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Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Directory partition: %1 Flags: %2 Helper DSA GUID: %3
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to remove the local replica of this directory partition. Additional Data Error value: %1 %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services received a request to begin inbound replication with the following parameters. Flags: %1 Helper DSA GUID: %2
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services completed the request to uninstall this instance. Additional Data Operations Done: %1 Failed Operation: %2 Error value: %3 %4
目錄服務已開始解除安裝。 使用者動作:如果此目錄服務一直存在於服務控制管理員或事件日誌中,嘗試執行 adamuninstall 並用 /force 選項。
Dizin hizmeti bir yüklemeyi kaldırmaya başladı. Kullanıcı Eylemi:Bu dizin hizmeti Hizmet Denetim Yöneticisi'nde veya Olay Günlüğü'nde kalırsa, adamuninstall komutunu /force seçeneğiyle çalıştırmayı deneyin.
目录服务开始卸载。 用户操作:如果此目录服务仍然留在服务控制管理器或事件日志里,请尝试用 /force 选项运行 adamuninstall。
Служба каталогов начала процесс отмены установки. Действие пользователя:Если эта служба каталогов остается в диспетчере управления службами или в журнале событий, попробуйте выполнить команду "adamuninstall" с параметром "/force".
De directoryservice heeft het verwijderen gestart. Aanbevolen handeling:Als deze directoryservice achter blijft in servicebeheer of in het gebeurtenissenlogboek, kunt u de opdracht adamuninstall met de optie /force gebruiken.
Katalogtjänsten har börjat avinstalleras. Användaråtgärd:Om den här katalogtjänsten fortfarande syns i tjänstkontrollhanteraren och/eller i loggboken kan du köra kommandot adamuninstall med alternativet /force.
디렉터리 서비스에서 제거 작업을 시작했습니다. 사용자 작업:이 디렉터리 서비스가 서비스 제어 관리자나 이벤트 로그에 남아 있으면 adamuninstall 명령을 /force 옵션으로 실행하십시오.
O serviço de directório iniciou uma desinstalação. Acção do utilizador:Se este serviço de directório permanecer no 'Gestor de controlo de serviços' ou no 'Registo de eventos', tente executar o comando adamuninstall com a opção /force.
Usługa katalogowa rozpoczęła dezinstalację. Akcja użytkownika:Jeśli ta usługa katalogowa wciąż występuje w Menedżerze sterowania usługą lub w Dzienniku zdarzeń, spróbuj uruchomić program adamuninstall z opcją /force.
A címtárszolgáltatás megkezdte az eltávolítást. Felhasználói művelet:Ha ez a címtárszolgáltatás a szolgáltatáskezelőben vagy az eseménynaplóban marad, futtassa az adamuninstall parancsot a /force kapcsolóval.
Le service d’annuaire a commencé une désinstallation. Action utilisateur :Si ce service d’annuaire est toujours présent dans le Gestionnaire de contrôle de service ou le journal des événements, essayez d’exécuter adamuninstall avec l’option /force.
O serviço de diretório começou uma desinstalação. Ação do Usuário:Se este serviço de diretório permanecer no Gerenciador de Controle de Serviço ou Log de Eventos, tente executar adamuninstall com a opção /force.
Byla spuštěna odinstalace adresářové služby. Akce uživatele:V případě, že tato adresářová služba nebude ze správce řízení služeb nebo z protokolu událostí odstraněna, zkuste spustit příkaz adamuninstall s parametrem /force.
El servicio de directorio ha comenzado una desinstalación. Acción del usuario:Si este servicio de directorio permanece en el administrador de control de servicios o en el registro de eventos, ejecute adamuninstall con la opción /force.
Die Deinstallation wurde vom Verzeichnisdienst begonnen. Benutzeraktion:Verbleibt dieser Verzeichnisdienst im Dienststeuerungsmanager oder dem Ereignisprotokoll, versuchen Sie "adamuninstall" mit der Option "/force" auszuführen.
ディレクトリ サービスでアンインストールを開始しました。 ユーザー操作:このディレクトリ サービスがサービス コントロール マネージャかイベント ログに残った場合は、/force オプションをつけて adamuninstall を実行してください。
Il servizio directory ha iniziato un'operazione di disinstallazione. Azione utente:Se questo servizio directory rimane in Gestione controllo servizi o nel Registro eventi, provare ad eseguire adamuninstall con l'opzione /force.
