Active Directory 網域服務無法將全網域操作主機角色轉移到這個網域中的另一個 Active Directory 網域控制站。可能的原因包括: 沒有其他的 AD DC 可以接受操作主機角色,或是 AD DS 有一個不再存在的 AD DC 記錄。 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri, etki alanı çapında işlem yöneticisi rollerini bu etki alanındaki başka bir Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi'ne aktaramadı. Olası nedenler: İşlem yöneticisi rollerini alabilecek başka bir AD DC olmayabilir veya AD DS'de şu an varolmayan bir AD DC kaydı var. |
Active Directory 域服务无法将全域性操作主机角色传送到此域中的其他 Active Directory 域控制器。可能的原因包括: 没有其他的 AD DC 可用于接收操作主机角色,或者 AD DS 有不再存在的 AD DC 的记录。 |
Доменным службам Active Directory не удается передать роли мастера операций по всему домену другому контроллеру домена Active Directory в данном домене. Возможные причины: нет других доступных контроллеров домена Active Directory для принятия роли хозяина операций либо у доменных служб Active Directory имеется запись о несуществующем контроллере домена. |
De rollen van operations-master voor het hele domein kunnen in Active Directory Domain Services niet worden overdragen naar een andere Active Directory-domeincontroller in dit domein. Mogelijke oorzaken zijn: er is geen andere AD-domeincontroller die een rol van operations-master kan ontvangen of AD DS bevat een record van een AD-domeincontroller die niet meer bestaat. |
Active Directory DS kunde inte överföra rollen som åtgärdshanterare i hela domänen till en annan Active Directory-domänkontrollant i domänen. Möjliga orsaker: Ingen annan Active Directory-domänkontrollant finns tillgänglig så att den kan ta rollen som åtgärdshanterare, eller så har Active Directory DS en post för en Active Directory-domänkontrollant som inte längre finns. |
Active Directory 도메인 서비스에서 도메인 전역 작업 마스터 역할을 이 도메인의 다른 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러로 전송하지 못했습니다. 가능한 원인: 작업 마스터 역할을 받을 수 있는 다른 AD DC가 없거나 AD DS에 존재하지 않는 AD DC의 기록이 있습니다. |
Os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não conseguiram transferir as funções de mestre de operações ao nível do domínio para outro Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory neste domínio. As causas possíveis incluem: não está disponível nenhum outro AD DC para receber uma função de mestre de operações ou o AD DS tem um registo de um AD DC que já não existe. |
Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą przetransferować ról wzorca operacji całej domeny do innego kontrolera domeny usługi Active Directory w domenie. Prawdopodobna przyczyna: brak innych dostępnych kontrolerów domeny usługi Active Directory do odebrania ról wzorca operacji lub Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory zawierają rekord kontrolera domeny usługi Active Directory, który już nie istnieje. |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások nem tudta átadni a tartományi szintű műveleti főkiszolgáló szerepköröket a tartomány egy másik Active Directory-tartományvezérlőjének. Ennek oka lehet, hogy nincs másik Active Directory-tartományvezérlő a műveleti főkiszolgáló szerepkör átvételéhez, vagy az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások egy, már nem létező Active Directory-tartományvezérlőt keres. |
Les services de domaine Active Directory n’ont pas pu transférer les rôles de maître d’opérations au sein du domaine à un autre contrôleur de domaine Active Directory de ce domaine. Les causes possibles sont : aucun contrôleur de domaine Active Directory n’est disponible pour recevoir un rôle de maître d’opérations ou les services de domaine Active Directory contiennent un enregistrement d’un contrôleur de domaine Active Directory qui n’existe plus. |
Os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory não puderam transferir as funções de mestre de operações referentes a todo o domínio para outro Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory nesse domínio. As possíveis causas para isso são: não há outros AD DC disponíveis para receber a função de mestre de operações ou o AD DS tem um registro de AD DC que não existe mais. |
Služba Active Directory Domain Services nepřenesla role hlavního operačního serveru v doméně na jiný řadič domény služby Active Directory v této doméně. Možné příčiny: Žádné další řadiče domény, které by přijímaly roli hlavního operačního serveru, nejsou k dispozici, nebo služba Active Directory Domain Services obsahuje záznam řadiče domény, který již neexistuje. |
Los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory no pudieron transferir las funciones de maestro de operaciones de todo el dominio a otro controlador de dominio de Active Directory de este dominio. Motivos posibles: no hay otro AD DC disponible para recibir una función de maestro de operaciones o AD DS tiene un registro de un AD DC que ya no existe. |
Die Active Directory-Domänendienste konnten die domänenweite Betriebsmasterrolle nicht auf einen anderen Active Directory-Domänencontroller in dieser Domäne übertragen. Mögliche Ursachen: Es sind keine anderen Active Directory-Domänencontroller verfügbar, die die Rolle des Betriebsmasters erhalten könnten, oder die Active Directory-Domänendienste verfügen über einen Eintrag für einen Active Directory-Domänencontroller, der nicht mehr vorhanden ist. |
