Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
Internal event: The LDAP server returned an error.
Additional Data
Error value:
%1 |
安全性識別元 (SID) 無法加入下列物件。
%3 %4
%2 |
Aşağıdaki nesneye güvenlik tanımlayıcısı (SID) eklenemedi.
Ek Veriler
Hata değeri:
%3 %4
İç kimlik:
%2 |
安全标识符 (SID) 无法添加到下列对象。
%3 %4
内部 ID:
%2 |
Не удается добавить идентификатор безопасности к следующему объекту.
Дополнительные данные
Значение ошибки:
%3 %4
Внутренний ID:
%2 |
Er kan geen SID (beveiligings-id) aan het volgende object worden toegevoegd.
Aanvullende gegevens
%3 %4
Interne id:
%2 |
Det gick inte att lägga till en säkerhetsidentifierare (SID) till följande objekt.
Ytterligare data
%3 %4
Internt ID:
%2 |
SID(보안 식별자)에서 다음 개체를 추가하지 못했습니다.
추가 데이터
오류 값:
%3 %4
내부 ID:
%2 |
Não foi possível adicionar um identificador de segurança (SID) ao seguinte objecto.
Dados Adicionais
Valor do erro:
%3 %4
ID interno:
%2 |
Nie można dodać identyfikatora zabezpieczeń (SID) do następującego obiektu.
Dodatkowe dane
Wartość błędu:
%3 %4
Identyfikator wewnętrzny:
%2 |
Nem sikerült biztonsági azonosítót adni a következő objektumhoz:
További adatok
%3 %4
Belső azonosító:
%2 |
Un identifiant de sécurité (SID) n’a pas pu être ajouté à l’objet suivant.
Objet :
Données supplémentaires
Valeur de l’erreur :
%3 %4
ID interne :
%2 |
Um identificador de segurança (SID) não pôde ser adicionado ao objeto a seguir.
Dados Adicionais
Valor de erro:
%3 %4
Identificação interna:
%2 |
K následujícímu objektu nelze přidat identifikátor zabezpečení (SID).
Další data
Chybová hodnota:
%3 %4
Vnitřní ID:
%2 |
No se pudo agregar un identificador de seguridad (SID) al objeto siguiente.
Datos adicionales
Valor de error:
%3 %4
Id. interno:
%2 |
Die Sicherheitskennung (SID) konnte nicht zu dem folgenden Objekt
hinzugefügt werden.
Zusätzliche Daten
%3 %4
Interne ID:
%2 |
セキュリティ ID (SID) を次のオブジェクトに追加できませんでした。
%3 %4
内部 ID:
%2 |
Impossibile aggiungere un identificatore di protezione (SID) al seguente
Dati aggiuntivi
Valore di errore:
%3 %4
ID interno:
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: A security identifier (SID) has been added to the following object.
%2 |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection is considered to be an active, viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
No new connections will need to be created for this site. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following connection may or may not be considered active at present. However, it is a viable connection for replication from the following site.
Connection object:
Directory partition:
Connection reason code:
Global catalog topology flag:
This existing connection will be preserved. |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The following directory service was chosen as a bridgehead server for this site.
Directory service:
Directory partition:
%4 |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is up to date with its immediate replication partners and has verified that it has synchronized the primary domain directory partition at least once since the Active Directory Domain Services installation.
The local domain controller can now be accessed by clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: The local domain controller is not being advertised by the domain controller locator service. As a result, this domain controller cannot be accessed by other domain controllers and clients. |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
Internal event: This directory service is making progress performing an initial synchronization of the following directory partition.
Directory partition:
%1 |
同步處理將會繼續。 |
Bu dizin sunucusu, içerdiği her yazılabilir dizin bölümünün ilk eşitlemesini tamamlayıncaya kadar istemciler tarafından kullanılamayacak. Şu anda bu ilk eşitleme işlemleri henüz tamamlanmadı.
Eşitleme işlemleri devam edecek. |
该同步将继续。 |
Этот сервер службы каталогов не будет доступен клиентам, пока не будет выполнена начальная синхронизация каждого хранящегося на нем изменяемого раздела каталога. На данный момент начальная синхронизация не выполнена.
Синхронизация будет продолжена. |
Deze directory-server is nite beschikbaar voor clients totdat er voor alle bijbehorende beschrijfbare mappartities een initiële synchronisatie is uitgevoerd. Op dit moment is de initiële synchronisatie nog niet voltooid.
De synchronisatie wordt voortgezet. |
Katalogservern kommer inte att vara tillgänglig för klienter förrän den slutfört en inledande synkronisering av varje skrivbar katalogpartition som den har. Denna inledande synkronisering har ännu inte slutförts.
Synkroniseringar kommer att fortsätta. |
디렉터리 서버에서는 기록 가능한 디렉터리 파티션의 초기 동기화를 완료할 때까지 클라이언트를 사용할 수 없습니다. 초기 동기화는 완료되지 않았습니다.
동기화가 계속 진행됩니다. |
Este servidor de directório não estará disponível para os clientes até ser concluída uma sincronização inicial de cada partição de directório gravável existente. Neste momento, estas sincronizações iniciais não foram concluídas.
As sincronizações vão continuar. |
Ten serwer katalogowy nie będzie dostępny dla klientów, dopóki nie zostanie ukończona wstępna synchronizacja każdej zapisywalnej partycji katalogu będącej w jego posiadaniu. Te wstępne synchronizacje nie zostaną teraz ukończone.
Synchronizacje będą kontynuowane. |
Ce serveur d’annuaire ne sera pas disponible pour les clients jusqu’à ce que la synchronisation initiale de chaque partition de répertoire inscriptible qu’il contient soit terminée. Ces synchronisations initiales n’ont pas encore été effectuées.
La synchronisation va continuer. |
Este servidor de diretório só estará para os clientes quando tiver concluído uma sincronização inicial de cada partição de diretório gravável contida nele. As sincronizações iniciais ainda não foram concluídas.
As sincronizações continuarão. |
Tento adresářový server nebude k dispozici pro klienty, dokud nedokončí počáteční synchronizaci všech oddílů adresáře s možností zápisu, které obsahuje. Tyto počáteční synchronizace nebyly nyní dokončeny.
Synchronizace budou pokračovat. |
Este servidor de directorio no está disponible para los clientes hasta que haya completado una sincronización inicial de cada partición de directorio grabable que contenga. En este momento, estas sincronizaciones iniciales no se han completado.
Las sincronizaciones continuarán. |
Der lokale Domänencontroller wird erst durch den Domänencontroller-
Locatordienst als verfügbarer Domänencontroller angekündigt, wenn
die erste Synchronisierung der schreibbaren Verzeichnispartitionen
abgeschlossen ist. Diese ersten Synchronisierung sind zur Zeit noch
nicht abgeschlossen.
Die Synchronisierungen werden fortgesetzt. |
このディレクトリ サービスが保持している書き込み可能なディレクトリ パーティションの初期同期をすべて完了するまで、クライアントはこのディレクトリ サービスを利用できません。現在、これらの初期同期は完了していません。
同期は続行されます。 |
Questo server directory non sarà disponibile ai client finché non avrà completato la sincronizzazione iniziale di ciascuna partizione di directory scrivibile in esso contenuta. Attualmente queste sincronizzazioni iniziali non sono state completate.
I processi di sincronizzazione continueranno. |