目錄服務已完成從資料庫的解除安裝。此目錄服務將無法再次啟動。 使用者動作:如果此目錄服務一直存在於服務控制管理員或事件日誌中,嘗試執行 adamuninstall 並用 /force 選項。
Dizin hizmeti kaldırma işlemini veritabanına kaydetti. Bu dizin hizmeti bir daha başlatılamayacak. Kullanıcı Eylemi:Bu dizin hizmeti Hizmet Denetim Yöneticisi'nde veya Olay Günlüğü'nde kalırsa, adamuninstall komutunu /force seçeneğiyle çalıştırmayı deneyin.
目录服务已向数据库提交卸载。此目录服务将无法再次启动。 用户操作:如果此目录服务仍然留在服务控制管理器或事件日志里,请尝试用 /force 选项运行 adamuninstall。
Служба каталогов передала отмену установки в базу данных. Эта служба каталогов больше не может быть запущена. Действие пользователя:Если эта служба каталогов остается в диспетчере управления службами или в журнале событий, попробуйте выполнить команду "adamuninstall" с параметром "/force".
De directoryservice heeft de verwijdering in de database opgeslagen. Deze directoryservice kan niet opnieuw worden gestart. aanbevolen handeling:Gebruik de opdracht adamuninstall met de optie /force, als gegevens van deze directoryservice achterblijven in Servicebeheer of het gebeurtenissenlogboek.
Katalogtjänsten har sparat (commit) en avinstallation i databasen. Tjänsten kommer inte att starta igen. Användaråtgärd:Om den här katalogtjänsten fortfarande syns i tjänstkontrollhanteraren och/eller i loggboken kan du köra kommandot adamuninstall med alternativet /force.
디렉터리 서비스에서 제거 작업을 데이터베이스에 커밋했습니다. 이 디렉터리 서비스는 다시 시작할 수 없습니다. 사용자 작업:이 디렉터리 서비스가 서비스 제어 관리자나 이벤트 로그에 남아 있으면 adamuninstall 명령을 /force 옵션으로 실행하십시오.
O serviço de directório consolidou a desinstalação para a base de dados. Não será possível reiniciar este serviço de directório. Acção do utilizador:Se este serviço de directório permanecer no 'Gestor de controlo de serviços' ou no 'Registo de eventos', tente executar o comando adamuninstall com a opção /force.
Usługa katalogowa zaraportowała dezinstalację w bazie danych. Tej usługi katalogowej nie będzie można uruchomić ponownie. Akcja użytkownika:Jeśli ta usługa katalogowa wciąż występuje w Menedżerze sterowania usługą lub w Dzienniku zdarzeń, spróbuj uruchomić program adamuninstall z opcją /force.
A címtárszolgáltatás eltávolította az adatbázist. Ez a címtárszolgáltatás többé nem indítható el. Felhasználói művelet:Ha ez a címtárszolgáltatás a szolgáltatáskezelőben vagy az eseménynaplóban marad, futtassa az adamuninstall parancsot a /force kapcsolóval.
Le service d’annuaire a effectué la désinstallation de la base de données. Ce service d’annuaire ne pourra plus démarrer. Action utilisateur :Si ce service d’annuaire est toujours présent dans le Gestionnaire de contrôle de service ou le journal des événements, essayez d’exécuter adamuninstall avec l’option /force.
O serviço de diretório confirmou a desinstalação com o banco de dados. O serviço de diretório não poderá iniciar novamente. Ação do Usuário:Se este serviço de diretório permanecer no Gerenciador de Controle de Serviço ou Log de Eventos, tente executar adamuninstall com a opção /force.
Adresářová služba zaznamenala odinstalaci do databáze. Tuto službu nebude možné znovu spustit. Akce uživatele:V případě, že tato adresářová služba nebyla ze správce řízení služeb nebo z protokolu událostí odstraněna, zkuste spustit příkaz adamuninstall s parametrem /force.
El servicio de directorio se ha comprometido a desinstalar la base de datos. Este servicio de directorio no podrá iniciarse de nuevo. Acción del usuario:Si este servicio de directorio permanece en el administrador de control de servicios o en el registro de eventos, ejecute adamuninstall con la opción /force.
Der Datenbank wurde vom Verzeichnisdienst die Deinstallation übertragen. Dieser Verzeichnisdienst kann nicht wieder gestartet werden. Benutzeraktion:Verbleibt dieser Verzeichnisdienst im Dienssteuerungsmanager oder dem Ereignisprotokoll, versuchen Sie "adamuninstall" mit der Option "/force" auszuführen.
