Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
Internal event: Redundant server topology is enabled in the following site. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) will generate a redundant connection between alternate bridgeheads in the same site as the primary connection.
%1 |
樹系標記存留時間已經設定為 %1 天。如此將影響備份的存活時間,也會影響必須重新安裝複本之前中斷連線的時間。 |
Orman kaldırıldı işareti ömrü %1 gün olarak ayarlandı. Bu, yedeklerinizin raf ömrünüetkileyebileceği gibi, çoğaltmaların yeniden yüklenmeden önce bağlantılarının kesilebileceği
zamanı da etkiler. |
已将林逻辑删除生存时间设置为 %1 天。这将影响
可以断开的时间。 |
Время жизни захоронения для этого леса установлено равным %1 дням. Это повлияет на время хранения резервных
копий и также на то время, которое реплики могут оставаться отключенными, прежде
чем потребуется их переустановка. |
De Tombstone-levensduur van het forest is ingesteld op %1 dagen. Dit is van invloed
op de levensduur van back-ups en ook op de tijd waarbinnen de verbinding met
replica's kan worden verbroken voordat deze opnieuw moeten worden geïnstalleerd. |
Tombstone-intervallet i skogen är %1 dagar. Detta kommer att påverka hur länge
säkerhetskopior är nyttiga och även hur länge som repliker kan vara frånkopplade
innan de måste installeras om. |
포리스트 삭제 표시 기간이 %1일로 설정되었습니다. 이것은 백업의 수명 및
복제본을 다시 설치해야 하기 전까지 복제본이 연결이 끊어진 상태로 남아 있을
수 있는 시간에 영향을 미칩니다. |
O tempo de vida de tombstone da floresta foi definido para %1 dias. Isto irá afectar o tempo na prateleira
das cópias sombra e também afectar o tempo que as réplicas podem ficar desligadas
antes que tenham que ser reinstaladas. |
Okres istnienia reliktu lasu został ustawiony na %1 dni. To będzie miało wpływ na okres istnienia
kopii zapasowych oraz na czas, w trakcie którego repliki mogą być rozłączone zanim będą
musiały być zainstalowane ponownie. |
Az erdő törlésre kijelölt időköze %1 napra van állítva. Ez hatással van a biztonsági
másolatok tárolhatósági idejére, továbbá a replikák leválasztási idejére, mielőtt
újra kellene telepíteni őket. |
La durée de vie de temporisation de la forêt est désormais fixée à %1 jours. Ceci
se répercutera sur la durée de vie de vos sauvegardes ainsi que sur le temps de
déconnexion maximal d’un réplica sans devoir le réinstaller. |
O tempo de vida para exclusão da floresta foi definido como %1 dias. Isso afetará o tempo de vida de seus
backups e por quanto tempo as réplicas podem ser desconectadas antes de ser
reinstaladas. |
Doba zneplatnění v doménové struktuře byla nastavena na následující počet dní: %1. To ovlivníživotnost záloh a dobu, po kterou mohou být repliky odpojeny bez nutnosti
přeinstalace. |
La vigencia de objetos de desecho se estableció en %1 días. Esto afectará el tiempo de
almacenamiento de sus copias de seguridad y el tiempo en que las réplicas pueden desconectarse
antes de que deban reinstalarse. |
Die Tombstone-Lebensdauer der Gesamtstruktur wurde auf %1 Tage festgelegt. Dies beeinflusst die
Haltbarkeit von Sicherungen, sowie die Zeitdauer die, die Replikate getrennt sein können,
bevor sie erneut installiert werden müssen. |
フォレストの廃棄 (Tombstone) の有効期間は %1 日に設定されています。これはバッ
影響します。 |
La durata di rimozione definitiva della foresta è stata impostata su %1. Questa impostazione determina la
validità nel tempo dei backup effettuati e la durata massima di disconnessione delle repliche, superata la quale
queste ultime dovranno essere reinstallate. |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Query processor is intersecting the following indexes to optimize a query.