Active Directory ドメイン サービスは、ドメイン全体で有効な操作マスタの役割を、このドメインの別の Active Directory ドメイン コントローラに転送できませんでした。考えられる原因は次のとおりです: 操作マスタの役割を受け取る AD DC が他にないか、AD DS にもう存在しない AD DC のレコードがあります。 |
Impossibile trasferire i ruoli di master operazioni a livello di dominio in un altro controller di dominio Active Directory presente nel dominio. Possibili cause: non sono disponibili altri controller di dominio Active Directory per la ricezione di un ruolo di master operazioni oppure in Servizi di dominio Active Directory è presente un record di un controller di dominio Active Directory non più esistente. |
正在將本機 Active Directory 網域控制站的網域操作主要角色轉移到樹系中其他的 AD DC... |
Yerel Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi'ndeki etki alanı çapında işlem yöneticisi rolleri, ormandaki diğer AD DC'ye aktarılıyor... |
正在将本地 Active Directory 域控制器上的全域性操作主机角色传送到林中的其他 AD DC... |
Идет передача ролей хозяина операций от этого локального контроллера домена Active Directory другому в этом лесу... |
De rollen van operations-master voor het hele domein overdragen van de lokale Active Directory-domeincontroller naar een andere AD-domeincontroller in het forest... |
Roller som åtgärdshanterare för domänen överförs från den lokala Active Directory-domänkontrollanten till andra Active Directory-domänkontrollanter i skogen... |
로컬 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러에서 포리스트의 다른 AD DC로 도메인 전역 작업 마스터 역할을 전송하는 중... |
A transferir funções de mestre de operações ao nível do domínio no Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory local para outros AD DC na floresta... |
Trwa transfer ról wzorca operacji całej domeny na lokalnym kontrolerze domeny usługi Active Directory do innych kontrolerów domeny usługi Active Directory w lesie... |
A helyi Active Directory-tartományvezérlő tartományszintű műveleti főkiszolgáló szerepköreinek átadása az erdő más Active Directory-tartományvezérlőinek... |
Transfert des rôles de maître d’opérations du contrôleur de domaine Active Directory local vers d’autres contrôleurs de domaine Active Directory de la forêt... |
Transferindo as funções de mestre de operações referentes a todo o domínio no Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory local para outro AD DC na floresta... |
Probíhá přenos rolí hlavního operačního serveru domény v místním řadiči domény služby Active Directory do jiného řadiče domény v doménové struktuře... |
Transfiriendo las funciones de maestro de operaciones de todo el dominio del controlador de dominio de Active Directory local a otro AD DC del bosque... |
Domänenweite Betriebsmasterrollen des lokalen Active Directory-Domänencontrollers werden auf andere Active Directory-Domänencontroller in der Gesamtstruktur übertragen... |
ローカル Active Directory ドメイン コントローラのドメイン全体で有効な操作マスタの役割を、フォレストの他の AD DC に転送しています... |
È in corso il trasferimento dei ruoli di master operazioni a livello di dominio dal controller di dominio Active Directory locale ad altri controller di dominio Active Directory nella foresta |
正在將這台 Active Directory 網域控制站的樹系操作主要角色轉移到其他的 Active Directory 網域控制站... |
Bu Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi'ndeki işlem yöneticisi rolleri başka bir Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi'ne aktarılıyor... |
正在将此 Active Directory 域控制器上的操作主机角色传送到其他 Active Directory 域控制器... |
Идет передача ролей хозяина операций на данном контроллере домена Active Directory другому контроллеру домена Active Directory... |
De rollen van operations-master op deze Active Directory-domeincontroller overdragen naar een andere Active Directory-domeincontroller... |
Roller som verksamhetshanterare på den här Active Directory-domänkontrollanten överförs till en annan Active Directory-domänkontrollant... |
Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러의 작업 마스터 역할을 다른 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러로 전송하는 중... |
A transferir funções de mestre de operações neste Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory para outro Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory... |
Trwa transfer ról wzorca operacji z tego kontrolera domeny usługi Active Directory do innego kontrolera domeny usługi Active Directory... |
Ezen Active Directory-tartományvezérlő műveleti főkiszolgáló szerepköreinek átadása más Active Directory-tartományvezérlőnek... |
Transfert des rôles de maître d’opérations de ce contrôleur de domaine Active Directory vers un autre contrôleur de domaine Active Directory... |
Transferindo as funções de mestre de operações no Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory para outro AD DC... |
Probíhá přenos rolí hlavního operačního serveru v tomto řadiči domény služba Active Directory na jiný řadič domény... |
Transfiriendo las funciones de maestro de operaciones de este controlador de dominio de Active Directory a otro controlador de dominio de Active Directory... |
Gesamtstrukturweite Betriebsmasterfunktionen des lokalen Domänencontrollers werden auf andere Domänencontroller in der Gesamtstruktur übertragen... |