ディレクトリ サービスで、アンインストールをデータベースにコミットしました。このディレクトリ サービスを開始することはできなくなりました。 ユーザー操作:このディレクトリ サービスがサービス コントロール マネージャかイベント ログに残った場合は、/force オプションをつけて adamuninstall を実行してください。
Il servizio directory ha effettuato il commit dell'operazione di disinstallazione nel database. Non sarà più possibile avviare questo servizio directory. Azione utente:Se questo servizio directory rimane in Gestione controllo servizi o nel Registro eventi, provare ad eseguire adamuninstall con l'opzione /force.
目錄服務已從樹系中移除它的伺服器中繼資料 其他資料: DSA DN: %1
Dizin hizmeti sunucu meta verilerini ormandan kaldırdı Ek Veriler: DSA DN'si: %1
目录服务已从此林删除其服务器的元数据 其他数据: DSA DN: %1
Эта служба каталогов удалила свои метаданные сервера из этого леса Дополнительные данные: DSA DN: %1
De directoryservice heeft de metagegevens van de server uit het forest verwijderd. Aanvullende gegevens: DN van DSA: %1
Metadata om servern har tagits bort från skogen Ytterligare data: Unikt namn för katalogtjänsten: %1
디렉터리 서비스가 포리스트에서 서버 메타데이터를 제거했습니다. 추가 데이터: DSA DN: %1
O serviço de directório removeu os respectivos metadados de servidor da floresta Dados Adicionais: DN DSA: %1
Usługa katalogowa usunęła swoje metadane serwera z lasu. Dodatkowe dane: Nazwa wyróżniająca agenta DSA: %1
A címtárszolgáltatás eltávolította kiszolgálói metadatait az erdőből További adatok: DSA megkülönböztető neve: %1
Le service d’annuaire a supprimé ses métadonnées de serveur de la forêt Données supplémentaires : Nom unique DSA : %1
O servidor de diretório removeu os metadados do servidor da floresta Dados Adicionais: DN DSA: %1
Adresářová služba odebrala metadata serveru z doménové struktury. Další data: Rozlišující název agenta DSA: %1
El servicio de directorio quitó sus metadatos de servidor del bosque Datos adicionales: DN de DSA: %1
Die Serverdaten wurden vom Verzeichnisdienst aus dieser Gesamtstruktur entfernt. Zusätzliche Daten: DSA-DN: %1
ディレクトリ サービスで、サーバー メタデータがフォレストから削除されました。 追加データ: DSA DN: %1
Il servizio directory ha rimosso i metadati del relativo server dalla foresta Dati aggiuntivi: Nome distinto DSA: %1
解除安裝無法為服務從登錄中讀取服務設定值: %1!S!。
Kaldırma işlemi kayıt defterinden hizmetle ilgili ayarları okuyamadı: %1!S!.
卸载无法从注册表读取此服务的服务设置: %1!S!。
Процесс отмены установки не смог прочесть из реестра параметры службы для следующей службы: %1!S!.
De serviceinstellingen van de service in het register kunnen niet worden gelezen voor het ongedaan maken van de installatie:: %1!S!.
Det gick inte att läsa tjänstinställningar från registret för tjänsten: %1!S!.
레지스트리에서 서비스에 대한 서비스 설정을 읽지 못했습니다. %1!S!
O programa de desinstalação não conseguiu ler as definições de serviço do registo para o serviço: %1!S!.
Proces dezinstalacji nie może odczytać ustawień usługi z rejestru dla następującej usługi: %1!S!.
Az eltávolítás során nem lehetett beolvasni a következő szolgáltatás beállításait a beállításjegyzékből: %1!S!.
Le programme de désinstallation n’a pas pu lire les paramètres de service dans le Registre pour le service : %1!S!.
A desinstalação não pôde ler as configurações de serviço do Registro para o serviço: %1!S!.
Při odinstalaci nebylo možné načíst nastavení z registru u služby: %1!S!.
La desinstalación no puede leer la configuración del servicio del Registro para el servicio: %1!S!.
Für den folgenden Dienst konnten die Diensteinstellungen vom Deinstallationsprogramm nicht aus der Registrierung gelesen werden: %1!S!.
アンインストールで、サービスのレジストリからサービス設定を読み取ることができませんでした: %1!S!.
Impossibile leggere le impostazioni dal Registro di sistema per il seguente servizio: %1!S!.
