Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services performed the following number of search operations within this time interval.
Time interval (hours):
Number of search operations:
During this time interval, the following number of search operations were characterized as either expensive or inefficient.
Expensive search operations:
Inefficient search operations:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: A client issued a search operation with the following options.
Starting node:
Search scope:
Attribute selection:
Server controls:
Visited entries:
Returned entries:
%4 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
Internal event: The Active Directory Domain Services database has the following amount of free hard disk space remaining.
Free hard disk space (megabytes):
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes):
%2 |
新增複本 |
Çoğaltma Ekle |
添加副本集 |
Добавление реплики |
Replica toevoegen |
Lägg till replik |
복제본 추가 |
Adicionar Réplica |
Dodaj replikę |
Replika hozzáadása |
Ajouter un réplica |
Adicionar Réplica |
Přidat repliku |
Agregar réplica |
Replikat hinzufügen |
レプリカの追加 |
Aggiungi replica |
刪除複本 |
Çoğaltma Sil |
删除副本集 |
Удаление реплики |
Replica verwijderen |
Ta bort replik |
복제본 삭제 |
Eliminar Réplica |
Usuń replikę |
Replika törlése |
Supprimer un réplica |
Excluir Réplica |
Odstranit repliku |
Eliminar réplica |
Replikat löschen |
レプリカの削除 |
Elimina Replica |
同步處理複本 |
Çoğaltma Eşitle |
同步副本集 |
Синхронизация реплики |
Replica synchroniseren |
Synkronisera replik |
Sincronizar Réplica |
Synchronizuj replikę |
Replika szinkronizálása |
Synchroniser un réplica |
Sincronizar Réplica |
Synchronizovat repliku |
Sincronizar réplica |
Replikat synchronisieren |
복제본 동기화 |
レプリカの同期 |
Sincronizza replica |
更新參照 |
Başvuruları Güncelleştir |
更新引用 |
Обновление ссылок |
Referenties bijwerken |
Uppdatera referenser |
참조 업데이트 |
Actualizar Referências |
Aktualizuj replikę |
Hivatkozások frissítése |
Mettre à jour les références |
Atualizar Referências |
Aktualizovat odkazy |
Actualizar referencias |
Referenzen aktualisieren |
参照の更新 |
Aggiorna riferimenti |
修改複本 |
Çoğaltma Değiştir |
修改副本集 |
Изменение реплики |
Replica aanpassen |
Ändra replik |
복제본 수정 |
Modificar Réplica |
Modyfikuj replikę |
Replika módosítása |
Modifier les réplicas |
Modificar Réplica |
Změnit repliku |
Modificar réplica |
Replikat ändern |
レプリカの修正 |
Modifica replica |
這個目錄服務不再被設定為裝載下列的目錄分割。因此,將會從本機 Active Directory 網域服務資料庫中移除這個目錄分割中的物件。
要移除的物件數目 (大約值):
要移除的名稱值數目 (大約值):
在這些物件完全移除前,這個目錄服務無法被重設為裝載這個目錄分割。 |
Bu dizin hizmeti yapılandırması, artık aşağıdaki dizin bölümünün barındırılmasına olanak vermiyor. Sonuç olarak, bu dizin bölümündeki nesneler yerel Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri veritabanından kaldırılacak.
Dizin bölümü:
Kaldırılacak nesne sayısı (yaklaşık):
Kaldırılacak ad değeri sayısı (yaklaşık):
Bu nesneler tümüyle kaldırılıncaya kadar bu dizin hizmeti, bu dizin bölümünü barındıracak şekilde yeniden yapılandırılamayacak. |
此目录服务不再配置为主持下列目录分区。因此,目录分区中的对象将从本地 Active Directory 域服务数据库删除。
在这些对象完全被删除之前,此目录服务不能重新配置为主持该目录分区。 |
Этот сервер службы каталогов больше не настроен на хранение следующего раздела каталога. Объекты из этого раздела каталога будут удалены из локальной базы данных доменных служб Active Directory.
Раздел каталога:
Количество объектов для удаления (приблизительное):
Количество значений имен для удаления (приблизительное):
Пока эти объекты не будут полностью удалены, этот сервер службы каталогов нельзя будет перенастроить для хранения этого раздела каталога. |
디렉터리 서비스가 더 이상 다음 디렉터리 파티션을 호스팅하도록 구성되지 않았습니다. 따라서 이 디렉터리 파티션의 개체가 로컬 Active Directory 도메인 서비스 데이터베이스로부터 제거됩니다.
디렉터리 파티션:
제거할 개체 수(대략):
제거될 이름 값의 수(대략):
이러한 개체를 완전히 제거하기 전에는 이 디렉터리 서비스가 이 디렉터리 파티션을 호스팅하도록 다시 구성할 수 없습니다. |
Ta usługa katalogowa nie jest już skonfigurowana do obsługi następującej partycji katalogu. W rezultacie obiekty na tej partycji katalogu zostaną usunięte z lokalnej bazy danych Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory.
