Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep 無法刪除 Active Directory 網域服務中的物件 %1。
此 Adprep 操作失敗。
如需詳細資訊,請檢查 %2 目錄中的記錄檔 ADPrep.log。重新啟動 Adprep。 |
O Adprep não conseguiu eliminar o objecto %1 nos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory.
Esta operação do Adprep falhou.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Consulte o ficheiro de registo ADPrep.log no directório %2 para mais informações. Reinicie o Adprep. |
Adprep 无法删除 Active Directory 域服务中的对象 %1。
此 Adprep 操作失败。
有关详细信息,请查阅 %2 目录中的日志文件 ADPrep.log。请重新启动 Adprep。 |
Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep, Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri'nden %1 nesnesini silemedi.
Bu Adprep işlemi başarısız oldu.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Daha fazla bilgi için %2 dizinindeki ADPrep.log günlük dosyasını inceleyin. Adprep'i yeniden başlatın. |
Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Program Adprep nie mógł usunąć obiektu %1 usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory.
Ta operacja programu Adprep nie powiodła się.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, zobacz plik dziennika ADPrep.log w katalogu %2. Uruchom ponownie program Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Az Adprep nem tudta törölni a(z) %1 objektumot az Active Directory tartományszolgáltatásokban
Az Adprep futása sikertelen volt.
Ellenőrizze a(z) %2 könyvtárban lévő ADPrep.log fájlt további információkért. Indítsa újra az Adprep programot. |
Adprep n’a pas pu supprimer l’objet %1 dans les services de domaine Active Directory.
Échec de cette opération Adprep.
[Action utilisateur]
Pour plus d’informations, consultez le fichier journal ADPrep.log dans le répertoire %2. Redémarrez Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
A Adprep não pôde excluir o objeto %1 no Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory.
Falha da operação Adprep.
[Ação do Usuário]
Verifique o arquivo de log ADPrep.log no diretório %2 para obter mais informações. Reinicie a Adprep. |
Adprep не удалось удалить объект %1 из доменных служб Active Directory.
Данная операция ADPREP не выполнена.
[Действие пользователя]
Проверьте файл журнала ADPrep.log в каталоге %2 для получения дополнительных сведений. Перезапустите Adprep. |
Adprep は、Active Directory ドメイン サービスからオブジェクト %1 を削除できません。
この Adprep 操作に失敗しました。
詳細については、%2 ディレクトリの ADPrep.log を確認してください。Adprep を再起動してください。 |
Adprep no pudo eliminar el objeto %1 en Servicios de dominio de Active Directory.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Se Error en esta operación de Adprep.
[Acción del usuario]
Compruebe el archivo de registro ADPrep.log en el directorio %2 para obtener más información. Reinicie Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Das Objekt "%1" in den Active Directory-Domänendiensten konnte nicht gelöscht werden.
Fehler bei diesem Adprep-Vorgang.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Protokolldatei "ADPrep.log" im Verzeichnis "%2". Starten Sie Adprep neu. |
Het object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services kan niet worden verwijderd.
Deze bewerking van Adprep is mislukt.
Zie het logboekbestand ADPrep.log in de map %2 voor meer informatie. Start Adprep opnieuw op. |
Programu Adprep se nepodařilo odstranit objekt %1 v adresáři služby AD DS (Active Directory Domain Services).
Tato operace programu Adprep se nezdařila.
[Akce uživatele]
Zkuste najít další informace v souboru protokolu ADPrep.log v adresáři %2. Restartujte program Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep가 Active Directory 도메인 서비스에서 %1 개체를 삭제할 수 없습니다.
이 Adprep 작업이 실패했습니다.
[사용자 작업]
자세한 내용은 %2 디렉터리에서 로그 파일 ADPrep.log를 확인하십시오. Adprep를 다시 시작하십시오. |
Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep kunde inte radera objekt %1 i Active Directory Domain Services.
Denna Adprep-åtgärd misslyckades.
Ytterligare information finns i ADPrep.log i katalogen %2. Starta om Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep was unable to delete the object %1 in Active Directory Domain Services.
This Adprep operation failed.
[User Action]
Check the log file ADPrep.log in the %2 directory for more information. Restart Adprep. |
Adprep non è in grado di eliminare l'oggetto %1 in Servizi di dominio Active Directory.
Operazione di Adprep non riuscita.
