Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The infrastructure update task has completed with the following results.
Queried phantom references:
Phantom references that exist on the local domain controller:
Updated phantom references:
The infrastructure update task will resume after the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%4 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
Internal event: The local domain controller has determined it is not the infrastructure operations master. This check will continue to occur at the following interval.
Interval (seconds):
%1 |
安全性帳戶管理員 (SAM) 判定這台電腦的安全性識別元 (SID) 已在您想要加入的樹系上使用中。當使用不正確的備份來還原 Active Directory 網域控制站時,就會發生這個情況。請在本機 AD DC 上重新安裝作業系統,以取得新的 SID。 |
Güvenlik hesabı yöneticisi (SAM), bu bilgisayarın güvenlik tanımlayıcısının (SID) katılmak istediğiniz Ormanda zaten kullanılmakta olduğunu belirledi. Bu, bir Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi'ni uygun olmayan bir yedekten geri yüklerken oluşabilir. Yeni bir SID almak için işletim sistemini yerel AD DC'ye yeniden yükleyin. |
安全帐户管理器(SAM)确定了此计算机的安全标识符(SID)已用于要加入的林。当使用不正确的备份还原 Active Directory 域控制器时可能会发生这种情况。在本地 AD DC 上重新安装操作系统以获取新 SID。 |
Диспетчер учетных записей безопасности определил, что идентификатор безопасности данного компьютера уже используется в лесу, к которому требуется присоединиться. Это могло произойти при восстановлении контроллера домена Active Directory из несоответствующего архива. Переустановите операционную систему на локальном контроллере домена Active Directory, чтобы получить новый идентификатор безопасности. |
De SAM (Security Account Manager) heeft vastgesteld dat de beveiligings-id voor deze computer al wordt gebruikt in het forest waaraan u deze computer wilt toevoegen. Deze fout kan optreden wanneer een Active Directory-domeincontroller aan de hand van een onjuiste back-up wordt teruggezet. Installeer het besturingssysteem opnieuw op de lokale AD-domeincontroller om een nieuwe beveiligings-id te verkrijgen. |
Säkerhetskontohanteraren (SAM) har upptäckt att säkerhetsidentifieraren (SID) för den här datorn redan finns i skogen som du vill ansluta till. Detta kan ske om en Active Directory-domänkontrollant återställs från en felaktig säkerhetskopia. Installera om operativsystemet på den lokala Active Directory-domänkontrollanten så att ett nytt SID skapas. |
SAM(보안 계정 관리자)이 이 컴퓨터의 SID(보안 식별자)가 가입하려는 포리스트에서 이미 사용되고 있는 것을 확인했습니다. 이 문제는 올바르지 않은 백업을 사용하여 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러를 복원할 때 발생할 수 있습니다. 새 SID를 얻으려면 로컬 AD DC에 운영 체제를 다시 설치하십시오. |
O gestor de contas de segurança (SAM) determinou que o identificador de segurança (SID) para este computador já está a ser utilizado na Floresta à qual pretende aderir. Isto pode ocorrer quando está a ser restaurado um Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory com uma cópia de segurança incorrecta. Reinstale o sistema operativo no AD DC local para obter um novo SID. |
Menedżer kont zabezpieczeń (SAM) wykrył, że identyfikator zabezpieczeń (SID) dla tego komputera jest już używany w lesie, do którego chcesz się przyłączyć. Może się tak zdarzyć, jeśli kontroler domeny usługi Active Directory został przywrócony z niewłaściwej kopii zapasowej. Ponownie zainstaluj system operacyjny na lokalnym kontrolerze domeny usługi Active Directory, aby otrzymać nowy identyfikator SID. |
A biztonsági fiókkezelő (SAM) megállapította, hogy a számítógép biztonsági azonosítója (SID) már használatban van abban az erdőben, amelyhez csatlakozni kíván. Ez olyankor fordulhat elő, ha egy Active Directory-tartományvezérlő nem megfelelő biztonsági másolat használatával lett helyreállítva. Új biztonsági azonosító beszerzéséhez telepítse újra az operációs rendszert a helyi Active Directory-tartományvezérlőn. |