%1 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: Call to index intersection returned %1. The approximate record count in intersect index is %2 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: NSPIBind operation completed with return code %1
Following are the details of the bind operation:Peer Address: %2
Code page: %3
Sid of the user: %4
DNT of the GAL chosen: %5
DNT of the Template chosen: %6
Bind Number: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: DS is creating a sort table with max table size set to %8.
The entries will be sorted on attribute %2 whose attribute syntax is %3
The index used to create the sort table is %1.
The locale used for sorting is %4.
Sort order is ascending: %5
Sort is Forward only sort: %6
Sort is for a VLV search: %7 |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Internal event: Creating sort table returned with error %1.
There are %2 entries in the sort table. |
Active Directory 網域服務 (AD DS) 試用版 %1 %2 已成功啟動。
試用版將在下列天數後過期: %3 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri (AD DS) deneme sürümü %1 %2 başarıyla başlatıldı.
Deneme süresinin bitimine kadar kalan gün sayısı: %3 |
已成功启动 Active Directory 域服务(AD DS)试用版 %1 %2。
试用版使用期限: %3 天 |
Пробная версия доменных служб Active Directory %1 %2 успешно запущена.
Истечение срока действия пробной версии (в днях): %3 |
De evaluatieversie %1 %2 van Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) is gestart.
Aantal dagen totdat evaluatieperiode verloopt: %3 |
Förhandsversionen av Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) %1 %2 har startats.
Denna förhandsversion upphör att gälla om %3 dagar |
AD DS(Active Directory 도메인 서비스) 평가판 %1 %2이(가) 시작되었습니다.
평가판 만료까지의 일수: %3 |
A versão de avaliação %1 %2 dos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory' (AD DS) foi iniciada com êxito.
Dias até expirar a versão de avaliação: %3 |
Wersja próbna Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory %1 %2 została pomyślnie uruchomiona.
Liczba dni do daty wygaśnięcia wersji próbnej: %3 |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások %1 %2 próbaverziója sikeresen elindult.
A próbaverzió elévüléséig hátralévő napok száma: %3 |
La version d’évaluation des services de domaine Active Directory %1 %2 a démarré.
Nombre de jours d’évaluation restant : %3 |
A versão de avaliação do AD DS (Serviços de Domínio Active Directory) %1 %2 foi iniciada com êxito.
Dias até expiração da avaliação: %3 |
Služba Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) ve zkušební verzi %1 %2 byla úspěšně spuštěna.
Počet dnů do vypršení platnosti zkušební verze: %3 |
Se inició correctamente la versión de prueba de los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory (AD DS) %1 %2.
Días que faltan para que expire la prueba: %3 |
Die Testversion %1 %2 der Active Directory-Domänendienste (AD DS) wurde erfolgreich gestartet.
Tage bis zum Ablauf des Testzeitraums: %3 |
Active Directory ドメイン サービス (AD DS) 試用版 %1 %2 が開始されました。
有効期限が切れるまでの日数: %3 |
Versione di valutazione %1 %2 di Servizi di dominio Active Directory avviata.
Periodo di valutazione rimanente (giorni): %3 |
Active Directory 網域服務已成功地建立了 VSS 的存取控制機碼,可讓
其他資料:機碼名稱:%1 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri, gölge kopya yedekleme hizmetlerinin düzgün biçimde kaydettirilmesini
sağlamak üzere VSS'nin Erişim Denetimi anahtarlarını başarıyla oluşturdu.
Kullanıcı Eylemi:Gerekmiyor.
Kullanıcı, bu anahtar altında bir kayıt defteri değeri gerektiren tüm
hizmetleri kaldırırsa, bu kayıt defteri anahtarı güvenli bir şekilde kaldırılabilir.
Ek Veriler:Anahtar Adı:%1 |
Active Directory 域服务成功创建了 VSS 的访问控制项,以便卷影
其他数据:项名称:%1 |
Доменными службами Active Directory был успешно создан раздел реестра для управления допуском VSS, что
позволит зарегистрировать службы теневого копирования.
