Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The following schema object was added.
Schema object:
%1 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 election algorithm for the intersite topology generator. |
Active Directory 網域服務從下列的目錄服務新增下列可寫入的目錄分割的複寫連結。
%2 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri aşağıdaki dizin hizmetinden yine aşağıdaki yazılabilir dizin bölümü için bir çoğaltma bağlantısı ekledi.
Yazılabilir dizin bölümü:
Dizin hizmeti:
%2 |
Active Directory 域服务从下列目录服务为下列可写目录分区添加了复制链接。
%2 |
Доменными службами Active Directory добавлена связь репликации следующего изменяемого раздела каталога со следующего сервера службы каталогов.
Изменяемый раздел каталога:
Сервер службы каталогов:
%2 |
Er is in Active Directory Domain Services een replicatiekoppeling toegevoegd voor de volgende beschrijfbare directorypartitie van de volgende directoryservice.
Beschrijfbare directorypartitie:
%2 |
Active Directory Domain Services lade till en replikeringslänk för följande skrivbara katalogpartition från följande katalogtjänst.
Skrivbar katalogpartition:
%2 |
Active Directory 도메인 서비스가 다음 디렉터리 서비스에서 쓰기 가능한 디렉터리 파티션에 대한 복제 링크를 추가했습니다.
쓰기 가능한 디렉터리 파티션:
디렉터리 서비스:
%2 |
Os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory adicionaram uma ligação de replicação para a seguinte partição de directório gravável do seguinte serviço de directório.
Partição de directório gravável:
Serviço de directório:
%2 |
Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory dodały łącze replikacji dla zapisywalnej partycji katalogu z następującej usługi katalogowej.
Zapisywalna partycja katalogu:
Usługa katalogowa:
%2 |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások egy replikációs hivatkozást vett fel az alábbi címtárszolgáltatásban lévő alábbi írható címtárpartícióhoz:Írható címtárpartíció:
%2 |
Les services de domaine Active Directory ont ajouté un lien de réplication pour la partition de répertoire accessible en écriture à partir du service d’annuaire suivant.
Partition de répertoire accessible en écriture :
Service d’annuaire :
%2 |
Os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory adicionaram um vínculo de replicação para partição de diretório gravável do serviço de diretório a seguir.
Partição de diretório gravável:
serviço de diretório:
%2 |
Služba Active Directory Domain Services přidala odkaz na replikaci následujícího oddílu adresáře, na který lze zapisovat, z následující adresářové služby.
Oddíl adresáře, na který lze zapisovat:
Adresářová služba:
%2 |
Los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory agregaron un vínculo de replicación para la siguiente partición de directorio grabable del siguiente servicio de directorio.
Partición de directorio grabable:
Servicio de directorio:
%2 |
Die Active Directory-Domänendienste haben eine Replikationsverknüpfung für die folgende schreibbare Verzeichnispartition vom folgenden Verzeichnisdienst hinzugefügt.
Schreibbare Verzeichnispartition:
%2 |
Active Directory ドメイン サービスは、次のディレクトリ サービスから次の書き込み可能なディレクトリ パーティションのレプリケーション リンクを追加しました。
書き込み可能なディレクトリ パーティション:
ディレクトリ サービス:
%2 |
Un collegamento di replica per la partizione di directory scrivibile seguente è stato aggiunto dal servizio directory indicato.
Partizione di directory scrivibile:
Servizio directory:
%2 |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is using the Windows Server 2003 intersite replication topology generator algorithm. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. Either the directory service is no longer in the current site, or the directory service does not recognize application directory partitions.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role. This is because the local directory service has no entry in its up-to-dateness vector for this directory service.
Current intersite topology generator:
Active Directory Domain Services will automatically elect a new directory service to hold the role of the intersite topology generator. |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service holds the intersite topology generator role. Its claim is still valid because the last update is recent enough.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The following directory service no longer holds the intersite topology generator role.The directory service is assumed to be unavailable because it has not responded since the last update, which invalidates its claim.
Current intersite topology generator:
Last update:
%2 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Internal event: The intersite topology generator role will fail over to the following directory service.
directory service:
%1 |
Active Directory 網域服務的陰影複製備份成功。 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri gölge kopya yedekleme işlemi başarılı oldu. |
Active Directory 域服务的卷影复制备份成功。 |
Архивация теневой копии доменных служб Active Directory успешно выполнена. |
Er is een schaduwkopie gemaakt voor Active Directory Domain Services. |
Skuggkopieringen för Active Directory Domain Services har slutförts. |
Active Directory 도메인 서비스의 섀도 복사본을 백업했습니다. |
A cópia de segurança da cópia sombra dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory foi concluída com êxito. |
Pomyślnie wykonano kopię zapasową kopii w tle Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory. |
Sikerült az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások árnyékmásolatának elkészítése. |
La sauvegarde du cliché instantané pour les services de domaine Active Directory a réussi. |
O backup de cópia de sombra para os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory teve êxito. |
Zálohování stínové kopie služby Active Directory Domain Services bylo úspěšné. |
La copia de seguridad de la instantánea de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory se realizó correctamente. |
Die Sicherung der Schattenkopie für die Active Directory-Domänendienste war erfolgreich. |
Active Directory ドメイン サービスのシャドウ コピー バックアップは成功しました。 |
Backup della copia shadow per Servizi di dominio Active Directory completato. |