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Windows 無法設定群組原則物件容器 <%1> 的新使用權限。升級群組原則物件失敗。(%2)
Windows 无法为组策略对象容器 <%1> 设置新的权限。升级域组策略对象失败。(%2)
Windows, <%1> Grup İlkesi Nesnesi Kapsayıcısı için yeni izin ayarlayamıyor. Etki alanı Grup İlkesi Nesneleri yükseltme işlemi başarısız oldu. (%2)
Não é possível ao Windows definir novas permissões para o Contentor de Objectos de Política de Grupo <%1>. A actualização de Objectos de Política de Grupo do domínio falhou. (%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
System Windows nie może ustawić nowych uprawnień dla kontenera obiektów zasad grupy <%1>. Nie można uaktualnić obiektów zasad grupy domeny. (%2)
Det gick inte att ange nya behörigheter för grupprincipobjektbehållaren <%1>. Det gick inte att uppgradera domänens grupprincipobjekt. (%2)
A Windows nem tud új engedélyeket beállítani a csoportházirend-objektumok tárolójához (<%1>). A tartományi csoportházirend-objektumok frissítése sikertelen. (%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Er kunnen geen nieuwe machtigingen worden ingesteld voor de container met groepsbeleidsobjecten <%1>. Het bijwerken van domeingroepsbeleidsobjecten is mislukt. (%2)
Windows ne peut pas définir de nouvelles autorisations pour le conteneur Objet Stratégie de groupe <%1>. La mise à niveau des objets Stratégie de groupe du domaine a échoué. (%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
O Windows não pode definir novas permissões para o Contêiner de Objetos da Diretiva de Grupo <%1>. Falha ao atualizar Objetos da Diretiva de Grupo do domínio. (%2)
Windows kann keine neuen Berechtigungen für den Gruppenrichtlinien-Objektcontainer <%1> festlegen. Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Domänen-Gruppenrichtlinienobjekte. (%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows no puede establecer nuevos permisos para el contenedor de objetos de la directiva de grupo <%1>. No se pudieron actualizar los objetos de directiva de grupo del dominio. (%2)
Impossibile impostare nuove autorizzazioni per il contenitore degli oggetti Criteri di gruppo <%1>. Aggiornamento degli oggetti Criteri di gruppo di dominio non riuscito. (%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
그룹 정책 개체 컨테이너 <%1>의 새 권한을 설정할 수 없습니다. 도메인 그룹 정책 개체의 업그레이드에 실패했습니다. (%2)
Systém Windows nemůže nastavit nová oprávnění pro kontejner objektu zásad skupiny <%1>. Upgrade objektů zásad skupiny domény se nezdařil. (%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Не удается задать новые разрешения для контейнера объектов групповой политики <%1>. Обновление объектов групповой политики домена не выполнено. (%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
グループ ポリシー オブジェクト コンテナ <%1> の新しいアクセス許可を設定できません。ドメインのグループ ポリシー オブジェクトのアップグレードに失敗しました。(%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot set new permissions for Group Policy Object Container <%1>. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows 已經成功更新群組原則物件容器 <%1>。
Windows 已经成功更新了组策略对象容器 <%1>。
Windows, <%1> Grup İlkesi Nesne Kapsayıcısını başarıyla güncelleştirdi.
O Windows actualizou com êxito o 'Contentor de objecto de política de grupo' <%1>.
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
System Windows pomyślnie zaktualizował kontener obiektów zasad grupy <%1>.
Windows har uppdaterat grupprincipobjektbehållaren <%1>.
A Windows sikeresen frissítette a csoportházirend-objektum tárolóját (<%1>).
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
De container met groepsbeleidsobjecten is bijgewerkt <%1>.
Windows a mis à jour le conteneur Objet Stratégie de groupe <%1>.
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
O Windows atualizou com êxito o Contêiner de Objetos da Diretiva de Grupo <%1>.
Windows hat das Gruppenrichtlinien-Objektverzeichnis <%1> aktualisiert.
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
Windows actualizó correctamente el contenedor de objetos de directiva de grupo <%1>.
Il contenitore degli oggetti Criteri di gruppo <%1> è stato aggiornato.
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
Windows에서 그룹 정책 개체 컨테이너 <%1>을(를) 업데이트했습니다.
Systém Windows úspěšně aktualizoval kontejner objektu zásad skupiny <%1>.
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
Контейнер объектов групповой политики <%1> успешно обновлен.
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
グループ ポリシー オブジェクト コンテナ <%1> の更新を正しく完了しました。
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
Windows has successfully updated Group Policy Object Container <%1>.