Le Gestionnaire de comptes de sécurité (SAM) a déterminé que l’identificateur de sécurité (SID) de cet ordinateur est déjà en cours d’utilisation dans la forêt à laquelle vous voulez vous joindre. Cela peut se produire lors de la restauration d’un contrôleur de domaine Active Directory avec une sauvegarde incorrecte. Réinstallez le système d’exploitation sur le contrôleur de domaine Active Directory local pour obtenir le nouvel identificateur de sécurité. |
O SAM (gerenciador de contas de segurança) determinou que o SID (identificador de segurança) para este computador já está em uso na floresta na qual você deseja ingressar. Isso pode acontecer como resultado da restauração de um Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory usando um backup inadequado. Reinstale o sistema operacional no AD DC local para obter um novo SID. |
Správce účtů zabezpečení (SAM) zjistil, že identifikátor zabezpečení (SID) pro tento počítač je již použit v doménové struktuře, ke které se chcete připojit. Tento stav může nastat při obnovování řadiče domény služby Active Directory pomocí nesprávné zálohy. Nový identifikátor SID získáte přeinstalací operačního systému v místním řadiči domény. |
El Administrador de cuentas de seguridad (SAM) determinó que el identificador de seguridad (SID) para este equipo ya se está usando en el bosque al que desea unirse. Esto puede suceder al restaurar un controlador de dominio de Active Directory con una copia de seguridad incorrecta. Vuelva a instalar el sistema operativo en el AD DC local para obtener un nuevo SID. |
Die Sicherheitskontenverwaltung (SAM) hat ermittelt, dass die Sicherheitskennung (SID) dieses Computers in der Gesamtstruktur, der er angeschlossen werden soll, bereits verwendet wird. Dies kann passieren, wenn ein Domänencontroller fehlerhaft gesichert wurde. Installieren Sie das Betriebssystem auf dem lokalen Domänencontroller, um eine neue Sicherheitskennung (SID) zu erhalten. |
セキュリティ アカウント マネージャ (SAM) により、このコンピュータのセキュリティ ID (SID) が、参加しようとしているフォレストで既に使用されていることが判断されました。これは、Active Directory ドメイン コントローラを不適切なバックアップで復元するとき起こることがあります。ローカル AD DC にオペレーティング システムを再インストールして、新しい SID を取得してください。 |
Il sistema di gestione degli account di protezione (SAM) ha stabilito che l'ID di protezione (SID) del computer è già utilizzato nella foresta a cui si desidera accedere. Questo problema può verificarsi durante il ripristino di un controller di dominio Active Directory tramite un backup non corretto. Reinstallare il sistema operativo nel controller di dominio Active Directory locale per ottenere un nuovo SID. |
正在啟動一個介於 %1 及 RID 操作主機 (%2) 的複寫循環,所以新複本可以建立使用者、群組及電腦物件... |
Yeni çoğaltmanın kullanıcı, grup ve bilgisayar nesneleri oluşturabilmesi için %1 ile RID işlem yöneticisi (%2) arasında çoğaltma döngüsü başlatılıyor... |
正在启动 %1 和 RID 操作主机 (%2) 之间的复制循环,因此新副本将可以创建用户、组和计算机对象... |
Запуск цикла репликации между %1 и мастером операций RID (%2), чтобы новая реплика могла создавать пользователей, группы и объекты... |
Er wordt een replicatiecyclus gestart tussen %1 en de RID-operations-master (%2), zodat er met de nieuwe replica gebruikers, groepen en computerobjecten kunnen worden gemaakt... |
En replikeringscykel påbörjas mellan %1 och RID-åtgärdshanteraren (%2) så att den nya repliken kan skapa användar-, grupp- och datorobjekt... |
새 복제가 사용자 그룹 및 컴퓨터 개체를 만들 수 있도록 %1와(과) RID 작업 마스터 (%2) 사이의 복제 주기를 시작합니다. |
A iniciar um ciclo de replicação entre %1 e o mestre de operações de RID (%2) para que a nova réplica consiga criar objectos utilizadores, grupos e computadores... |
