da Microsoft para obter esta correcção. (Esta correcção não está disponível no Web site da Microsoft.) Poderá ser necessário aplicar as correcções do artigo BDC 919938. |
Adprep 已检测到此林中安装了 Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU)。继续运行 adprep /forestprep 之前,需要应用 Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU。请与 Microsoft 产品支持服务中心联系以获得此修补程序。(Microsoft 网站上未提供此修补程序。)可能还必须应用 KB 文章 919938 中的修补程序。 |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
Adprep, bu ormanda Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) yüklü olduğunu algıladı. Adprep /forestprep ile devam etmeden önce SFU için Q293783 numaralı Microsoft düzeltmesini uygulamanız gerekir. Bu düzeltmeyi edinmek için Microsoft Ürün Destek Hizmetleri'ne danışın. (Bu düzeltme Microsoft Web sitesinde bulunmaz.) 919938 numaralı Bilgi Bankası makalesindeki düzeltmeleri de uygulamanız gerekebilir. |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
Adprep har upptäckt att Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX är installerat i skogen. Innan du fortsätter med adprep /forestprep måste du installera snabbkorrigering Q293783. Kontakta Microsofts support för att få tag på den här snabbkorrigeringen (snabbkorrigeringen har inte publicerats på Microsofts webbplats). Eventuellt måste du även tillämpa korrigeringarna i KB-artikel 919938. |
Program Adprep wykrył, że w tym lesie są zainstalowane Usługi Microsoft Windows dla UNIX (SFU). Przed kontynuowaniem polecenia adprep /forestprep, musisz zastosować poprawkę Q293783 Microsoft dla SFU. Skontaktuj się z Pomocą techniczną Microsoft, aby uzyskać tę poprawkę (ta poprawka nie jest dostępna w witrynie sieci Web firmy Microsoft). Konieczne może być także zastosowanie poprawek wymienionych w artykule KB 919938. |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
Az adprep megállapította, hogy ebben az erdőben telepítve van a Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) szolgáltatás. Az adprep /forestprep futtatása előtt telepítenie kell az SFU szolgáltatáshoz készült, Q293783-as számú Microsoft gyorsjavítást. A javítás beszerzéséhez forduljon a Microsoft terméktámogatási szolgáltatásához. (Ez a gyorsjavítás a Microsoft webhelyén nem érhető el.) Előfordulhat, hogy a Tudásbázis 919938-as számú cikkében található javításokat is telepíteni kell. |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
O Adprep detectou que o Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) está instalado nesta floresta. Antes de prosseguir com o adprep/forestprep, você precisa aplicar o hotfix Q293783 para SFU da Microsoft. Contate os serviços de suporte ao produto da Microsoft para obter essa correção. (Este hotfix não está disponível no site da Microsoft.) Também poderá ser necessário aplicar as correções no artigo 919938 da Base de Dados de Conhecimento. |
Программа Adprep обнаружила, что для данного леса установлены службы Microsoft Windows для UNIX (SFU). Для продолжения работы adprep /forestprep необходимо применить исправление Microsoft Q293783 для SFU. Чтобы получить исправление, обратитесь в службу поддержки продуктов корпорации Майкрософт. (На веб-узле корпорации Майкрософт данное исправление отсутствует.) Можно также применить исправления, приведенные в статье 919938 базы знаний Майкрософт. |
Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) がこのフォレストにインストールされていることが検出されました。adprep /forestprep を続行する前に、SFU 用の Microsoft 修正プログラム Q293783 を適用する必要があります。Microsoft 製品サポートに連絡して、この修正プログラムを入手してください。この修正プログラムは Microsoft の Web サイトでは入手できません。さらに、サポート技術情報の記事 919938 で提供されている修正プログラムを適用しなければならない可能性もあります。 |
Adprep detectó que Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) está instalado en este bosque. Antes de continuar con adprep /forestprep, necesita implementar la revisión Q293783 para SFU de Microsoft. Póngase en contacto con el servicio de soporte técnico de Microsoft para obtener esta revisión. (Esta revisión no está disponible en el sitio web de Microsoft.) Es posible que también deba aplicar las revisiones del artículo de KB 919938. |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
Adprep hat ermittelt, dass Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) in dieser Gesamtstruktur installiert ist. Bevor Sie adprep /forestprep fortsetzen, müssen Sie Microsoft-Hotfix Q293783 für SFU anwenden. Wenden Sie sich an Microsoft Support Services, um diesen Fix zu erhalten. (Dieser Hotfix ist nicht auf der Microsoft-Website verfügbar.) Möglicherweise müssen Sie auch die Korrekturen in KB-Artikel 919938 installieren. |