解除安裝無法連線到 %1 上的 Active Directory 網域服務。沒有 AD DS 的資訊解除安裝將無法繼續。請重新啟動 AD DS 或執行 ADAMUnInstall /force。
Kaldırma işlemi %1 konumundaki Active Directory Etki Alanı Hizmetleri'ne bağlanamıyor. Kaldırma, AD DS'den bilgi almadan devam edemez. Lütfen AD DS'yi yeniden başlatın veya ADAMUnInstall /force komutunu çalıştırın.
卸载无法在 %1 连接到此 Active Directory 域服务。缺少 AD DS 信息,卸载将无法继续。请重新启动此 AD DS 或运行 ADAMUnInstall /force。
Процессу отмены установки не удается подключиться к доменным службам Active Directory на %1. Отмена установки не может быть продолжена без получения информации от доменных служб Active Directory. Либо перезапустите доменные службы Active Directory, либо выполните команду "ADAMUnInstall /force".
Er kan geen verbinding met Active Directory Domain Services op %1 worden gemaakt. Het verwijderen kan niet worden voorgezet zonder gegevens van Active Directory Domain Services. Start Active Directory Domain Services opnieuw of gebruik de opdracht 'ADAMUnInstall /force'.
Det gick inte att ansluta till Active Directory DS på %1. Det går inte att fortsätta med avinstallationen utan information från Active Directory DS. Starta om Active Directory DS eller kör kommandot ADAMUnInstall /force.
제거 작업이 %1에 있는 Active Directory 도메인 서비스에 연결할 수 없습니다. AD DS로부터의 정보 없이 제거 작업을 계속할 수 없습니다. AD DS를 다시 시작하거나 ADAMUnInstall /force 명령을 실행하십시오.
O programa de desinstalação não consegue ligar aos Serviços de Domínio do Active Directory em %1. Não é possível continuar a desinstalação sem informações do AD DS. Reinicie o AD DS ou execute ADAMUnInstall/force.
Proces odinstalowywania nie może nawiązać połączenia z Usługami domenowymi w usłudze Active Directory na %1. Nie można kontynuować odinstalowywania bez informacji z Usług domenowych w usłudze Active Directory. Ponownie uruchom Usługi domenowe w usłudze Active Directory lub uruchom polecenie ADAMUnInstall /force.
Az eltávolítást végző program nem képes csatlakozni a következőn lévő Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatásokhoz:%1. Az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatások adatai nélkül az eltávolítás nem folytatható. Indítsa újra az Active Directory tartományi szolgáltatásokat vagy futtassa az ADAMUnInstall /force parancsot.
Le programme de désinstallation ne peut pas se connecter aux services de domaine Active Directory à %1. Le programme de désinstallation ne peut pas continuer sans les informations provenant des services de domaine Active Directory. Redémarrez les services de domaine Active Directory ou exécutez ADAMUnInstall /force.
A desinstalação não pode se conectar aos Serviços de Domínio Active Directory em %1. A desinstalação não pode continuar sem informações do AD DS. Reinicie o AD DS ou execute ADAMUnInstall /force.
Při odinstalaci se nebylo možné připojit ke službě Active Directory Domain Services v umístění %1. Odinstalace nemůže bez informací služby AD DS pokračovat. Restartujte službu AD DS nebo spusťte příkaz ADAMUnInstall /force.
El programa de desinstalación no puede conectarse a los Servicios de dominio de Active Directory en %1. La desinstalación no puede continuar sin información de AD DS. Reinicie AD DS o ejecute ADAMUnInstall /force.
Vom Deinstallationsprogramm kann mit den Active Directory-Domänendiensten auf %1 keine Verbindung hergestellt werden. Die Deinstallation kann nicht ohne Informationen von den Active Directory-Domänendiensten fortgesetzt werden. Starten Sie entweder die Active Directory-Domänendienste, oder führen Sie "ADAMUnInstall /force" aus.
アンインストールで、%1 で Active Directory ドメイン サービスに接続できません。AD DS の情報なしでアンインストールを続行することはできません。AD DS を再起動するか ADAMUnInstall /force を実行してください。
Impossibile stabilire la connessione a Servizi di dominio Active Directory in %1. Impossibile continuare la disinstallazione senza informazioni da Servizi di dominio Active Directory. Riavviare Servizi di dominio Active Directory oppure eseguire ADAMUnInstall /force.
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See catalog page for all messages.