Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: An incoming attribute value represents an object that has been deleted.
Object GUID:
Attribute value:
Attribute value GUID:
The incoming attribute value change will be ignored. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute.
Attribute value:
Deletion time:
The value does not exist on this attribute in any form. The state of the value is absent. As a result, the new value was created. |
本目錄服務現在支援連結值的複寫。多值屬性的每個值現在都是獨立複寫,以降低網路頻寬並提供較好的衝突解決。 |
Bu dizin hizmeti artık bağlantılı değerleri çoğaltmayı desteklemektedir. Ağ bant genişliğini azaltmak ve daha hassas bir çakışma çözümü sağlamak için, birden çok değeri olan bir özniteliğin her değeri artık ayrı ayrı çoğaltılmaktadır. |
本地目录服务现支持链接值复制。多值属性的每一个值现在单独复制,以降低网络带宽需求并提供更好的冲突解决。 |
Этот сервер службы каталогов теперь поддерживает возможность репликации связных значений. Каждое значение многозначного атрибута теперь может реплицироваться отдельно, чтобы уменьшить нагрузку на сеть и предоставить возможность более тонкого разрешения конфликтов. |
Deze directoryservice ondersteunt nu replicatie met koppelingswaarden. Elke waarde van een kenmerk met meerdere waarden wordt nu afzonderlijk gerepliceerd. Hierdoor wordt het netwerk minder belast en kunnen conflicten beter worden opgelost. |
Katalogtjänsten stöder nu replikering av länkade värden. Varje värde i ett attribut med flera värden replikeras nu individuellt för att minska användning av nätverksbandbredd och ge mer finmaskig konfliktlösning. |
디렉터리 서비스는 이제 링크된 값 복제 기능을 지원합니다. 각 다중 값 특성의 값은 네트워크의 대역폭을 줄이고, 더 나은 충돌 해결을 제공하기 위해 개별적으로 복제됩니다. |
Este serviço de directório suporta agora a replicação de valores ligados. Cada valor de um atributo com vários valores é replicado agora individualmente para reduzir a largura de banda de rede e para fornecer um nível mais apurado da resolução de conflitos. |
Ta usługa katalogowa obsługuje już replikacje wartości połączonych. Każda wartość wielowartościowego atrybutu będzie replikowana indywidualnie w celu zmniejszenia obciążenia pasma sieciowego i efektywniejszego rozwiązywania konfliktów. |
A címtárszolgáltatás most támogatja az értéklánc típusú replikációt. A többértékes attribútumok mindegyik értékét külön replikálja a program, ezzel csökkenti a hálózati sávszélesség megterhelését és kifinomultabb megoldást nyújt az ütközések feloldására. |
Ce service d’annuaire prend désormais en charge la réplication validée par un lien. Chaque valeur d’attribut multivaleur réplique désormais individuellement pour réduire la bande passante du réseau et fournir un degré plus fin de résolution de conflit. |
Este serviço de diretório agora oferece suporte à replicação com valores vinculados. Cada valor de um atributo multivalorado agora se replica individualmente para reduzir a largura de banda de rede e para fornecer um grau mais refinado de resolução de conflitos. |
Tato adresářová služba nyní podporuje replikaci s propojenými hodnotami. Každá hodnota vícehodnotového atributu je nyní replikována samostatně, aby se snížila šířka pásma a zlepšila míra řešení konfliktů. |
Este servicio de directorio admite ahora replicación de valor de vínculo. Cada valor de un atributo multivalor ahora se replica individualmente para reducir el ancho de banda de la red y ofrecer un grado más preciso de resolución de conflictos. |
Der lokale Domänencontroller unterstützt jetzt die verknüpfte
Wertreplikationsfunktion. Jeder Wert eines Mehrfachwertattributs kann
jetzt individuell repliziert werden, um die Netzwerkbandbreite zu
verringern und um eine detailliertere Konfliktbehebung zu ermöglichen. |
現在、このディレクトリ サービスは、リンクされた値のレプリケーションをサポートします。ネットワークの帯域幅を消費を減らし、高度の競合解決を提供するために、複数値を持つ属性はそれぞれ個々にレプリケートします。 |