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows 無法取得下一個群組原則物件容器。升級群組原則物件失敗。(%2)
Não é possível ao Windows aceder ao próximo Contentor de Objectos de Política de Grupo. A actualização de Objectos de Política de Grupo do domínio falhou. (%2)
Windows 无法获得下一个组策略对象容器。升级域组策略对象失败。(%2)
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows, bir sonraki Grup İlkesi Nesnesi Kapsayıcısını alamıyor. Etki alanı Grup İlkesi Nesneleri yükseltme işlemi başarısız oldu (%2)
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Det gick inte att läsa nästa grupprincipobjektbehållare. Uppgradering av domänens grupprincipobjekt misslyckades. (%2)
System Windows nie może uzyskać następnego kontenera obiektów zasad grupy. Nie można uaktualnić obiektów zasad grupy domeny. (%2)
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
A Windows nem tudja lekérni a csoportházirend-objektumok következő tárolóját. A tartományi csoportházirend-objektumok frissítése sikertelen. (%2)
Windows n’a pas pu obtenir le prochain conteneur Objet de stratégie de groupe. La mise à niveau des objets Stratégie de groupe de domaine a échoué. (%2)
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
O Windows não pôde obter o Contêiner de Objetos da Diretiva de Grupo. Falha ao atualizar Objetos da Diretiva de Grupo do domínio. (%2)
Не удается получить следующий контейнер объектов групповой политики. Обновление объектов групповой политики домена не выполнено. (%2)
次のグループ ポリシー オブジェクト コンテナを取得できませんでした。ドメインのグループ ポリシー オブジェクトのアップグレードに失敗しました。(%2)
Windows no pudo obtener el siguiente contenedor de objetos de directiva de grupo. No se pudieron actualizar los objetos de directiva de grupo del dominio. (%2)
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows konnte den nächsten Gruppenrichtlinien-Objektcontainer nicht abrufen. Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Domänen-Gruppenrichtlinienobjekte. (%2)
De volgende container met groepsbeleidsobjecten kan niet worden verkregen. Het bijwerken van domeingroepsbeleidsobjecten is mislukt. (%2)
Získání dalšího objektu zásad skupiny se nezdařilo. Upgrade objektů zásad skupiny se nezdařil. (%2)
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
다음 그룹 정책 개체 컨테이너를 가져오지 못했습니다. 도메인 그룹 정책 개체의 업그레이드에 실패했습니다. (%2)
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows could not get the next Group Policy Object Container. Upgrage of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Impossibile ottenere il contenitore oggetti Criteri gruppo successivo. Aggiornamento degli oggetti Criteri di gruppo di dominio non riuscito. (%2)
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
Windows 已經成功更新 Active Directory 網域服務的所有群組原則物件容器。
O Windows actualizou com êxito todos os Contentor de Objectos de Política de Grupo nos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory.
Windows 已成功更新了 Active Directory 域服务中的所有组策略对象容器。
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
Windows Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri'ndeki tüm Grup İlkesi Nesne Kapsayıcılarını başarıyla güncelleştirdi.
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
Alla grupprincipobjektbehållare har uppdaterats i Active Directory Domain Services.
System Windows pomyślnie zaktualizował wszystkie kontenery obiektów zasad grupy w Usługach domenowych w usłudze Active Directory.
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
A Windows sikeresen frissítette az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások valamennyi csoportházirend-objektum tárolóját.
Windows a mis à jour tous les conteneurs Objet Stratégie de groupe dans les services de domaine Active Directory.
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
O Windows atualizou com êxito todos os Contêiners de Objetos da Diretiva de Grupo nos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory.
Все контейнеры объектов групповой политики в доменных службах Active Directory успешно обновлены.
Active Directory ドメイン サービスのすべてのグループ ポリシー オブジェクト コンテナを正しく更新しました。
Windows actualizó correctamente todos los contenedores de objetos de directiva de grupo en Servicios de dominio de Active Directory.
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
Windows hat alle Gruppenrichtlinien-Objektcontainer in den Active Directory-Domänendiensten aktualisiert.
Alle containers met groepsbeleidobjecten zijn bijgewerkt in Active Directory Domain Services.
Systém Windows úspěšně aktualizoval všechny kontejnery objektů zásad skupiny v adresáři Active Directory Domain Services.
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
Active Directory 도메인 서비스에 있는 모든 그룹 정책 개체 컨테이너를 업데이트했습니다.
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
Windows has successfully updated all Group Policy Object Containers in the Active Directory Domain Services.
È stato completato l'aggiornamento dei contenitori degli oggetti Criteri di gruppo in Servizi di dominio Active Directory.