この Active Directory ドメイン コントローラの操作マスタの役割を別の Active Directory ドメイン コントローラに転送しています... |
È in corso il trasferimento in corso dei ruoli di master operazioni da questo a un altro controller di domino Active Directory |
Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
Source site:
Destination directory service:
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Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
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Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
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Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
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Destination directory service:
Source directory service:
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Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
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Destination directory service:
Source directory service:
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Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
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Destination directory service:
Source directory service:
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Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
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Destination directory service:
Source directory service:
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Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
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Destination directory service:
Source directory service:
%4 |
Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
Source site:
Destination directory service:
Source directory service:
%4 |
Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
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Destination directory service:
Source directory service:
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Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
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Destination directory service:
Source directory service:
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Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
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Destination directory service:
Source directory service:
%4 |
Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
Source site:
Destination directory service:
Source directory service:
%4 |
Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
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Destination directory service:
Source directory service:
%4 |
Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
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Destination directory service:
Source directory service:
%4 |
Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
Source site:
Destination directory service:
Source directory service:
%4 |
Internal event: A site connection edge is needed by the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to complete the topology graph.
Source site:
Destination directory service:
Source directory service:
%4 |
Active Directory 網域服務資料庫已成功地傾印到下列檔案。
%1 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri veritabanının dökümü aşağıdaki dosyaya başarıyla alındı.
Kayıt sayısı:
%1 |
Active Directory 域服务数据库已成功转储到下列文件。
%1 |
База данных доменных служб Active Directory была успешно записана в следующий файл.
Число записей:
%1 |
Er is een dump van de Active Directory Domain Services-database gemaakt in het volgende bestand.
Aantal records:
%1 |
Active Directory Domain Services-databasen dumpades till följande fil.
Antal poster:
%1 |
Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러 데이터베이스를 다음 파일로 덤프했습니다.
레코드 수:
%1 |
A base de dados dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory foi copiada com êxito para o seguinte ficheiro.
Número de registos:
%1 |
Baza danych Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory została pomyślnie zrzucona do poniższego pliku.
Liczba rekordów:
%1 |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások adatbázisa sikeresen ki lett írva az alábbi fájlba.
Rekordok száma:
%1 |
La base de données des services de domaine Active Directory a été correctement vidée dans le fichier suivant.
Fichier :
Nombre d’enregistrements :
%1 |
O banco de dados dos Serviços de Domínio Active Directory foi despejado com êxito no arquivo a seguir.
Número de registros:
%1 |
Databáze služby Active Directory Domain Services byla úspěšně vypsána do následujícího souboru.
Počet záznamů:
%1 |
La base de datos de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory se volcó correctamente en el siguiente archivo.
Número de registros:
%1 |
Die Active Directory-Domänendienste-Datenbank wurde erfolgreich in die folgende Datei aufgenommen.
Anzahl der Einträge:
%1 |
Active Directory ドメイン サービス データベースは、次のファイルに正常にダンプされました。
%1 |
L'operazione di dump del database di Servizi di dominio Active Directory nel file seguente è stata completata.