Questo servizio directory supporta la replica del valore collegato. Ciascun valore di un attributo multivalore viene replicato individualmente per ridurre la larghezza di banda della rete e garantire un livello di risoluzione dei conflitti più dettagliato. |
複寫 %1: 收到 %2 個物件 (總共約 %3 個) 並收到 %4 個分辨名稱 (DN) 值 (總共約 %5 個)... |
%1 verileri çoğaltılıyor: yaklaşık %3 nesnenin %2 tanesi alındı ve yaklaşık %5 ayırt edici ad (DN) değerinin %4 tanesi alındı... |
正在复制数据 %1: 接收了 %2 (大约共 %3 )个对象,%4 (大约共 %5 )可分辨名称(DN)值... |
Репликация данных %1: получено %2 из приблизительно %3 объектов и %4 из приблизительно %5 значений различающихся имен (DN)... |
Gegevens van %1 worden gerepliceerd: %2 van ongeveer %3 objecten en %4 van ongeveer %5 DN-waarden zijn ontvangen... |
Replikering av data %1: %2 av ungefär %3 objekt och %4 av ungefär %5 unika namn togs emot... |
복제 데이터 %1: %3개의 개체 중에서 %2개를 받았으며 %5개의 DN(고유 이름)중에서 %4개를 받았습니다. |
A replicar dados %1: %2 recebidos de aproximadamente %3 objectos e %4 de aproximadamente %5 valores de nome único (DN)... |
Trwa replikowanie danych %1: otrzymano %2 spośród około %3 obiektów i %4 spośród około %5 wartości nazw wyróżniających... |
Adatok replikálása: %1: A program %2 objektumot fogadott a hozzávetőleg %3 objektumból, és %4 megkülönböztető nevet a körülbelül %5 névből. |
Réplication des données %1 : %2 sur approximativement %3 objets ont été reçus et %4 sur approximativement %5 valeurs de noms distinctifs (DN)... |
Replicando dados %1: Recebidos %2 de aproximadamente %3 objetos e %4 de aproximadamente %5 valores de nomes distintos (DN)... |
Replikace dat %1: Přijato %2 z přibližně %3 objektů a %4 z přibližně %5 hodnot rozlišujících názvů... |
Replicando los datos %1: se recibieron %2 de aproximadamente %3 objetos y %4 de aproximadamente %5 valores de nombre distintivo (DN)... |
%1 wird repliziert:
Es wurden %2 von ungefähr %3 Objekten empfangen und
Daten von "%1" werden repliziert: Es wurden %2 von ungefähr %3 Objekten und %4 von ungefähr %5 definierten Namenswerten empfangen... |
データ %1 をレプリケートしています: およそ %3 個のオブジェクトから %2 個を受信し、およそ %5 個の識別名 (DN) の値から %4 個を受信しました... |
Replica dei dati %1: ricevuti %2 oggetti su %3 circa e %4 valori di nomi distinti su %5 circa... |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services removed the following expired, deleted attribute value from the following object.
Attribute value:
%1 |
這是特殊的複寫循環,因為新增了一些屬性到部分屬性組中。 |
Genel katalog, aşağıdaki etki alanı denetleyicisinden aşağıdaki dizin bölümünün kısmi öznitelik kümesini eşitlemeyi tamamladı.
Dizin bölümü:
Etki alanı denetleyicisi:
Kısmi öznitelik kümesine bir veya birkaç öznitelik eklendiğinden, bu özel bir çoğaltma döngüsüdür. |
这是因为添加了一个或多个属性到部分属性集导致的特殊复制循环。 |
Глобальный каталог завершил синхронизацию частичного набора атрибутов следующего раздела каталога со следующим контроллером домена.
Раздел каталога:
Контроллер домена:
Это особый цикл репликации, обусловленный добавлением одного или нескольких атрибутов в частичный набор атрибутов. |
De globale catalogus heeft de synchronisatie van de gedeeltelijke kenmerkset voor de volgende mappartitie vanaf de volgende domeincontroller voltooid.
Dit is een speciale replicatiecyclus vanwege de toevoeging van een of meer kenmerken aan de gedeeltelijke kenmerkset. |
Den globala katalogen slutförde synkronisering av den ofullständiga attributuppsättningen för följande katalogpartition från följande domänkontrollant.
Detta är en speciell replikeringscykel på grund av att ett eller fler attribut har lagts till i den ofullständiga attributuppsättningen. |
글로벌 카탈로그가 다음 도메인 컨트롤러의 디렉터리 파티션에 대한 부분 특성 세트의 동기화를 완료했습니다.