Действие пользователя:Не требуется.
Если пользователь отменит установку всех служб, требующих наличия параметра
в этом разделе реестра, то этот раздел реестра можно будет удалить.
Дополнительные данные:Имя раздела:%1 |
De Access Control-sleutel voor VSS is gemaakt in Active Directory Domain Services, zodat de
back-upservices voor schaduwkopieën naar behoren kunnen worden geregistreerd.
Als de gebruiker alle services met een registerwaarde in deze sleutel verwijdert,
kan deze registersleutel zonder problemen worden verwijderd.
Aanvullende gegevens:Sleutelnaam:%1 |
Registernyckeln för åtkomstkontroll till VSS har skapats så att tjänsten för skuggkopiering
kan registreras.
Användaråtgärd:Ingen är registrerad.
Om användaren avinstallerar alla tjänster som kräver ett registervärde under
denna nyckel kan registernyckeln tas bort utan fara.
Ytterligare data:Nyckelnamn:%1 |
Active Directory 도메인 서비스에서 섀도 복사본 백업 서비스를 올바르게 등록하는 데 필요한 VSS의 액세스
제어 키를 만들었습니다.
사용자 작업:없음.
사용자가 이 키 아래에 있는 레지스트리 값을 필요로 하는 모든 서비스를
제거하면 레지스트리 키를 안전하게 제거할 수 있습니다.
추가 데이터:키 이름:%1 |
Os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory criaram com êxito a chave de Controlo de Acesso do VSS para permitir o
registo adequado dos serviços de cópia de segurança de cópia sombra.
Acção do Utilizador:Nenhuma.
Se o utilizador desinstalar todos os serviços que requerem um valor de Registo com
esta chave, a chave de Registo poderá ser removida com segurança.
Dados Adicionais:Nome da Chave:%1 |
Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory pomyślnie utworzyły klucz VSS Access Control, aby umożliwić
usługom wykonywania kopii zapasowych kopii w tle właściwą rejestrację.
Akcja użytkownika:Nie jest wymagana.
Jeśli użytkownik odinstalowywuje wszystkie usługi wymagające wartości rejestru
w tym kluczu, klucz rejestru można bezpiecznie usunąć.
Dodatkowe dane:Nazwa klucza:%1 |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások sikeresen létrehozta a VSS Access Control kulcsát, ami lehetővé teszi az
árnyékmásolatos biztonságimásolat-szolgáltatások helyes regisztrálását.
Felhasználói művelet:Nem szükséges.
Ha a felhasználó minden olyan szolgáltatást eltávolít, amelyhez beállításazonosító szükséges ez
alatt a kulcs alatt, akkor a beállításkulcs biztonságosan eltávolítható.
További adatok:Kulcs neve:%1 |
Les services de domaine Active Directory ont correctement créé la clé de contrôle d’accès VSS pour autoriser
l’inscription correcte des services de sauvegarde de cliché instantané.
Action utilisateur :Aucune action nécessaire.
Si l’utilisateur désinstalle tous les services qui nécessitent une valeur de Registre sous
cette clé, la clé de Registre peut être supprimée sans risque.
Données supplémentaires :Nom de la clé :%1 |
Os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory criaram a chave de Controle de Acesso VSS para permitir que
os serviços de backup de cópia de sombra sejam registrados corretamente.
Ação do Usuário:Nenhuma.
Se o usuário desinstalar todos os serviços que requerem um valor de Registro sob esta
chave, a chave do Registro pode ser removida com segurança.
Dados Adicionais:Nome da Chave:%1 |
Služba Active Directory Domain Services úspěšně vytvořila klíč pro řízení přístupu služby VSS, aby bylo možnéřádně zaregistrovat služby pro zálohování stínových kopií.
Akce uživatele:Není vyžadována.
Jestliže odinstalujete všechny služby, které vyžadují hodnotu registru
u tohoto klíče, lze klíč registru bezpečně odebrat.