Numero di record:
%1 |
此目錄服務現在是站台間拓撲產生器,而且已假設來產生及維護這個站台的站台間複寫拓撲。 |
Bu dizin hizmeti şu anda siteler arası topoloji oluşturucusu ve bu sitenin siteler arası çoğaltma topolojilerini oluşturma ve bakımını yapma sorumluluğunu üzerine aldı. |
目录服务现在是站点间拓扑生成器而且假定负责此站点生成和维护站点间复制。 |
Теперь этот сервер службы каталогов является генератором межсайтовой топологии и несет ответственность за создание и поддержку топологий межсайтовой репликации для данного сайта. |
Deze directoryservice is nu de intersitetopologiegenerator en heeft de verantwoordelijkheid genomen voor het genereren en bijhouden van intersitereplicatietopologieën voor deze site. |
Den här katalogtjänsten skapar nu topologi mellan platser och har återupptagit ansvar för att skapa och upprätthålla topologier för replikering mellan platser för den här platsen. |
디렉터리 서버가 사이트 간 토폴로지 생성자이고 이 사이트를 위한 사이트 간 복제 토폴로지를 생성하고 유지 관리하는 역할을 하게 됩니다. |
Este serviço de directório é agora o gerador de topologias entre locais e assumiu a responsabilidade de gerar e manter as topologias de replicação entre locais para este local. |
Ta usługa katalogowa jest teraz generatorem topologi międzylokacyjnej i ma obowiązki generowania i utrzymywania topologii replikacji międzylokacyjnej dla tej lokacji. |
Ez a címtárszolgáltatás mostantól a hely számára elvégzi a helyek közti replikációs topológiák készítését és karbantartását. |
Ce service d’annuaire est maintenant le générateur de topologies intersite et a la responsabilité de générer et maintenir les topologies de réplication intersite pour ce site. |
Tato adresářová služba je nyní generátorem topologie mezi lokalitami a přijala zodpovědnost za generování a údržbu replikačních topologií mezi lokalitami pro tuto lokalitu. |
Este servicio de directorio ahora es el generador de topología entre sitios y ha asumido la responsabilidad de generar y mantener las topologías de replicación entre sitios para este sitio. |
Der lokale Domänencontroller ist jetzt der Ersteller der
standortübergreifenden Topologie und hat die Verantwortung für
das Generieren und die Aufrechterhaltung der standortübergreifenden
Replikationstopologie dieses Standorts übernommen. |
Este serviço de diretório é agora o gerador de topologia entre sites e assumiu a responsabilidade pela geração e manutenção das topologias de replicação entre sites para este site. |
現在、このディレクトリ サービスは、サイト間トポロジ ジェネレータで、このサイトのサイト間レプリケーション トポロジの生成と維持の責任を負っています。 |
Questo servizio directory è il generatore della topologia tra siti. Di conseguenza, ha assunto il compito di generare e mantenere le topologie di replica tra siti per il presente sito. |
使用 SMTP 傳輸的站台間訊息服務已經將郵件地址自動設定成本機網域控制站。SMTP 已選擇使用下列郵件地址。
%1 |
SMTP taşıyıcısını kullanan Siteler Arası İleti Gönderme hizmeti yerel etki alanı denetleyicisi için otomatik olarak bir posta adresi yapılandırdı. Aşağıdaki posta adresi SMTP ile kullanılmak için seçildi.
Posta adresi:
%1 |
使用 SMTP 的站点间消息服务已经自动为本地域控制器配置了邮件地址。选择了下列邮件地址使用 SMTP。
%1 |
Модуль транспорта SMTP службы межсайтовых сообщений автоматически настроил папку с почтовыми адресами для локального контроллера. Для службы SMTP будет использоваться следующий почтовый адрес.
Почтовый адрес:
%1 |
De Intersite Messaging-service die gebruikmaakt van SMTP-transport heeft automatisch een e-mailadres geconfigureerd voor de lokale domeincontroller. Het volgende e-mailadres is gekozen voor gebruik met SMTP.
%1 |
Tjänsten Intersite Messaging som använder transporten SMTP har automatiskt konfigurerat en e-postadress för den lokala domänkontrollanten. Följande e-postadress valdes för att användas för SMTP.
%1 |
SMTP 전송을 사용하는 사이트 간 메시징 서비스가 로컬 도메인 컨트롤러를 위한 메일 주소를 자동으로 구성했습니다. 다음 메일 주소가 SMTP와의 사용을 위해 선택되었습니다.
메일 주소:
%1 |
O serviço de mensagens entre locais que utiliza o transporte SMTP configurou automaticamente um endereço de correio para o controlador de domínio local. Foi escolhido o seguinte endereço de correio para utilização com SMTP.
Endereço de correio:
%1 |
Usługa Komunikacja międzylokacyjna używająca transportu SMTP automatycznie skonfigurowała adres e-mail dla lokalnego kontrolera domeny. Następujący adres został wybrany do używania z protokołem SMTP.