[Azione utente]
Per ulteriori informazioni, controllare il file di registro ADPrep.log nella directory %2. Riavviare Adprep. |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
毋須更新任何群組原則物件 (GPO),或是 GPO 資訊已更新。
Adprep 未嘗試重新執行此操作。 |
Não eram necessárias actualizações ao Objecto de Política de Grupo (GPO) ou as informações do GPO já tinham sido actualizadas.
O Adprep não tentou executar novamente esta operação. |
不需要进行任何组策略对象(GPO)更新,或已更新 GPO 信息。
Adprep 未尝试重新运行此操作。 |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Hiçbir Grup İlkesi Nesnesi'nin (GPO) güncelleştirilmesi gerekmedi veya GPO bilgileri zaten güncelleştirilmişti.
Adprep, bu işlemi yeniden çalıştırmayı denemedi. |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Inga GPO-uppdateringar (grupprincipobjekt) behövs eller så har GPO-informationen redan uppdaterats.
Adprep försöker inte att köra om den här åtgärden. |
Nie są wymagane aktualizacje obiektów zasad grupy albo informacje obiektów zasad grupy zostały już zaktualizowane.
Program Adprep nie podjął próby ponownego wykonania tej operacji. |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Nem szükséges a csoportházirend-objektumok frissítése, vagy a csoportházirend-objektumok adatai már frissítve lettek.
Az Adprep nem próbálta újrafuttatni ezt a műveletet. |
Aucune mise à jour d’objet de stratégie de groupe n’est nécessaire, ou les informations relatives aux objets de stratégie de groupe sont déjà à jour.
Adprep n’a pas tenté de réexécuter cette opération. |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Não são necessárias atualizações do Objeto de Diretiva de Grupo (GPO) ou as informações do GPO já foram atualizadas.
Adprep não tentou executar essa operação novamente. |
Обновление объекта групповой политики (GPO) не требуется или данные GPO уже были обновлены.
Программа Adprep не предпринимала попыток повторить эту операцию. |
更新が必要なグループ ポリシー オブジェクト (GPO) はありません。または、GPO 情報は既に更新されています。
Adprep はこの操作を再試行しませんでした。 |
No se necesitan actualizaciones de objeto de directiva de grupo (GPO) o la información de GPO ya se actualizó.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep no intentó volver a ejecutar de nuevo esta operación. |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Es sind keine Updates für das Gruppenrichtlinienobjekt erforderlich, oder die Informationen wurden bereits aktualisiert.
Es wurde nicht versucht, diesen Adprep-Vorgang erneut auszuführen. |
Groepsbeleidsobject hoeft niet te worden bijgewerkt of gegevens van groepsbeleidsobject zijn al bijgewerkt.
Adprep heeft niet geprobeerd deze bewerking opnieuw uit te voeren. |
Nejsou nutné žádné aktualizace objektů zásad skupiny (GPO) nebo informace v objektech zásad skupiny již byly aktualizovány.
Program Adprep se nepokusil spustit tuto operaci znovu. |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
GPO(그룹 정책 개체) 업데이트가 필요하지 않거나 GPO 정보가 이미 업데이트되었습니다.
Adprep에서 이 작업을 다시 실행하려고 하지 않았습니다. |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
No Group Policy Object (GPO) updates needed, or GPO information has already been updated.
Adprep did not attempt to rerun this operation. |
Non è necessario aggiornare gli oggetti Criteri di gruppo o le informazioni degli oggetti Criteri di gruppo sono già state aggiornate.
Adprep non ha tentato di ripetere l'operazione. |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
Adprep 成功地更新群組原則物件 (GPO) 資訊。 |
O Adprep actualizou com êxito as informações do Objecto de Política de Grupo (GPO). |
Adprep 已成功更新组策略对象(GPO)信息。 |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
Adprep, Grup İlkesi Nesnesi (GPO) bilgilerini başarıyla güncelleştirdi. |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
GPO-informationen (grupprincipobekt) har uppdaterats i Adprep. |
Program Adprep pomyślnie zaktualizował informacje obiektów zasad grupy. |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
Az Adprep sikeresen frissítette a csoportházirend-objektumok adatait. |
Adprep a correctement mis à jour les informations relatives aux objets de stratégie de groupe. |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
Adprep atualizou com êxito as informações do Objeto da Diretiva de Grupo (GPO). |
Adprep успешно обновила данные объекта групповой политики (GPO). |
Adprep はグループ ポリシー オブジェクト (GPO) 情報を正しく更新しました。 |
Adprep actualizó correctamente la información de objeto de directiva de grupo (GPO). |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
Die Informationen des Gruppenrichtlinienobjekts wurden aktualisiert. |
De gegevens van het groepsbeleidsobject zijn bijgewerkt. |
Program Adprep úspěšně aktualizoval informace v objektech zásad skupiny (GPO). |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
Adprep에서 GPO(그룹 정책 개체) 정보를 업데이트했습니다. |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
Adprep successfully updated the Group Policy Object (GPO) information. |
Adprep: le informazioni degli oggetti Criteri di gruppo sono state aggiornate. |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Adprep 需要 Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) 或更新的版本才能執行。
Adprep 無法在此電腦上執行。
升級此電腦為 Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) 或更新的版本。 |
O Adprep requer o Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) ou posterior para ser executado.
