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從本機 Active Directory 網域服務資料庫移除下列目錄分割已成功地完成。 目錄分割: %1
Aşağıdaki dizin bölümünün yerel Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri veritabanından kaldırılması başarıyla tamamlandı. Dizin bölümü: %1
从本地 Active Directory 域服务数据库删除下列目录分区已成功完成。 目录分区: %1
Удаление следующего раздела каталога из локальной базы данных доменных служб Active Directory успешно выполнено. Раздел каталога: %1
De volgende directorypartitie is volledig verwijderd uit de lokale Active Directory Domain Services-database. Directorypartitie: %1
Borttagning av följande katalogpartition från den lokala Active Directory Domain Services-databasen har slutförts. Katalogpartition: %1
로컬 Active Directory 도메인 서비스 데이터베이스에서 다음 디렉터리 파티션 제거 작업이 완료되었습니다. 디렉터리 파티션: %1
A remoção da seguinte partição de directório da base de dados local dos Serviços de Directório do Active Directory foi concluída com êxito. Partição de directório: %1
Pomyślnie usunięto następującą partycję katalogu z lokalnej bazy danych Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory. Partycja katalogu: %1
A program sikeresen eltávolította az alábbi címtárpartíciót az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások helyi adatbázisából. Címtárpartíció: %1
La suppression de la partition de répertoire suivante à partir de la base de données locale des services de domaine Active Directory s’est terminée correctement. Partition d’annuaire : %1
A remoção da partição de diretório a seguir do banco de dados dos Serviços de Domínio Active Directory local foi concluída com êxito. Partição de diretório: %1
Odebrání následujícího oddílu adresáře z místní databáze služby Active Directory Domain Services bylo úspěšně dokončeno. Oddíl adresáře: %1
Se completó correctamente la eliminación de la siguiente partición de directorio de la base de datos local de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory. Partición de directorio: %1
Das Entfernen der folgenden Verzeichnispartition von der lokalen Active Directory-Domänendienste-Datenbank wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Verzeichnispartition: %1
次のディレクトリ パーティションのローカル Active Directory ドメイン サービス データベースからの削除は正常に完了しました。 ディレクトリ パーティション: %1
La rimozione della partizione di directory seguente dal database di Servizi di dominio Active Directory locale è stata completata. Partizione di directory: %1
Active Directory 網域服務並未從本機 Active Directory 網域服務資料庫移除下列目錄分割的物件。 目錄分割: %1 稍後將會重試這個操作。 其他資料 錯誤值: %3 %2
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri, aşağıdaki dizin bölümü nesnelerini yerel Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri veritabanından kaldırmadı. Dizin bölümü: %1 Bu işlem daha sonra yeniden denenecek. Ek Veriler Hata değeri: %3 %2
Active Directory 域服务没有从本地 Active Directory 域服务数据库删除下列目录分区的对象。 目录分区: %1 此操作稍后将重试。 其他数据 错误值: %3 %2
Объекты следующего раздела каталога не удалены из локальной базы данных доменных служб Active Directory. Раздел каталога: %1 Эта операция будет снова запущена позже. Дополнительные данные Значение ошибки: %3 %2
Objecten op de volgende directorypartitie zijn niet verwijderd uit de lokale Active Directory Domain Services-database. Directorypartitie: %1 Deze bewerking wordt later opnieuw geprobeerd. Aanvullende gegevens Foutwaarde: %3 %2
Active Directory Domain Services tog inte bort följande katalogpartition från den lokala Active Directory Domain Services-databasen. Katalogpartition: %1 Ett nytt försök att utföra den här åtgärden kommer att göras senare. Ytterligare data Felvärde: %3 %2
Active Directory 도메인 서비스가 다음 디렉터리 파티션의 개체를 로컬 Active Directory 도메인 서비스 데이터베이스에서 제거하지 못했습니다. 디렉터리 파티션: %1 이 작업을 나중에 다시 시도합니다. 추가 데이터 오류 값: %3 %2
O Active Directory não removeu os objectos da seguinte partição de directório da base de dados local do Active Directory. Partição de directório: %1 Esta operação será repetida mais tarde. Dados Adicionais Valor do erro: %3 %2
Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory nie usunęły obiektów następującej partycji katalogu z lokalnej bazy danych Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory. Partycja katalogu: %1 Ta operacja zostanie ponowiona później. Dodatkowe dane Wartość błędu: %3 %2
Les services de domaine Active Directory n’ont pas supprimé les objets de la partition de répertoire suivante de la base de données locale des services de domaine Active Directory. Partition d’annuaire : %1 Cette opération sera tentée à nouveau ultérieurement. Données supplémentaires Valeur de l’erreur : %3 %2
Os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory não removeram objetos da seguinte partição de diretório do banco de dados dos Serviços de Domínio Active Directory. Partição de diretório: %1 Esta operação será tentada novamente mais tarde. Dados Adicionais Valor de erro: %3 %2
Služba Active Directory Domain Services neodebrala objekty následujícího oddílu adresáře z místní databáze služby Active Directory Domain Services. Oddíl adresáře: %1 Tato operace bude zopakována později. Další data Chybová hodnota: %3 %2
Los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory no quitaron objetos de la siguiente partición de directorio de la base de datos local de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory. Partición de directorio: %1 Esta operación volverá a intentarse más adelante. Datos adicionales Valor de error: %3 %2
Die Objekte der folgenden Verzeichnispartition wurden nicht aus der lokalen Active Directory-Domänendienste-Datenbank entfernt. Verzeichnispartition: %1 Dieser Vorgang wird später erneut ausgeführt. Zusätzliche Daten Fehlerwert: %3%2
Active Directory ドメイン サービスで、ローカル Active Directory ドメイン サービス データベースのオブジェクトから次のディレクトリ パーティションのオブジェクトは削除されませんでした。 ディレクトリ パーティション: %1 この操作は後で再実行されます。 追加データ エラー値: %3 %2
Impossibile rimuovere gli oggetti della partizione di directory seguente dal database di Servizi di dominio Active Directory locale. Partizione di directory: %1 L'operazione verrà ripetuta in seguito. Dati aggiuntivi Valore errore: %3 %2
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások nem távolította el az alábbi címtárpartíció objektumait az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások helyi adatbázisából. Címtárpartíció: %1 E műveletet a program később ismét megpróbálja. További adatok Hibaérték: %3 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has been tasked to get group memberships for the following number of users. Number of users: %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services processed the group memberships of the requested users. Additional Data Error value: %2 %1
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to replace all the values of an attribute. An incoming value was not found in the existing attribute. The value exists on the attribute, but it is marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4 The absent value will be changed to a present value.
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal Event: A request was made to remove all values of an attribute. A value was marked as absent. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Value: %3 Deletion Time: %4
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: A request was made to remove a single value of an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion time: %4 The value was marked as absent.
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
Internal event: The following metadata is associated with an attribute value. Time created: %1 Version: %2 Source directory service GUID: %3 Source directory service USN: %4 Time changed: %5 USN changed: %6
See catalog page for all messages.