Trwa uruchamianie cyklu replikacji między %1 a wzorcem operacji RID (%2), tak aby nowa replika mogła tworzyć użytkowników, grupy oraz obiekty komputera... |
Replikációs kör megkezdése %1 és a RID műveleti főkiszolgáló (%2) között, így az új replika felhasználókat, csoportokat és számítógép-objektumokat is létrehozhat. |
Démarrage en cours d’un cycle de réplication entre %1 et les maîtres des opérations RID (%2) afin que le nouveau réplica puisse créer des objets utilisateurs, groupes et ordinateur... |
Iniciando um ciclo de replicação entre %1 e o mestre de operações RID (%2), de modo que a nova réplica possa criar usuários, grupos e objetos de segurança... |
Byl zahájen replikační cyklus mezi %1 a hlavním operačním serverem RID (%2), aby nová replika mohla vytvářet uživatele, skupiny a počítačové objekty... |
Iniciando un ciclo de réplica entre %1 y el maestro de RID (%2), de tal forma que la nueva réplica podrá crear objetos de usuario, grupos y equipos... |
Der Replikationszyklus wird zwischen %1 und dem RID-Vorgangsmaster (%2)
gestartet, sodass das neue Replikat Benutzer, Gruppen und Computerobjekte
erstellen kann… |
%1 および RID 操作マスタ (%2) の間のレプリケーション サイクルを開始しています。このため、新しいレプリカは、ユーザー、グループ、およびコンピュータ オブジェクトを作成できるようになります... |
Avvio di un ciclo di repliche tra %1 e il master operazioni RID (%2) in corso. In questo modo, la nuova replica sarà in grado di creare utenti, gruppi e oggetti computer... |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The cross-domain move of the following object succeeded at the destination domain.
Source object DN:
Destination object DN:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
Internal event: The following registry key does not have a value. The following default value will be used instead.
Registry key:
Default registry value:
%2 |
%3 |
Bir disk sürücüsü adı değişikliği algılandı ve aşağıdaki kayıt defteri anahtarının belirttiği yol değiştirildi.
Kayıt defteri anahtarı:
Eski yol:
Yeni yol:
%3 |
%3 |
Обнаружено изменение имени диска и пути, заданного следующим ключом реестра.
Ключ реестра:
Старый путь:
Новый путь:
%3 |
Er is een schijfstationsnaamswijziging gevonden. Het pad dat in de volgende registersleutel is opgegeven, is gewijzigd.
Oude pad:
Nieuwe pad:
%3 |
En ändring i diskenhetsnamn upptäcktes och den sökväg som anges av följande registernyckel ändrades.
Gammal sökväg:
Ny sökväg:
%3 |
Foi detectada uma alteração ao nome de unidade de disco e o caminho especificado pela seguinte chave de registo também foi alterado.
Chave de registo:
Caminho antigo:
Novo caminho:
%3 |
Wykryto zmianę nazwy stacji dysków i określona przez poniższy klucz rejestru ścieżka została zmieniona.
Klucz rejestru:
Stara ścieżka:
Nowa ścieżka:
%3 |
A rendszer észlelte, hogy egy lemezmeghajtó neve megváltozott, és módosította az alábbi beállításkulcsban megadott elérési utat.
Régi elérési út:
%2Új elérési út:
%3 |
Une modification du nom du lecteur de disque a été détectée et le chemin d’accès spécifié par la clé de Registre suivante a été modifié.
Clé de Registre :
Ancien chemin d’accès :
Nouveau chemin d’accès :
%3 |
Foi detectada a alteração no nome de uma unidade de disco e o caminho especificado pela chave do Registro a seguir foi alterado.
Chave do Registro:
Caminho antigo:
Novo caminho:
%3 |
Byla zjištěna změna názvu diskové jednotky a byla změněna cesta určená následujícím klíčem registru.
Klíč registru:
Stará cesta:
Nová cesta:
%3 |
Se detectó un cambio del nombre de unidad y se ha modificado la ruta especificada por la siguiente clave del Registro.
Clave del Registro:
Ruta anterior:
Ruta nueva:
%3 |
Es wurde eine Laufwerknamensänderung ermittelt. Der angegebene Pfad wurde
von dem folgenden Registrierungsschlüssel geändert.