O Adprep não pode ser executado neste computador.
[Acção do Utilizador]
Actualize este computador para o Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) ou posterior. |
Adprep 需要 Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4)或更高版本才能运行。
Adprep 不能在此计算机上运行。
请将此计算机升级至 Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4)或更高版本。 |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Adprep'in çalışması için Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) veya sonraki sürümü gerekir.
Adprep bu makinede çalışamaz.
[Kullanıcı Eylemi]
Bu makineyi Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) veya sonraki sürümüne yükseltin. |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Adprep kräver Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) eller senare för att kunna köras.
Adprep kan inte köras i den här datorn.
Uppgradera datorn till Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) eller senare. |
Uruchomienie programu Adprep wymaga systemu Windows 2000 z dodatkiem Service Pack 4 (SP4) lub nowszej wersji systemu Windows.
Nie można uruchomić programu Adprep na tym komputerze.
[Akcja użytkownika]
Zaktualizuj komputer do systemu Windows 2000 z dodatkiem Service Pack 4 (SP4) lub nowszej wersji systemu Windows. |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Az Adprep futtatásához Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) vagy újabb rendszer szükséges.
Az Adprep ezen a számítógépen nem futtatható.
Frissítse a számítógépet Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) vagy újabb rendszerre. |
Adprep nécessite Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) ou version ultérieure pour s’exécuter.
Adprep ne peut pas s’exécuter sur cet ordinateur.
[Action utilisateur]
Mettez à niveau cet ordinateur vers Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) ou version ultérieure. |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Adprep requer Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) ou superior para ser executado.
Adprep não pode ser executado nessa máquina.
[Ação do Usuário]
Atualize essa máquina com o Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) ou superior. |
Для запуска Adprep необходима версия Windows 2000 с пакетом обновления 4 (SP4) или более поздняя.
Программа Adprep не может быть выполнена на данном компьютере.
[Действие пользователя]
Обновите ОС компьютера до версии Windows 2000 с пакетом обновления 4 (SP4) или более поздней. |
Adprep を実行するには、Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) 以降が必要です。
Adprep はこのコンピュータ上では実行できません。
このコンピュータを Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) 以降にアップグレードしてください。 |
Adprep requiere Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) o posterior para ejecutarse.
[Estado y consecuencia]
Adprep no se puede ejecutar en este equipo.
[Acción del usuario]
Actualice el equipo a Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) o posterior. |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Für Adprep ist Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) oder höher erforderlich.
Adprep kann auf diesem Computer nicht ausgeführt werden.
Aktualisieren Sie diesen Computer auf Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) oder höher. |
Als u Adprep wilt uitvoeren, is Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) of later vereist.
Adprep kan niet worden uitgevoerd op deze computer.
Werk deze computer bij naar Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) of later. |
Ke spuštění programu Adprep je vyžadován systém Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) nebo novější.
Program Adprep nelze v tomto počítači spustit.
[Akce uživatele]
Upgradujte počítač na systém Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) nebo novější. |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Adprep가 실행되려면 Windows 2000 SP4(서비스 팩 4) 이상이 필요합니다.
이 컴퓨터에서는 Adprep를 실행할 수 없습니다.
[사용자 작업]
이 컴퓨터를 Windows 2000 SP4(서비스 팩 4) 이상으로 업그레이드하십시오. |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Adprep requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later to run.
Adprep can not run on this machine.
[User Action]
Upgrade this machine to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later. |
Per l'esecuzione di Adprep è richiesto Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) o versioni successive.
Impossibile eseguire Adprep nel computer in uso.