Adprep heeft gedetecteerd dat Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) in dit forest is geïnstalleerd. Voordat u doorgaat met adprep /forestprep, dient u de Microsoft hotfix Q293783 voor SFU te installeren. Neem contact met Microsoft Productondersteuning op voor deze fix. (Deze hotfix is niet beschikbaar op de website van Microsoft.) Het kan zijn dat u ook de oplossingen in Knowledge Base-artikel 919938 moet toepassen. |
Nástroj Adprep zjistil, že v této doménové struktuře jsou nainstalovány Služby systému Windows pro systém UNIX (SFU). Dříve než budete pokračovat příkazem adprep /forestprep, použijte rychlou opravu Q293783 pro služby SFU. Tuto opravu získáte tak, že se obrátíte na odbornou pomoc společnosti Microsoft. (Tato rychlá oprava není na webovém serveru společnosti Microsoft k dispozici.) Pravděpodobně budete také muset použít opravy uvedené v článku KB 919938. |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
Adprep에서 Microsoft Windows SFU(UNIX용 서비스)가 이 포리스트에 설치되어 있는 것을 검색했습니다. adprep /forestprep를 진행하기 전 SFU용 Microsoft 핫픽스 Q293783을 적용해야 합니다. Microsoft 제품 지원 서비스에 문의하여 이 핫픽스를 구하십시오. 이 핫픽스는 Microsoft 웹 사이트에서 제공되지 않습니다. KB 문서 919938에 있는 업데이트를 적용해야 할 수도 있습니다. |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
Adprep has detected that Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed in this forest. Before proceeding with adprep /forestprep, you need to apply Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain this fix. (This hotfix is not available on the Microsoft Web site.) You may also have to apply the fixes in KB article 919938. |
Adprep: è stato rilevato che Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) è installato nella foresta. Prima di continuare con adprep /forestprep, è necessario applicare la hotfix Microsoft Q293783 per SFU. Contattare il Servizio supporto tecnico Microsoft per ottenere la hotfix. Questa non è disponibile nel sito Web Microsoft. Potrebbe inoltre essere necessario applicare le correzioni descritte nell'articolo 919938 della Knowledge Base. |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
Adprep 已成功判定 Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) 是否已安裝。如果 adprep 偵測 SFU,adprep 也會確認 Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU 已被套用。 |
O Adprep determinou com êxito se os Microsoft Windows Services para UNIX (SFU) estão ou não instalados. Se o adprep detectou SFU, o adprep também verificou que Microsoft hotfix Q293783 para SFU foi aplicado. |
Adprep 成功地确定 Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) 是否安装。如果 adprep 检测到 SFU,adprep 也会验证 Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU 是否已经应用。 |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
Adprep, bu ormanda Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) yüklü olup olmadığını başarıyla belirledi. Adprep SFU'yu algıladıysa, SFU için Microsoft düzeltmesi Q293783'ün yüklü olduğunu da doğrular. |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
Adprep har upptäckt om Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX är installerat. Om denna komponent upptäcktes har programmet även kontrollerat att snabbkorrigering Q293783 har installerats. |
Program Adprep pomyślnie ustalił, że są zainstalowane lub nie Usługi Microsoft Windows dla UNIX (SFU). Jeśli program Adprep wykrył SFU, sprawdził także, czy została zastosowana poprawka Q293783 Microsoft dla SFU. |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
Az adprep sikeresen megállapította, hogy a Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) telepítve van-e. Ha az adprep észlelte az SFU szolgáltatást, azt is megállapította, hogy az ahhoz készült Q293783-as számú Microsoft gyorsjavítás is telepítve van. |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
O Adprep determinou com êxito se o Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) está instalado ou não. Se o adprep tiver detectado o SFU, também verificará se o hotfix Q293783 para SFU da Microsoft foi aplicado. |
Adprep успешно определил, что службы Microsoft Windows для UNIX (SFU) установлены. В случае обнаружения SFU, adprep убедится в установке исправления Microsoft Q293783 для SFU и продолжит работу. |
Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) がインストールされているかどうかの検出が正しく完了しました。Adprep は SFU がインストールされていること、および SFU 用の Microsoft 修正プログラム Q293783 が適用されていることを検出しました。 |
Adprep determinó correctamente si los servicios de Microsoft Windows para UNIX (SFU) están instalados o no. Adprep detectó SFU. También comprobó que la revisión Q293783 para SFU de Microsoft no se ha implementado. |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
Adprep hat erfolgreich ermittelt, ob Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) installiert ist. Wenn Adprep SFU ermittelt hat, wurde auch überprüft, ob Microsoft-Hotfix Q293783 für SFU angewendet wurde. |
Adprep heeft bepaald of Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is geïnstalleerd of niet. Als adprep SFU heeft gedetecteerd, dan heeft adprep ook gecontroleerd of de Microsoft hotfix Q293783 voor SFU is toegepast. |
Nástroj Adprep úspěšně určil, zda jsou nainstalovány Služby systému Windows pro systém UNIX (SFU). Pokud zjistil, že jsou tyto služby nainstalovány, zajistil také použití rychlé opravy Q293783 pro služby SFU. |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
Adprep에서 Microsoft Windows SFU(UNIX용 서비스)가 이 포리스트에 설치되어 있는지를 성공적으로 확인했습니다. Adprep이 SFU를 검색한 경우, SFU용 Microsoft 핫픽스 Q293783가 적용되었는지도 검사했습니다. |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
Adprep a correctement déterminé si les Services Microsoft Windows pour UNIX (SFU) sont installés ou non. Si adprep a détecté SFU, adprep vérifie également que le correctif logiciel Microsoft Q293783 pour SFU a été appliqué. |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
Adprep successfully determined whether Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU) is installed or not. If adprep detected SFU, adprep also verified that Microsoft hotfix Q293783 for SFU has been applied. |
È stata determinato se l'installazione di Microsoft Windows Services per UNIX (SFU) è presente o meno. Nel caso in cui SFU fosse stato rilevato, adprep ha anche provveduto all'applicazione dell'Aggiornamento rapido Microsoft Q293783 per SFU. |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck 應該只和 /forestprep 一起使用。
覆寫語法檢查的正確使用方法: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck só deve ser utilizado com /forestprep.
Utilização correcta para substituir a verificação de sintaxe: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck 应该仅与 /forestprep 一起使用。
替代语法检查的正确用法: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck sadece /forestprep ile birlikte kullanılmalıdır.
Sözdizimi denetimini geçersiz kılmak için uygun kullanım: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck kan bara användas tillsammans med /forestprep.
Använd följande kommando om du vill undvika syntaxkontroll: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
Przełącznika /nosyntaxcheck należy używać tylko z przełącznikiem /forestprep.
Właściwy sposób użycia w celu pominięcia sprawdzania składni: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
A /nosyntaxCheck kapcsolót a /forestprep kapcsolóval együtt kell használni.
A szintaxisellenőrzés felülbírálásának helyes használata: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
Le commutateur /nosyntaxCheck ne doit être utilisé qu’avec le commutateur /forestprep.
Pour supprimer les contrôles de syntaxe : adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck deve ser usado apenas com /forestprep.
O uso correto para substituir a verificação sintática é: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck может использоваться только вместе с /forestprep.
Правильная команда отказа от синтаксической проверки:
adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck は、 /forestprep と共に使用しなければなりません。
構文の確認を適切に省略する使用法: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck debe usarse sólo con /forestprep.
Uso correcto para invalidar la comprobación de sintaxis: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck sollte nur in Verbindung mit /forestprep verwendet werden.
Die Syntaxprüfung wird außer Kraft gesetzt durch: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck kan alleen met /forestprep worden gebruikt.
De juiste syntaxis voor het overslaan van de syntaxiscontrole is: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
Přepínač /nosyntaxCheck by měl být použit pouze společně s přepínačem /forestprep.