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows 無法取得完全符合的群組原則物件容器 DN。升級群組原則物件失敗。(%2)
Não é possível ao Windows obter o DN completamente qualificado de um Contentor de Objectos de Política de Grupo. A actualização de Objectos de Política de Grupo do domínio falhou. (%2)
Windows 无法获取组策略对象容器的完全限定 DN。升级域组策略对象失败。(%2)
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows, Grup İlkesi Nesnesi Kapsayıcısı için tam ayırt edici adı alamıyor. Etki alanı Grup İlkesi Nesneleri yükseltme işlemi başarısız oldu. (%2)
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Det gick inte att läsa fullkvalificerat unikt namn för en grupprincipobjektbehållare. Det gick inte att uppgradera domänens grupprincipobjekt. (%2)
System Windows nie może uzyskać w pełni kwalifikowanej nazwy domeny dla kontenera obiektów zasad grupy. Nie można uaktualnić obiektów zasad grupy domeny. (%2)
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
A Windows nem tudja lekérni a csoportházirend-objektumok egy tárolójának teljes tartománynevét. A tartományi csoportházirend-objektumok frissítése sikertelen. (%2)
Windows n’a pas pu obtenir le nom unique pleinement qualifié d’un conteneur d’objet de stratégie de groupe. La mise à niveau des objets Stratégie de groupe de domaine a échoué. (%2)
O Windows não pôde obter o nome distinto totalmente qualificado para um Contêiner de Objetos da Diretiva de Grupo. Falha ao atualizar Objetos da Diretiva de Grupo do domínio. (%2)
Не удается получить полное DN для контейнера объектов групповой политики. Обновление объектов групповой политики домена не выполнено. (%2)
グループ ポリシー オブジェクト コンテナの完全修飾ドメイン名を取得できません。ドメインのグループ ポリシー オブジェクトのアップグレードに失敗しました。(%2)
Windows no puede obtener el DN completo de un contenedor de objetos de directiva de grupo. No se pudieron actualizar los objetos de directiva de grupo del dominio. (%2)
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows kann den voll qualifizierten Domänennamen für den Gruppenrichtlinien-Objektcontainer nicht ermitteln. Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Domänen-Gruppenrichtlinienobjekte. (%2)
De FQDN-naam van de container met groepsbeleidsobjecten kan niet worden verkregen. Het bijwerken van domeingroepsbeleidsobjecten is mislukt. (%2)
Získání úplného názvu domény kontejneru objektu zásad skupiny se nezdařilo. Upgrade objektů zásad skupiny se nezdařil. (%2)
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
그룹 정책 개체 컨테이너의 정규화된 DN을 가져올 수 없습니다. 도메인 그룹 정책 개체의 업그레이드에 실패했습니다. (%2)
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Windows cannot get the fully qualified DN for a Group Policy Object Container. Upgrade of domain Group Policy Objects failed. (%2)
Impossibile ottenere il nome di dominio completo (FQDN) di un contenitore di oggetti Criteri di gruppo. Aggiornamento degli oggetti Criteri di gruppo di dominio non riuscito. (%2)
Alterar Estado de Segurança
Güvenlik Durumu Değişikliği
Ändring av säkerhetsstatus
Zmiana stanu zabezpieczeń
Endring i sikkerhetsinnstillinger
Biztonsági állapot változása
Modification de l’état de la sécurité
Alteração no estado de segurança
Изменение состояния безопасности
Cambio de estado de seguridad
Wijziging in beveiligingsstatus
Změna stavu zabezpečení
Suojaustilan muutos
שינוי מצב אבטחה
보안 상태 변경
Αλλαγή κατάστασης ασφαλείας
Ændring af sikkerhedstilstand
تغيير حالة الأمان
Modifica stato protezione
Extensão do Sistema de Segurança
Güvenlik Sistemi Uzantısı
Rozszerzenie systemu zabezpieczeń
Utvidelse av sikkerhetssystem
Védelmi rendszer bővítménye
Extension système de sécurité
Extensão do sistema de segurança
Расширение системы безопасности
セキュリティ システムの拡張
Extensión del sistema de seguridad
Uitbreiding van beveiligingssysteem
Rozšíření systému zabezpečení
Suojausjärjestelmän laajennus
הרחבת מערכת אבטחה
보안 시스템 확장
Επέκταση συστήματος ασφαλείας
ملحق نظام الأمان
Estensione stato protezione
Integridade do Sistema
Sistem Bütünlüğü
Integralność systemu
Rendszer sértetlensége
Intégrité du système
Integridade do sistema
Целостность системы
Integridad del sistema
Integrita systému
Järjestelmän eheys
תקינות מערכת
시스템 무결성
Ακεραιότητα συστήματος
تكامل النظام
Integrità sistema
Controlador IPSEC
IPSEC driver
IPsec 驱动程序
IPSEC sürücüsü
Sterownik IPsec
Pilote IPSEC
Driver IPSEC
IPsec ドライバ
Controlador IPSEC
Ovladač protokolu IPsec
מנהל התקן של IPsec
IPsec 드라이버
Драйвер IPSEC
Πρόγραμμα οδήγησης ασφαλείας IP
برنامج تشغيل IPsec
Driver IPsec
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