Adres e-mail:
%1 |
Az SMTP-protokollt használó helyek közötti üzenetküldő szolgáltatás automatikusan beállított egy e-mail címet a helyi tartományvezérlő számára. Az SMTP-vel való használatra az alábbi címet választotta a rendszer.
E-mail cím:
%1 |
Le service de messagerie intersite utilisant le transport SMTP a configuré automatiquement une adresse de messagerie pour le contrôleur de domaine local. L’adresse de messagerie suivante a été choisie pour être utilisée avec SMTP.
Adresse de messagerie :
%1 |
O serviço de mensagens entre sites configurou automaticamente com o transporte SMTP um endereço de correio para o controlador de domínio local. O endereço de correio a seguir foi escolhido para uso com o SMTP.
Endereço de correio:
%1 |
Služba zasílání zpráv mezi lokalitami využívající přenos přes protokol SMTP automaticky nakonfigurovala poštovní adresu místního řadiče domény. Protokol SMTP bude používat následující poštovní adresu.
Poštovní adresa:
%1 |
El servicio de mensajería entre sitios que utiliza el protocolo de transporte SMTP ha autoconfigurado una dirección de correo para el controlador de dominio local. Se eligió usar la siguiente dirección de correo con SMTP.
Dirección de correo:
%1 |
Der SMTP-Transport des standortübergreifenden Messagingdienstes weist eine automatisch konfigurierte E-Mail-Adresse für den lokalen Domänencontroller auf. Folgende E-Mail-Adresse wurde für den SMTP-Dienst ausgewählt.
%1 |
SMTP トランスポートを使用しているサイト間メッセージング サービスには、ローカル ドメイン コントローラの自動構成されたメール アドレスがあります。SMTP で使用するために、次のメール アドレスが選択されました。
メール アドレス:
%1 |
Il servizio Messaggistica tra siti (ISM) basato sul trasporto SMTP ha configurato in modo automatico un indirizzo di posta per il controller di dominio locale. Il seguente indirizzo di posta è stato scelto per essere utilizzato con SMTP.
Indirizzo di posta:
%1 |
Active Directory 網域服務無法變更這個伺服器角色,因為產品類型登錄機碼值不正確。 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri, hatalı ürün türü kayıt defteri anahtarı değeri nedeniyle bu sunucunun rolünü değiştiremedi. |
Active Directory 域服务无法更改此服务器的角色,因为存在一个不正确的产品类型注册表项值。 |
Доменным службам Active Directory не удалось изменить роль данного сервера из-за неверного значения раздела реестра, относящегося к типу продукта. |
De rol van deze server kan in Active Directory Domain Services niet worden gewijzigd vanwege een onjuiste waarde in de registersleutel voor het producttype. |
Active Directory Domain Services kunde inte ändra den här serverns roll på grund av felaktigt registervärde för produkttyp. |
잘못된 제품 종류 레지스트리 키 값으로 인해 Active Directory 도메인 서비스가 이 서버의 역할을 변경하지 못했습니다. |
Os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não conseguiram alterar a função deste servidor devido a um valor de chave de Registo do tipo de produto incorrecto. |
Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą zmienić roli tego serwera z powodu niepoprawnej wartości klucza rejestru typu produktu. |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások nem tudta módosítani a kiszolgáló szerepkörét, mert helytelen egy terméktípus-azonosító beállításkulcs értéke. |
Les services de domaine Active Directory n’ont pas pu modifier le rôle de ce serveur à cause d’une valeur de clé de Registre de type de produit incorrect. |
Os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory não puderam alterar a função deste servidor por causa de um valor de chave do Registro de tipo de produto incorreto. |
Služba Active Directory Domain Services nezměnila roli tohoto serveru z důvodu nesprávné hodnoty klíče registru typu produktu. |
Los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory no pudieron cambiar la función de este servidor porque hay un valor que no es correcto en la clave del Registro para el tipo de producto. |
Active Directory konnte die Funktion dieses Servers aufgrund eines nicht korrekten Produkttyp-Registrierungsschlüsselwerts nicht ändern. |
Active Directory ドメイン サービスは、間違った製品の種類のレジストリ キーの値が原因で、このサーバーの役割を変更できませんでした。 |
Impossibile modificare il ruolo di questo server a causa di un valore non corretto della chiave del Registro di sistema per il tipo di prodotto. |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database.
Object GUID:
Remote version:
Remote timestamp:
Remote Originating USN:
%6 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |
Internal event: The following object changes were not applied to the local Active Directory Domain Services database because the local metadata for the object indicates that the change is redundant.
Object GUID:
Local version number:
%4 |