Alter Pfad:
Neuer Pfad:
%3 |
다음 레지스트리 키가 지정한 경로 및 디스크 드라이브 이름이 변경되었습니다.
레지스트리 키:
이전 경로:
새 경로:
%3 |
ディスク ドライブ名の変更が検出され、次のレジストリ キーによって指定されたパスは変更されました。
レジストリ キー:
%3 |
È stata rilevata la modifica del nome di un'unità disco. Il percorso specificato dalla seguente chiave del Registro di sistema è stato modificato.
Chiave del Registro:
Vecchio percorso:
Nuovo percorso:
%3 |
Active Directory 網域服務無法為這台 Active Directory 網域控制站 %1 在遠端 AD DC %2 建立 NTDS 設定物件。請確定所提供的網路認證擁有足夠的權限。 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri, bu %1 Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi için %2 uzak AD DC'de NTDS Ayarları nesnesini oluşturamadı. Sağlanan ağ kimlik bilgilerinin yeterli izinlere sahip olduğundan emin olun. |
Active Directory 域服务无法在远程 AD DC %2 上创建此 Active Directory 域控制器 %1 的 NTDS 设置对象。请确保提供的网络凭据具有足够的权限。 |
Доменным службам Active Directory не удается создать объект параметров NTDS для данного контроллера домена Active Directory %1 на удаленном контроллере домена Active Directory %2. Убедитесь, что заданные сетевые учетные данные обладают достаточными разрешениями. |
Het object met NTDS-instellingen voor deze Active Directory-domeincontroller, %1, kan in Active Directory Domain Services niet worden gemaakt op de externe AD-domeincontroller, %2. Zorg ervoor dat er voldoende machtigingen zijn opgegeven in de netwerkreferenties. |
Active Directory kunde inte skapa NTDS Settings-objektet för den här katalogservern %1 på fjärrkatalogservern %2. Kontrollera att de nätverksautentiseringsuppgifter som angavs har tillräcklig behörighet. |
Active Directory 도메인 서비스가 %2 원격 AD DC에서 이 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러 %1을(를) 위한 NTDS 설정 개체를 만들지 못했습니다. 제공된 네트워크 자격 증명에 충분한 권한이 있는지 확인하십시오. |
Os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não conseguiram criar o objecto de Definições de NTDS para este Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory %1 no AD DC remoto %2. Certifique-se de que as credenciais de rede fornecidas têm permissões suficientes. |
Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory nie mogą utworzyć obiektu ustawień NTDS dla tego kontrolera domeny usługi Active Directory %1 na zdalnym kontrolerze domeny usługi Active Directory %2. Upewnij się, że dostarczone poświadczenia sieciowe mają wystarczające uprawnienia. |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások nem tudta létrehozni a(z) %1 Active Directory-tartományvezérlő NTDS Settings objektumát a következő távoli Active Directory-tartományvezérlőn: %2. Győződjön meg róla, hogy a megadott hálózati hitelesítő adatok megfelelő engedélyeket biztosítanak. |
Les services de domaine Active Directory n’ont pas pu créer l’objet Paramètres NTDS pour ce contrôleur de domaine Active Directory %1 sur le contrôleur de domaine Active Directory distant %2. Assurez-vous que les informations d’identification réseau fournies disposent des autorisations suffisantes. |
Os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory não puderam criar o objeto de Configurações NTDS para este Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory %1 no AD DC remoto %2. Verifique se as credenciais de rede fornecidas têm permissões suficientes. |
Služba Active Directory Domain Services nevytvořila objekt NTDS Settings pro tento řadič domény %1 služby Active Directory ve vzdáleném řadiči domény %2. Přesvědčte se, zda zadaná síťová pověření mají dostatečná oprávnění. |
Los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory no pudieron crear el objeto de configuración NTDS para el controlador de dominio de Active Directory %1 en el AD DC remoto %2. Asegúrese de que las credenciales de red suministradas tengan permisos suficientes. |
Active Directory konnte das NTDS-Einstellungsobjekt für diesen
Domänencontroller %1 auf dem Remotedomänencontroller %2 nicht
