Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services has begun using unique remote procedure call (RPC) associations to ensure correct security context information. |
這個 Active Directory 網域服務安裝要求變更網域設定。請在 Active Directory 網域控制站 %1 上執行 adprep /domainprep 命令,來進行這些變更,然後繼續進行 AD DS 安裝。 |
Bu Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri yüklemesi etki alanı yapılandırmasında değişiklikler gerektirir. Bu değişiklikleri yapmak için %1 Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi'nde adprep /domainprep komutunu kullanın ve ardından AD DS yüklemesini gerçekleştirin. |
此 Active Directory 域服务安装要求更改域配置。在 Active Directory 域控制器 %1 上运行 adprep /domainprep 命令来进行更改,然后继续进行 AD DS 安装。 |
Для установки данной копии доменных служб Active Directory необходимо изменение конфигурации домена. Запустите команду adprep /domainprep на контроллере домена Active Directory %1, чтобы внести необходимые изменения, а затем начните установку доменных служб Active Directory. |
Voor deze installatie van Active Directory Domain Services moeten domeinconfiguratiewijzigingen worden aangebracht. Voer de opdracht 'adprep/domainprep' opnieuw uit op de Active Directory-domeincontroller %1 om deze wijzigingen door te voeren en ga vervolgens verder met de installatie van AD DS. |
Den här Active Directory DS-installationen kräver ändringar i domänkonfigurationen. Utför ändringarna genom att köra kommandot adprep /domainprep på Active Directory-domänkontrollanten %1. Fortsätt därefter att installera Active Directory DS. |
이 Active Directory 도메인 서비스를 설치하려면 도메인 구성을 변경해야 합니다. adprep /domainprep 명령을 %1 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러에서 실행하여 변경한 다음 AD DS 설치를 진행하십시오. |
Esta instalação dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory requer alterações da configuração de domínio. Execute o comando adprep /domainprep no Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory %1 para efectuar estas alterações e, em seguida, continue a instalação do AD DS. |
Ta instalacja Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory wymaga zmian konfiguracji domeny. Aby wprowadzić te zmiany, uruchom polecenie adprep /domainprep na kontrolerze domeny usługi Active Directory %1, a następnie kontynuuj instalację Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory. |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatásokat telepítéséhez módosítani kell a tartomány konfigurációját. Futtassa az adprep /domainprep parancsot a(z) %1 Active Directory-tartományvezérlőn, és végezze el ezeket a módosításokat, majd folytassa az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások telepítését. |
L’installation des services de domaine Active Directory nécessite des modifications de configuration du domaine. Lancez la commande adprep /domainprep sur le contrôleur de domaine Active Directory %1 pour faire ces modifications, puis continuez l’installation des services de domaine Active Directory. |
Esta instalação dos Serviços de Domínio Active Directory requer alterações na configuração do domínio. Execute o comando adprep /domainprep no Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory %1 para fazer essas alterações e continue com a instalação do AD DS. |
Tato instalace služby Active Directory Domain Services vyžaduje změny konfigurace domény. Spuštěním příkazu adprep /domainprep v řadiči domény služby Active Directory %1 proveďte tyto změny a pokračujte v instalaci služby AD DS. |
Esta instalación de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory requiere cambios de configuración de dominio. Ejecute el comando adprep /domainprep en el controlador de dominio de Active Directory %1 para realizar estos cambios y, después, prosiga con la instalación de AD DS. |
Diese Active Directory-Installation erfordert Änderungen an der Domänenkonfiguration. Führen Sie den Befehl adprep /domainprep auf dem Domänencontroller %1 aus, um diese Änderungen vorzunehmen, und setzen Sie dann die Active Directory-Installation fort. |
この Active Directory ドメイン サービス インストールによりドメイン構成の変更が要求されます。adprep /domainprep コマンドを Active Directory ドメイン コントローラ %1 で実行してこれらの変更を行い、AD DS インストールの処理を続けてください。 |
Per installare Servizi di dominio Active Directory è necessario apportare modifiche alla configurazione del dominio. Eseguire il comando adprep /domainprep nel controller di dominio Active Directory %1 per apportare le modifiche, quindi proseguire con l'installazione di Servizi di dominio Active Directory. |
這個 Active Directory 網域服務安裝要求變更網域設定。但是設定變更尚未複寫到 Active Directory 網域控制站 %1。在複寫完成後,請重試 AD DS 安裝。 |
Bu Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri yüklemesi etki alanı yapılandırmasında değişiklikler gerektiriyor. Ancak, yapılandırma değişiklikleri henüz %1 Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi'nde çoğaltılmadı. Çoğaltma tamamlandıktan sonra, AD DS yüklemesini yeniden deneyin. |
此 Active Directory 域服务安装要求更改域配置。但是,配置更改尚未复制到 Active Directory 域控制器 %1。复制完成后,请再试一次 AD DS 安装。 |