Správné použití přepsání syntaxe kontroly: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck는 /forestprep와 함께 사용해야 합니다.
구문 확인을 무시하기 위한 올바른 사용법은 adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep입니다. |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck should be use only with /forestprep.
Proper usage to override syntax check: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
/nosyntaxCheck può essere utilizzato solo con /forestprep.
Il comando corretto per ignorare la verifica sintassi è: adprep.exe /nosyntaxcheck /forestprep |
Running domainprep ... |
正在執行 domainprep ... |
A executar domainprep ... |
正在运行 domainprep ... |
Running domainprep ... |
domainprep çalıştırılıyor ... |
Running domainprep ... |
Running domainprep ... |
Running domainprep ... |
Domainprep körs ... |
Trwa uruchamianie polecenia domainprep... |
Running domainprep ... |
Running domainprep ... |
A domainprep parancs futtatása ... |
Exécution de domainprep... |
Running domainprep ... |
Executando domainprep ... |
Выполнение DOMAINPREP ... |
Domainprep を実行中... |
Ejecutando domainprep ... |
Running domainprep ... |
domainprep wird ausgeführt... |
Domainprep uitvoeren... |
Provádění příkazu domainprep... |
Running domainprep ... |
Running domainprep ... |
Running domainprep ... |
Running domainprep ... |
domainprep 실행 중... |
Running domainprep ... |
Running domainprep ... |
Running domainprep ... |
Running domainprep ... |
Esecuzione di domainprep in corso... |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
/gpprep 必須和 /domainprep 參數一起使用。
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Sintaxe inválida:
/gpprep tem que ser utilizador com o parâmetro /domainprep.
Para actualizar permissões em objectos de política de grupo, introduza:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
必须将 /gpprep 与 /domainprep 开关一起使用。
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Geçersiz söz dizimi.
/gpprep /domainprep anahtarıyla kullanılmalıdır.
Grup ilkesi nesnelerinde izinleri güncelleştirmek için, yazın:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Felaktig syntax.
Alternativet /gpprep måste användas tillsammans med /domainprep.
Om du vill uppdatera behörigheter på grupprincipobjekt kan du skriva:
adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Érvénytelen szintaxis.
A /gpprep kapcsolót a /domainprep kapcsolóval együtt kell használni.
A csoportházirend-objektumokra vonatkozó engedélyek frissítéséhez írja be a következőt:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Syntaxe incorrecte.
/gpprep doit être utilisé avec le commutateur /domainprep.
Pour mettre à jour les autorisations sur les objets de stratégie de groupe,
entrez :
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Sintaxe inválida.
/gpprep deve ser usado com a opção /domainprep.
Para atualizar permissões em objetos de diretiva de grupo, digite:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Синтаксическая ошибка.
Ключ /gpprep должен использоваться вместе с /domainprep.
Для обновления разрешений на объектах групповой политики, введите:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
/gpprep は /domainprep スイッチと共に使用されなければなりません。
グループ ポリシー オブジェクトのアクセス許可を更新するには、
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Sintaxis no válida.
/gpprep debe usarse con el modificador /domainprep.
Para actualizar los permisos de los objetos de directiva de grupo, escriba:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Ungültige Syntax.
/gpprep muss mit der Option /domainprep verwendet werden.
Geben Sie Folgendes ein, um Berechtigungen für Gruppenrichtlinienobjekte
zu aktualisieren: "adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Ongeldige syntaxis.
/gpprep moet samen met de schakeloptie /domainprep worden gebruikt.
Typ: 'adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep'als u de machtigingen voor groepsbeleidsobjecten wilt bijwerken. |
Neplatná syntaxe.
Přepínač /gpprep je třeba použít společně s přepínačem /domainprep.
Oprávnění objektů zásad skupin aktualizujete pomocí následujícího příkazu:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
잘못된 구문입니다.
/gpprep 스위치는 /domainprep 스위치와 함께 사용해야 합니다.
그룹 정책 개체의 권한을 업데이트하려면 다음을 입력하십시오.
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Nieprawidłowa składnia.
Przełącznik /gpprep musi być użyty razem z przełącznikiem /domainprep.
Aby zaktualizować uprawnienia dla obiektów zasad grupy, wpisz:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Invalid syntax.