디렉터리 파티션:
도메인 컨트롤러:
이것은 부분 특성 세트에 두 개 이상의 특성 추가로 인한 특별 동기화 사이클입니다. |
O catálogo global concluiu a sincronização do conjunto de atributos parcial para a seguinte partição de directório do controlador de domínio que se segue.
Partição de directório:
Controlador de domínio:
É um ciclo de replicação especial devido à adição de um ou mais atributos ao conjunto de atributos parcial. |
Wykaz globalny ukończył synchronizację częściowego zestawu atrybutów dla następującej partycji katalogu z kontrolera domeny.
Partycja katalogu:
Kontroler domeny:
To jest specjalny cykl replikacji, ponieważ do częściowego zestawu atrybutów dodano jeden lub więcej atrybutów. |
A globális katalógus szinkronizálta az alábbi tartományvezérlő alábbi címtárpartíciójának részleges attribútumkészletét.
Ez egy különleges replikációs ciklus, amelyre amiatt került sor, mert a részleges attribútumkészlet legalább egy attribútummal kiegészült. |
Le catalogue global a terminé la synchronisation du jeu d’attributs partiel pour la partition d’annuaire suivante à partir du contrôleur de domaine suivant.
Partition d’annuaire :
Contrôleur de domaine :
Ce cycle de réplication spécial est provoqué par l’ajout d’un ou plusieurs attributs au jeu d’attributs partiel. |
A sincronização concluída do catálogo global do conjunto de atributos parcial para a partição de diretório a seguir do controlador de domínio a seguir.
Partição de diretório:
Controlador de domínio:
Este é um ciclo de replicação especial devido à adição de um ou mais atributos ao conjunto de atributos parcial. |
Globální katalog dokončil synchronizaci neúplné sady atributů pro následující oddíl adresáře z uvedeného řadiče domény.
Oddíl adresáře:
Řadič domény:
Jedná se o specifický replikační cyklus z důvodu přidání jednoho nebo více atributů do neúplné sady atributů. |
El catálogo global completó la sincronización del grupo de atributos parcial para la siguiente partición de directorio desde el siguiente controlador de dominio.
Partición de directorio:
Controlador de dominio:
Este es un ciclo especial de replicación debido a la adición de uno o más atributos al grupo de atributos parcial. |
Der globale Katalog hat die Synchronisierung des Teilattributsatzes für
die folgende Verzeichnispartition von dem folgenden Domänencontroller
Dies ist ein Spezialreplikationszyklus aufgrund der Hinzufügung einer
oder mehrerer Attribute zu dem Teilattributsatz. |
グローバル カタログにより、次のドメイン コントローラから次のディレクトリ パーティションの部分的な属性セットの同期が完了されました。
ディレクトリ パーティション:
ドメイン コントローラ:
これは、部分的な属性セットへの 1 つ以上の属性の追加による特別なレプリケーション サイクルです。 |
Il catalogo globale ha completato la sincronizzazione del gruppo di attributi parziali per la seguente partizione di directory dal seguente controllo di dominio.
Partizione di directory:
Controller di dominio:
Si tratta di un ciclo di replica speciale dovuto all'aggiunta di uno o più attributi al gruppo di attributi parziali. |
這可能會造成相當大的網路流量。 |
Genel katalog, aşağıdaki dizin bölümü için tam eşitleme işlemi başlattı. Kısmi öznitelik kümesine bir veya birkaç öznitelik eklendiğinden, bu özel bir çoğaltma döngüsüdür.
Dizin bölümü:
Bunun sonucunda ağ trafiği yoğunlaşabilir. |
这可能造成相当网络流量。 |
Глобальный каталог инициировал полную синхронизацию следующего раздела каталога. Это особый цикл репликации, обусловленный добавлением одного или нескольких атрибутов в частичный набор атрибутов.
Раздел каталога:
Это может породить значительный сетевой трафик. |
De globale catalogus heeft een volledige synchronisatie gestart voor de volgende mappartitie. Dit is een speciale replicatiecyclus vanwege de toevoeging van een of meer kenmerken aan de gedeeltelijke kenmerkset.