Для установки данной копии доменных служб Active Directory необходимо изменение конфигурации домена. Однако изменения конфигурации еще не были реплицированы на контроллер домена Active Directory %1. По завершении репликации попробуйте снова начать установку доменных служб Active Directory. |
Voor deze installatie van Active Directory Domain Services moeten domeinconfiguratiewijzigingen worden aangebracht. De configuratiewijzigingen zijn echter nog niet gerepliceerd naar de Active Directory-domeincontroller %1. Probeer AD DS opnieuw te installeren wanneer de replicatie is voltooid. |
Den här Active Directory DS-installationen kräver ändringar i domänkonfigurationen. Konfigurationsändringarna har dock ännu inte replikerats till Active Directory-domänkontrollanten %1 ännu. När replikeringen har slutförts kan du försöka installera Active Directory DS på nytt. |
이 Active Directory 도메인 서비스를 설치하려면 도메인 구성을 변경해야 합니다. 하지만 구성 변경이 %1 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러에 복제되지 않았습니다. 복제가 완료된 후 AD DS 설치를 다시 시도하십시오. |
Esta instalação dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory requer alterações da configuração de domínio. No entanto, as alterações da configuração ainda não foram replicadas para o Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory %1. Após a conclusão da replicação, repita a instalação do AD DS. |
Ta instalacja Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory wymaga zmian konfiguracji domeny. Zmiany konfiguracji nie zostały jeszcze zreplikowane na kontrolerze domeny usługi Active Directory %1. Po ukończeniu replikacji spróbuj ponownie zainstalować Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory. |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások telepítéséhez módosítani kell a tartomány konfigurációját. A konfigurációváltozásokat azonban a rendszer még nem replikálta a(z) %1 Active Directory-tartományvezérlőre. A replikáció elkészültével próbálkozzon ismét az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások telepítésével. |
L’installation des services de domaine Active Directory nécessite des modifications de configuration du domaine. Cependant, les modifications de configuration n’ont pas encore été répliquées sur le contrôleur de domaine Active Directory %1. Lorsque la réplication sera terminée, relancez l’installation des services de domaine Active Directory. |
Esta instalação dos Serviços de Domínio Active Directory requer alterações na configuração de domínio. Contudo, as alterações na configuração ainda não foram replicadas para o Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory %1. Depois da conclusão da replicação, tente a instalação do AD DS novamente. |
Tato instalace služby Active Directory Domain Services vyžaduje změny konfigurace domény. Změny konfigurace však dosud nebyly replikovány do řadiče domény služby Active Directory %1. Po dokončení replikace zkuste znovu nainstalovat službu AD DS. |
Esta instalación de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory requiere cambios de configuración de dominio. No obstante, los cambios de configuración aún no se han replicado en el controlador de dominio de Active Directory %1. Una vez completada la replicación, intente instalar de nuevo AD DS. |
Diese Active Directory-Installation erfordert Änderungen an der Domänenkonfiguration. Die Änderungen an der Konfiguration wurden jedoch noch nicht auf den Domänencontroller %1 repliziert. Führen Sie die Active Directory-Installation erneut aus, sobald die Replikation abgeschlossen wurde. |
この Active Directory ドメイン サービス インストールによりドメイン構成の変更が要求されます。しかし、構成の変更はまだ Active Directory ドメイン コントローラ %1 にレプリケートされていません。レプリケーションの完了後に AD DS インストールを再試行してください。 |
Per installare Servizi di dominio Active Directory è necessario apportare modifiche alla configurazione del dominio. Tali modifiche della configurazione, tuttavia, non sono ancora state replicate nel controller di dominio Active Directory %1. Al termine della replica, riprovare l'installazione di Servizi di dominio Active Directory. |
這個 Active Directory 網域服務安裝要求變更網域設定,但無法判定是否已在 Active Directory 網域控制站 %1 進行這些變更。安裝程序已結束。延伸的錯誤 %2。 |
Bu Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri yüklemesi etki alanı yapılandırmasında değişiklikler gerektiriyor, ancak bu değişikliklerin %1 Active Directory Etki Alanı Denetleyicisi'nde yapılıp yapılmadığı belirlenemiyor. Yükleme işleminden çıkıldı. Genişletilmiş hata: %2. |
Active Directory 域服务安装要求更改域配置,但是无法确定是否已经在 Active Directory 域控制器 %1 上进行了更改。安装过程已退出。扩展错误 %2。 |
Для установки данной копии доменных служб Active Directory необходимо изменение конфигурации домена, но неизвестно, были ли необходимые изменения применены к контроллеру домена Active Directory %1. Процесс установки завершен. Расширенное значение ошибки %2 |
Voor deze installatie van Active Directory Domain Services moeten domeinconfiguratiewijzigingen worden aangebracht, maar het is niet mogelijk te bepalen of deze wijzigingen op de Active Directory-domeincontroller %1 zijn doorgevoerd. Het installatieproces is afgebroken. Uitgebreide fout: %2. |
Den här Active Directory DS-installationen kräver ändringar i domänkonfigurationen, men det går inte att avgöra om ändringarna har utförts på Active Directory-domänkontrollanten %1. Installationen har avbrutits. Utökat fel %2. |
