知識一致性檢查程式將不會為分割 %1 建立
拓撲,因為分割 objectGuid 資訊尚未複寫到這個
目錄服務。 |
Bilgi Tutarlılığı Denetleyicisi, bölümün objectGuid bilgileri
henüz bu dizin hizmetine çoğaltılmadığından, %1 bölümünün
topolojisini oluşturmayacak. |
知识一致性检查器将不为分区 %1 构造拓扑,因为分区的
objectGuid 知识还没有被复制到目录服务。 |
Программа проверки согласованности знаний не будет строить топологию
для раздела %1, поскольку сведения об objectGuid этого раздела еще
не реплицированы в эту службу каталогов. |
De Knowledge Consistency Checker kan geen topologie maken
voor partitie %1, omdat de GUID-gegevens van het object
nog niet naar deze domeincontroller zijn gerepliceerd. |
KCC kommer inte att skapa topologi för partitionen %1
eftersom kunskap om partitionens objectGuid
inte ännu har replikerats till den här katalogtjänsten. |
파티션의 objectGuid가 디렉터리 서버와 복제되지
않았기 때문에 정보 일관성 검사기는 %1의 토폴로지를
만들지 않습니다. |
O verificador de consistência de conhecimento não criará a topologia
para a partição %1 uma vez que o conhecimento do objectGuid da partição
ainda não foi replicado para este serviço de directório. |
Narzędzie sprawdzania spójności informacji (KCC) nie utworzy topologii
dla partycji %1, ponieważ informacje o identyfikatorze objectGuid nie zostały jeszcze
zreplikowane do tej usługi katalogowej. |
A tudás-konzisztenciaellenőrző nem hozza létre a partíció (%1)
topológiáját, mert a partíció objektumazonosítójáról még nem
replikálódott információ ebbe a címtárszolgáltatásba. |
Le vérificateur de cohérence des données ne créera pas la topologie de la partition %1 car les données du GUID de l’objet partition n’ont pas encore été répliquées vers ce service d’annuaire. |
Kontrola konzistence znalostí nevytvoří topologii
pro oddíl %1, protože znalost atributu objectGuid oddílu
nebyla do této adresářové služby dosud replikována. |
El Comprobador de coherencia de réplica no construirá la topología
para la partición %1 porque aún no se ha replicado el GUID del objeto
de la partición en este servicio de directorio. |
Die Konsistenzüberprüfung (KCC) wird die Topologie für Partition %1 nicht
erstellen, weil die Partitionsobjekt-GUID noch nicht auf diesen
Domänencontroller repliziert wurde. |
O verificador de consistência de conhecimentos não construirá a topologia
para partição %1 porque o conhecimento do Guid de objeto da partição
ainda não foi replicado para este servidor de diretório. |
パーティションの objectGuid の知識がこのディレクトリ サービスにレプリケートされて
いないため、知識整合性チェッカーはパーティション %1 のトポロジを
構築しません。 |
Il controllo di coerenza informazioni non creerà la topologia
per la partizione %1, perché le informazioni sul GUID dell'oggetto della partizione
non sono state ancora replicate a questo servizio directory. |
這台伺服器在分割 %1 的操作主機角色已轉移到伺服器 %2。 |
Bu sunucunun %1 bölümünde sahip olduğu İşlem Yöneticisi rolleri %2 sunucusuna aktarıldı. |
传送了词服务器所有的在分区 %1 上的操作主机角色到服务器 %2。 |
Роли хозяина операций, которыми владел этот сервер в разделе %1, переданы серверу %2. |
De rol van operations-master van deze server in partitie %1 zijn overgedragen naar server %2. |
Roller som åtgärdshanterare som ägs av den här server i partitionen %1 har överförts till servern %2. |
%1 파티션의 서버가 가진 작업 마스터 역할을 %2 서버로 전송하였습니다. |
As funções de mestre de operações pertencentes a este servidor na partição %1 foram transferidas para o servidor %2. |
Przetransferowano role wzorca operacji należące do tego serwera z partycji %1 do serwera %2. |
E kiszolgáló által a(z) %1 partíción birtokolt műveleti főkiszolgáló szerepkörök átvitele megtörtént a következő kiszolgálóra: %2. |
Les rôles de maître d’attribution de noms de ce serveur ont été transférés depuis la partition %1 vers le serveur %2. |
Funções de mestre de operações de propriedade deste servidor na partição %1 transferidas para o servidor %2. |
Přenesené role hlavního operačního serveru ve vlastnictví tohoto serveru v oddílu %1 na server %2. |
Se transfirieron al servidor %2 las funciones de maestro de operaciones propiedad de este servidor en la partición %1. |