Další data:Název klíče:%1 |
Los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory crearon la clave de control de acceso de VSS para permitir que los servicios de copia de seguridad de
instantánea se registren correctamente.
Acción del usuario:Ninguna.
La clave del Registro puede quitarse con seguridad si el usuario desinstala
todos los servicios que requieren un valor del Registro en esta clave.
Datos adicionales:Nombre de la clave:%1 |
Der VSS-Zugriffssteuerungsschlüssel wurde erfolgreich erstellt, um die
Schattenkopie-Sicherungsdienste ordnungsgemäß zu registrieren.
Benutzeraktion:Keine erforderlich.
Deinstalliert der Benutzer alle Dienste, die einen Registrierungswert unter
diesem Schlüssel erfordern, kann der Registrierungsschlüssel sicher entfernt werden.
Zusätzliche Daten:Schlüsselname:%1 |
Active Directory ドメイン サービスで、シャドウ コピー バックアップ サービスを適切に登録するために
VSS のアクセス コントロール キーを作成しました。
レジストリ キーを安全に削除することができます。
追加データ:キー名:%1 |
Creazione della chiave di controllo accesso VSS completata. La chiave consente
la corretta registrazione dei servizi di backup delle copie shadow.
Azione utente:Nessuna.
Se l'utente disinstalla tutti i servizi che richiedono un valore
in questa chiave del Registro di sistema, è possibile rimuovere la chiave.
Dati aggiuntivi:Nome chiave:%1 |
Active Directory 網域服務成功地新增它自己到 VSS 存取控制機碼中。
登錄值名稱:%2 |
Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri, kendini VSS Erişim Denetimi kayıt defteri anahtarına başarıyla ekledi.
Kullanıcı Eylemi:Gerekmiyor.
Kullanıcı, bu hizmet hesabının gölge kopya yedekleme hizmetlerine sahip olmasını
gerektiren tüm hizmetleri kaldırırsa, bu kayıt defteri anahtarı güvenli bir şekilde kaldırılabilir.
Ek Veriler:Kayıt Defteri Anahtarı:%1
Kayıt Defteri Değeri Adı:%2 |
Active Directory 域服务成功将自己添加到 VSS 访问控制注册表项。
注册表值名称:%2 |
Доменные службы Active Directory успешно добавили себя в раздел реестра управления доступом VSS.
Действие пользователя:Не требуется.
Если пользователь отменит установку всех служб, требующих, чтобы эта учетная
запись поддерживала службу теневого копирования, то этот параметр реестра можно будет удалить.
Дополнительные данные:Раздел реестра:%1
Имя параметра реестра:%2 |
Active Directory Domain Services is aan de Access Control-sleutel voor VSS toegevoegd.
Als de gebruiker alle services verwijdert waarvoor deze account voor back-upservices van schaduwkopieën vereist is,
kan deze registerwaarde zonder problemen worden verwijderd.
Aanvullende gegevens:Registerwaarde:%1
Naam van registerwaarde:%2 |
Active Directory Domain Services kunde inte lägga till sig självt till registernyckeln VSS Access Control.
Användaråtgärd:Ingen krävs.
Om användaren avinstallerar alla tjänster som kräver att det här tjänstkontot har tjänster
för skuggkopiering kan det här registervärdet tas bort utan fara.
Ytterligare data:Registernyckel:%1
Registervärdets namn:%2 |
Active Directory 도메인 서비스에서 자체를 VSS 액세스 제어 레지스트리 키에 추가했습니다.
사용자 작업:없음.
사용자가 이 서비스 계정에서 섀도 복사본 백업 서비스를 필요로 하는
모든 서비스를 제거하면 이 레지스트리 값을 안전하게 제거할 수 있습니다.
추가 데이터:레지스트리 키:%1
레지스트리 값 이름:%2 |
Os Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory conseguiram adicionar-se com êxito à chave de Registo de Controlo de Acesso do VSS.
Acção do Utilizador:Nenhuma.
Se o utilizador desinstalar todos os serviços que requerem que esta conta de serviço tenha
serviços de cópia de segurança de sombra, este valor de Registo pode ser removido com segurança.