이 Active Directory 도메인 서비스를 설치하려면 도메인 구성을 변경해야 하지만 %1 Active Directory 도메인 컨트롤러에 해당 변경 내용이 적용되었는지 확인하지 못했습니다. 설치 프로세스가 종료됩니다. 확장 오류 %2. |
Esta instalação dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory requer alterações da configuração de domínio, mas não é possível determinar se estas alterações foram efectuadas no Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory %1. O processo de instalação foi interrompido. Erro expandido %2. |
Ta instalacja Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory wymaga zmian konfiguracji domeny, ale nie wiadomo, czy zmiany te zostały wprowadzone na kontrolerze domeny usługi Active Directory %1. Proces instalacji został zakończony. Błąd rozszerzony %2. |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások telepítéséhez módosítani kell a tartomány konfigurációját, de nem állapítható meg, hogy e módosítások megtörténtek-e a(z) %1 Active Directory-tartományvezérlőn. A telepítési folyamat megszakadt. Bővített hibaadatok: %2. |
Cette installation des services de domaine Active Directory nécessite des modifications de la configuration du domaine, mais il n’est pas certain que ces modifications aient été effectuées sur le contrôleur de domaine Active Directory %1. Le processus d’installation s’est arrêté. Erreur étendue %2. |
Esta instalação dos Serviços de Domínio Active Directory requer alterações na configuração de domínio, mas não foi determinado se essas alterações foram feitas no Controlador de Domínio do Active Directory %1. O processo de instalação foi encerrado. Erro estendido %2. |
Tato instalace služby Active Directory Domain Services vyžaduje změny konfigurace domény, ale nebylo určeno, zda tyto změny byly provedeny v řadiči domény služby Active Directory %1. Proces instalace skončil. Rozšířená chyba %2. |
Esta instalación de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory requiere cambios de configuración de dominio, pero no se determinó si estos cambios se realizaron en el controlador de dominio de Active Directory %1. El proceso de instalación se cerró. Error extendido %2. |
Diese Active Directory-Installation erfordert Änderungen an der Domänenkonfiguration, aber es konnte nicht ermittelt werden, ob diese Änderungen auf dem Domänencontroller %1 gemacht wurden. Der Installationsvorgang wurde beendet. Erweiterter Fehler %2. |
この Active Directory ドメイン サービス インストールによりドメイン構成の変更が要求されますが、Active Directory ドメイン コントローラ %1 にしたこれらの変更は未定義のままです。インストール処理は終了しました。拡張エラー %2。 |
Per installare Servizi di dominio Active Directory è necessario apportare modifiche alla configurazione del dominio, ma non è possibile stabilire se le modifiche sono state apportate nel controller di dominio Active Directory %1. Il processo di installazione è stato terminato. Errore esteso %2. |
根據使用者的要求,預設的 NTFS 安全性設定已被套用到 Active Directory 網域服務資料夾。 |
Varsayılan NTFS güvenlik ayarları, Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri klasörlerine kullanıcının istediği gibi uygulandı. |
已经按用户的请求将默认的 NTFS 安全设置应用到 Active Directory 域服务文件夹。 |
К папкам доменных служб Active Directory применены используемые по умолчанию параметры безопасности NTFS. |
Op verzoek van de gebruiker zijn op de mappen van Active Directory Domain Services de standaardbeveiligingsinstellingen voor NTFS toegepast. |
Standardsäkerhetsinställningar i NTFS har tillämpats på Active Directory Domain Services-mapparna enligt användarens begäran. |
사용자의 요청에 따라 기본 NTFS 보안 설정이 Active Directory 도메인 서비스 폴더에 적용되었습니다. |
As predefinições de segurança de NTFS foram aplicadas às pastas dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory conforme pedido pelo utilizador. |
Domyślne ustawienia zabezpieczeń NTFS zostały zastosowane do folderów Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory zgodnie z żądaniem użytkownika. |
A rendszer a felhasználó kérésére az alapértelmezett NTFS-biztonsági beállításokat alkalmazta az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások mappáira. |
Les paramètres de sécurité NTFS par défaut ont été appliqués aux dossiers des services de domaine Active Directory, comme demandé par l’utilisateur. |
As configurações padrão de segurança NTFS foram aplicadas às pastas dos Serviços de Domínio Active Directory como solicitado pelo usuário. |
Podle požadavku uživatele bylo ve složkách adresáře služby Active Directory Domain Services použito výchozí nastavení zabezpečení NTFS. |
Se aplicó la configuración de seguridad NTFS predeterminada a las carpetas de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory, tal y como solicitó el usuario. |
Die Standard-NTFS-Sicherheitseinstellungen wurden auf die Active Directory-Domänendienste-Dateien angewendet, wie vom Benutzer angefordert. |
ユーザーの要求どおりに、既定の NTFS セキュリティ設定が Active Directory ドメイン サービス フォルダに適用されました。 |
Le impostazioni di protezione NTFS predefinite sono state applicate alle cartelle di Servizi di dominio Active Directory come richiesto dall'utente. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The following crossRef object is being added.