Dit kan resulteren in veel netwerkverkeer. |
Den globala katalogen inled en fullständig synkronisering för följande katalogpartition. Detta är en speciell replikeringscykel på grund av att ett eller fler attribut har lagts till i den ofullständiga attributuppsättningen.
Detta kan leda till en avsevärd ökning i nätverkstrafik. |
글로벌 카탈로그가 다음 디렉터리 파티션에 대한 전체 동기화를 시작했습니다. 이것은 부분 특성 세트에 두 개 이상의 특성 추가로 인한 특별 동기화 사이클입니다.
디렉터리 파티션:
이렇게 하면 네트워크 트래픽에 영향을 미칠 수도 있습니다. |
O catálogo global iniciou uma sincronização completa para a seguinte partição de directório. Este é um ciclo de replicação especial devido à adição de um ou vários atributos ao conjunto de atributos parcial.
Partição de directório:
Isto pode resultar num tráfego de rede substancial. |
Wykaz globalny zainicjował pełną synchronizację następującej partycji katalogu. To jest specjalny cykl replikacji, ponieważ do częściowego zestawu atrybutów dodano jeden lub więcej atrybutów.
Partycja katalogu:
Może to spowodować znaczny ruch w sieci. |
A globális katalógus kezdeményezte az alábbi címtárpartíció teljes szinkronizálását. Ez egy különleges replikációs ciklus, amelyre amiatt került sor, mert a részleges attribútumkészlet legalább egy attribútummal kiegészült.
A művelet eredményeként jelentősen nőhet a hálózati forgalom. |
Le contrôleur de domaine a lancé une synchronisation complète de la partition d’annuaire suivante Ce cycle de réplication spécial est provoqué par l’ajout d’un ou plusieurs attributs au jeu d’attributs partiel.
Partition d’annuaire :
Ceci peut générer un trafic réseau important. |
O catálogo global iniciou uma sincronização total para a partição de diretório a seguir. Este é um ciclo de replicação especial devido à adição de um ou mais atributos ao conjunto de atributos parcial.
Partição de diretório:
Isto pode resultar em um considerável tráfego de rede. |
Globální katalog inicializoval úplnou synchronizaci následujícího oddílu adresáře. Jedná se o zvláštní replikační cyklus z důvodu přidání jednoho nebo více atributů do neúplné sady atributů.
Oddíl adresáře:
To může vést ke značnému síťovému provozu. |
El catálogo global ha iniciado una sincronización completa para la siguiente partición de directorio. Es un ciclo de replicación especial debido a la adición de uno o más atributos al grupo de atributos parcial.
Partición de directorio:
Esto podría resultar en un tráfico de red considerable. |
Der globale Katalog hat die volle Synchronization für die folgende
Verzeichnispartition initialisiert. Dies ist ein Sonderreplikationszyklus
aufgrund der Hinzufügung eines oder mehrerer Attribute zu dem
Dies kann zu erhöhtem Netzwerkverkehr führen. |
グローバル カタログにより、次のディレクトリ パーティションの完全な同期が開始されました。これは、部分的な属性セットへの 1 つ以上の属性の追加による特別なレプリケーション サイクルです。
ディレクトリ パーティション:
これは、ネットワーク トラフィックが非常に増える結果となる可能性があります。 |
Il catalogo globale ha iniziato una sincronizzazione completa per la seguente partizione di directory. Si tratta di un ciclo di replica speciale dovuto all'aggiunta di uno o più attributi al gruppo di attributi parziali.
Partizione di directory:
È possibile che si produca un notevole traffico di rete. |
這是特殊的複寫循環,因為新增了一些屬性到部分屬性組中。 |
Genel katalog, aşağıdaki etki alanı denetleyicisinden aşağıdaki dizin bölümünün kısmi öznitelik kümesi üyesini çoğaltmaya başladı.
Dizin bölümü:
Etki alanı denetleyicisi:
Kısmi öznitelik kümesine bir veya birkaç öznitelik eklendiğinden, bu özel bir çoğaltma döngüsüdür. |
这是因为将一个或多个属性添加到部分属性集导致的特殊复制循环。 |
Глобальный каталог инициировал репликацию члена частичного набора атрибутов следующего раздела каталога со следующего контроллера домена.