Dados Adicionais:Chave de Registo:%1
Nome do Valor de Registo:%2 |
Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory pomyślnie dodały się do klucza rejestru VSS Access Control.
Akcja użytkownika:Nie jest wymagana.
Jeśli użytkownik odinstalowywuje wszystkie usługi wymagające, aby to konto
usługi miało usługi wykonywania kopii zapasowych kopii w tle, tą wartość rejestru można bezpiecznie usunąć.
Dodatkowe dane:Klucz rejestru:%1
Nazwa wartości rejestru:%2 |
Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások sikeresen hozzáadta magát a VSS Access Control beállításkulcshoz.
Felhasználói művelet:Nem szükséges.
Ha a felhasználó minden olyan szolgáltatást eltávolít, amely ezt a szolgáltatásfiókot igényli az
árnyékmásolatos biztonságimásolat-szolgáltatásokhoz, akkor a beállításazonosító biztonságosan eltávolítható.
További adatok:Beállításkulcs:%1
Beállításazonosító neve:%2 |
Les services de domaine Active Directory ont réussi à s’ajouter à la clé de Registre de contrôle d’accès VSS.
Action utilisateur :Aucune action nécessaire.
Si l’utilisateur désinstalle tous les services qui nécessitent que ce compte de service dispose
des services de sauvegarde de cliché instantané, cette valeur de Registre peut être supprimée sans risque.
Données supplémentaires :Clé de Registre :%1
Nom de la valeur du Registre :%2 |
Os Serviços de Domínio Active Directory conseguiram acrescentar-se à chave de Registro de Controle de Acesso VSS.
Ação do Usuário:Nenhuma.
Se o usuário desinstalar todos os serviços que requerem que esta conta de serviço tenha
serviços de backup de cópia de sombra, este valor do Registro pode ser removido com segurança.
Dados Adicionais:Chave do Registro:%1
Nome do Valor do Registro:%2 |
Služba Active Directory Domain Services byla úspěšně přidána do klíče registru pro řízení přístupu služby VSS.
Akce uživatele:Není vyžadována.
Jestliže odinstalujete všechny služby, které vyžadují, aby tento účet služby obsahoval
službu zálohování stínových kopií, lze hodnotu registru bezpečně odebrat.
Další data:
Klíč registru:%1
Název hodnoty registru:%2 |
Los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory se agregaron correctamente a la clave del Registro del control de acceso VSS.
Acción del usuario:Ninguna.
La clave del Registro puede quitarse con seguridad si el usuario desinstala
todos los servicios que requieren que esta cuenta de servicio tenga servicios de copia de seguridad de instantánea.
Datos adicionales:Clave del Registro:%1
Nombre del valor del Registro:%2 |
Die Active Directory-Domänendienste wurden dem VSS-Zugriffssteuerungs-Registrierungsschlüssel erfolgreich hinzufügt.
Benutzeraktion:Keine erforderlich.
Deinstalliert der Benutzer alle Dienste, die dieses Dienstkonto erfordern, um über
Schattenkopie-Sicherungsdienste zu verfügen, kann der Registrierungsschlüssel sicher entfernt werden.
Zusätzliche Daten:Registrierungsschlüssel:%1
Registrierungswertname:%2 |
Active Directory ドメイン サービスを VSS アクセス コントロール レジストリ キーに追加することに成功しました。
シャドウ コピー バックアップ サービスのためにこのサービス アカウントが必要な
追加データ:レジストリ キー:%1
レジストリ値の名前:%2 |
Aggiunta di Servizi di dominio Active Directory alla chiave di controllo accesso VSS del Registro di sistema completata.
Azione utente:Nessuna.
Se l'utente disinstalla tutti i servizi che richiedono questo account del servizio per utilizzare
i servizi di backup delle copie shadow, è possibile rimuovere il valore.
Dati aggiuntivi:Chiave del Registro di sistema:%1
Nome valore:%2 |