CrossRef object:
Directory partition:
Directory partition GUID:
Parent directory partition:
The directory partition will be processed as an automatic subordinate reference The parent directory partition is a phantom, so no subRef value is required. |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task resumed the propagation task from the following container.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
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Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
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Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Internal event: The security descriptor propagation task has reached the following container and will continue with the propagation.
Number of objects processed so far:
%2 |
Active Directory 網域服務安裝精靈無法繼續,因為並未準備好樹系以安裝目前版本的 Windows Server。請使用 Adprep 命令列工具來準備樹系及網域。請參閱 Active Directory 網域服務說明,以取得使用 Adprep 的額外資訊。 |
Orman, geçerli Windows Server sürümünü yüklemek üzere hazırlanmadığından, Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri Yükleme Sihirbazı devam edemiyor. Ormanı ve etki alanını hazırlamak için Adprep komut satırı aracını kullanın. Adprep kullanımı hakkında daha fazla bilgi için Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri Yardımı'na bakın. |
Active Directory 域服务安装向导无法继续,因为林没有为安装 Windows Server 的当前版本准备好。使用 Adprep 命令行工具来准备林和域。有关使用 Adprep 的详细信息,请参阅 Active Directory 域服务帮助。 |
Невозможно продолжить работу мастера установки доменных служб Active Directory, поскольку лес не подготовлен к установке текущей версии Windows Server. Воспользуйтесь программой командной строки Adprep для подготовки леса и домена. Дополнительные сведения о команде Adprep см. в справке по доменным службам Active Directory. |
De wizard Active Directory Domain Services installeren kan niet worden voortgezet, omdat het forest niet is voorbereid voor de installatie van de huidige versie van Windows Server. Gebruik het opdrachtregelprogramma Adprep om het forest en het domein voor te bereiden. Zie Active Directory Domain Services Help voor meer informatie over het gebruik van Adprep. |
Guiden Installera Active Directory Domain Services kan inte fortsätta eftersom skogen inte har förberetts för installation av den aktuella Windows Server-versionen. Använd kommandoradsverktyget Adprep för att förbereda både skogen och domänen. Mer information om Adprep finns i direkthjälpen för Active Directory Domain Services. |
포리스트가 현재 버전의 Windows Server를 설치하도록 준비되어 있지 않아서 Active Directory 도메인 서비스 설치 마법사를 계속 진행할 수 없습니다. Adprep 명령줄 도구를 사용하여 포리스트 및 도메인을 모두 준비하십시오. Adprep 사용에 대한 자세한 내용은 Active Directory 도메인 서비스 도움말을 참조하십시오. |
O Assistente de Instalação dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory não pode continuar uma vez que a floresta não está preparada para instalar a versão actual do Windows Server. Utilize a ferramenta da linha de comandos Adprep para preparar a floresta e o domínio. Para mais informações sobre como utilizar o Adprep, consulte a Ajuda dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory. |
Kreator instalacji Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory nie może kontynuować, ponieważ las nie jest przygotowany do instalacji bieżącej wersji systemu Windows Server. Użyj narzędzia wiersza polecenia Adprep w celu przygotowania lasu oraz domeny. Więcej informacji można znaleźć w Pomocy Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory. |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások telepítővarázslója nem tudja folytatni a telepítést, mert az erdő nincs felkészítve a Windows Server aktuális verziójának telepítésére. Az Adprep parancssori eszközzel készítse fel az erdőt és a tartományt egyaránt. Az Adprep eszközről bővebben az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások súgójában olvashat. |
L’Assistant Installation des services de domaine Active Directory ne peut pas continuer car la forêt n’est pas préparée pour l’installation de la version actuelle de Windows Server. Utilisez l’outil en ligne de commande Adprep pour préparer la forêt et le domaine. Pour obtenir plus d’informations sur Adprep, voir l’Aide des services de domaine Active Directory. |