erstellen. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die angegebenen
Netzwerkinformationen ausreichende Berechtigungen haben. |
Active Directory ドメイン サービスは、リモート AD DC %2 で、この Active Directory ドメイン コントローラ %1 の NTDS 設定オブジェクトを作成できませんでした。提供されたネットワーク資格情報に必要なアクセス許可があることを確認してください。 |
Impossibile creare l'oggetto Impostazioni NTDS per il controller di dominio Active Directory %1 nel controller di dominio Active Directory remoto %2. Verificare che le credenziali di rete immesse dispongano di autorizzazioni sufficienti. |
正在遠端 AD DC %1 上建立這台 Active Directory 網域控制站的 NTDS 設定物件... |
Bu Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi için %1 uzak AD DC'de NTDS Ayarları nesnesi oluşturuluyor... |
正在远程 AD DC %1 上创建此 Active Directory 域控制器的 NTDS 设置对象... |
Создание параметров объекта NTDSA для данного контроллера домена Active Directory на удаленном контроллере домена Active Directory %1... |
Object met NTDS-instellingen voor deze Active Directory-domeincontroller maken op externe Active Directory-domeincontroller %1... |
NTDS Settings-objektet för den här Active Directory-domänkontrollanten skapas på Active Directory-fjärrdomänkontrollanten %1... |
%1 원격 AD DC에서 이 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러를 위한 NTDS 설정 개체를 만드는 중.... |
A criar o objecto de Definições de NTDS para este Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory no AD DC remoto %1... |
Trwa tworzenie obiektu ustawień NTDS dla tego kontrolera domeny usługi Active Directory na zdalnym kontrolerze domeny usługi Active Directory %1... |
Az Active Directory-tartományvezérlő NTDS Settings objektumának létrehozása a(z) %1 távoli Active Directory-tartományvezérlőn... |
Création de l’objet Paramètres NTDS pour ce contrôleur de domaine Active Directory sur le contrôleur de domaine Active Directory distant %1... |
Criando o objeto de Configurações NTDS para este Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory no AD DC remoto %1... |
Vytváření objektu NTDS Settings pro tento řadič domény služby Active Directory ve vzdáleném řadiči domény %1... |
Creando en el AD DC remoto %1 el objeto de configuración NTDS para este controlador de dominio de Active Directory... |
Das NTDS-Einstellungsobjekt für diesen Domänencontroller wird auf dem
Remotedomänencontroller %1 erstellt… |
リモート AD DC %1 に、この Active Directory ドメイン コントローラの NTDS 設定オブジェクトを作成しています... |
È in corso la creazione dell'oggetto Impostazioni NTDS per questo controller di dominio Active Directory nel controller di dominio Active Directory remoto %1 |
在清理失敗的 Active Directory 網域服務安裝時,無法從遠端目錄服務刪除本機目錄服務的 NTDS 設定物件。
%3 %4 |
Başarısız Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri yüklemesini silme işlemi sırasında yerel dizin hizmetinin NTDS Ayarları nesnesi uzak dizin hizmetinden silinemedi.
Yerel dizin hizmeti:
Uzak dizin hizmeti:
Kullanıcı Eylemi
Bu nesneyi el ile silin.
Ek Veri
Hata değeri:
%3 %4 |
在失败的 Active Directory 域服务安装的清理操作过程中,无法从远程目录服务删除本地目录服务的 NTDS 设置对象。
%3 %4 |
В ходе операции очистки ошибочной установки доменных служб Active Directory не удается удалить с удаленного сервера службы каталогов объект параметров NTDS для локального сервера.
Локальный сервер службы каталогов:
Удаленный сервер службы каталогов:
Действие пользователя
Удалите этот объект вручную.
Дополнительные данные
Значение ошибки:
%3 %4 |
Bij het opschonen van een mislukte Active Directory Domain Services-installatie is het object met NTDS-instellingen voor de lokale directoryservice niet verwijderd uit de externe directoryservice.
Lokale directoryservice:
Externe directoryservice:
Verwijder dit object handmatig.
Aanvullende gegevens
%3 %4 |
Under en rensningsåtgärd för en misslyckad installation av Active Directory Domain Services kunde NTDS Settings-objektet för den lokala katalogtjänsten inte tas bort från fjärrkatalogtjänsten
Ta bort detta objekt manuellt.