Die FSMO-Funktionen dieses Servers in Partition %1 wurden auf Server %2 übertragen. |
このサーバーによって所有されている、パーティション %1 の操作マスタ役割をサーバー %2 に転送しました。 |
Ruoli master operazioni della partizione %1 di questo server trasferiti sul server %2. |
已將分割 %1 尚存的更新複寫到 Active Directory 網域控制站 %2。 |
%1 bölümünde kalan güncelleştirmeler %2 Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi'ne çoğaltıldı. |
将分区 %1 中的剩余更新复制到 Active Directory 域控制器 %2。 |
Выполнение репликации оставшихся обновлений в разделе %1 на контроллер домена Active Directory %2. |
De resterende updates in partitie %1 zijn gerepliceerd naar de Active Directory-domeincontroller %2. |
Replikerade av återstående uppdateringar i partitionen %1 till Active Directory-domänkontrollanten %2. |
%1 파티션의 남은 업데이트를 %2 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러로 복제했습니다. |
Actualizações restantes na partição %1 para o Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory %2 replicadas. |
Zreplikowano pozostałe aktualizacje na partycji %1 do kontrolera domeny usługi Active Directory %2. |
A program replikálta a(z) %1 partíción hátralévő frissítéseket a következő Active Directory-tartományvezérlőre: %2. |
Réplication effectuée depuis les mises à jour restantes dans la partition %1 vers le contrôleur de domaine Active Directory %2. |
Atualizações restantes na partição %1 replicadas para o Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory %2. |
Zbývající aktualizace v oddílu %1 byly replikovány na řadič domény %2. |
Se replicaron en el controlador de dominio de Active Directory %2 las actualizaciones restantes de la partición %1. |
Verbleibende Updates in Partition %1 wurden nach Server %2 repliziert. |
パーティション %1 の残りの更新を Active Directory ドメイン コントローラ %2 にレプリケートしました。 |
Aggiornamenti rimanenti nella partizione %1 replicati nel controller di dominio Active Directory %2. |
已複寫架構容器。 |
Şema kapsayıcısı çoğaltıldı. |
复制了架构容器。 |
Реплицирован контейнер схемы. |
De schemacontainer is gerepliceerd. |
Schemabehållaren replikerades. |
스키마 컨테이너를 복제하였습니다. |
Contentor de esquema replicado. |
Zreplikowano kontener schematów. |
A program replikálta a sématárolót. |
A répliqué le conteneur de schéma. |
Contêiner de esquema replicado. |
Kontejner schématu byl replikován. |
Se ha replicado el contenedor de esquema. |
Der Schemacontainer wurde repliziert. |
スキーマ コンテナをレプリケートしました。 |
Il contenitore degli schemi è stato replicato. |
已複寫設定容器。 |
Yapılandırma kapsayıcısı çoğaltıldı. |
复制了配置容器。 |
Реплицирован контейнер конфигурации. |
De configuratiecontainer is gerepliceerd. |
Konfigurationsbehållaren replikerades. |
구성 컨테이너를 복제하였습니다. |
Contentor de configuração replicado. |
Zreplikowano kontener konfiguracji. |
A program replikálta a konfigurációtárolót. |
A répliqué le conteneur de configuration. |
Contêiner de configuração replicado. |
Kontejner konfigurace byl replikován. |
Se ha replicado el contenedor de configuración. |
Der Konfigurationscontainer wurde repliziert. |
構成コンテナをレプリケートしました。 |
Il contenitore della configurazione è stato replicato. |
已複寫在網域容器中的關鍵物件。 |
Etki alanı kapsayıcısındaki kritik nesneler çoğaltıldı. |
复制了域控制器中的关键对象。 |
Выполнена репликация критических объектов в доменном контейнере. |
De essentiële objecten in de domeincontainer zijn gerepliceerd. |
Kritiska objekt i domänbehållaren replikerades. |
도메인 컨트롤러의 중요한 개체를 복제하였습니다. |
Objectos críticos no contentor de domínio replicados. |
Zreplikowano obiekty krytyczne w kontenerze domeny. |
A program replikálta a tartománytárolóban lévő kritikus objektumokat. |
Objetos críticos no contêiner de domínio replicados. |
Důležité objekty v řadiči domény byly replikovány. |
Se ha replicado los objetos en el contenedor de dominio. |
Die wichtigen Objekte im Domänencontainer wurden repliziert. |
A répliqué les objets critiques dans le conteneur de domaine. |
ドメイン コンテナの重要なオブジェクトをレプリケートしました。 |
Oggetti critici presenti nel contenitore del dominio replicati. |
的複寫。 |
Genel Kataloğun, en az bir bölüm için hiçbir site içi kaynağı bulunmuyor.