Раздел каталога:
Контроллер домена:
Это особый цикл репликации, обусловленный добавлением одного или нескольких атрибутов в частичный набор атрибутов. |
Op de globale-catalogusserver is een replicatie gestart van een gedeeltelijke kenmerkset voor de volgende directorypartitie van de volgende domeincontroller.
Dit is een speciale replicatiecyclus vanwege de toevoeging van een of meer kenmerken aan de gedeeltelijke kenmerkset. |
Den globala katalogen påbörjade replikering av en medlem av en ofullständig attributuppsättning för följande katalogpartition från följande domänkontrollant.
Detta är en speciell replikeringscykel på grund av att ett eller fler attribut har lagts till i den ofullständiga attributuppsättningen. |
글로벌 카탈로그가 다음 도메인 컨트롤러의 디렉터리 파티션에 대한 부분 특성 집합 구성원의 복제를 시작했습니다.
디렉터리 파티션:
도메인 컨트롤러:
이것은 부분 특성 집합에 두 개 이상의 특성 추가로 인한 특수 복제 사이클입니다. |
O catálogo global iniciou a replicação de um membro do conjunto de atributos parcial para a seguinte partição de directório do controlador de domínio que se segue.
Partição de directório:
Controlador de domínio:
É um ciclo de replicação especial devido à adição de um ou mais atributos ao conjunto de atributos parcial. |
Wykaz globalny zainicjował replikację elementu członkowskiego częściowego zestawu atrybutów dla następującej partycji katalogu z kontrolera domeny.
Partycja katalogu:
Kontroler domeny:
To jest specjalny cykl replikacji, ponieważ do częściowego zestawu atrybutów dodano jeden lub więcej atrybutów. |
A globális katalógus kezdeményezte az alábbi tartományvezérlőn lévő alábbi címtárpartíció részleges attribútumkészlete egy tagjának replikálását.
Ez egy különleges replikációs ciklus, amelyre amiatt került sor, mert a részleges attribútumkészlet legalább egy attribútummal kiegészült. |
Le catalogue global a lancé la synchronisation d’un membre du jeu d’attributs partiel pour la partition d’annuaire suivante à partir du contrôleur de domaine suivant.
Partition d’annuaire :
Contrôleur de domaine :
Ce cycle de réplication spécial est provoqué par l’ajout d’un ou plusieurs attributs au jeu d’attributs partiel. |
O catálogo global iniciou a replicação de um membro do conjunto de atributos parcial para a partição de diretório a seguir deste controlador de domínio.
Partição de diretório:
Controlador de domínio:
Este é um ciclo de replicação especial devido à adição de um ou mais atributos para o conjunto de atributos parcial. |
Globální katalog inicioval replikaci člena neúplné sady atributů pro následující oddíl adresáře z uvedeného řadiče domény.
Oddíl adresáře:
Řadič domény:
Jedná se o zvláštní replikační cyklus z důvodu přidání jednoho nebo více atributů do neúplné sady atributů. |
El catálogo global inició la replicación de un miembro del conjunto de atributos parcial para la siguiente partición de directorio del siguiente controlador de dominio.
Partición de directorio:
Controlador de dominio:
Se trata de un ciclo de replicación especial debido a la adición de uno o varios atributos al conjunto de atributos parcial. |
Der globale Katalog hat eine Replikation des Teilattributsatzes für die folgende Verzeichnnispartition von dem folgenden Domänencontroller initialisiert.
Dies ist ein besonderer Replikationszyklus aufgrund der Hinzunahme eines oder mehrerer Attribute zu dem Teilattributsatz. |
グローバル カタログにより、次のドメイン コントローラから次のディレクトリ パーティションの部分的な属性セットのメンバのレプリケーションが開始されました。
ディレクトリ パーティション:
ドメイン コントローラ:
これは、部分的な属性セットへの 1 つ以上の属性の追加による特別なレプリケーション サイクルです。 |
Il catalogo globale ha iniziato la replica di un membro del set di attributi parziali per la partizione di directory seguente dal controller di dominio indicato.
Partizione di directory:
Controller di dominio:
Si tratta di un ciclo di replica speciale dovuto all'aggiunta di uno o più attributi al set di attributi parziali. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
The previous replication attempt was unsuccessful. |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |
Internal event: The global catalog found the following domain controller to replicate the partial attribute set for the following directory partition.
Domain controller:
Directory partition:
%2 |