[Azione utente]
Aggiornare il computer a Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) o versioni successive. |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Adprep 已連線至基礎結構 FSMO: %1。 |
O Adprep estabeleceu ligação ao FSMO da Infra-estrutura: %1. |
Adprep 已连接到基础结构 FSMO: %1。 |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Adprep Altyapı FSMO'suna bağlanamadı: %1. |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Adprep har anslutit till infrastrukturhanteraren: %1. |
Program Adprep połączył się z serwerem operacji FSMO infrastruktury: %1. |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Az Adprep csatlakozott a következő infrastruktúra-főkiszolgálóhoz: %1. |
Adprep connecté au FSMO de l’infrastructure : %1. |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Adprep conectou-se à Infra-estrutura FSMO: %1. |
Программа Adprep установила связь с инфраструктурой FSMO: %1. |
Adprep はインフラストラクチャ FSMO に接続しました: %1。 |
Adprep conectó con FSMO de infraestructura: %1. |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Adprep wurde mit dem Infrastruktur-FSMO verbunden: %1. |
Adprep is verbonden met de infrastructuur-FSMO: %1. |
Nástroj příkazového řádku Adprep se připojil k hlavnímu operačnímu serveru infrastruktury: %1. |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Adprep가 인프라 FSMO에 연결되었습니다. %1. |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Adprep connected to the Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Adprep connesso Infrastructure FSMO: %1. |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows 無法判定網域名稱。網域群組原則物件升級失敗。 (%1) |
O Windows não consegue determinar o nome do domínio. A actualização de Objectos de Política de Grupo do domínio falhou. (%1) |
Windows 无法确定域名。升级域组策略对象失败。(%1) |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows etki alanı adını belirleyemiyor. Etki alanı Grup İlkesi Nesneleri yükseltme işlemi başarısız oldu. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Domännamnet kunde inte avgöras. Det gick inte att uppgradera domänens grupprincipobjekt. (%1) |
System Windows nie może określić nazwy domeny. Nie można uaktualnić obiektów zasad grupy domeny. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
A Windows nem tudja megállapítani a tartománynevet. A tartományi csoportházirend-objektumok frissítése sikertelen. (%1) |
Windows ne peut pas déterminer le nom de domaine. La mise à niveau des objets Stratégie de groupe de domaine a échoué. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
O Windows não pode determinar o nome do domínio. Falha ao atualizar Objetos da Diretiva de Grupo do domínio. (%1) |
Не удается определить имя домена. Обновление объектов групповой политики домена не выполнено. (%1) |
ドメイン名を判別できません。ドメインのグループ ポリシー オブジェクトのアップグレードに失敗しました。(%1) |
Windows no puede determinar el nombre de dominio. No se pudieron actualizar los objetos de directiva de grupo del dominio. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows kann den Domänennamen nicht bestimmen. Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Domänen-Gruppenrichtlinienobjekte. (%1) |
De domeinnaam kan niet worden vastgesteld. Het bijwerken van de domeingroepsbeleidsobjecten is mislukt. (%1) |
Systém Windows nemůže určit název domény. Upgrade objektů zásad skupiny domény se nezdařil. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
도메인 이름을 확인할 수 없습니다. 도메인 그룹 정책 개체의 업그레이드에 실패했습니다. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the domain name. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Impossibile determinare il nome di dominio. Aggiornamento degli oggetti Criteri di gruppo di dominio non riuscito. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows 無法判定本機 sysvol 的位置。網域群組原則物件升級失敗。 (%1) |
O Windows não consegue determinar a localização sysvol local. A actualização de Objectos de Política de Grupo do domínio falhou. (%1) |
Windows 无法确定本地 sysvol 位置。升级域组策略对象失败。(%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows yerel sysvol konumunu belirleyemiyor. Etki alanı Grup İlkesi Nesneleri yükseltme işlemi başarısız oldu. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Det gick inte att avgöra var den lokala sysvol-resursen finns. Det gick inte att uppgradera domänens grupprincipobjekt. (%1) |
System Windows nie może określić lokalizacji lokalnego folderu sysvol. Nie można uaktualnić obiektów zasad grupy domeny. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
A Windows nem tudja megállapítani a helyi SYSVOL mappa helyét. A tartományi csoportházirend-objektumok frissítése sikertelen. (%1) |