Global Kataloğa çoğaltma, siteler arası kaynaklardan zamanlanan
çoğaltmalarla sınırlı. |
限制到来自站点内源的计划的复制。 |
Глобальный каталог не имеет внутрисайтовых источников по крайней мере для одного раздела.
Репликация глобального каталога ограничена выполняемыми по расписанию
репликациями из межсайтовых источников. |
Er zijn geen intersitebronnen voor de globale catalogus voor ten minste een partitie.
De replicatie naar de globale catalogus is beperkt tot geplande replicaties
van intersitebronnen. |
Den globala katalogen har inte källor inom platsen för minst en partition.
Replikering till den globala katalogen begränsas till schemalagd
replikering från källor från andra platser. |
글로벌 카탈로그에 하나 이상의 파티션에 대한 사이트 간 원본이 없습니다.
글로벌 카탈로그로의 복제가 사이트 간 원본으로부터의
예약된 복제로 제한됩니다. |
O catálogo global não tem origens no local para uma partição, no mínimo.
A replicação para o catálogo global está limitada à replicação agendada
de origens entre locais. |
Wykaz globalny nie ma źródeł międzylokacyjnych dla co najmniej jednej partycji.
Replikacje do wykazu globalnego są ograniczone do zaplanowanych replikacji
ze źródeł międzylokacyjnych. |
A globális katalógusnak legalább egy partícióhoz nincsenek helyen belüli forrásai.
A globális katalógusba való replikáció a helyen belüli források
ütemezett replikációira korlátozódik. |
Le catalogue global ne dispose d’aucune source intrasite pour au moins une partition.
La réplication vers le catalogue global est limitée à la réplication planifiée à partir de sources intersites. |
O Catálogo Global não tem origens entre sites para pelo menos uma partição.
A replicação para o Catálogo Global se limita à replicação agendada
de origens entre sites. |
Globální katalog neobsahuje žádné zdroje v rámci lokality pro nejméně jeden oddíl.
Replikace do globálního katalogu je omezena na plánované replikace
ze zdrojů mimo lokalitu. |
El catálogo global no tiene orígenes entre sitios para al menos una partición.
La replicación en el catálogo global está limitada a la replicación programada
desde orígenes entre sitios. |
Der globale Katalog verfügt über keine Quellen innerhalb von Standorten für
mindestens eine Partition. Die Replikation in den globalen Katalog ist auf
geplante Replikationen von Quellen innerhalb von Standorten beschränkt. |
グローバル カタログに、少なくとも 1 つのパーティションのサイト内ソース
がありません。グローバル カタログへのレプリケーションは、サイト間ソース
からのスケジュールされたレプリケーションに制限されています。 |
Il catalogo globale non dispone di origini interne al sito per almeno una partizione.
La replica al catalogo globale è limitata alla replica pianificata
dalle origini tra siti. |
Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
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Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
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Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
%2 |
Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
%2 |
Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
%2 |
Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
%2 |
Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
%2 |
Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
%2 |
Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
%2 |
Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
%2 |
Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
%2 |
Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
%2 |
Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
%2 |
Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
%2 |
Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
%2 |
Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
%2 |
Internal event: The Intersite Messaging service using the SMTP transport has found the following number of messages remaining in this SMTP mail drop folder.
Number of messages:
SMTP mail drop folder:
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
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Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
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Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
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Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
%2 |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services deleted the following unneeded substring index.
Substring index:
Additional Data
%2 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |
Internal event: The following site link will be used to schedule the group membership cache refresh task.
Site link:
%1 |