/gpprep must be used with the /domainprep switch.
To update permissions on group policy objects, type:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Sintassi non valida.
/gpprep deve essere utilizzato con l'opzione /domainprep.
Per aggiornare le autorizzazioni degli oggetti Criteri di gruppo, digitare:
"adprep.exe /domainprep /gpprep" |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep 偵測到登入使用者不具有 SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep 已停止,未做任何變更。
確認目前登入的使用者具有 SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled。 |
O Adprep detectou que o utilizador com sessão iniciada não tem SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
O Adprep parou sem efectuar alterações.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Verifique se o utilizador com sessão iniciada actualmente tem SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep 检测到登录用户没有 SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep 已经停止,而且未做任何更改。
请验证当前登录的用户是否有 SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled。 |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep, oturum açma kullanıcısında SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled olmadığını algıladı
Adprep değişiklik yapmadan durdu.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Oturum açmış olan kullanıcıda SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled olduğunu doğrulayın. |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep har upptäckt att användaren inte har SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep har stoppats utan att några ändringar har gjorts.
Kontrollera att den inloggade användaren har SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Program Adprep wykrył, że zalogowany użytkownik nie ma włączonego uprawnienia SeSecurityPrivilege.
Program Adprep został zatrzymany bez wprowadzania zmian.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Sprawdź, czy obecnie zalogowany użytkownik ma włączone uprawnienie SeSecurityPrivilege. |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Az Adprep azt észlelte, hogy a bejelentkezett felhasználónál nincs beállítva a SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Az Adprep változtatások nélkül leállt.
Ellenőrizze, be van-e állítva a bejelentkezett felhasználónál a SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep a détecté que l’utilisateur connecté n’a pas SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep s’est arrêté sans effectuer de modifications.
[Action utilisateur]
Assurez-vous que l’utilisateur actuellement connecté dispose de SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep detectou que o logon do usuário não possui SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep foi interrompido sem fazer alterações.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique se o usuário atualmente conectado possui SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Программа Adprep обнаружила, что вошедший в систему пользователь не имеет права SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Выполнение Adprep остановлено без внесения изменений.
[Действия пользователя]
Убедитесь в наличии у вошедшего в систему в данный момент пользователя права SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
[要確認] カラム数が 80 になるように原文にない改行記号が追加されていますが、他の類似文 ([Status/Consequence]、[User Action] を含む文字列) では、原文のカラム数が 80 以上になっているものも多いため、ここではカラム制限を守る必要はないと判断し、不要な改行記号を削除しました。ご確認のうえ、必要に応じた処理をお願いいたします。 |
Adprep detectó que el usuario que inició sesión no tiene SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep se detuvo sin realizar cambios.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe que el usuario que inició sesión tiene SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Für den angemeldeten Benutzer ist SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled nicht aktiviert.
Adprep wurde beendet, ohne Änderungen vorzunehmen.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass für den derzeit angemeldeten Benutzer SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled aktiviert ist. |
De beveiligingsbevoegdheid voor de aangemelde gebruiker is niet ingeschakeld.
Adprep is gestopt zonder wijzigingen aan te brengen.
Controleer of de beveiligingsbevoegdheid voor de aangemelde gebruiker is ingeschakeld. |
Program Adprep zjistil, že přihlášený uživatel nemá oprávnění SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled.
Činnost programu Adprep byla ukončena a nebyly provedeny žádné změny.
[Akce uživatele]
Zajistěte, aby měl aktuálně přihlášený uživatel oprávnění SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep에서 로그온 사용자에게 SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled가 없음을 감지했습니다.
변경 없이 Adprep가 중지되었습니다.
[사용자 작업]
현재 로그온한 사용자에게 SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled가 있는지 확인하십시오. |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep detected that the logon user doesn't have SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled
Adprep has stopped without making changes.
[User Action]
Verify the current logged on user has SeSecurityPrivilegeEnabled. |
Adprep ha rilevato che per l'utente connesso non sono abilitati privilegi di protezione
Adprep è stato interrotto e non ha apportato modifiche.
[Azione utente]
Verificare che per l'utente connesso siano abilitati privilegi di accesso. |