Windows ne peut pas déterminer l’emplacement local de Sysvol. La mise à niveau des objets Stratégie de groupe de domaine a échoué. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
O Windows não pode determinar a localização do sysvol local. Falha ao atualizar Objetos da Diretiva de Grupo do domínio. (%1) |
Не удается определить расположение локального системного тома. Обновление объектов групповой политики домена не выполнено. (%1) |
ローカルの sysvol の場所を判別できません。ドメインのグループ ポリシー オブジェクトのアップグレードに失敗しました。(%1) |
Windows no puede determinar la ubicación del volumen del sistema local. No se pudieron actualizar los objetos de directiva de grupo del dominio. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows kann den lokalen SYSVOL-Speicherort nicht bestimmen. Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Domänen-Gruppenrichtlinienobjekte. (%1) |
De lokale locatie van Sysvol kan niet worden vastgesteld. Het bijwerken van de domeingroepsbeleidsobjecten is mislukt. (%1) |
Systém Windows nemůže určit umístění místního systémového svazku. Upgrade objektů zásad skupiny domény se nezdařil. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
로컬 sysvol 위치를 확인할 수 없습니다. 도메인 그룹 정책 개체의 업그레이드에 실패했습니다. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot determine the local sysvol location. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Impossibile determinare il percorso sysvol locale. Aggiornamento degli oggetti Criteri di gruppo di dominio non riuscito. (%1) |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
Windows 無法配置記憶體。網域群組原則物件升級失敗。 |
O Windows não consegue atribuir memória. A actualização de Objectos de Política de Grupo do domínio falhou. |
Windows 无法分配内存。升级域组策略对象失败。 |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
Windows bellek ayıramıyor. Etki alanı Grup İlkesi Nesneleri yükseltme işlemi başarısız oldu. |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
Det gick inte att allokera minne. Det gick inte att uppgradera domänens grupprincipobjekt. |
System Windows nie może przydzielić pamięci. Nie można uaktualnić obiektów zasad grupy domeny. |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
A Windows nem tud memóriát lefoglalni. A tartományi csoportházirend-objektumok frissítése sikertelen. |
Windows ne peut pas allouer de mémoire. La mise à niveau des objets Stratégie de groupe de domaine a échoué. |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
O Windows não pode alocar memória. Falha ao atualizar Objetos da Diretiva de Grupo do domínio. |
Не удается выделить память. Обновление объектов групповой политики домена не выполнено. |
メモリを割り当てることができません。ドメインのグループ ポリシー オブジェクトのアップグレードに失敗しました。 |
Windows no puede asignar memoria. No se pudieron actualizar los objetos de directiva de grupo del dominio. |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
Es konnte kein Speicher zugewiesen werden. Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Domänen-Gruppenrichtlinienobjekte. |
Het geheugen kan niet worden toegewezen. Het bijwerken van de domeingroepsbeleidsobjecten is mislukt. |
Systém Windows nemůže přidělit paměť. Upgrade objektů zásad skupiny domény se nezdařil. |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
메모리를 할당할 수 없습니다. 도메인 그룹 정책 개체의 업그레이드에 실패했습니다. |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
Windows cannot allocate memory. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. |
Impossibile allocare memoria. Aggiornamento degli oggetti Criteri di gruppo di dominio non riuscito. |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows 無法取得新增安全性群組的安全性識別元。網域群組原則物件升級失敗。 (%1) |
O Windows não consegue obter o ID de segurança dos novos grupos de segurança. A actualização de Objectos de Política de Grupo do domínio falhou. (%1) |
Windows 无法获得新安全组的安全 ID。升级域组策略对象失败。(%1) |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows yeni güvenlik grupları için güvenlik kimliği alamıyor. Etki alanı Grup İlkesi Nesneleri yükseltme işlemi başarısız oldu. (%1) |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Det gick inte att läsa säkerhets-ID för de nya säkerhetsgrupperna. Det gick inte att uppgradera domänens grupprincipobjekt. (%1) |
System Windows nie może uzyskać identyfikatora zabezpieczeń dla nowych grup zabezpieczeń. Nie można uaktualnić obiektów zasad grupy domeny. (%1) |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
A Windows nem tudja beszerezni az új biztonsági csoportok biztonsági azonosítóit. A tartományi csoportházirend-objektumok frissítése sikertelen. (%1) |