Partycja katalogu:
Liczba obiektów do usunięcia (w przybliżeniu):
Liczba wartości nazwy do usunięcia (w przybliżeniu):
Nie można ponownie skonfigurować usługi katalogowej do obsługi tej partycji katalogu do czasu usunięcia tych obiektów. |
Tato adresářová služba již není nakonfigurována jako hostitel následujícího oddílu adresáře. Proto budou objekty v tomto oddílu adresáře odebrány z místní databáze služby Active Directory Domain Services.
Oddíl adresáře:
Počet objektů k odebrání (přibližně):
Počet hodnot názvů, které budou odebrány (přibližně):
Dokud nebudou tyto objekty zcela odebrány, nelze změnit konfiguraci této adresářové služby tak, aby hostila tento oddíl adresáře. |
このディレクトリ サービスは、次のディレクトリ パーティションをホストする構成ではなくなりました。このため、このディレクトリ パーティションのオブジェクトがローカル Active Directory ドメイン サービス データベースから削除されます。
ディレクトリ パーティション:
このディレクトリ サービスは、これらのオブジェクトが完全に削除されるまで、このディレクトリ パーティションをホストするように再構成できません。 |
已繼續從本機 Active Directory 網域服務資料庫移除下列目錄分割。
要移除的剩餘物件數目 (大約值):
要移除的剩餘名稱值數目 (大約值):
%3 |
Aşağıdaki dizin bölümünün yerel Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri veritabanından kaldırılmasına devam edildi.
Dizin bölümü:
Kalan kaldırılacak nesne sayısı (yaklaşık):
Kalan kaldırılacak ad değeri sayısı (yaklaşık):
%3 |
已经恢复从本地 Active Directory 域服务数据库删除下列目录分区。
%3 |
Удаление следующего раздела каталога из локальной базы данных доменных служб Active Directory возобновлено.
Раздел каталога:
Количество оставшихся объектов для удаления (приблизительное):
Количество оставшихся значений имен для удаления (приблизительное):
%3 |
Het verwijderen van de volgende directorypartitie uit de lokale Active Directory Domain Services-database is hervat.
Resterend aantal te verwijderen objecten (ongeveer):
Resterend aantal te verwijderen naamwaarden (ongeveer):
%3 |
Borttagning av följande katalogpartition från den lokala Active Directory Domain Services-databasen fortsätter.
Uppskattat antal kvarvarande objekt som kommer att tas bort:
Uppskattat antal kvarvarande namnvärden som kommer att tas bort:
%3 |
Active Directory 도메인 서비스 데이터베이스로부터 다음 디렉터리 파티션을 제거하는 작업이 다시 시작되었습니다.
디렉터리 파티션:
남아 있는 제거할 개체 수(대략):
남아 있는 제거할 이름 값의 수(대략):
%3 |
A remoção da seguinte partição de directório da base de dados local dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory foi retomada.
Partição de directório:
Número de objectos restantes a remover (aproximadamente):
Número de valores de nome restantes a remover (aproximadamente):
%3 |
Wznowiono usuwanie następującej partycji katalogu z lokalnej bazy danych Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory.
Partycja katalogu:
Liczba obiektów pozostałych do usunięcia (w przybliżeniu):
Liczba wartości nazwy pozostałych do usunięcia (w przybliżeniu):
%3 |
A rendszer folytatja az alábbi címtárpartíció eltávolítását az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások helyi adatbázisából.
Hátralévő eltávolítandó objektumok száma (hozzávetőlegesen):
Hátralévő eltávolítandó névértékek száma (hozzávetőlegesen):
%3 |
La suppression de la partition de répertoire suivante de la base de données locale des services de domaine Active Directory a repris.
Partition d’annuaire :
Nombre d’objets restant à supprimer (approximativement) :
Nombre de valeurs de noms restant à supprimer (approximativement) :
%3 |
A remoção da partição de diretório a seguir do banco de dados dos Serviços de Domínio Active Directory local continuou.
Partição de diretório:
Número de objetos restantes a serem removidos (aproximadamente):
Número de valores de nomes restantes a serem removidos (aproximadamente):
%3 |
Bylo obnoveno odebrání následujícího oddílu adresáře z místní databáze služby Active Directory Domain Services.
Oddíl adresáře:
Zbývající počet objektů k odebrání (přibližně):
Zbývající počet hodnot názvů k odebrání (přibližně):
%3 |
Se reanudó la eliminación de la siguiente partición de directorio de la base de datos local de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory.
Partición de directorio:
Número de objetos que quedan por quitar (aproximadamente):
Número de valores de nombre que quedan por quitar (aproximadamente):
%3 |
Das Entfernen der folgenden Verzeichnispartition aus der lokalen Active
Directory-Domänendienste-Datenbank wurde fortgesetzt.
Anzahl der verbleibenden zu entfernenden Objekte (ca.):
Anzahl der verbleibenden zu entfernenden Namenswerte (ca.):
%3 |
次のディレクトリ パーティションのローカル Active Directory ドメイン サービス データベースからの削除が再開されました。
ディレクトリ パーティション:
%3 |
È ripresa la rimozione della partizione di directory seguente dal database di Servizi di dominio Active Directory locale.
Partizione di directory:
Numero (approssimativo) di oggetti da rimuovere:
Numero (approssimativo) di valori dei nomi da rimuovere:
%3 |