Ytterligare data
%3 %4 |
실패한 Active Directory 도메인 서비스 설치 정리 작업 중 원격 디렉터리 서비스에서 로컬 디렉터리 서비스를 위한 NTDS 설정 개체를 삭제하지 못했습니다.
로컬 디렉터리 서비스:
원격 디렉터리 서비스:
사용자 작업
개체를 수동으로 삭제하십시오.
추가 데이터
오류 값:
%3 %4 |
Durante a operação de limpeza de uma instalação com falhas dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory, não foi possível eliminar o objecto de Definições de NTDS para o serviço de directório local do serviço de directório remoto.
Serviço de directório local:
Serviço de directório remoto:
Acção do Utilizador
Elimine este objecto manualmente.
Dados Adicionais
Valor do erro:
%3 %4 |
Nie można usunąć obiektu ustawień NTDS dla lokalnej usługi katalogowej ze zdalnej usługi katalogowej podczas operacji oczyszczania nieudanej instalacji Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory.
Lokalna usługa katalogowa:
Zdalna usługa katalogowa:
Akcja użytkownika
Usuń obiekt ręcznie.
Dodatkowe dane
Wartość błędu:
%3 %4 |
Egy sikertelen Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások telepítésének törlése során a helyi címtárszolgáltatás NTDS Settings objektumát nem sikerült törölni a távoli címtárszolgáltatásból.
Helyi címtárszolgáltatás:
Távoli címtárszolgáltatás:
Felhasználói beavatkozás
Törölje kézzel ezt az objektumot.
További adatok
%3 %4 |
Au cours de l’opération de nettoyage de l’installation des services de domaine Active Directory qui a échoué, l’objet Paramètres NTDS pour le service d’annuaire local n’a pas pu être supprimé du service d’annuaire distant :
Service d’annuaire local :
Service d’annuaire distant :
Action utilisateur
Supprimez manuellement cet objet.
Données supplémentaires
Valeur de l’erreur :
%3 %4 |
O objeto de Configurações NTDS para os serviço de diretório local não pôde ser excluído do serviço de diretório remoto durante a operação de limpeza de uma instalação dos Serviços de Domínio Active Directory que falhou.
Serviço de diretório local:
Serviço de diretório remoto:
Ação do Usuário
Exclua este objeto manualmente.
Dados Adicionais
Valor de erro:
%3 %4 |
Při operaci čištění nezdařené instalace služby Active Directory Domain Services nebylo možné odstranit objekt NTDS Settings pro místní adresářovou službu ze vzdálené adresářové služby.
Místní adresářová služba:
Vzdálená adresářová služba:
Akce uživatele
Odstraňte tento objekt ručně.
Další data
Chybová hodnota:
%3 %4 |
Durante la operación de limpieza de una instalación errónea de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory, no pudo eliminarse del servicio de directorio remoto el siguiente objeto de configuración NTDS para el servicio de directorio local.
Servicio de directorio local:
Servicio de directorio remoto:
Acción del usuario
Elimine manualmente este objeto.
Datos adicionales
Valor de error:
%3 %4 |
Bei der Bereinigung einer nicht erfolgreichen Active Directory-Domänendienste-Installation konnte das NTDS-Einstellungsobjekt für den lokalen Verzeichnisdienst nicht aus dem Remoteverzeichnisdienst gelöscht werden.
Lokaler Verzeichnisdienst:
Dieses Objekt manuell löschen.
Zusätzliche Daten
%3 %4 |
失敗した Active Directory ドメイン サービス インストールのクリーンアップ操作の最中に、リモート ディレクトリ サービスからローカル ディレクトリ サービスの NTDS 設定オブジェクトを削除できませんでした。
ローカル ディレクトリ サービス:
リモート ディレクトリ サービス:
%3 %4 |
Impossibile eliminare l'oggetto Impostazioni NTDS per il servizio directory locale dal servizio directory remoto durante l'operazione di pulizia di un'installazione di Servizi di dominio Active Directory non riuscita.
Servizio directory locale:
Servizio directory remoto:
Azione utente
Eliminare l'oggetto manualmente.
Dati aggiuntivi
Valore errore:
%3 %4 |