Windows ne peut pas obtenir l’ID de sécurité des nouveaux groupes de sécurité. La mise à niveau des objets Stratégie de groupe de domaine a échoué. (%1) |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
O Windows não pode obter a identificação de segurança dos novos grupos de segurança. Falha ao atualizar Objetos da Diretiva de Grupo do domínio. (%1) |
Не удается получить код безопасности для новых групп безопасности. Обновление объектов групповой политики домена не выполнено. (%1) |
新しいセキュリティ グループのセキュリティ ID を取得できません。ドメインのグループ ポリシー オブジェクトのアップグレードに失敗しました。(%1) |
Windows no puede obtener el identificador de seguridad para los nuevos grupos de seguridad. No se pudieron actualizar los objetos de directiva de grupo del dominio. (%1) |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows kann die Sicherheits-ID für die neuen Sicherheitsgruppen nicht beziehen. Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Domänen-Gruppenrichtlinienobjekte. (%1) |
De beveiligings-id kan niet worden opgevraagd voor de nieuwe beveiligingsgroepen. Het bijwerken van de domeingroepsbeleidsobjecten is mislukt. (%1) |
Systém Windows nemůže získat identifikátor zabezpečení pro nové skupiny zabezpečení. Upgrade objektů zásad skupiny domény se nezdařil. (%1) |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
새 보안 그룹에 대한 보안 ID를 얻을 수 없습니다. 도메인 그룹 정책 개체의 업그레이드에 실패했습니다. (%1) |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Windows cannot obtain the security ID for the new security groups. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%1) |
Impossibile ottenere l'ID di protezione dei nuovi gruppi di protezione. Aggiornamento degli oggetti Criteri di gruppo di dominio non riuscito. (%1) |
Windows 無法列舉本機 sysvol 目錄 <%1> 中的資料夾。網域群組原則物件升級失敗。 (%2) |
Windows 无法枚举本地 sysvol 目录 <%1> 中的文件夹。升级域组策略对象失败。(%2) |
Windows, <%1> yerel sysvol dizinindeki klasörleri numaralandıramıyor. Etki alanı Grup İlkesi Nesneleri yükseltme işlemi başarısız oldu. (%2) |
O Windows não consegue enumerar as pastas no directório sysvol local <%1>. A actualização de Objectos de Política de Grupo do domínio falhou. (%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |
System Windows nie może wyliczyć folderów w lokalnym katalogu sysvol <%1>. Nie można uaktualnić obiektów zasad grupy domeny. (%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |
Det gick inte att räkna upp mappar i den lokala sysvol-katalogen <%1>. Det gick inte att uppgradera domänens grupprincipobjekt. (%2) |
A Windows nem tudja számba venni a helyi SYSVOL könyvtárban (<%1>) található mappákat. A tartományi csoportházirend-objektumok frissítése sikertelen. (%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |
De mappen van de lokale Sysvol-map kan niet worden geïnventariseerd <%1>. Het bijwerken van de domeingroepsbeleidsobjecten is mislukt. (%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |
Windows ne peut pas énumérer les dossiers du répertoire Sysvol local <%1>. La mise à niveau des objets Stratégie de groupe de domaine a échoué. (%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |
O Windows não pode enumerar as pastas no diretório sysvol local <%1>. Falha ao atualizar Objetos da Diretiva de Grupo do domínio. (%2) |
Windows kann die Dateien im lokalen SYSVOL-Verzeichnis "<%1>" nicht auflisten. Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Domänen-Gruppenrichtlinienobjekte. (%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |
Windows no puede enumerar las carpetas del directorio del volumen del sistema local <%1>. No se pudieron actualizar los objetos de directiva de grupo del dominio. (%2) |
Impossibile enumerare le cartelle nella directory sysvol locale <%1>. Aggiornamento degli oggetti Criteri di gruppo di dominio non riuscito. (%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |
로컬 sysvol 디렉터리 <%1>에 있는 폴더를 열거할 수 없습니다. 도메인 그룹 정책 개체의 업그레이드에 실패했습니다. (%2) |
Systém Windows nemůže vytvořit výčet složek v adresáři místního systémového svazku <%1>. Upgrade objektů zásad skupiny domény se nezdařil. (%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |
Не удается перечислить папки в каталоге <%1> локального системного тома. Обновление объектов групповой политики домена не выполнено. (%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |
ローカルの sysvol ディレクトリ <%1> のフォルダを列挙できません。ドメインのグループ ポリシー オブジェクトのアップグレードに失敗しました。(%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |
Windows cannot enumerate the folders in the local sysvol directory <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2) |