O Assistente para Instalação dos Serviços de Domínio Active Directory não pode continuar porque a floresta não está preparada para a instalação da versão atual do Windows Server. Use a ferramenta da linha de comando Adprep para preparar a floresta e o domínio. Para obter mais informações sobre a utilização de Adprep, consulte a Ajuda dos Serviços de Domínio Active Directory. |
Průvodce instalací služby Active Directory Domain Services nemůže pokračovat. Doménová struktura není připravena na instalaci aktuální verze systému Windows Server. Pomocí nástroje Adprep připravte doménovou strukturu i doménu. Další informace o používání příkazu Adprep získáte v nápovědě ke službě Active Directory Domain Services. |
El Asistente para la instalación de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory no puede continuar porque el bosque no está preparado para instalar la versión actual de Windows Server. Use la herramienta de línea de comandos Adprep para preparar el bosque y el dominio. Para obtener más información acerca de cómo usar Adprep, consulte la Ayuda de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory. |
Der Assistent zum Installieren von Active Directory kann den Vorgang nicht fortsetzen, weil die Gesamtstruktur nicht für die Installation von Windows Server 2003 vorbereitet ist. Führen Sie das Befehlszeilentool Adprep aus, um die Gesamtstruktur und die Domäne vorzubereiten. Weitere Informationen über die Verwendung von Adprep finden Sie in der Active Directory-Hilfe. |
このバージョンの Windows Server のインストール用にフォレストが準備されていないために Active Directory ドメイン サービス インストール ウィザードを続行できません。Adprep コマンドライン ツールを使ってフォレストおよびドメインの両方を準備してください。Adprep の使用法についての詳細は、Active Directory ドメイン サービスのヘルプを参照してください。 |
L'Installazione guidata Servizi di dominio Active Directory non può continuare perché la foresta non è preparata per l'installazione della versione corrente di Windows Server 2003. Utilizzare lo strumento da riga di comando Adprep per preparare la foresta e il dominio. Per ulteriori informazioni sull'utilizzo di Adprep, vedere la Guida di Servizi di dominio Active Directory. |
Active Directory 網域服務正在重建下列數目的索引,這是初始化過程的一部分。
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Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri, başlatma işleminin bir parçası olarak aşağıdaki sayıda dizini yeniden oluşturuyor.
Dizin sayısı:
%1 |
Active Directory 域服务正在重新建立下列数量的索引,这是初始化的一部分。
%1 |
В ходе инициализации доменными службами Active Directory будет заново построено следующее количество индексов.
%1 |
Tijdens het initialisatieproces wordt het volgende aantal indexen in Active Directory Domain Services opnieuw samengesteld.
%1 |
Active Directory Domain Services håller på att återskapa följande antal index som en del av initieringsprocessen.
%1 |
Active Directory 도메인 서비스에서 초기화 과정의 일부로 다음 개수의 인덱스를 다시 만들고 있습니다.
%1 |
Os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory estão a recriar o seguinte número de índices como parte do processo de inicialização.
%1 |
Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory odbudowują następującą liczbę indeksów w ramach procesu inicjalizacji.
%1 |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások az inicializálás részeként újraépíti az alábbi számú indexet.
Indexek száma:
%1 |
Dans le cadre du processus d’initialisation, les services de domaine Active Directory recréent le nombre d’index suivant.
Index :
%1 |
Os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory estão reconstruindo o número de índices a seguir como parte do processo de inicialização.
%1 |
V rámci inicializačního procesu obnovuje služba Active Directory Domain Services následující počet indexů.
%1 |
Los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory están volviendo a generar el siguiente número de índices como parte del proceso de inicialización.
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Die Active Directory-Domänendienste erstellen die folgende Anzahl von Indizes als Teil des Initialisierungsprozesses neu.
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Active Directory ドメイン サービスは次の数のインデックスを初期化の処理の一部として再構築しています。
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È in corso la ricostruzione del numero di indici seguente come parte del processo di inizializzazione.
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